

单词 instrument
instrument ★★★
NOUN  C   
1 a tool or piece of equipment used in science , medicine , or technology 仪器;器具

scientific instruments such as microscopes 显微镜之类的科学仪器

1a a piece of equipment that measures something such as position , speed , or temperature 测量仪表;测量仪器

Your compass and clock are the most essential instruments in sailing. 指南针和时钟是航海时最基本的测量仪表。

2 a musical instrument , for example a piano or a guitar 乐器

Do you play an instrument? 你会演奏乐器吗?

3 an object that is used as a weapon (用作武器的)器具,工具

an instrument of torture/death 刑具/致人死亡的器具

4 formal   someone or something that can be used in order to make something happen 手段;工具

The government has a number of policy instruments it can use for this purpose. 政府有许多可用的政策手段来实现该目的。

+of an important instrument of quality control 质量监控的重要工具

4a a person who someone uses to help achieve a result 被人利用者

+of The missionaries believed they were instruments of God. 传教士们认为他们自己是上帝的工具。





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