释义 |
- 股票发行:一家公司发行新股并将其出售的场合,或者指出售的股票数量。
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Share issues, gaps and trends with appropriate managers. - 2
Several companies, including JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and American Express, duly raised billions of dollars through share issues. See article. 一些公司包括摩根大通、摩根·士丹利和美国运通,适当通过股票集资数十亿美元。 - 3
We are always here to deal with any problems you may have, from share issues or transfers, to registering a company name, website address or trademark. 从股票发行、转让到企业名称、网址、商标注册,我们随时准备着帮您处理任何问题。