

单词 little
little 1 ★★★
  Little can be used in the following ways:
little 有以下用法
  as a determiner (followed by a noun)用作限定词(后接名词): There’ s little time left. 没剩多少时间了。 Little progress has been made. 几乎没什么进展。
  as a pronoun 用作代词: They have very little, but what they have, they share. 他们只有极少的东西,但他们有什么就一起分享。 (after ‘a’ 置于a之后): Yes, I’ d like some tea – but just a little. 是的,我想喝点茶,但只要一点点就够了。 (followed by ‘of’ 后接of): Little of the original building has survived. 原先的整幢大楼几乎全都被毁了。 Can I take a little of this sugar? 我可以加点这种糖吗? (after ‘the’ 置于the 之后): The little I know won’ t be of much use to you. 我所知道的那一点东西对你没有太大的用处。
  as an adverb 用作副词: I go there very little. 我很少去那儿。 I’ m little affected by the cold. 我很少感冒。 (after ‘a’ 置于a之后): He talked a little about his childhood. 他谈了一些他的童年经历。
1 a very small amount
1a used for referring to an extremely small amount of something 极少量的

There is little time to prepare for the exams. 几乎没什么时间来准备考试。

Little has been revealed about his background. 有关他的背景透露很少。

She has done little today besides sleep. 今天她除了睡觉几乎没做什么。

too little There was too much rain and too little sun. 雨水太多而阳光太少。

very little He’ s an excellent manager, so there’ s very little tension in the office. 他是一位很优秀的经理,所以办公室里很少出现关系紧张的情况。

so little I’ ve got so much to do and so little time to do it in. 我要做的事情这么多,而手头的时间却是这么紧。

little or no She had trained herself to show little or no emotion, whatever happened. 她已练就了无论发生什么事都能不动声色的本领。

+of Jordan has lost little of his Irish accent. 乔丹的爱尔兰口音几乎没变。

as little as possible He always tries to pay the workers as little as possible. 他总是设法尽可能少地支付工人们的工钱。

the little He didn’ t earn much money, and he gambled away the little he had saved. 他赚钱不多,而且把攒下来的一点钱都赌光了。

1b used before an amount for showing how small it is , when this is surprising 少到只有(用于数目前,表示该数目少得令人吃惊)

It takes as little as four seconds for a car thief to break into a car. 窃车贼只需4秒钟就能打开车门进入车内。

2 not very often or much
not very often or only to a small degree 不常;(程度上)只有一点点

very little In her last years I saw her very little. 在她生命中的最后几年我很少见到她。

Our relationship has changed very little over the years. 我们的关系这些年来都没有多少变化。

as little as possible They spoke of him as little as possible. 他们尽可能不提他。

little known (=not known by many people) Kang was little known outside of China. 不知名的

little more/better You accused me of being little better than a thief (=almost as bad as a thief) . 你指责我简直像小偷一样坏。

-   a little
1 a small amount 少量

We managed to save a little money. 我们设法攒了一点儿钱。

With a little luck, you might write the next best-seller! 运气好点儿的话,你也许能写出下一本畅销书!

just a little She needs some help – just a little, anyway. 她需要一些帮助,不管怎么说,一点点就够了。

a little (bit) of sth Mix in a little of the flour to make the liquid thicker. 加入一点点面粉搅拌使液体变稠。

Doesn’ t Helen speak a little bit of Chinese? 海伦不是会讲一点点汉语的吗?

a little (bit) more/less I reckon I have a little more patience than you. 我想我比你多一点儿耐心。

I wish there was a little bit less noise around here. 我希望这周围的噪声少一点儿。

2 to a small degree (程度上)稍许,些微,有几分

It makes me a little frightened when I think of what might happen. 想到或许会发生的事情时我感到有点恐惧。

I held her a little closer. 我把她抱得更紧一些。

She was a little disappointed with the job. 她对这份工作有点失望。

a little bit This may be a little bit painful. 这可能会有一点点疼。

3 for a short time 一会儿

I stopped and waited for him a little. 我停下来等了他一会儿。

a little bit Come talk with me for a little bit. 过来和我说会儿话吧。

-   do little to help/solve/stop etc
to fail to help someonesolve something etc

The company did little to prevent the disaster. 该公司没能阻止这场灾难。

He’ s done little to improve my opinion of him. 他未能改善我对他的看法。

-   (just) that little bit easier/more comfortable etc spoken
easiermore comfortable etc by a small but important amount

The sight of her always makes me feel that little bit happier. 看见她总让我感觉更开心些。

-   little by little
very gradually

Little by little his eyes adjusted to the light. 他的双眼逐渐地适应了光线。

-   little does sb know/think/realize
used for saying that someone does not knowthinkrealize that something is true

Little did I realize I would one day be in charge of the office. 我没有意识到我有一天也会成为办公室主管。

-   more than a little/not a little formal
a large amount , or to a large degree

They had sincere respect for her, and not a little affection. 他们由衷地尊敬她,对她感情很深厚。

The team was more than a little unlucky to lose by just one point. 该队非常不幸,仅以一分之差败北。

LEFENTRY: little
Little and a little are both used before nouns for talking about a small amount of something. But which you choose depends on your attitude. Little is used for emphasizing that an amount is smaller than you would like or expectlittle用于强调数量比希望或预计的要少: Unfortunately, there is little hope of finding survivors. 不幸的是,找到幸存者的希望很渺茫。 There has been little change since this morning. 自今天早上以来就没有多少变化。 A little is used for emphasizing that an amount is small, but greater than you might expecta little用于强调数量小,但比可能预计的要大: There is still a little time to finish the game. 还有一些时间来完成比赛。 I had a little money left so I took a taxi. 我剩了一点钱,便坐了出租车。




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