单词 | engine |
释义 | engines是engine的复数
复数:engines v. n. start engine,engine run,stop engine,repair engine,cut engine adj. n. powerful engine,electric engine,left engine 例句释义: 发动机,机车,机械,工具,给…安装发动机,引擎,可用的引擎,这个引擎 1. In the internal combustion engine outboard engines, with a compact, small size, light weight and easy to start and many other advantages. 内燃机于外燃机相比,具有结构紧凑、体积小、质量轻和容易起动等许多优点。 ww.33567.cn 2. The court heard that Glen could walk, run and ride a bike, and was excited by police cars and fire engines, but he did not talk. 法院了解到,格林能走能跑、会骑自行车,看见警车和消防车就雀跃,但却无法和人交谈。 www.bing.com 3. The sites shield themselves from search engines, so they do not pop up in response to online searches for the brands they offer. 这些网站避开了搜索引擎,所以若在线搜索他们所卖的品牌时,他们的网站是不会出现的。 www.bing.com 4. He said the strike may have somehow jarred loose one or both of the engines. 他说,雷击可能或多或少地震松了飞机上的一个或两个发动机。 c.wsj.com 5. Steam engines are dangerous, and they had tremendous impact on the world, as you know -- industrial revolution and ships and locomotives. 蒸汽机是危险地,众所周知,蒸汽机对世界产生了巨大影响--工业革命,船只,汽车。 www.ted.com 6. I fully expect to see other engines making improvements similar to what was done with Tracemonkey. 我非常期望看到其他引擎能够做到与Tracemonkey类似的改进。 www.infoq.com 7. The site needs to be optimized for search engines, and if it looked good on an IPAD or a phone, that would definitely be a plus. 该网站需要针对搜索引擎进行优化,如果它看到了一个iPad或一个电话,那肯定是加好。 www.bing.com 8. The company has also tried to market its products in a variety of different ways to convince users to switch away from rival engines. 微软还曾试图以各种不同的方式推销其产品以说服用户从劲敌的搜索引擎转换过来。 www.bing.com 9. Communications between the multiple simulation engines in co-simulation mode are extremely complex, yet remain very easy for you to use. 协同仿真模式下各仿真引擎间的通信虽然非常复杂,但是使用起来却是相当方便。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The flight attendant didn't hear her over the roar of the engines, so the woman had to ask again, and this time, everyone looked at her. 引擎轰鸣,空姐没有听到她的话,她不得不重复一遍,这时,所有人都看向她。 www.bing.com 1. As you might know Innodb storage engines uses Fuzzy Checkpointing technique as part of it recovery strategy. 你可能知道,Innodb存储引擎使用模糊检查点技术作为其恢复策略的一部分。 bbs.linuxpk.com 2. I grew very weak. I asked one of the workers if he could start the engines. He said he would try. I fell asleep on the ground. 我变的非常最弱。我问其中一个工人他能不能打来发动机。他说他会尽力的。我躺在地上睡着了。 www.unsv.com 3. This aspect of Google (and, really, all major search engines) is crippling if you're really trying to get out a message. 如果您要查找图像中消息,Google(实际上大多数搜索引擎都是这样)就无能为力了。 www.ibm.com 4. There is no doubt that this will stifle the advance of the science around search engines. 毫无疑问这将抑制搜索引擎科学的进步。 www.bing.com 5. Now he knows his way around the boat, sir, he knows the engines, the compressed air system, the batteries, all that. 长官,他对舰上的事是懂的,象机器、空气压缩系统、电池组什么的,他全懂。 www.kuenglish.info 6. NATO took the threat seriously enough to limit military exercises after volcanic glass built up in fighter engines. 因火山玻璃岩影响了战斗机引擎,北约限制了军事演习。 cn.reuters.com 7. Many search engines take account of the number of links to a website when they return the results of a search. 很多搜索引擎在返回搜索结果一时,都考虑某一网站所获取的链接数。 www.ecocn.org 8. But, with a bit of modification, many diesel engines will run on unesterified vegetable oil, too. 但是稍作修改的话,许多柴油发动机也能用未经酯化的植物油。 www.bing.com 9. Troadec said the parts of the wreckage that had been found consisted of "engines and certain elements of the wings. " 特罗德克说,飞机残骸已经找到的部分主要是“飞机引擎和相当一部分的机翼组件”。 www.bing.com 10. In the case of automobile engines, the mixture in the cylinder , after being compressed, must be hot enough to ignite. 对于汽车发动机来说,气缸中的可燃混合气被压缩后,必须有足够的热量才能被点燃。 chinafanyi.com 1. Prof Prasad said: "The engines of world growth are running out of steam while the trailing wagons are going off the rails. " 普拉萨德教授表示:“世界经济增长的各大发动机正在失去动力,而后面拖着的车厢正在脱轨。” www.ftchinese.com 2. He said it has super maneuverability due to its thrust-vectored engines that allow for sharp turns. 具有超强的机动性,由于其推力矢量发动机的允许急转弯。 www.tianya.cn 3. I struggled with it since the very beginning of writing 3D engines and still have no satisfactory solution to it. 在我写3D引擎的开始阶段就开始和它斗争并且一直没有满意的解决方法。 blog.csdn.net 4. Two types of lubricating systems have been used on four-cycle automotive engines, splash and combination splash and pressure feed. 四行程发动机使用两种润滑系统:飞溅式润滑和飞溅压力结合送油式润滑。 www.jukuu.com 5. This device has always been a feature of Gardner engines where it is coupled to the accelerator control. 此装置是加德纳发动机的一个特征,总是和加速器控制连接在一起。 bbs.exue.com 6. Just as your business card tells who you are and what you do, Meta content tells the search engines the relevance and context of a web page. 正如您的名片告诉你是谁和你做,梅塔的内容告诉搜索引擎的相关性和语境的一个网页。 hi.baidu.com 7. To save fuel, why not start the engines only when the aircraft is ready to leave and is cleared to taxi to the runway without queuing ? 为了节约燃料,飞机为什么不仅在做好起飞准备,不用排队等候,可以直接滑行的情况下发动引擎? www.showxiu.com 8. The company said the fuel lines can break under extreme conditions, causing the engines to malfunction. 这家公司说,这些燃油管在极端状况下会破裂,导致汽车引擎发生故障。 www.hxen.com 9. The key question is how much of the Search market can vertical search engines bite off? 问题的关键在于搜索市场的垂直搜索引擎究竟可以占领多大的市场份额呢? www.bing.com 10. As an example of how much work goes into the engines, the sump alone takes 40 hours to build up. 作为一个例子,有多少工作进入引擎,油底壳仅需要40个小时建立。 chinway.com.cn 1. The downside of application engines is the fact that they seem to relieve the programmer from worrying about the security of the token. 应用程序引擎的下面反应了这样的事实:他们看起来是把程序员从标识安全性问题的担忧中释放出来。 www.ibm.com 2. The range is all based around diesel engines from a respectable 84 PS up to a whopping 174 PS which really is a flying machine. 射程大约是出于一个像样柴油机多达84聚苯乙烯174聚苯乙烯其中高速真是个飞行器。 qc.tag100.cn 3. One of the plane's engines caught fire but the airports' firefighters were able to quickly put it out, Gen. Paez said. 他说,飞机的一个发动机着火,但很快被机场消防员扑灭。 c.wsj.com 4. Early jet engines had narrow inlets and were very noisy, but as the diameter of the fans at the front increased, the engines became quieter. 早期的喷气式发动机进气口狭窄且噪音巨大,但是随着前部风扇直径的增大,发动机变得越来越安静。 www.ecocn.org 5. I think the challenge is to get something, you know we had a search engine that was better than the other search engines. 我认为,我们面对挑战是要拿出东西来,我们有一个比其他搜索引擎更好的搜索引擎。 www.24en.com 6. There was a roaring in Marjourie's ears and a faraway thudding that was not the ship's engines but her pounding heart. 玛卓丽耳朵里一阵雷鸣,又觉得远处有轰隆轰隆的声音,这并不是船上引擎发出来的,而是她的心房在怦怦地跳。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Some of his shots pierced the German planes, and they would blow up in plural explosions as both engines caught fire. 其中有一些射中了德国飞机,当两个引擎都着火了的时候,飞机就会爆炸。 www.kekenet.com 8. he took , when he was a school - boy , to constructing steam - engines out of saucepans. 当他还是个小学生的时候,他就喜欢用小锅做蒸汽机。 www.ichacha.net 9. It would be a return, in a way, to a time when older steam engines once worked in the fields. 从某种程度上说,人们可能会回到旧蒸汽机工作在田野上的时代。 www.ecocn.org 10. Training for the next-generation of engines coincides with that for new aircraft -- make it operationally oriented. 下一代发动机的培训和新机型培训同步,也是以操作为中心。 www.china-cam.cn 1. Qantas CEO Joyce said the company had as many as 14 engines may be replaced, it is not clear when the A380 aircraft can resume flying. 昆达士总裁乔伊斯表示,该公司有多达14部引擎可能被更换,因此目前还不清楚这些A380型客机何时可以恢复飞行。 www.englishtang.com 2. The engines roar in your ears as you move towards the open door. Then you're outside, falling with the wind whipping past your ears. 当你走向机门的时候耳朵里满是飞机引擎的轰隆声,接着你跳出飞机,强风扑面而来。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. A US government official said the plane had been involved in a bird strike that disabled both of the aircraft's engines. 一名美国政府官员说,这架飞机撞上了一只飞鸟,致使两个发动机出现故障。 www.bing.com 4. Currently, there is no support for creating additional GTK engines. However, you can visit Themes. org to see what may be in store. 目前不支持创建额外的GTK引擎,但是您可以访问Themes.org以了解未来发展计划。 www.ibm.com 5. The pilot appeared to be as cool as a cucumber even when one of the engines was on fire. 即使在飞机引擎着火时,飞行员也表现得镇定自若。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. That the engines do not add more oil rather less, add less easy to burn bearings, Cadogan point has little to do. 认为发动机加机油宁多勿少,加少了容易烧轴承,加多点关系不大。 www.xiami360.com 7. As the engines of much global economic growth, corporations were inevitably at the heart of any solution. 而作为全球经济发展的最大动力,协作很显然就成为了这一举措的核心。 www.ecocn.org 8. Existing aircraft engines would be replaced with a new design that was embedded in and slightly above the body of the aeroplane. 现役飞机的引擎结构将被内置式并安置在略高于机身位置的新型设计所替代。 www.ecocn.org 9. It would be a return, in a way, to a time when old-fashioned steam engines once worked in the fields. 到时,老式的蒸汽机又将穿行在田间,从某个角度来看,这真是一种“倒退”。 www.ecocn.org 10. There used to be a simple rule for any company seeking prime placement for its advertising messages on internet search engines: pay up. 过去,任何公司想在互联网搜索引擎上为自己的广告消息寻找最佳投放位置,都有一个简单的规则:付钱。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It comes nearer to the engines with which man has 'conquered' the air, as he boasts. 它更近乎于人类自夸的“征服”了空气的发动机。 www.kekenet.com 2. For those firms that depend on trading, it is clear how much the engines of Wall Street have slowed. 对于那些依靠交易的公司,他们非常清楚华尔街的引擎减慢了多少。 www.bing.com 3. You may have done every single thing right. , but your site is still not showing up in the search engines for your target keywords. 你可能做对了每件事,但你的网站却没有出现在搜索引擎上。 www.bing.com 4. Officials may have to fire the space station's engines to nudge it out of the way. 有关人员可能必须向太空站引擎射击以便把太空垃圾挤出那个轨道。 bbs.putclub.com 5. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 6. Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines. 工程师在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内燃机。 www.kekenet.com 7. But those search engines (by design) take a lot more liberty with the formatting and appearance of a target page, and leave out a lot more. 但那些搜索引擎(按设计)在目标页面的格式以及外观方面有更多的自由度,同时会去掉许多内容。 www.ibm.com 8. All we've got to do, - it'll be extra work - is to make sure that these engines remain sealed and are untouched. 所有我们需要做的就是确保引擎的保持密闭状态,没有被触碰。 ferrari-china.com 9. One of the STOVL engines in Florida is experiencing more than seven years of operational use in about six months. 在佛罗里达州垂直起降的发动机之一,是在大约六个月经历七年多的运行使用年限。 www.fyjs.cn 10. Our pressure sensors and standard pressure gauges can be found in the onboard equipment of the most up-to-date and powerful fire engines . 强大的消防车和车载设备上都能找到我们的压力传感器和压力仪表。 www.bing.com 1. The engines of our economy are slowly beginning to turn, and we are working toward historic reform of health care and energy. 我国经济的引擎正逐步恢复运转。我们也正在为具有历史意义的医疗和能源改革而努力。 www.america.gov 2. Most people show up on Google or Yahoo search engines, and you may be able to get an email address or even a phone number for your friend. 大多数人的资料会出现在谷歌或雅虎搜索引擎上面,你可以从中知道朋友的邮箱地址,甚至可以知道朋友的电话号码。 www.foodmate.net 3. It`s quieter, but only slightly: the wind drowns out the engines as it buffets the tail and wings. 这只是更加安静,但只是轻微些:风扑打着尾翼和机翼的声音吞没了引擎声。 www.bing.com 4. Like carmakers, they are trying to combine internal-combustion engines and electric motors to save fuel. 和汽车制造商一样,他们正试图将内燃机引擎和电动机结合起来以便节省燃油。 www.bing.com 5. It is not an attempt to insert several disjointed , thesaurus-sounding keywords into the copy just to make it rank high in search engines. 插入不是一种尝试一些脱节,辞典-探通术牛鼻子字进入副本之内只是在搜寻引擎中使它成为繁茂的高度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Rick spread his hands atop the console and leaned toward an on-screen computer-enhanced translation of the engines' subatomic fire. 瑞克把头伸向控制台上方并尽量靠近屏幕,屏幕上面强化的显示着引擎原子内着火的景象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. All this is difficult for aircraft-makers, who are used to being able to hang competing engines off the same wing. 所有的这些都是给飞机制造商的难题,他们往往习惯于决定在同样的机型上加载竞争型号的发动机。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Japanese export machine was powered by just a few engines, notably cars and electronics. 日本的出口只靠屈指可数的几项龙头带动,例如汽车与电器。 www.ecocn.org 9. It makes sense for the community to expect vehicle owners to pay to maintain their engines, and to pay a fine if they fail to do so. 因此,整个社会有权要求车主适当保养汽车引擎。如车主未能照办,理应缴付罚款,这要求实在是很合理的。 www.hplb.gov.hk 10. Distribution deals with hardware makers have become one of the main weapons the search engines have used in their battle to win new users. 与硬件制造商的分销协议已成为搜索引擎赢得新用户的主要武器之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mobilized a large number of fire engines to the scene as the rescue work, the U. S. Navy based in a local airport was closed. 由于征调大批消防车前往现场进行抢救工作,美国海军设在当地的一个机场被迫关闭。 www.englishtang.com 2. In terms of energy use, that would amount to 90 miles (150 kilometers) of "Corvettes bumper to bumper with their engines revving, " he said. 在能源使用方面,世界总共有90英里(150千米)“轻巡洋舰开足马力接踵前行”。他说。 www.bing.com 3. One example of such a striking shift was the changeover to jet engines in commercial aircraft. 一个这样鲜明变化的例子是在商业飞机上的喷气式发动机的转变。 www.bing.com 4. owing to the dissimilar combustion mode , their working process is different form that of solid rocket motors and the liquid rocket engines. 由于氧化剂和燃料的燃烧方式不同,固液火箭发动机工作过程和液体火箭发动机及固体火箭发动机有很大的区别。 www.ichacha.net 5. The UIMA type system defines the various types of objects that might be found in documents and that can be extracted by analysis engines. UIMA类型系统定义能够在文档中找到并且能够被分析引擎提取的各种对象的类型。 www.ibm.com 6. He said that if both engines of the plane had failed, the aircraft would become like a "glider" . 他说,如果飞机的两个引擎都已经停转的话,飞机就像一架“滑翔机。” www.bing.com 7. Combined the engines have twice the power of a Formula 1 car and it's remarkably easy to drive. 结合发动机有两次一级方程式的力量的车,而且是非常容易驾驶。 www.bing.com 8. Rules engines are often used to implement and enforce policy "decisions" in an operational runtime environment. 常常使用规则引擎在操作运行时环境中实现和实施策略“决策”。 www.ibm.com 9. Backlinks on URLS should be active straight away. We expect them to be picked up in search engines within 72 hours. URL的反向链接应该马上被激活。我们期望他们能够在搜索引擎注册采摘72小时内。 www.bing.com 10. Backlinks on URLS's should be active right away. I expect them to be picked up in search engines within 1 week maximum! 对URL的反向链接应该立即被激活。我希望他们能够在搜索引擎注册采摘1星期内最多! www.bing.com 1. Unless your website is in the first two or three pages, it is unlikely that you will receive many visitors from search engines. 除非你的网站是在第一两三页但不可能是你会得到许多游客搜索引擎。 www.cqwed.com 2. The GECO S100 is an easy-to-install, low maintenance, and expandable solution for natural gas engines. 该gecoS100的是一个易于安装,维修低,且可扩展的解决方案,天然气发动机。 dajiao.net 3. When engines are required an electrically powered water jet can be fired from below the stern to propel the boat forward. 当需要引擎时,一道电动水射流可以从船尾下面点火推动船前进。 www.ecocn.org 4. Make your website gleam, be prominent on the search engines, look out for your customers, and keep pushing your new versions out there. 让你的网站闪闪发光,成为搜索引擎上的热门,寻找你的客户,并不断推行新的版本吧。 www.bing.com 5. Readability is all-important to visitors. And after all, it's the visitors that buy your product or service, not search engines. 可读性对于访问者来说是非常重要的。毕竟购买你产品和服务的是访问者,而不是搜索引擎。 adminbar.com 6. He shut down the engines to slow the ship, for it to be abandoned. 他关掉发动机使轮船慢了下来,这会使弃船逃生更容易。 wenku.baidu.com 7. 'How many aircraft can China produce a year if Russia stops selling its engines to Beijing? ' Li said. 他说,要是俄罗斯不再向北京出售发动机,中国一年能够生产多少架飞机? c.wsj.com 8. Turbochargers can be mounted to its own exhaust manifold but on inline engines, both turbos can be mounted on the same manifold. 涡轮增压器可以安装到自己的排气歧管但直列发动机上,都可以安装增压器在同一在静听着的松林之间。 www.bing.com 9. 'This is nothing new and has never had any noticeable impact on any search engines, including Baidu, ' he said. 他说,这里面没有什么新的内容,从未对百度等搜索引擎产生明显影响。 www.bing.com 10. Together they set up a factory which produced all kinds of steam engines at the rate of about 20 a year for the next 30 years or so . 此后30年,他们合作开办了一家专门生产各种蒸汽发动机的工厂,每年生产发动机20台。 www.jukuu.com 1. Electric cars (at least the ones without petrol engines to top up the battery) demand that they do. 电动汽车(至少指那些没有汽油发动机来充电的车子)却要求车主这么做。 www.ecocn.org 2. Further, a lot needs to be put in to ensure that the site shows up in relevant search engines. 此外,很多需要被放入网站来确保网站在相关的搜索引擎中出现。 www.bing.com 3. You will have the best performance if you plan for at least one more Intel Core processor than the number of engines you intend to deploy. 如果与想要部署的引擎数量相比,您想要至少多出一个的Intel内核处理器,那么您将会多达最佳的性能。 www.ibm.com 4. Frank: One of the initial goals of GraniteDS was to leverage all features of JPA engines, starting with lazy-loading and Hibernate. Frank:GraniteDS最初的一个目标就是利用JPA引擎的所有特性,从延迟加载和Hibernate开始。 www.infoq.com 5. "The shift in focus means that even traditional internal combustion engines could now see beneficial policies, " he said. “这一重点转移意味着,即使是传统的内燃发动机,现在也可能享受优惠政策,”他表示。 mypig.wordpress.com 6. Most were unaware that for the first dozen miles or so, the train's engines were plugged into the solar energy source fitted along the line. 大多数人没有发现,在列车行驶的前10几英里,车的发动机是插在安装在铁路线的太阳能源头上。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 7. So, designing a site is one thing, and ensuring it shows up in relevant searches on search engines; quite another. 所以,设计一个网站是一回事,确保网站在搜索引擎上搜索时显示出来是另一回事。 www.bing.com 8. The steady drone of the jet engines suddenly changed pitch. Jack opened his eyes, instantly alert, surprised he'd slept at all. 喷气发动机单调稳定的嗡嗡声突然变了个调子,杰克顿时警觉地睁开双眼,心里讶异着自己怎么会睡着。 www.bing.com 9. My neighbors slowed their cars to wave as they passed, and a few people stopped to chat, their engines rumbling idly. 邻居们从此经过时,他们放慢车速向我打着招呼,还有几个人会停下车来闲聊,而让发动机隆隆地空转着。 www.bing.com 10. Just up the highway, Mercury Marine, which makes outboard motors and marine engines, has a similar agreement with its factory workers. 沿着高速公路上行,MercuryMarine,舷外机械和轮船发动机制造商,和他们的雇员达成了一项类似的协议。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Customer shall provide the Developer with a list of the search engines to be included within Developer's services hereunder. 客户应向开发方提供拟纳入本协议项下开发方服务范围内的搜索引擎清单。 translation168.lingdi.net 2. Mitsubishi Motors was one of the first to popularise the use of balance shafts in straight-four engines built from the 1970s onwards. 在19世纪70年代前所制造的直列四缸引擎中三菱引擎就是第一个推广平衡轴的使用的。 www.ecocn.org 3. As search engines like to read text, you should consider avoiding the use of graphics near top of your website, whenever it is possible. 就如同搜索引擎读取文本那样,你应该考虑尽量不要在你的网站顶部使用图形,不管任何时候都应该是这样的。 luohailiaihj.blog.163.com 4. But search engines like Google tends to ignore some common keywords such as "you" , "a" , "the" , and "what" . 但是,像谷歌的搜索引擎往往忽视,例如“你”,“1”的一些常见的关键字“的”和“什么”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The great engines of the search for goodness have been religions and mass political movements, especially socialism in its various forms. 追求善的主力军一直是宗教和大众政治运动,尤其形式各异的社会主义运动。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Its engineered construction has no complicated mechanics, and redundant engines. 而且它没有复杂的机器配置和多余的发动机。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 7. Unlike traditional reporting engines, the data used for cloud analytics can reside in a number of locations outside the reporting engine. 跟传统的报告引擎不同,用于云分析的数据可以驻留在报告引擎外面的很多位置中。 www.ibm.com 8. This example may not work on other SOAP engines and has not been tested on any other SOAP engine. 这个例子在其它SOAP引擎上可能不能运行,而且也没有在其它SOAP引擎上测试过。 www.ibm.com 9. What was once ethereal and fleeting, the adoration of strangers, is now recorded for digital posterity in search engines and Web forums. 曾经虚无飘渺的受欢迎度如今也可以通过搜索引擎和互联网的数据记录在案。 www.bing.com 10. GE has also found a way to lighten metal components, including some for engines, by "printing" rather than forging them. 通用电气还发明了一种减轻金属部件重量的方法,这也适用于发动机一些零部件,通过“印刷”实现而不是传统的锻造法。 www.ecocn.org 1. The result of this shift of energy is improvement in overall efficiency for internal combustion engines. 的结果,这一转变的能量是改善整体效率内燃机。 usa.315che.com 2. Think of metasearch engines as the middleman between you and a large group of search engines. 在你和一大群搜索引擎之间的中间人认为是中间搜索引擎。 lib.bjut.edu.cn 3. XML sitemaps validator identifies any sitemap problems for you to resolve before you inform search engines. XML站点地图验证器为您识别任何站点地图问题,以在您通知搜索引擎之前把问题解决了。 www.ibm.com 4. A few modern engines use cast crankshafts, made of special cast-iron containing chromium, nickel, and molybdenum. 多数现代柴油机是整体曲轴,用碳钢或含有镍、铬和钼的合金钢锻造而成。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The probe, called Akatsuki, which means dawn, appears to have not fired its engines enough to inject it into the proper orbit. 这颗名为“黎明”的探测器看起来未能如期启动火箭发动机,助其入轨。 www.china.org.cn 6. A congressional aide says a military fighter jet crashed into a San Diego neighborhood after both of its engines failed. 国会助理称军方的战斗机两个引擎失去动力后在圣地亚哥居民区失事。 bbs.putclub.com 7. One morning, the ship's engines stopped, and there was a feeling of excitement in the ship. 一个早晨,船的马达终于停止了,船上有一种令人兴奋的气氛。 www.kekenet.com 8. The best way is to limit the number of engines, and use linkages to transfer from circular motion to a. . . . say. . . . walking motion. 最好的方法就是限制引擎的数量,使用连杆机构把圆周运动转变成…呃,就是…步行运动。 www.game798.com 9. Recommendation engines are the enemy of serendipity and Great Books and the avant-garde. 推荐引擎绝对与那些奇遇发现、伟大著作和前卫派们势不两立。 www.bing.com 10. Unicom said the handsets' manufacturers would choose which search engines to use instead. 联通称,将由手机制造商决定采用什么搜索引擎作为替代。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Gasoline engines can be very noisy due to the combustion or explosion of the fuel. 汽油引擎,可以很嘈杂,由于燃烧或爆炸的燃料。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. There's no lock-in with a Google search engine. If you want to have six different search engines all on your desktop, you can do that. 谷歌搜索引擎不会进行锁定,你想在桌面上放六个不同的搜索引擎都可以,这随你的便。 www.fanyitie.com 3. To determine the correct country for each page for organic search is no more than a good guess by the search engines. 为了进行有机搜索,判断每个页面的正确国家不能仅仅依靠搜索引擎的猜测。 www.ibm.com 4. Ben: Some view engines (such as Spark) make it trivially easy to place content in different areas of the page. Ben:对于某些视图引擎(比如Spark),将内容放在页面的不同区域是非常简单的。 www.infoq.com 5. It means that aircraft can be towed closer to a runway before take-off, substantially reducing the time that engines need to be running. 这就意味着飞机在起飞前将会被拖到就近的跑道,最大化地减少了发动机运行的时间。 www.tigtag.com 6. The small, six-person tourist vessel boosts up further with its own engines, poking into space, before heading back down. 这艘小的、搭载六位不雅参观客的飞船操作它自己的引擎继续向上推,荡入太空,然后失踪头下降。 www.suiniyi.com 7. Engines, munitions, wiring and electronics are all recycled to help lower the cost of maintaining the current-day fleet. 为了降低现役飞机的维护费用,这些退役飞机的发动机、弹药、线路甚至电子产品都可以回收利用。 www.bing.com 8. Therefore, search engine ranking algorithm will become the focus of many search engines is one of the key problems. 因此,搜索引擎排序算法也就成为众多搜索引擎关注的关键问题之一。 www.boshuo.net 9. Such a low share left rising investment and trade surpluses as the main engines of Chinese growth. 这一低百分比使得处于上升趋势的投资和贸易顺差成为了中国发展的主动力。 www.bing.com 10. Change speech recognition engines to dictate in another language or to use a third-party engine. 更改语音识别引擎以用另一种语言口述或使用第三方引擎。 office.microsoft.com 1. Making jet engines able to work at extreme temperatures is an extraordinary achievement. 让喷气发动机能够在极限温度下运转,是一项非凡的成就。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Create your pages with a good user experience in mind, and your users will thank you -- and the search engines will reward you. 应该创建具有良好的用户体验的页面,用户会感谢您,搜索引擎也会因此奖励您。 www.ibm.com 3. And yet, while no country is immune from financial contagion, Asia does have independent engines of growth. 不过,虽然这次金融风暴波及全球各国,但亚洲拥有其自身的发展原动力。 www.bing.com 4. Failure of the active server within the messaging cluster results in failover to one of the stand-by messaging engines. 消息传递集群中的活动服务器的失败将导致故障转移至备用消息传递引擎。 www.ibm.com 5. Make it easy for your visitors to social bookmark your website, creating important links that the search engines value. 这让浏览者更容易收藏你的网站,搜索引擎也会给予权重。 www.seowhy.com 6. Some of the best sources for keyword search phrases are the suggestion tools provided by the pay-per-click search engines. 一些最佳来源搜索关键字句所提供的工具,建议付费点击搜索引擎。 www.kk665.com 7. D, three- dimensional interface test . Accessibility , change your habits . Search engines let you into a wonderful journey start. 三维立体式测试界面。方便你的网络浏览,改变你的生活习惯。让搜索引擎变成你奇妙之旅的开端。 www.bing.com 8. You have to list your local phone number, with the area code, to help the engines connect you to your location. 你必须将自己的本地电话张贴上去,附带上邮政编码,以让搜索引擎能够将这些信息与你的方位联系起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Much like JSPs, template engines make it easier to separate the concerns of a view into a separate entity, such as a JSP or a template file. 与JSP类似,模板引擎会简化将视图关注的内容分隔成单独的实体,例如JSP或模板文件。 www.ibm.com 10. The creators of these search engines have collected trusted sources of information for a given subject. 这些搜索引擎的创建者针对特定的主题收集了各种可靠的信息来源。 www.google.com 1. Such a warning could be critical for air traffic, since ash emitted by volcanoes is especially hazardous to jet engines. 这样的警告对于空中交通可能是至关重要的,因为火山喷射出来的火山灰对于喷气式发动机而言非常危险。 ngmchina.com.cn 2. Describe the concept of topic modeling and how modern search engines might use it to improve the quality of their results. 以及现在的搜索引擎如何利用它来改善搜索结果的质量? www.bing.com 3. Prior to creating the messaging engines, a policy defining the behavior of request processing across the cluster needs to be defined. 在创建消息引擎之前,需要定义通过集群的请求处理的行为策略。 www.ibm.com 4. Under the hood is the standard array of engines for Peugeot models of this size, which is not to say that they're not any good. 引擎盖下是标准的发动机标致模式这种规模,这并不是说他们没有任何好处。 usa.315che.com 5. Although it helps to understand the math behind these engines, it's not necessary to use and enjoy them. 虽然理解这些引擎背后的理论会很有帮助,但不是必须要使用它们。 www.ibm.com 6. They key is to make it easy for search engines to understand the changes being made. 关键是让搜索引擎非常容易地理解这些改变。 www.bing.com 7. The technology of surface modification was an efficient way to increase fatigue life of the mainshaft bearing of the aircraft engines. 表面改性处理技术是一种提高航空发动机主轴轴承疲劳寿命的有效途径。 www.dictall.com 8. Increasingly, engines are designed with rollers at the contact points to let the parts work with less resistance. 越来越多,发动机被设计成在接触点用滚子(或滚珠)来让部件以较小阻力工作。 blog.163.com 9. Conditional compilation variables and statements can hide JScript code from engines that do not support conditional compilation. 条件编译的变量和语句可以将来自不支持条件编译的引擎的JScript代码隐藏起来。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Fagan Finder: Check out a search engine aggregator with an option to search across engines for XML files. FaganFinder:查阅这个含有在引擎中搜索XML文件选项的搜索引擎聚合程序。 www.ibm.com 1. Sunlight could also be used for operating solar ovens, heat engines, and thermal management systems. 太阳光也可以直接为太阳能烤箱、热力发动机和热力经营系统提供热源。 www.bing.com 2. Backlinks on URLS should be active right away. I'd expect them to be picked up in search engines within 1-3 days. . . URL的反向链接应该是主动的时候了。我期望他们能够在搜索引擎注册采摘1-3天之内… www.bing.com 3. XML sitemaps are created especially for search engines, and they're not useful to human visitors like an HTML sitemap would be. XML网站地图更多的是给搜索引擎使用的,它并不像HTML网站地图那样对访问者非常有用。 www.elanso.com 4. Your Rails 3 application can use one of a number of compatible object-relational mappers (ORM), template engines, and test frameworks. 您的Rails3应用程序可以使用一些兼容的对象关系映射器(ORM)、模板引擎和测试框架。 www.ibm.com 5. Aviation: "Green" jet engines, able to power aircraft while producing fewer emissions, are under development. Which design will prevail? 航空:能够在驱动飞机时减少排放的“绿色”喷气引擎正在发展。其中哪种设计将获得胜利呢? bbs.ecocn.org 6. The little scrapper piloted a Podracer with immense engines . . . too big, it would seem, for the tight confines of the Laguna Caves. 这个小而好斗的家伙开了一个引擎无比巨大的赛车……太大了貌似,在过拉古纳山洞的时候。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Lycoming provides piston engines with four, six and eight cylinders and replacement parts for the general aviation market. 莱康眀为通用航空市场供应四到八缸的系列活塞式发动机和相关配件。 word.hcbus.com 8. Similar to other search engines, Google, Mountain View, Calif. , uses such a list to flag search results that could harm a user's computer. 同其它搜索引擎一样,谷歌也使用这样的清单标注可能对用户电脑有害的搜索结果。 www.gjjy.com 9. Up to now, research as regarding to condition monitoring and fault diagnosis technique of marine engines has been paid widespread attention. 长久以来,船舶柴油机的状态监测与故障诊断技术的研究都得到了广泛的重视,其诊断的新方法和设备也层出不穷。 www.fabiao.net 10. How do you think Toyota supplying engines to Williams is going to affect Midland next year? Will it be a help or a hindrance? 你认为丰田公司为威廉姆斯提供引擎会在明年对米德兰车队造成怎样的影响?是帮助还是阻碍? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It is relatively cheap if utilizing the best-of-breed federation engines, assuming a federated server infrastructure is in place. 假定已经配备了联合服务器基础设施,则使用最好的联合引擎会相对较为廉价。 www.ibm.com 2. Just a few weeks later, he placed a new order for another 36 vehicles, all with eight-hp engines. 就在几个星期后,他又订购了另外36辆汽车,每辆汽车都拥有8马力的引擎。 kk.dongxi.net 3. At this point one of the engines burst into flame. 这时,有一个引擎燃烧起来了。 4. In addition, there is a lot less heat build up in the cylinders from ring friction due to the finer honing pattern used in modern engines. 另外,由于现代发动机油缸使用精磨技术,由摩擦环产生的摩擦热要小得多。 www.mychery.net 5. This made it necessary to provide several of his engines, usually, for a single mine, and at each level. 这使得有必要提供一些他的引擎,通常一个矿,并在每个层面。 blog.cnii.com.cn 6. An ashless, alcohol-free additive that improves cetane up to seven points for increased power and performance in all diesel engines. 一个无灰,无酒精添加剂,提高十六烷值为增加力量和所有柴油发动机的性能7分。 www.9i7.cn 7. The speed with which the teams finished the contest speaks to the problems with current antivirus engines, Howard said. Howard说,参赛队的完赛速度提醒当前的防病毒引擎存在问题。 www.bing.com 8. Did you know that Google, Bing, and Yahoo are not the only search engines around. 您是否知道,谷歌冰,雅虎并不是唯一的搜索引擎了。 www.bing.com 9. A swarm of bloggers posting about new products, often positively, ends up in search engines. 蚁攒张贴新产品,往往正面下首搜索引擎。 www.chinavalue.net 10. Secondly, the article title should be as highly original, and do different, baidu search engines like the new article. 其次,文章标题应该尽可能的高度原创,并做到与众不同,百度搜索引擎喜欢新文章。 www.82g.com.cn 1. We currently have car problems on the poor adapt to the Bridgestone tires , engines (power) gap, as well as aerodynamic deficiencies. 我们当前赛车的问题有对普利司通轮胎的糟糕适应,引擎(动力)上的差距以及空气动力学方面的不足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. But at a glance, the efficient wing design and engines appear to be holding up their end of the deal. 粗看之下,更有效的机翼与发动机设计保证了公司有效的实现他们的目标。 www.bing.com 3. Currently, for web users over the age of 25, Adult Entertainment still ranks high in popularity, coming in second, after search engines. 目前为止,对于25岁以上的族群,成人娱乐类的网站仍是很热门的,仅次于第一名的搜寻引擎网站之后。 www.bing.com 4. For an engine of a given horsepower, single cylinder engines require large flywheels to keep the momentary speed variations. 对于一定马力的发动机来说,单气缸发动机需要较大的飞轮来保持其瞬时速度的变化。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. You can be one page one with the the most awful looking blog out there! Search engines do not care about flash and design. 你的博客可以只有一页,页面的设计可以相当简陋,但搜索引擎不会去考虑你博客中的动画和排版。 www.elanso.com 6. Story-level headlines are important to readers and search engines, and they show up in newsreaders and other content aggregators as well. 故事级别标题对于读者和搜索引擎是非常重要的。它们会出现在新闻阅读源或其他聚合当中。 www.bing.com 7. Google Suggest, like the similar services offered by other search engines, streamlines the discovery of information. 与其他搜索引擎提供的类似服务,谷歌推荐令寻找信息变得更加高效。 www.bing.com 8. This recursive packaging allows you to build complex analysis engines out of simpler ones. 这种递归式打包允许您通过简单的分析引擎构建复杂的分析引擎。 www.ibm.com 9. Search engines might help you find content containing specific words, but that content might not be exactly what you want. 搜索引擎可以帮助您找到包含特定单词的内容,但是这些内容可能并不是您想要的。 www.ibm.com 10. Since he had modelled his clay engines in the bog , his young ambition was to be an engineman. 既然他在沼泽地已经制作了粘土发动机模型,他的年轻梦想就是要成为一名机械师。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Rolls-Royce, for instance, which makes pricey aircraft engines, rents them out to airlines, billing them for the time that they run. 例如,生产昂贵飞机引擎的劳斯莱斯公司,现在就将引擎出租给航空公司,并按照运行时间收费。 www.ecocn.org 2. Follow them through, and you'll then be ready to submit to the engines. 遵循这些要点,你就为提交给引擎做好了充分的准备了。 www.bing.com 3. Jet engines handle so much air that pressurization supplies can be bled from them under great pressure, and already very hot. 喷气式发动机处理如此多的空气以至于增压供给在高压的状态下会泄漏空气,并且温度很高。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The trouble is, says Axel Lange, the company's founder, combustion engines are noisy, vibrate a lot and require plenty of maintenance. 公司的创始人AxelLange说,问题在于,内燃机工作噪音大,有震动并且需要足够的保养。 www.ecocn.org 5. The American company has reworked engines that it produces in its Chonqqing factory, so they could be used in rice harvesters and planters. 这家美国公司对重庆工厂的产品进行了修改,从而使其用于稻米收获和种植。 chinese.wsj.com 6. If your traffic comes purely from search engines, then using an exact match domain name may be a smart decision for you. 如果你的流量纯粹来源于搜索引擎,那么使用一个完全匹配的域名可能是您的明智之举。 www.bing.com 7. That would mean that almost all of your website would go unseen by the search engines, making you look irrelevant to all of your keywords. 这就意味着你网站的大部分内容会被搜索引擎无视,使你的站点看上去与你所有的索引关键词无关。 www.bing.com 8. Engines are also built with horizontal cylinders, usually one or two, in a few cases with three cylinders. 发动机也制成水平的形式,常见的有一缸或者两缸,也有一些是三缸。 blog.tianya.cn 9. This link type tells search engines which document is considered by the author to be the starting point of the collection. 该链接类型可以告知搜索引擎哪一个文档是作者认为的集合起始点。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Consult Woodward to discuss how the OH1 system can be applied and calibrated for your production engines. 谘询伍德沃德讨论如何oh1系统可应用于和校准,为您的生产引擎。 genset.hk 1. Here, I introduce you to Smarty, one of the most popular PHP template engines. 在这里,我向您介绍Smarty,它是最流行的PHP模板引擎之一。 www.ibm.com 2. The craziness goes even further - ordinary search engines are really effective at finding unauthorized copyrighted content as well. 管制做得更过火——普通搜索引擎还可以搜索到未授权的版权保护内容。 www.linux-ren.org 3. Diesel and gas-burning engines can be divided into two groups based on the number of piston strokes per cycle, either four or two. 根据每一次工作循环活塞运动的行程数,柴油发动机和汽油发动机可以分为两种类型,四冲程或者两冲程。 blog.tianya.cn 4. The general search engine (GSE) provides service to the users by dispensing the users' requests to the factual search engines. 通用搜索引擎(GSE)通过将用户的请求分发给实际的搜索引擎来为用户提供服务。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 5. But Subaru has decided to separate the two versions of the turbocharged engines into transmission groups. 但斯巴鲁已决定单独的两个版本的涡轮增压发动机到传输的群体。 usa.315che.com 6. To get the blood safely back into the patient, Dr. Kolff copied the design of a water-pump coupling used in Ford motor engines. 为了将血液安全地回输到患者体内,科尔夫博士仿制了福特汽车发动机水泵装置设计。 news.dxy.cn 7. If the information differs, routing engines exchange OrgInfo packets to determine which server has the most up-to-date information. 如果信息不同,路由引擎将交换OrgInfo数据包,以确定哪一台服务器拥有最新的信息。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The company said it had received more than $4. 5bn of orders for Trent 700 engines since July. 该公司表示,自7月份以来已接到超过45亿美元的遄达700型发动机订单。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Specifically for this example, PHP must have the cURL extensions for accessing the search engines (see Resources for a download link). 特定于本例,PHP必须带有cURL扩展才能访问搜索引擎(参阅参考资料中的下载链接)。 www.ibm.com 10. It comes nearer to the engines with which man has 'conquered' the air. 它更近乎于“征服”了空气的发动机。 www.jukuu.com 1. Consult Woodward to discuss how the PG-08 system can be applied and calibrated for your production engines. 谘询伍德沃德讨论如何的PG-08系统,可用于和校准,为您的生产引擎。 genset.hk 2. Consult Woodward to discuss how the MI-04 system can be applied and calibrated for your production engines. 谘询伍德沃德讨论如何米-04系统,可用于和校准,为您的生产引擎。 genset.hk 3. I'll go on record right now about the 1649cc inline-Six: It's one of the greatest production motorcycle engines ever made. 我将会继续的纪录的1649cc马上inline-Six:这是一个伟大的生产摩托车引擎做过。 www.motorfans.com.cn 4. HTML: Probably always going to be the programming method of choice when it comes to servicing search engines and user friendly web sites. 代码有助于搜索引擎搜录,对创建用户友好性网站也至关重要。因此,它是最常见的编程首选。 www.kuhanzhu.com 5. India has no facilities for altitude-testing and flight-testing jet engines. 印度尚没有进行高空测试与飞行测试的设施。 www.tryjohn.com 6. Qantas spokesman said that shortly after take-off, the captain reported a concern about one of the engines. 澳航一名发言人表示,飞机起飞后不久,机长报告其中一个引擎存在隐患。 www.tingclass.com 7. Though it was possible to kill the engines from the wheelhouse, the ship's officers weren't trained to do so. 尽管当时从驾驶室中可以关闭引擎,但船长没有受过训练,根本就不知道该如何行事。 www.bing.com 8. He said that because Bing used more imagery than other search engines, it attracted more children. 他说,那是因为必应比其他搜索引擎里包含的图片更多,这更能吸引儿童。 www.bing.com 9. For a human it will not be possible to process such amounts of information but generally search engines deal just fine with this task. 作为一个人,将无法处理的信息,但这些款项一般搜索引擎的公正处理好这个任务。 blog.163.com 10. I wish I could go on about SOAP, but it's a broad topic so I'll let you hit the books and search engines if you're curious. 我很希望能够继续谈SOAP,但这是一个非常广泛的主题,因此我把它留给读者去探索。 www.ibm.com 1. Best of breed artificial intelligence engine, better than most PC Spades engines. 最佳品种的人工智能引擎,优于绝大多数的PC纸牌引擎。 bbs.wda.com.cn 2. For the most part, search engines will correctly detect the language of your pages without any action on your part. 在大多数情况下,搜索引擎会正确地探测出页面的语言,而不需要您采取任何措施。 www.ibm.com 3. Understanding which search engines send you qualified traffic can help you select the search engines on which you want to advertise. 了解哪些搜索引擎给您优质的流量可以帮助您选择的搜索引擎要在其上刊登广告。 www.zishu.cn 4. Twitter is said to be negotiating separately with Google and Microsoft about ways of building tweets into their search engines. 据说,Twitter正分别与Google和微软就整合搜索引擎和推文问题进行协商。 www.bing.com 5. Use Ping-O-Matic! (see Resources) to alert search engines to a new item in your RSS feed, and usually it will be indexed in a day or two. 使用Ping-O-Matic!(参见参考资料)通知搜索引擎在RSSfeed有了新条目,新条目常常会在一两天内被编入索引。 www.ibm.com 6. Multinational carmakers in China said they were ready to introduce the new engines from next month. 在华跨国汽车制造商表示,它们准备从下个月开始推出新发动机。 www.ftchinese.com 7. As lower hood lines and over square engines became popular, the semi-slipper and full-slipper pistons came into use. 由于低发动机罩和短行程发动机的进一步普及,半围延裙活塞和滑裙式活塞开始使用。 www.52jxs.com 8. PLANE loaded with passengers was flying across the country when one of the engines caught on fire. 一家载满鲁克的飞机在飞越乡村时一个引擎着火了。 sdzcw.blog.163.com 9. Hibernate is one of most popular object-relational mapping (ORM) engines providing data persistence and query services. Hibernate是最流行的对象关系映射(ORM)引擎之一,它提供了数据持久化和查询服务。 www.infoq.com 10. They believe that if more people ride bikes to work, there would be fewer automobiles in the city and less dirty air from engines. 他们相信,如果更多的人骑自行车上班,城市的汽车将会更少,从(汽车)发动机排放的污浊空气也将会更少。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. There have been hundreds of millions of internal combustion engines built , compared to thousands of Stirling engines built . 数亿的内燃机呗生产出来,而斯特灵机却只能以千记。 www.bing.com 2. Recruit links: The number of external links pointing to your content also is an important factor in how you're ranked by search engines. 吸引链接:指向你的信息的外部链接数量也是影响搜索排位的一个重要因素。 chinese.wsj.com 3. One such set of tools are the robots, spiders, and Web crawlers that aggregate information for Internet and intranet search engines. 这种工具有robot、spider和为Internet和Intranet搜索引擎搜集信息的Web爬行榜。 www.ibm.com 4. Using old motorcycle engines, he says, "keeps me on my toes. It prompts me to be a better designer. " 使用旧的摩托车引擎,如他所说,“使我格外警觉,能促使我成为一个更好的设计者。” www.suiniyi.com 5. Russian Energomash Company the major supplier of liquid fuel rocket engines to Russia's space industry, one of the russian Cosmos Group. 安那高马什公司:俄罗斯宇航业中生产液体火箭推进器的主要企业。隶属于俄罗斯宇宙集团。 www.nrsh.com 6. Significantly, the engines used in automobiles must be light in weight and their fuel consumption must be minimum. 值得注意的是,在汽车中使用,必须重量轻,其油耗引擎必须最低限度。 wenwen.soso.com 7. We have proved that our engines don't care what they use, performance on biofuel is just as good as performance on fossil-based jet fuel. 我们已然证明了,发动机并不在意它们所使用的是什么,生物混合燃料与化石燃料的性能效果完全一样。 www.bing.com 8. The cheap headsets have never done it for me, to drown out that nauseating hum of the engines. 便宜的耳机对我来说根本没有作用,那种嗡嗡声让我感觉被火车包围。 www.bing.com 9. These could be used, for instance, to construct vertical search engines that could run on Alexa's own servers or elsewhere. 这些可以用,例如,建造垂直搜索引擎,可以运行在Alexa的自己的服务器或其他地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. However, the engines of a Finnish military jet did suffer considerable damage as a result of breathing in the ash. 然而,芬兰军方的一架喷气式飞机在吸入火山灰后,遭到了相当大的损害。 www.bing.com 1. The company manufactures a range of components for aerospace and industrial gas turbine engines. 公司主要生产航空发动机及燃气轮机零部件。 www.zhaopin.com 2. Especially in baidu search engines seem to work better, , it is a machine. 特别是在百度搜索引擎上比较好用,毕竟它是个机器。 www.82g.com.cn 3. The system offers capability for both single and dual fuel on engines with up to 8 cylinders. 该系统提供的能力,单一和双燃料发动机就多达8个气瓶。 genset.hk 4. Metatags are the key words concerning the content of a web site so that the web site can be found by search engines. metatags是涉及网站内容的关键词搜索引擎,以便网页能够被搜索引擎发现。 www.bing.com 5. Metasearch engines interpret the search you enter into a format that each search engine will understand. 中间搜索引擎解释你所搜索的输入格式使每一个搜索引擎都能够明白。 lib.bjut.edu.cn 6. The sensor system is one of several that protect the shuttle's main engines by triggering their shut down if fuel runs unexpectedly low. 该传感器系统是数个保护航天飞机主引擎的系统之一,如果燃料过低,则该系统将触发关机。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. The belief that search engines make popular websites ever more popular, at the expense of other pages, is now being challenged by research. 这种认为搜索引擎通过牺牲其他网站网页而使流行网站更为流行的看法,现在正受到来自研究领域的调战。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some search engines have also reached out to the SEO industry, and are frequent sponsors and guests at SEO conferences, chats, and seminars. 有些搜索引擎也已经将触手伸向SEO产业,并且是SEO会议、交流以及研讨会的常见赞助商与来宾。 www.bing.com 9. Identify the steps and procedures which need to be followed to run such proprietary workflows on open standards runtime engines. 识别在开放标准运行是引擎上运行这样的自主工作流需要遵循的步骤和程序。 www.ibm.com 10. Asia's emerging-market growth engines appear to be downshifting in the face of rising inflation and interest rate hikes. 不断上涨的通胀率和利率面前,亚洲新兴市场的经济增长引擎似乎开始减速。 c.wsj.com 1. If you do, the search engines will likely only index one of these pages and consider all the others duplicate content. 如果你这样做,搜索引擎将这些网页可能只会指标之一,并考虑所有其他人重复的内容。 www.b2c-seo.com 2. But we live in an age of search engines, algorithms and crowded markets; it's a fight to be seen. 但我们生活的时代充满各种搜索引擎,算法和过于饱和的市场,人人都为了争夺眼球而打架。 www.bing.com 3. Dedicated search engines help you to search job vacancies in specific industries, occupations or locations. 为特定行业职位及工作地区而设的搜寻器。 www.jobs.gov.hk 4. Then Eric arrived. He tooted his whistle and pushed with all his strength. He pushed the four engines and four engines pushed the rock. 艾利克到了,它吹起口哨,用所有的力气推。它推四个火车头,四个火车头推石块。 www.zww.cn 5. Finally, Eric Lippert, one of the developers of the scripting engines, has a great post on closures in general. 最后,EricLippert,脚本解释器的开发工程师之一,写过很多关于闭包的帖子。 www.bing.com 6. Are there any other cycles besides the Otto cycle used in car engines? 汽车发动机除了四冲程循环是否还有其他循环? www.bing.com 7. "China basically needs two engines of growth to muddle along, " he said. “中国基本上只需要两个增长引擎来实现增长”,他说。 cn.reuters.com 8. INTERNET search engines had a busy time looking for the name (and even picture) of Viktor Zubkov this week. 本周,互联网的搜索引擎为了寻找祖布科夫这个名字(甚至照片)忙了好一阵子。 www.ecocn.org 9. Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers. 各种能够飞行的带翼交通工具,通常比空气重,用喷气式发动机或螺旋桨驱动 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Finally, the article summarized the features of the outer purifiers used to clean the exhaust emissions of the off-road engines. 本文在最后总结了非道路用发动机尾气排放机外净化的特点。 lib.cqvip.com |
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