释义 |
| | VERB | | | /ɪˈnɔːgjʊˌreɪt/ | | | | 1 | formal to start or introduce something new and important 开创;创始;引进 | He hopes to inaugurate a new, more democratic era in the country’ s politics. 他希望为这个国家的政治开创一个全新的、更民主的时代。 | | | | 2 | to open a new building or start a new organization with an official ceremony 为…举行开幕式;为…举行落成典礼 | The newest US embassy was inaugurated today in Caracas, Venezuela. 今天,驻委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯的新美国大使馆举行了落成仪式。 | | 2a | to celebrate the fact that someone is starting an important new job with an official ceremony 为…举行就职典礼;使正式就任 | | inaugurate sb as sth On 10 May, 1994, Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as president of the new South Africa. 1994年5月10号,纳尔逊·曼德拉正式就任新南非总统。 | | | | | DERIVED WORD | inauguration noun C/U | | /ɪˌnɔːgjʊˈreɪʃn/ | | | an inauguration ceremony 就职典礼 | | | |