

单词 live
live 2 ★★
1 only before noun living and not dead 活的;有生命的

legislation concerning the transport of live animals 有关运输活体动物的法律

The table shows the rate of infant mortality per 1000 live births. 这份图表显示了每1000个新生婴儿的死亡率。

1a live yoghurt contains the living bacteria used to make it (酸奶)含活菌的
2 a live television or radio programme can be watched or listened to at the same time as it happens (电视或广播节目)现场直播的,实况转播的

Australia’ s popular live TV comedy series The Late Show 澳大利亚流行的现场直播电视喜剧系列片“深夜脱口秀”

non-stop live coverage of the trial 对该审讯不间断的实况报道

2a a live performance is given before an audience 在现场演出的

We found a bar that has live music on Friday nights. 我们找到了一个在周五晚上有现场音乐演奏的酒吧。

2b a live recording is made during a performance and not in a studio 在表演现场(而非录音室)录制的

The band are releasing a live album of their recent Japan tour. 该乐队将发行一张他们最近在日本演出时录制的现场音乐会专辑。

3 a live wire or piece of equipment is connected to the electricity supply and has electricity going through it (电线或设备等)带电的,通电的
4 live bullets are real , rather than blanks or rubber or plastic bullets (子弹)真的(非空弹、橡胶或塑料子弹)

Police began firing live ammunition into the crowd. 警察开始向人群发射实弹。

4a a live bomb or missile is capable of exploding because it has not yet been used (炸弹或导弹)仍会爆炸的
4b a live match is capable of producing a flame because it has not yet been used (火柴)未用过的
5 a live issue continues to be important and relevant (问题)依然重要而相关的

We’ ve got to make people realize that drink-driving is still a live issue. 我们得让人们意识到酒后驾车仍是个大问题。

-   a real live informal
used for emphasizing that an example of an interesting or unusual type of person or thing is present

A real live film star was standing on my doorstep. 一个活生生的电影明星就站在我家门阶上。





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