

单词 concertmaster

concertmaster n: US (leader of orchestra's violin section)
SC 首席小提琴手
The concertmaster is always the first violinist.

leader n: ([sb] who leads)
SC 领头的人 lǐng tóu de rén
TC 領頭的人
SC 头儿 lǐng tóu de rén,tóu er
John is the leader of the group, and they usually do what he suggests.

leader n: (head of a company)
SC 领导者 lǐng dǎo zhě
TC 領導者
SC 领头人 lǐng dǎo zhě,lǐng tóu rén
TC 領頭人
The president of a company is its leader.

leader n: (guide)
SC 导游 dǎo yóu
SC 引导者 dǎo yóu,yǐn dǎo zhě
The leader of the tour took them into the next room.

leader n: (head of political party)
SC 政党领袖 zhèng dǎng lǐng xiù
TC 政黨領袖
The leader of the main opposition party criticised the government.

leader, band leader n: US (music: conductor) (乐团)
SC 指挥 zhǐ huī
TC 指揮
The leader of the band told them when to start and stop playing.

leader n: (journalism: article) (新闻)
SC 社论,重要文章 shè lùn ,zhòng yào wén zhāng
TC 社論
I nearly always agree with the leader in the Times newspaper.

leader n: US (downspout pipe)
SC 水落管 shuǐ luò guǎn
The plumber charged a lot to fix the leader.

leader n: (printing: row of dots) (印刷)
SC 引点线,引点符 yǐn diǎn xiàn
TC 引點線
Tables of contents usually have leaders to guide your eyes to the page number.

leader n: (short strip) (电影胶片)
SC 装片段 zhuāng piàn duàn
TC 裝片段
You have to put the leader through the hole to load the film.

leader n: UK (orchestra's principal violinist) (管弦乐队)
SC 首席小提琴手
Hans was the leader of the violin section.

leader n: (part of a fishing line) (钓线)
SC 前导线
The angler tied his lure to the leader of his fishing line.

band leader n: (music: conductor)
SC 乐队指挥 yuè duì zhǐ huī
TC 樂隊指揮

born leader n: (good manager)
SC 天生的领袖 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù
SC 天生的领导者 tiān shēng de lǐng xiù,tiān shēng de lǐng dǎo zhě
A born leader is so charismatic that she can influence people to work harder and longer willingly.

charismatic leader n: (leader with powerful charm)
SC 魅力超凡的领导者 mèi lì chāo fán de lǐng dǎo zhě
SC 有号召力的领袖 mèi lì chāo fán de lǐng dǎo zhě,yǒu hào zhào de lǐng xiù
Alexander the Great was a charismatic leader: his troops would follow him almost anywhere.

follow-the-leader, follow-my-leader n: (children's game)
SC 模仿游戏

leader of the opposition n: (head of political party opposing the government)
SC 反对党领袖 fǎn duì dǎng lǐng xiù
The leader of the opposition debated with the Prime Minister about the proposed change to the law.

leaderboard, leader board n: (scoreboard)
SC 排行榜

loss leader n: (low-cost item sold to draw buyers)
SC 为吸引顾客亏本卖出的商品
SC 为招揽生意廉价出售的货物
Some companies sell something for cheap as a loss leader to get people to come in and buy more expensive products.

market leader n: (most commercially successful company)
SC 市场领军者,市场领头羊
Apple became the market leader in mp3 players with the launch of the ipod.

orchestra leader n: (conductor)
SC 管弦乐队指挥 guǎn xián yuè duì zhǐ huī
The orchestra leader bowed to the cheers of the audience.

pack leader n: (dominant dog in a hunting group)
SC 首领猎犬

political leader n: (head of a political party)
SC 政党领袖 zhèng dǎng lǐng xiù
TC 政黨領袖

political leader n: (head of a government)
SC 政府领袖 zhèng fǔ lǐng xiù
TC 政府領袖

project leader n: (leader of a task or programme)
SC 项目负责人,项目主管,项目经理 xiàng mù zhǔ guǎn,xiàng mù jīng lǐ
TC 項目主管,項目經理
The project leader must ensure that every team member understands the purpose of the project.

religious leader n: (head of a church or order)
SC 宗教领袖 zōng jiào lǐng xiù
TC 宗教領袖
The religious leaders of the community gathered for an interfaith conference.
The Pope is the religious leader of the Roman Catholic church.

spiritual leader n: (guru)
SC 精神领袖 jīng shén lǐng xiù
TC 精神領袖
Some Muslim countries have a spiritual leader as head of state.

squadron leader n: UK (air-force officer)
SC 皇家空军中队长 huáng jiā kōng jūn zhōng duì zhǎng
SC 空军少校, 空军少尉

team leader, team lead n: ([sb] who manages a group)
SC 团队领导人

thought leader n: (influential thinker)
SC 思想领袖

world leader n: ([sth] that is the best internationally)
SC 世界领先者

world leader n: (head of state or national government)
SC 国家元首 guó jiā yuán shǒu
TC 國家元首
SC 世界领袖




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