

单词 假扮

See also:


false adj
fake adj
artificial adj


vacation n

External sources (not reviewed)

最 後,她與地產經紀合作,假扮經紀 ,而該白種人經紀 假扮 有意 租樓的租客。
In the end she and her agent collaborated on a scheme whereby she posed as the agent while the Caucasian agent posed as the prospective tenant.
主席,談到文化,我認為這真的是買不到的,是不可 假扮 的。
President, speaking of culture, I am of the view that it
[...] cannot be purchased or faked.
我們這裏的議員只懂得談資本主義和賺錢,卻不談資本主義革命時的民 約論,沒有說過沒有人民授權,便不可 假扮 人 民 代表嗎?
Members in this Chamber only talk about capitalism and profit-making, but they do not talk about the social contract theories formulated during the capitalist revolution.
13.17 張宇人議員察悉,勞工處為打擊飲食業的欠薪罪行,有 時候會安排人員到懷疑有問題的餐 假扮 工 人,以收集情報及 證據,方便就欠薪罪行提出檢控。
13.17 Mr Tommy CHEUNG noted that in tackling wage offences in the catering industry, at times LD might have arranged persons to disguise as workers to work in suspected problematic restaurants to gather intelligence and evidence facilitating prosecution on wage offences.
和平高级理事会的最初目的是通过城市罢工和抗议活动煽动政治反对派成 员引起动乱,直假扮安全 部队进行挑衅导致示威者被杀,从而引发对卡比拉总 [...]
CONSUP’s initial objective was to spark unrest by agitating members of the political opposition
through urban strikes and protests until staged
[...] provocations of the security forces [...]
would lead to the killings of protestors,
thus sparking an armed rebellion against President Kabila.
您同意假扮他人或任何实体,例 假扮 Edwa rds Lifesciences 员工或管理人员、论坛版主等,也同意不虚假陈述或误传您与他人或其他实体的从属关系。
You agree
[...] not to impersonate any person or entity, including, for example, an Edwards Lifesciences [...]
employee or officer,
a Forum leader, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.
如果 大家的 議員辦 事 處 收 到 投訴個案,議員請 一 名普通職 員 不 表 露 身份假 扮 投訴人 的 親 友 陪 同 往 投訴 警 察 課 提出投訴, 便 會 知 道 現時投訴警 察 課 人員接 受 投訴時的態 度。
If, after the receipt of a complaint, an ordinary staff member of a Member's office is asked not to reveal his identity and to disguise as the friend or relative of the complainant and to accompany the complainant in lodging a complaint with the CAPO, the Member will then become aware of the attitude of the CAPO staff in receiving the complaint.
最近亦發現有騙假扮內地 銀行職員,訛稱買家已付款而藉此騙取賣家交付 貨品的案例。
Recently, there have also been cases in which swindlers, disguising themselves as staff of Mainland banks, claim that a payment has been made by the buyer concerned in order to deceive the seller in delivering the goods.
由於水務署的上司是行 政長官,警務處的上司也是行政長官,如果警務處人員冒充水務署人員 ― 例假扮上門 裝錶,因近日有很多漏水的新聞 ― 是否便假設這些執法行 動也獲行政長官同意,於是水務署也必然同意呢?
As the superior of the head of the WSD is the Chief Executive, and the superior of the head of the Police Force is also the Chief Executive, in the case where police officers pose as WSD staff ― such as to install a water meter on the site because a number of water leakage reports have recently been in the news ― it can be assumed that as these law-enforcement operations have got the consent of the Chief Executive, and so they will inevitably get the consent of the WSD?
在這方面 。在這方面,請問政 ,請問政 ,請問政 ,請問政 府會否找假扮顧客 主席先生,倘若有需要採取這些措施及能夠從警方極為有限的資源㆗抽調㆟手。
In this regard, may I ask the Government whether it will send law enforcement officers to disguise as customers to patronize shops selling cigarettes illegally?
后一个女假扮成柯 南的母亲绑架他后露出她知道他的真实身份。
Later a woman posing as Conan’s mother kidnaps him, after revealing she knows his true identity.
Cute Woman Posing
身為市長,各位對城市擁有絕對權力,完全不受市議會、說客、競選連任壓力,一個喜劇團體甚至為此設計出一齣諷刺劇 假扮 市 長 的政見是,「如果不投票給我,只要一個按鈕,就可以摧毀整座城市」。
In fact, one comedy group has put together a parody
[...] campaign for a hypothetical SimCity mayor [...]
who runs on a platform of, “If you don’t
vote for me, I’ll destroy the whole city just by pushing a button.
說殖民地政府假仁假義也好,說英國偽紳 假扮 仁 義 ,扮作要照 顧弱勢社羣也好,但那時候,前港督是經常會去探訪弱勢社羣的,而 [...]
Back then, former Hong Kong Governors always visited the disadvantaged groups, whether
it was because the colonial Government was
[...] putting on a pretense of propriety [...]
and care or the British Government was a hypocrite,
pretending to care for the disadvantaged groups; and the wives of former Hong Kong Governors usually engaged in many charity services.
就此,我 想請問局長,既然有車主可以把柴油私家車的車廂改裝,把一至兩排的座椅 拆掉,在機件毫無改動之下,便能夠以客貨車的標準進行登記,為何政府不 乾脆讓這類所假扮客貨 車的私家車,在無須改動機件的情況下獲得發牌 呢?
This makes us feel that the Government has adopted double standards in this regard. In this connection, I would like to ask the Secretary: Since some vehicle owners have successfully registered their diesel private cars as vans after conversion by removing one or two rows of seats from the compartments while no mechanical changes are made, why can the Government not allow the licensing of such private vehicles right away, instead of allowing them to be disguised as vans, since no mechanical alterations are required?
他們只是早3天收 到消息,便說“成功爭取”假扮成 功 ,我覺得這是沒意思的。
They only received the news three days earlier than others, but they still boast of "success
[...] in fighting for", pretending that they have succeeded.
所以,就(a)段來說,那是“扮鬼扮馬”地進入住所,因為 假扮 某 一 個 人而取得信任,然後攜着儀器進入住所的;而(b)段則在同一項條文裏,對“未 經准許”的理解假扮裝修 工人、假裝維修電錶的也不准許。
The meaning of "without permission" as contained in paragraph (b) of the same provision is that not even posing as a fitting-out worker or as one repairing the electricity meter is allowed.
尽管我们十分小心地把简历放置在招聘单位可搜索数据库中并尽量确保该数据库只允许招聘单位和雇主搜索,但是我们无法对由于第三 假扮 成 雇 主或招聘单位进入数据库和/或造成的差错承担责任。
However, whilst we take every care in the placing of CVs in the searchable recruiter database and we try to ensure that the database is only searched by recruiters and employers, we cannot be held responsible for any third party posing as an employer or recruiter gaining access to the database and/or other errors which may occur in this process.
不過,十分清楚的是,政府不是“怕訴訟",而是“驚輸";因為立法 根本不能阻止公務員提出訴訟,但本來可以避免的訴訟反而會變成了事實, 立法的唯一目的就是令政府可以“贏晒" 假扮 強 勢 政府
However, it is very clear that the Government is not afraid of litigations but rather, of losing, because a legislative approach cannot stop civil servants from taking legal actions at all, rather, the legal actions that could have been avoided would turn into a reality.
涂謹申議員:主席,第 35 條是剛才有關器材取出手令的討論的延續,該條 文說明有些甚麼附帶權力,包括取回器材,以及如果法官同意加入一些條款 便可以“扮扮馬”,即假扮成工 人入內進行裝修以取回器材。
The clause specifies the incidental power including the retrieval of the device, and in the case where some terms are included with the consent of the Judge, "acting in different disguises" is allowed such as the posing as a worker to do decoration works on the premises in order to have the device retrieved.
[...] 主席,上月 26 日 深 宵 時份, 一 輛 行 駛 中 公 共 小 巴 的司 機 及 十多名 乘 客遭兩假扮 乘 客 的 匪 徒 行 劫 ,此 案 件 令社會 廣泛關注香港的 治 安 情況是 否 正在惡 化 。
This case has aroused wide public concern about whether the law and order in Hong Kong is deteriorating.
但我們仍會繼續爭取政府對醫療服 扮 演 更 積極的角色,為香港未來的醫療服務,作 [...]
Nevertheless, we would still continue to press the Administration to assume a
[...] more positive role in the provision [...]
of medical service and make a more reasonable
commitment to its future development.
當局可以考慮讓社會企業 在環保工業的發展扮演一 定的角色,例如回收及經銷可再造產品,務求令 環保工業在可持續發展之餘,其他機構如社會企業等亦能受惠於有關政策的 推行。
In any case, while ensuring the sustainable development of environmental industries, we must also ensure that other institutions such as social enterprises can also benefit from the implementation of the policy concerned.
从专家组的角度来看,军队间转运机构在执行禁运方 扮 演 了 一个负面角 色,因为科特迪瓦海关对国防部的装备进口没有管制权,专家组已经了解到,通 过军队间转运机构至少进口了车辆(见 S/2011/272,附件八)、电信和军用物资用 于军事目的,因而明显违反了制裁制度。
From the Group’s perspective, Transit Interarmées played a negative role in the enforcement of the embargo because Ivorian customs had no control over its import of equipment for the Ministry of Defence, and the Group was already aware that, at a minimum, vehicles (see annex VIII of S/2011/272), telecommunication and military material were being imported through Transit Interarmées for military use, thus representing a clear breach of the sanctions regime.
這兩間公司將一起打造一個具有吸引力的集團,憑藉能力及規 模上的優勢,把握在切合全球商品需求增長 扮 演 領 導角色,協助坐擁資源的國家從她們的自然財富創造價值。
Together these two companies will create a group with the capabilities and scale to play a leading role in meeting the growing global demand for commodities, whilst helping resource holding countries create value from their natural endowments.




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