/rɪˈdjuːs/- make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size减少(数量), 降低(程度), 缩小(规模):
the need for businesses to reduce costs
the workforce has been reduced to some 6,100
as adj. reduced a reduced risk of coronary disease.降低了的冠心病风险。
- no obj. become smaller or less in size, amount, or degree(规模)缩小, (数量)减少, (程度)降低:
the number of priority homeless cases has reduced slightly.
- boil (a sauce or other liquid) in cooking so that it becomes thicker and more concentrated慢煮使(调味汁等液体)浓缩变稠。
- no obj. chiefly N. Amer. (of a person) lose weight, typically by dieting〈主北美〉(尤指通过节食)减轻体重, 减肥:
by May she had reduced to 9 stone.
- archaic conquer (a place), in particular besiege and capture (a town or fortress)〈古〉攻克, 征服(尤指围攻并占领城镇或要塞)。
- Photography make (a negative or print) less dense【摄】减薄(底片或图片)。
- Phonetics articulate (a speech sound) in a way requiring less muscular effort, giving rise in vowels to a more central articulatory position【语音】弱化。
reduce someone/thing to
bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition, or role)使(某人/事)降至(某种状态、境地或角色):she has been reduced to near poverty
the church was reduced to rubble.
be reduced to doing something
(of a person) be forced by difficult circumstances into doing something desperate(人)被逼无奈, 走投无路:ordinary soldiers are reduced to begging.
- make someone helpless with (an expression of emotion, especially with hurt, shock, or amusement)使无法不表露某种神情(尤指受屈、受惊或感到有趣):
Olga was reduced to stunned silence.
- force into (obedience or submission)使顺从; 使屈服:
he succeeds in reducing his grandees to due obedience.
reduce something to
change a substance to (a different or more basic form)使改变形式; 使还原:it is difficult to understand how lava could have been reduced to dust.
- present a problem or subject in (a simplified form)归纳, 简化:
he reduces unimaginable statistics to manageable proportions.
- convert a fraction to (the form with the lowest terms)将分数约到(最小项)。
- Chemistry cause to combine chemically with hydrogen【化】使还原。
- undergo or cause to undergo a reaction in which electrons are gained from another substance or molecule(使)进行还原反应。 OXIDIZE的反义词。
- restore (a dislocated part) to its proper position by manipulation or surgery使(脱臼, 断骨)复位。
- remedy (a dislocation) in such a way治疗(脱臼, 断骨)。
reduced circumstances
- used euphemistically to refer to the state of being poor after being relatively wealthy委婉表达从富到穷生活窘迫:
a divorcee living in reduced circumstances
reduce someone to the ranks
- demote a non-commissioned officer to an ordinary soldier把军士降为普通士兵。