释义 |
- 敷衍了事:指做某事时不付出太多努力,只是应付了事。
1 ?走过场 all their monthly incom e ) , 走过场 ( go through the motions) , 走.. 2 ?走形式 ... exploit loopholes钻空子 go through the motions走形式 japan out of recession走出衰退 ... 3 ?装样子 装样子(go through the motions), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
They go through the motions of releasing the latch from the space station. - 2
You can't afford to just coast along, or go through the motions, if you're running a business. - 3
"Next, we may go through the motions of saying the words, but not really feeling that we forgive." 接下来,我们可以通过我们的感情说一些话,但是不是真的宽恕的感觉。