

单词 live
live 1 ★★★
1  I  to have your home in a particular place 居住

Paris is a nice place to live. 巴黎是个居住的好地方。

+innearonat etc They lived in a basement flat in South London. 他们住在伦敦南部的一套地下室里。

I think he lives somewhere near Bath. 我想他住在巴斯附近的某个地方。

live at home (=in your parents’ home) Do you still live at home? 住在(父母亲)家里

2  I/T  to have a particular kind of life 过(某种生活)

people living in poverty 生活在贫困中的人们

They have lived under military rule for nineteen years. 他们生活在军事统治下有19年了。

Food is inexpensive here, so you can live quite cheaply. 这里的食物不贵,所以你的生活费用会很低。

live well/comfortably (=have a pleasant life with plenty of money) I had a good salary then, and we lived pretty well. 生活得很舒适

live a fullquietbusy life Now they have retired and want to live a quiet life. 如今他们退休了,想过一种平静的生活。

live a life of crimeluxuryhardship She was destined from birth to live a life of hardship. 她一出生就注定要过一种苦难的生活。

3  I  to keep yourself alive in a particular way (靠某种方式)过活,维持生命

live by doing sth The Aymaras live by hunting and fishing in the Desaguadero river. 艾马拉族人靠在迪萨瓜德罗河狩猎和捕鱼为生。

live onoff sth Millions of families are living on benefits. 数百万家庭在靠救济金过活。

4  I  to be or stay alive 活着;生存

She’ s not expected to live long. 预计她活不长。

Who wants to live forever? 谁想要长生不老?

live to the age of...live to be... Despite her unhealthy lifestyle, Aunt Joan lived to be 86. 尽管琼阿姨的生活方式不健康,她却一直活到了86岁。

live to do sth (=live long enough to do it) He lived to see the first talking pictures. 活到做某事

4a to be alive in a particular time (在某个时期里)活着

+inatbeforeafter Hippodamus lived in the early fifth century BC. 希波丹姆斯生活在公元前5世纪早期。

He’ s one of the greatest pianists who ever lived. 他是有史以来最伟大的钢琴家之一。

5  I  to continue to exist and have influence 继续存在;活下去;流传下去

The spirit of revolution still lives. 这种革命精神依然存在。

live in sb’ s memory The events of that day have always lived in my memory. 那一天的事件一直留在我的记忆里。

6  I  to have an interesting and exciting life 享受生活乐趣

Come on, you have to live a little! 来吧,你该享受点人生乐趣!

7  I  informal   to be usually kept in a particular place 被保存(在某处)

+in/on/under The box lives on the top shelf there. 盒子放在那边的架子顶层上。

-   as I live and breathe old-fashioned
used for expressing surprise
-   can live with sth
used for saying that you can accept something

It’ s a little less than I asked for, but I can live with that. 这比我要的少一些,但对此我可以接受。

-   you haven’ t lived
used for telling someone that they should try something

You haven’ t lived until you’ ve ridden the new roller coaster. 坐过这种新式的过山车你才算没有白活一场。

-   if I live to be 100
used for emphasizing that you will never do , know , or understand something

If I live to be a hundred I’ ll never understand why he did that. 即使我活到100岁,我也永远无法理解他为什么那样做。

-   live and breathe sth
to be very enthusiastic about a particular activity and spend all the time you can doing it or talking about it

Some people live and breathe football. 有些人非常热衷于足球运动。

-   you live and learn
used for showing surprise at something new you have just learned
-   live and let live
used for saying that you should accept other people’ s beliefs and way of life , even if they are very different from your own
-   livebeyond/within your means
to have a way of life in which you spend moreless money than you earn
-   liveby/on your wits
to have no real job but make the money you need by being clever or dishonest
-   livefor/in the moment
to enjoy the present time and not worry about the future
-   live from day to day
to deal with things as they happen without thinking about the future
-   live from hand to mouth
to have just enough money or food to stay alive
-   live in fear (of)
to be afraid of something or someone all the time
-   live in hope often humorous
to be hopeful that something will happen

They haven’ t paid back any of the money yet, but we live in hope. 他们一分钱都还没还,但我们仍满怀希望。

-   live in the past
1 to have old-fashioned attitudes 抱着陈旧的观念
2 to be always thinking or talking about past events 总是想着(或谈论着)过去的事
-   live in sin (with sb) old-fashioned
to share a home and have a sexual relationship without being married
-   live it up
to do enjoyable and exciting things that involve spending a lot of money
-   live a lie
to spend your life hiding the truth about yourself or your feelings
-   live off the fat of the land
to have a comfortable and enjoyable life without doing any work
-   live off the land
to live on whatever food you can get by hunting , finding fruit , or growing vegetables
-   live to fight/see another day
to be ready to continue with your life or job despite a defeat or failure

She lost the election, but she’ ll live to fight another day. 她在竞选中失败了,但她仍准备着有朝一日再次出击。

-   live to see the day
to be still alive when something happens, especially something impressive or shocking

I never thought I’ d live to see the day when children could take their own parents to court! 我从没想到过我会活着看到孩子控告自己的亲生父母。

-   live to tell the tale informal
to deal successfully with a dangerous or unpleasant experience

You mean you spent Christmas with his family and lived to tell the tale? 你的意思是你和他一家人一起过了圣诞节,并且过得不错,是吗?

-   living on borrowedtime
1 still alive after you were expected to die , but likely to die soon 比预期的活得更长(但可能快要死亡)
2 likely to fail or stop existing soon 有可能快要消亡(或灭亡)的

His regime is living on borrowed time. 他的政权岌岌可危。

-   sb will live to regret sth
used for saying that someone will wish in the future that they had not done something

You’ re wasting your time with him and you’ ll live to regret it. 你和他在一起是在浪费时间,总有一天你会后悔的。

ˈlive by
live by sth: to behave according to a particular set of beliefs or principles 按照(某一套信念或原则)行事

He argued that even criminals have a code of ethics that they live by. 他据理力争说即使是罪犯也有他们遵从的道德规范。

ˌlive ˈdown
usually in negatives to make people forget about something embarrassing or silly that you have done 使人们忘记(自己所做的令人尴尬或愚蠢的事)

All the girls in my class are going except me! I’ ll never live it down! 除了我以外,我班上的其他女生全都去了!我永远也无法让人们忘掉这件事!

ˈlive for
live for sthsb: to consider someone or something as so important that they are your main reason for living 为…而活

She lives for her work. 她活着是为了工作。

-   have sth to live for
to have a reason to want to stay alive

He spoke in the voice of a man with nothing left to live for. 他说出了一个生无所恋的男人的心声。

Gregory was 21 and had everything to live for. 格雷戈利21岁,所有的一切都值得他好好活着。

-   live for the day when
to want something to happen very much

He lived for the day when he would be old enough to leave home. 他盼望着自己长大成人离开家门的那一天。

ˌlive ˈin
to live at the place where you work or study 住在工作(或学习)的地方

Their nanny lives in. 他们的保姆住在他们家。

ˈlive off
live off sbsth: to depend on someone or something for the money or food that you need 依靠…过活

He’ s 25 and still living off his parents. 他25岁了,可还是靠父母养着。

ˈlive on
1 to have a particular amount of money to buy the things that you need to live 靠(某一笔钱)过活

They have to live on a pension of £350 a month. 他们不得不靠每个月350英镑的养老金过活。

2 to eat a particular kind of food 吃(某一种食物)

These fish live on small sea creatures such as shrimp. 这些鱼吃诸如小虾这类的海生生物。

They seem to live on nothing but chips and chocolate. 他们好像除了炸薯条和巧克力以外什么都不吃。

ˌlive ˈon
to continue to be alive or exist 继续活着;继续存在

She lived on until 1832, when she died aged 85. 她一直活到1832年才去世,享年85岁。

ˌlive ˈout
1  T  live out sth: to do something that you have thought or dreamed of doing 实践(想法或梦想)

The inheritance would allow her to live out her fantasies. 这笔遗产使她得以实践自己的梦想。

2  I  to not live at the place where you work or study 不住在工作(或学习)的地方

Universities are short of accommodation, so some students have to live out. 大学的宿舍不够住,所以有些学生只好住到校外。

-   live out your life
to spend the rest or part of your life in a particular place or situation

She wanted to live out the remaining weeks of her life at home. 她想在家里度过她生命中最后几个星期。

ˈlive through
live through sth: to experience a dangerous or unpleasant situation and still be alive after it 经历过,度过(危险或令人不快的处境)

These are people who have lived through two world wars. 这些人经历了两次世界大战。

ˈlive toˌgether
if two people live together , they are not married but live in the same house and have a sexual relationship (未婚)同居
ˌlive ˈup to
live up to sth: to be as good as what was expected or promised 符合(期望);实践(诺言)

The breathtakingly beautiful scenery certainly lived up to expectations. 这令人惊叹的美景的确符合人们的期望。

ˈlive with
1 live with sb: to live in the same house and have a sexual relationship with someone you are not married to 与(某人)未婚同居
2 live with sth: to accept something unpleasant that you cannot change 容忍,忍受(无法改变的不快之事)

How does she live with the guilt? 她如何忍受这种内疚感?

He had learned to live with her moodiness. 他学会了忍受她的喜怒无常。

-   live with yourself
to continue to consider yourself a good person after doing something bad

I could never live with myself if I hit a child with my car. 如果我开车撞了小孩,我永远也不能再心安理得。

See also
long 2




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