- be or allow or cause to be visible显示; 使被看见:
no obj. wrinkles were starting to show on her face皱纹开始在她脸上显现
no obj., with complement the muscles of her jaws showed white through the skin她下巴的肌肉透过皮肤显示出白色
with obj. a white blouse will show the blood.一件白色的女式衬衣将显示出气质。
- with obj. offer, exhibit, or produce (something) for scrutiny or inspection给…看; 出示; 展示:
an alarm salesperson should show an ID card
with two objs he wants to show you all his woodwork stuff.他想给你看看他所有的木质品。
- with obj. put on display in an exhibition or competition展示; 展现:
he ceased rather early in his career to show his work
为了展示他的作品, 他很早就中止他的职业了
no obj. other artists who showed there included Robert Motherwell.在那里展出的包括画家罗伯特·马瑟韦尔的作品。
- with obj. present (a film or television programme) on a screen for public viewing(电影, 电视节目)放映; 播出。
- no obj.(of a film) be presented in this way(电影)上映:
a movie showing at the Venice Film Festival.
- with obj. indicate (a particular time, measurement, etc.)显示(时间或尺寸等):
a travel clock showing the time in different cities.
- with obj. represent or depict in art(用艺术形式)描绘; 展现:
a postcard showing the Wicklow Mountains.
show oneself
allow oneself to be seen; appear in public使(自己)被看见; (在公众场合)露面:he was amazed that she would have the gall to show herself.
他很惊讶, 她竟敢厚着脸皮露面。
- no obj. informal arrive or turn up for an appointment or at a gathering〈非正式〉赴约; (在聚会上)露面:
her date failed to show.
- no obj. N. Amer. finish third or in the first three in a race〈北美〉获得第三名(或前三名)。
- no obj. informal (of a woman) be visibly pregnant〈非正式〉(妇女)已显出身孕:
Shirl was four months gone and just starting to show.
雪尔怀孕四个月, 刚开始看得出来。
- with obj. display or allow to be perceived (a quality, emotion, or characteristic)显露(性质、情感或特征):
it was Frank's turn to show his frustration
his sangfroid showed signs of cracking.
- accord or treat someone with (a specified quality)(用一定方式)遵从; 对待(某人):
he urged his soldiers to fight them and show no mercy
with two objs he has learned to show women some respect.他已经学会了向女人表示尊敬。
- no obj.(of an emotion) be noticeable(情感)显露:
he tried not to let his relief show.
- with obj. demonstrate or prove证明; 表明:
experts say this shows the benefit of regular inspections
with clause the figures show that the underlying rate of inflation continues to fall.这些数据表明, 潜在的通货膨胀率继续回落。
show oneself
prove or demonstrate oneself to be证明; 表明:with infinitive she showed herself to be a harsh critic她表明自己是一个尖锐的批评家
with complement the youth soon showed himself a canny batsman.这个小伙子很快证明自己是一个机灵的击球手。
- cause to understand or be capable of doing something by explanation or demonstration(通过解释或示范)教; 告知:
he showed the boy how to operate the machine.
- with obj. and adverbial of direction conduct or lead引导; 带领:
show them in, please.
- a spectacle or display of something, typically an impressive one景象; 奇观:
spectacular shows of bluebells.
- a public entertainment, in particular公开娱乐, 尤指:
a play or other stage performance, especially a musical
- a light entertainment programme on television or radio(电视或电台的)娱乐性节目。
- usu. with adj. or noun modifier an event or competition involving the public display or exhibition of animals, plants, or products展览; 展览会:
the annual agricultural show.
- informal an undertaking, project, or organization〈非正式〉任务; 项目; 组织:
I man a desk in a little office. I don't run the show.
- US & Austral. /NZ informal an opportunity for doing something; a chance〈美, 澳/新西兰, 非正式〉(做某事的)机会; 时机:
I didn't have a show.
- an outward appearance or display of a quality or feeling显示; 表露:
Joanie was frightened of any show of affection.
- an outward display intended to give a particular, false impression假装; 假象:
Drew made a show of looking around for firewood
mass noun they are all show and no go.他们都在装样子, 并不是真干。
- informal a ludicrous spectacle〈非正式〉滑稽场面; 洋相:
now don't make a show of yourself in front of him.
- Medicine a discharge of blood and mucus from the vagina at the onset of labour or menstruation【医】(分娩或月经时的)见红, 现血, 血先露。
for show
- for the sake of appearance rather than for use为…装门面; 为炫耀。
get (或keep)the show on the road
- informal begin (or succeed in continuing with) an undertaking or enterprise〈非正式〉开始干起来, 付诸实施:
'Let's get this show on the road - we're late already' .
give the (whole) show away
- demonstrate the inadequacies or reveal the truth of something露出马脚, 泄露秘密。
good (或bad 或poor)show!
- informal, dated used to express approval (or disapproval or dissatisfaction)〈非正式, 旧〉干得好(或不好); 真棒(或糟糕)!
have something (或nothing)to show for
- have a (or no) visible result of (one's work or experience)(在工作或经历方面)有(或无)成绩可言:
a year later, he had nothing to show for his efforts.
一年之后, 他的努力一点也没有成效。
on show
- being exhibited展览, 展出。
show one's cards
- another way of saying show one's hand below.同后面show one's hand.
show cause
- Law produce satisfactory grounds for application of (or exemption from) a procedure or penalty【律】陈述(申请或豁免一项程序或惩罚的)理由。
show (someone) a clean pair of heels
- informal run away extremely fast〈非正式〉飞快地跑开。
show someone the door
- dismiss or eject someone from a place打发(或驱逐)某人走。
show one's face
- appear in public抛头露面:
she had been up in court and was so ashamed she could hardly show her face.
她曾经出庭, 因而感到非常羞愧, 几乎不敢露面。
show the flag
- 见FLAG1.
show one's hand
- (in a card game) reveal one's cards(牌戏)亮牌。
- figurative disclose one's plans〈喻〉公开自己的计划:
he needed hard evidence, and to get it he would have to show his hand.
他需要充足的证据, 而要获得证据, 他必须公开自己的意图。
show of force
- a demonstration of the forces at one's command and of one's readiness to use them武力展示。
show of hands
- the raising of hands among a group of people to indicate a vote for or against something, with numbers typically being estimated rather than counted举手表决。
show one's teeth
- Brit. use one's power or authority in an aggressive or intimidating way〈英〉张牙露齿; 作威吓姿态:
the council showed its teeth for the first time by imposing an economic embargo.
委员会第一次显示强硬姿态, 强制实行经济禁运。
show the way
- indicate the direction to be followed to a particular place带路; 引路。
- indicate what can or should be done by doing it first起表率作用:
Morgan showed the way by becoming Deputy Governor of Jamaica.
摩根起表率作用, 成为牙买加的副总督。
show willing
- display a willingness to help or to do something显示(帮忙或做某事的)意愿。
show something forth
- archaic exhibit〈古〉展示, 展现:
the heavens show forth the glory of God.
show off
- informal make a deliberate or pretentious display of one's abilities or accomplishments〈非正式〉炫耀; 卖弄。
show someone/thing off
- display or cause others to take notice of someone or something that is a source of pride展示; 让人注意(令人骄傲的人或物):
his jeans were tight-fitting, showing off his compact figure.
他的牛仔裤很紧身, 展示出他结实的身材。
show out
- Bridge reveal that one has no cards of a particular suit【桥牌】示缺。
show someone round (或〈主北美〉around)
- act as a guide for someone to points of interest in a place or building带某人参观。
show through
- (of one's real feelings) be revealed inadvertently(某人真正的情感)不经意地显露。
show up
- be conspicuous or clearly visible暴露, 显露。
- informal arrive or turn up for an appointment or gathering〈非正式〉露面; 出席。
show someone/thing up
- make someone or something conspicuous or clearly visible显得醒目; 显而易见:
a rising moon showed up the wild seascape.
月亮慢慢升起, 广阔的海景变得格外醒目。
- expose someone or something as being bad or faulty in some way暴露, 揭露(坏事, 过错):
it's a pity they haven't showed up the authorities for what they are.
很遗憾, 他们没有揭露当局的真面目。
show someone up
- informal embarrass or humiliate someone〈非正式〉使尴尬; 使蒙羞:
she says I showed her up in front of her friends.