

the gift of gab the gift of the gab the girl next door the gist the glare of publicity
the gloaming the gloves are off the go-ahead the goahead the go ahead
the Gobi the Gobi Desert the Godhead the Golan Heights the Golden Gate
the golden goose the gold standard the Good Book the good life the good old days
the goose that lays the golden egg the GOP the gory details the gospel truth the Grand Canyon
the grand old age of the grass is always greener on the other side the grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence) the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence the Great Barrier Reef
the Great Basin the (Great) Depression the Great Depression the Greater Antilles the greater part of something
the greater part of sth the greatest thing since sliced bread the Great Lakes the great majority the great outdoors
the Great Plains the Great Rift Valley the Great Salt Lake the Great Smoky Mountains the (great) unwashed
the great unwashed the Great White Way the green-eyed monster the greeneyed monster the green eyed monster
the greenhouse effect the green light the Grim Reaper the Gulf of Aden the Gulf of Aqaba
the Gulf of Bothnia the Gulf of California the Gulf of Tonkin the Gulf Stream the half of it
the halls of power the hammer throw the handwriting is on the wall the hard stuff the hard way
the have-nots the havenots the have nots the haves the haves and the have-nots
the haves and the have nots the heat is on the heat of the day the heave-ho the heave ho
The heavens opened The heavens opened (up) The heavens opened up the Hebrides the heck
the heebie-jeebies the heebie jeebies the hell the hell out of the hell with
the hereafter the here and now the high ground the high jump the Highlands
the high road the highways and byways the Himalaya the Himalayas the hole
the holidays the holiday season the Holy Family the Holy Ghost the Holy Land
the Holy Spirit the Holy Trinity the home front the homeless the hood
the hoosegow the Host the hots the hot seat the House of Commons
the House of Lords the House of Representatives the Huang Ho the Hudson the human animal
the human condition the human race the hustings the Iberian Peninsula the Ice Age
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