

the Caspian the Caspian Sea the Catskill Mountains the Catskills the cat's meow
the cat's pajamas the cat's whiskers the Caucasus Mountains the Cayman Islands the Caymans
the Celebes Sea the Central African Republic the chain of events the Chang the change of life
the Chang River the Charleston the Chattahoochee the Chattahoochee River the chattering classes
the chickens come home to roost the Chilkoot Pass the chosen few the Chukchi Sea the Churchill
the Churchill River the Church of England The Citadel the civil service the clap
the class clown the classics the cleaner's the clink the Coast Guard
the Coastguard the coast is clear the cognoscenti the cold shoulder the Colorado
the Columbia the comforts of home the common cold the common touch the Congo
the Connecticut the consumer price index the contrary the converse the cool
the corridors/halls of power the corridors of power the courage of his convictions the course of the course of history
the court of public opinion the court of public/world opinion the court of world opinion the crapper the cream of the crop
the creme de la creme the Crown the crux the crème de la crème the Cumberland Gap
the Czech Republic the Dakotas the damned the Danube the Danube River
the dark ages the Darling the Darling River the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday
the Dead Sea the deaf the death penalty the deceased the declarative
the deep the deep end the deep of the night the deeps the Deep South
The defense the degree to which the Deity the Delaware the Delmarva Peninsula
the Democratic Republic of the Congo the demon drink the dentist's the departed the Depression
the depths of her mind the depths of my being the depths of my heart the depths of my heart/soul/being the depths of my soul
the depths of winter the destitute the devil the devil to pay the Diaspora
the dickens the die is cast the dim and distant past the disabled the disabled list
the disadvantaged the dispossessed the District of Columbia the Dnieper the Dnieper River
the doctor's the Dodecanese the dole the Dominican Republic the Don
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