

the Don River the Dow the Dow Jones Industrial Average the downstairs the downtrodden
the draft the drink the dry cleaner's the dry cleaners the dry cleaner's/cleaners
the dust settles thee the early bird catches/gets the worm the early bird catches the worm the early bird gets the worm
the East the Eastern Hemisphere the East Sea the economy the elder
the elderly the eldest the Electoral College the end justifies the means the end of the line
the end of the road the end of time the end of your rope the end of your tether the ends of the earth
the English Channel the entire way the envy of the epitome of the equator
the error of your ways the Eucharist the Euphrates the Euphrates River the European Union
the evening star the Everglades the evil eye the exception rather than the rule the eyes of the world
the face of the earth the fact is the fact is/remains the fact of the matter the fact of the matter is
the factory floor the fact remains The facts speak for themselves the fact that the Faeroe Islands
the Faeroes the fairer sex the fair sex the faithful the Falkland Islands
the Falklands the family jewels the Far East the far left the Faroe Islands
the Faroes the far right the faster the better the Fed the Federal Reserve Board
the Federal Reserve System the Federated States of Micronesia the final/last straw the final straw the final word
the finger of blame the finger of blame/suspicion the finger of suspicion the first and only the fix was in
the flicks the flip side of the coin the flower of the following the foregoing
the Foreign Legion the Foreign Office the Foreign Service the former the Fourth Estate
the Fraser the Fraser River the fruit of someone's loins the fruit of your loins theft
thefts the funnies the funny farm the (funny) thing is the funny thing is
the furthest thing from his mind the furthest thing from my mind the f-word the F-word the f word
the fword the Gadsden Purchase the Galapagos the Galapagos Islands the game is up
the Ganges the Ganges River the Gaspe Peninsula the Gaspé Peninsula the Gaza Strip
the general public The general public the Geneva Convention the gentry the genuine article
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