

单词 伦巴

巴伦 noun ()

Valencia n


伦巴底 n

Lombardy n


ancient Babylon

巴比伦 n

Babylonia n

See also:


order n

human relationship

long for
next to
close to
stick to
cling to
abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing
spread open
abbr. for Pakistan
surname Ba
sth. that sticks
bar (unit of pressure)
abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian
Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)

External sources (not reviewed)

Pier Gianni Prosperini 以前曾是意大伦巴第政 府的官员,他担任 厄立特里亚在米兰的荣誉领事,直到因欺诈和贪污被意大利当局关押。
Pier Gianni Prosperini, a former official in
[...] the government of Lombardy in Italy, served [...]
as Eritrea’s honorary consul in Milan
until his incarceration by the Italian authorities for fraud and corruption.
事实上,“Summae Theologicae”中世纪是建立在“服刑”的彼 伦巴 , 谁曾从这里开始的希腊教父最后对他的工作的骨架。
Indeed, the "Summae Theologicae" of the Middle Ages were founded on the "Sentences" of Peter Lombard, who had taken the skeleton of his work from this last of the Greek Fathers.
修道开始在埃及与保罗和安东尼,并蔓延到叙利亚从埃及;圣亚他那修它带来了知识向西方,以及杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,Honoratus和马丁, 伦巴 笃 和 西方monachism,总是望着以东,安东尼和帕科谬斯和伊拉里,尤其是进入罗勒,其最完美的模型。
Monasticism began in Egypt with Paul and Anthony, and spread from Egypt to Syria; St. Athanasius brought the knowledge of it to the West, and the Western monachism of Jerome
and Augustine, of Honoratus and Martin, of
[...] Benedict and Columba, always looked [...]
to the East, to Anthony and Pachomius and
Hilarion, and above all to Basil, for its most perfect models.
委员会在5月17 日的第1 次会议上举行了关于“后续跟进和落实信息社会 世界首脑会议成果”问题部长级圆桌会议,参加这次会议的有:莱索托通信、科
[...] 学和技术部部长莫泰约亚·梅青先生、意大 伦巴 第 大区卫生部长卢西亚诺·布 雷夏尼先生和巴基斯坦科学技术部部长穆罕默德·阿扎姆·汗·斯沃蒂先生。
At the 1st meeting, on 17 May, the Commission held a ministerial roundtable on “The follow-up to and implementation of the outcomes of the World Sumit on the Information Society”, in which the following participants took part: Mr. Mothetjoa Metsing, Minister of Communications, Science and Technology of Lesotho;
Mr. Luciano Bresciani, Minister of
[...] Health of Region of Lombardia of Italy; and Mr.Muhammad [...]
Azam Khan Swati, Minister for
Science and Technology of Pakistan.
[...] 开展的南--南计划已扩大到分专题,2001 年 12 月在伦(巴西) 举行了一次关于亚马逊地 区的科学和高等教育的地区会议。
The South-South Programme undertaken jointly with TWAS and the UNU was extended to the
sub-tropics and a regional meeting on Science and Higher Education in the
[...] Amazon was held in Belem (Brazil) in December 2001.
5 月 8 日,恩塔甘达将军和他手下的所有兵变分子 在伦巴与政 府部队交火后,到鲁丘鲁靠近卢旺达边境的米克诺火山和卡里辛比 火山脚下与 Makenga 上校会合。
Makenga in Rutshuru, at the foot of Mounts Mikeno and Karisimbi, near the Rwandan border, after an exchange of fire with Government forces at Kibumba.
格劳博另还通过例如明德海姆马里斯滕学院(Maristenkolleg)、明德海姆中学及 伦巴 赫 高 中等的合作伙伴关系,让学子更多了解本企业、企业员工、企业产品及职业工种方面的情况。
By means of the most various cooperations and partnerships, for example with the Maristenkolleg in
Mindelheim, the Mittelschule Mindelheim and
[...] the Gymnasium Krumbach, GROB also enables [...]
young people to personally gather information
at an early stage about the company, its employees and products, as well as about potential professions.
正如新网站上所显示,思迈特产品目前安装在五大洲的一些最重要和最负盛名的建筑物上,例如,德国的斯图加特机场、伦敦的皇家法院(英国)、南京的紫峰大厦(中国)、香港的国际商会大厦、滨海湾金融中心(新加坡)、米兰 伦巴 第 大 区(意大利)、悉尼的SRA卡希尔高速公路(澳大利亚),多哈的剪影塔(卡塔尔)、孟买的安迪利亚大厦(印度)和纽约的世界贸易中心(美国)。
As the new website shows, Sematic products are nowadays installed in some of the most important and prestigious buildings over the 5 continents, such as for example Stuttgart airport in Germany, the Royal Courts of Justice in London (UK), the Zifeng Tower of Nanjing (China), the ICC Tower in Hong
Kong, Marina Bay Financial Centre in
[...] Singapore, Regione Lombardia in Milan (Italy), [...]
the SRA Cahill Expressway in Sydney (Australia),
the Silhouette Tower in Doha (Qatar), the Antilia Building in Mumbai (India) and the World Trade Center in New York (USA).
2008 年:(a)由全国社会防护中心组织、意大 伦巴 第 区 承办,与联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办公室合作,在米兰拍摄影片“贸易”;(b) [...]
全国社会防护中心与国际社 会学协会法律社会学研究委员会合作,在意大利米兰和科摩召开的关于“危险社 会中的法律与正义”的国际会议;(c)在维也纳召开的预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会
第十七届会议;(d)全国社会防护中心和咨询委员会与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公 室合作,在库马约尔召开的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案研究所网络第十二次 协调会议;(e)全国社会防护中心和咨询委员会与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室合 作,在库马约尔召开的关于“涉及艺术品和古董的有组织犯罪”的国际会议。
(a) Screening in Milan of the film “Trade”,
organized by the Centro Nazionale and hosted by
[...] the region of Lombardy, Italy, in collaboration [...]
with the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime; (b) international conference on “Law and justice in the risk society”, organized by the Centro Nazionale, in collaboration with the Research Committee on Sociology of Law of the International Sociological Association, and held in Milan and Como, Italy; (c) seventeenth session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Vienna; (d) 12th coordination meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network of institutes, organized by the Centro Nazionale and the Advisory Council in Courmayeur; (e) international conference on “Organized crime in art and antiquities”, organized by the Centro Nazionale and the Advisory Council, in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and held in Courmayeur.
艺术之都 慕尼黑课程为您安排参观博物馆(比 伦巴 赫 博物馆)和学 术考察之行(比如访问施塔费尔湖畔的穆尔瑙、库赫尔阿姆 西),在成行之前会进行语言及相关主题方面的培训。
With this program Art City Munich you’ll be prepared both language wise and thematically for visits to museums (e.g. Lenbachhaus) and trips (e.g. Murnau on Staffel Lake, Kochel am See).
今天的 Grup TCB 管理着位于西班牙(巴塞罗纳巴伦西亚、Muelle Sur 和 Gijon)、巴西、巴、哥伦比亚 、墨西哥、土耳其以及加 那利群岛的 11 个集装箱码头。
Today Grup TCB manages 11 container terminals in Spain (Barcelona, Valencia, Muelle Sur, and Gijon), Brasil, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Turkey, and the Canary Islands.
新的鸡舍根据欧盟对蛋鸡新的指导方针(2012年生效)建造,其坐落于西班牙东部的 Sinarcas 市,距地中巴伦西亚港不远。
The new house equipped according to the new EU guideline for laying hens valid as
of 2012 is located in the town of Sinarcas in Eastern Spain, not
[...] far from Valencia, a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea.
阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安道尔、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、布基 纳法索、伦比亚、古巴、丹 麦、爱沙尼亚、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、印度尼西 [...]
亚、以色列、意大利、日本、约旦、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马尔代夫、荷兰、 尼加拉瓜、尼日尔、波兰、卡塔尔、大韩民国、摩尔多瓦共和国、塞内加尔、南
非、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、泰国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国和委内瑞拉玻利 瓦尔共和国随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Algeria,
Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
[...] Burkina Faso, Colombia, Cuba, Denmark, Estonia, [...]
Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Indonesia,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, the Netherlands, Nicaragua, the Niger, Poland, Qatar, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Senegal, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Thailand, Tunisia, the United States of America and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) joined the co-sponsors.
一如 2012/13 年度后勤基地拟议预算所示 (A/66/724,第 12 段),名册管理股和能力建设小组将隶属拟议设 巴伦 西 亚 的 外地人力资源管理科,该科还包括目前设在布林迪西但拟议迁 巴伦 西 亚的外地 中央审查理事会股、证明人核查股和教育补助金股以及随其转移的 13 个员额(1 个 P-4、2 个 P-3 和 10 个本国一般事务人员)。
As indicated in the 2012/13 budget proposal for UNLB (A/66/724, para. 12), the Roster Management Unit and the capacity-building team would form part of the Field Human Resources Management Section, proposed to be established in Valencia, which would also include the Field Central Review Board Unit, the Reference Verification Unit, and the Education Grant Unit, currently situated in Brindisi and proposed for relocation to Valencia with 13 posts (1 P-4, 2 P-3 and 10 national General Service).
巴伦西亚 社区团结和志愿人员基金会:(a) 激发、促进和鼓励巴伦西亚 社区有需 要的人们提供志愿服务,并和他们团结在一起;(b) 在普通大众中宣传团结和志 愿工作的价值;(c) 提供志愿者培训,以确保协会间的合作;(d)为非政府组织提 供资源,特别是与社区和商业部门合作,促进公司社会责任;(e) 开展研究和发 行出版物;以及(f)宣传企业公民意识。
The Fundación de la Solidaridad y el Voluntariado de la Comunidad Valenciana: (a) inspires, promotes and encourages voluntary work for, and solidarity with, those in need in the Valencian community; (b) promotes the values of solidarity and voluntary work among the general public; (c) provides volunteer training to encourage inter-association cooperation; (d) provides non-governmental organizations with resources, working with the community and the business sector in particular, to promote corporate social responsibility; (e) conducts research and issues publications; and (f) promotes Corporate Citizenship.
挪威东与瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯接壤,南、西、北三面环海 巴伦 支 海 、挪威 海、北海和斯卡格拉克海峡。
To the east, Norway shares borders with Sweden, Finland and Russia, and to the
north, west and south the country is
[...] surrounded by ocean: the Barents Sea, the Norwegian [...]
Sea, the North Sea and the Skagerrak.
特别报告员还于2012年2 月参加了有关土著人民、公司和环境的大会,并 在会上做了主旨发言,大会在挪威希尔克内斯举行,主办方 巴伦 支 海 欧洲-北 极理事会巴伦支海 区域理事会土著人问题工作组,工作组是由芬兰、挪威和俄 罗斯联邦北巴伦支海 地区涅涅茨人、萨米人和威泊西亚人的代表组成的协商机 构。
In February 2012, the Special Rapporteur also participated in and gave a keynote speech at a conference on indigenous peoples, corporations and the environment, which was held in Kirkenes, Norway, and organized by the Working
Group of Indigenous Peoples of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council and the Barents Regional Council, a consultative body comprising representatives of the Nenets, Sami and Vepsian peoples within the Barents region in the northern parts of Finland, Norway and the Russian Federation.
巴伦西亚市政府主席, Alfonso Rus,在去年6月23日的巴良卡全市远程电力系统设立开幕上,主席保证了技术投资“巴良卡市远程电力系统是克服危机的一种附加值”。
Last 23 June, the President of the
[...] Provincial Council of Valencia, Alfonso Rus, [...]
inaugurated the implementation of an electric
telemanagement system in the town of Vallanca. The President assured that investment in technological resources "such as the electric telemanagement system in Vallanca represents an added value to help overcome the crisis".
亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利 时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那巴西、 保加利亚、布基纳法索、加拿大、 伦比 亚 、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、 [...]
危地马拉、匈牙利、冰岛、以色列、日本、拉脱维亚、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢 森堡、荷兰、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛文尼亚、瑞
Subsequently, Armenia, Australia,
Austria, Belgium,
[...] Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, the Czech [...]
Republic, Denmark,
El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America joined the co-sponsors.
巴伦西亚 -奥斯皮纳先生说,他没有提出修改有关段落措辞的问题,而是仅 [...]
Mr. Valencia-Ospina said [...]
that he had suggested, not that the paragraphs should be amended, but simply that a separate vote
should be taken on whether each of them should be incorporated in its report.
2012-2013 两年期间,该办公室工作方案的重点领域将集中在以下方面:增建的办公设施于 2012 年竣工;完成出入控制系统,这是标准化出入控制项目第二阶段下的项目;提升各次区域办事 处的现有信通技术基础设施,以确保复原力和可靠性,包括利用意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基 地和西班巴伦西亚联合国支助基地预计将可提供的灾后恢复网址;为达到要求的 5%空缺率开 展征聘活动;实施和支持《公共部门会计准则》以及“团结”项目的推出;有效管理非洲经委 会的财务运作;改进对档案和记录管理系统的管理。
Key areas of focus in the programme of work of the Office during the biennium 2012-2013 will be in the following areas: completion of the construction of the additional office facilities by 2012; completion of the access control system under the PACT II project; upgrading of the current ICT infrastructure in the subregional offices to ensure resilience and reliability, including making use of the disaster recovery sites expected to be available at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and the United Nations Support Base at Valencia, Spain; recruitment drive to achieve the required 5 per cent vacancy rate; implementation and support for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and roll-out of Umoja; effective management of ECA financial operations; and the improved management of the archiving and records management system.
[...] 逐步实施科学管理计划中的生态系统构成部分,包括 2006 年通过巴伦支海综 合管理计划,2009 年通过了挪威海综合管理计划。
Norway applied a holistic approach by gradually implementing ecosystem components in scientifically based management
plans, including the integrated management plans
[...] adopted for the Barents Sea in 2006 and [...]
for the Norwegian Sea in 2009.
后勤基地 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 日 期间的拟议预算为 72 017 800 美元(A/64/698),比 2009/10 年度的核定资源高出 24.3%,说明工作人员 人数增加了,这主要是为了加强常备警察能力、建立 司法和惩戒常备能力、以及外地中央审查理事会秘书 处搬迁;建筑服务追加经费用于:为通信和信息技术 处以及数据中心和网络通讯中心建立设备用房和办 公用地;更新布林迪西电子系统;为设 巴伦 西 亚 的 二级运行状态通信设施购买通信和信息技术设备。
The proposed budget of the Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/64/698) was $72,017,800, which was 24.3 per cent higher than the resources approved for 2009/10, reflecting an increase in staffing, mainly to strengthen the Standing Police Capacity, establish a Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity and relocate the Field Central Review Board secretariat; additional requirements for construction services to create equipment room and office space for Communications and Information Technology Services and the data centre and network communications centre and to upgrade the electrical system at the Logistics Base; and additional requirements to acquire communications and information technology equipment for the secondary telecommunications facility at Valencia.
托斯卡的这巴伦西亚地图制作于 1704 年,详尽描绘了公共和私人建筑、街道、广场以及城市的其他面貌。
Tosca’s map of Valencia, produced in [...]
1704, provides detailed views of public and private buildings, streets, squares, and other features of the city.
第二,关于该法第 41.1(e)条(《仲裁示范法》第 34 条第 2(b)㈠款)和以该公司
[...] 影响公司组织结构方面的协议——在本案中,是对公司章程作必要修改以符合巴伦西亚 合作法》——不能予以仲裁为由,该争议不能通过仲裁予以解决的 [...]
关,特别是违反了公司章程中规定通过一项协议所要求的票数百分比的条款; 并认为这一问题完全可以诉诸仲裁。
Secondly, with regard to article 41.1 (e) of the Act (MAL art. 34, para. 2 (b) (i)) and the argument that the dispute was not capable of settlement by arbitration on the grounds that company agreements affecting the structural aspects of a company — in this case, the
necessary amendment of the company statutes to
[...] comply with the Valencian Cooperatives Law [...]
— could not be subjected to arbitration,
the Court considered that the appeal actually related not to that but to irregularities in the adoption of the agreement and, in particular, the infringement of the article in the company statutes that stipulated the percentage of votes required for the adoption of an agreement; and that question was entirely arbitrable.
按先后顺序第一项活动巴伦西亚 论坛,其次为非政府 组织老龄问题论坛、圆桌会议方案、2002 [...]
年对话以及联合国系统各机构、政 府 间 组织、非政府组织、各会员国和私营部门所推动的一系列活动。
In chronological order, the first
[...] event was the Valencia Forum, followed [...]
by the NGO Forum on Ageing, the round tables programme,
Dialogues 2002, and a series of activities promoted by agencies of the United Nations system, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, Member States and the private sector.
[...] 非和南非举行了区域会议和研讨会,并在阿比让、阿拉木图、比什凯克、巴统、 科托努、雅加达、巴、伦敦、 马尼拉、马普托、墨西哥城、基多和温得和克等 [...]
Regional conferences and seminars were held in the western Balkans, Western Europe, South-East Asia, the Americas, West and Southern Africa, while country-level events were organized in locations as
diverse as Abidjan, Almaty, Bishkek, Batumi,
[...] Cotonou, Jakarta, Juba, London, Manila, Maputo, [...]
Mexico City, Quito and Windhoek.
2002 年 11 月 19 日,在西班牙巴伦西亚 召开了启动“地中海沿岸水文地质沼泽” (HYDROHUMED)项目的第一次会议,该项目将由国际水文计划管理活动委员会与西班 牙地质调查局共同实施。
The first meeting to set up a project on the “Hydrogeology Wetlands on the Mediterranean Coastline” (HYDROHUMED) was held on 19 November 2002 in Valencia, Spain. The project will be jointly implemented by IHP-MAB with the Spanish Geological Survey.
我 们必须结合这次老龄问题世界大会,通过在马德里平行举行的非政府组织论坛和巴伦西亚刚刚结束的国际科学论坛,加强我上文提及的伙伴关系。
We have to strengthen the partnerships I mentioned earlier, in connection with this World Assembly on Ageing — through the parallel NGO Forum here in Madrid and the international scientific forum just ended in Valencia.
2011 年 5 月,丹尼尔·巴伦博伊 姆率领一 支由 35 名欧洲音乐家组成的演出队到加沙演出,8 月,他率领由阿拉伯和以色列音乐家组成的 West-Eastern Divan 交响乐团到大韩民国演出。
In May 2011, Daniel Barenboim had taken a group of 35 musicians from Europe to perform in Gaza, and in August he had taken the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, made up of Arab and Israeli musicians, to play in the Republic of Korea.




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