

单词 loss
loss ★★★
1  C/U  the state of no longer having something because it has been taken from you or destroyed 丧失;损失

It was an ancient car anyway, so it was no great loss. 不管怎么说这是一辆旧车,所以损失不大。

job losses 失业

+of the loss of the Titanic 泰坦尼克号的沉没

1a used about a natural ability that you do not have any longer (官能的)丧失

He suffered hearing loss following an illness. 他得了一场病后就丧失了听觉。

+of The loss of his sight was a severe blow. 失明对他是个沉重的打击。

1b used about a feeling , quality , attitude etc that you stop having (情感、素质、态度等的)丧失

+of a loss of confidence 失去信心

1c used about a part of your body that you do not have any longer because of an accident , illness etc (由于事故、疾病等造成的身体一部分的)丧失

a new treatment for hair loss 治疗脱发的新方法

+of insurance that also covers loss of limbs or eyes 也包括丧失四肢、双目险的险种

1d an area that a political party no longer controls after an election (竞选后政党)失去控制的地区

Tory losses are mounting up in the south-west. 保守党在西南部控制的势力范围越来越小。

2  C/U  the state of having less of something than before because some of it has gone 丧失;损失

Exercise and weight loss can help lower your blood pressure. 锻炼和减肥有助于降低血压。

+of She was offered compensation for loss of earnings. 她收入上的损失得到了补偿。

3  C/U  money that a person , company , organization etc loses when it spends more than it earns 亏损;亏蚀

company losses in excess of £25 million 公司超过2,500万英镑的亏损额

The company reported heavy losses for last year. 该公司报告去年亏损严重。

make a loss They made a net loss of £350 million. 他们净亏损3.5亿英镑。

at a loss The company was sold at a loss of £2 million. 该公司以亏损200万英镑的价格被出售。

make a loss on sth We made a loss on the house sale. 我们售房亏了本。

4  C/U  the death of someone 死亡

Many sympathies on your sad loss. 对于你的痛失亲人,我们深表同情。

+of Jean never recovered from the loss of her husband. 琼一直没有从失去丈夫的悲痛中恢复过来。

mourn the loss of sb The hospital is mourning the loss of a pioneering surgeon. 医院在哀悼一位富有开创性的外科医生的去世。

4a the deaths of a lot of people in an accident , war etc 丧生

There was only minor damage to property and no loss of life. 只有轻微的财产损失,但无一人丧生。

heavy losses (=when a lot of people die) Despite heavy losses, the battalion regrouped and fought on. 重大的人员伤亡

5  U  a feeling of sadness that you have when someone leaves or dies, or when you no longer have something 伤感

a sense of loss We all felt a tremendous sense of loss when Robin left. 罗宾离去后我们都感到极其难过。

6  singular  a disadvantage that you have when someone leaves or when you cannot use something any longer (因某人离去或不能再使用某物而造成的)损失

the loss of 12 fully-trained doctors 12名受过全面训练医生的损失

a great loss to If the school closes, it will be a great loss to the community. 学校关闭对该社区而言将是个巨大的损失。

7  C  a failure to win a race , competition , fight etc (在赛跑、竞赛或战斗中的)失败,失利

+to Manchester United’ s loss to Liverpool at Anfield last week 上周在安菲尔球场德曼联队对利物浦队比赛的失利

-   at a loss for words
not knowing what to say , especially because you are very surprised or shocked
-   at a loss (to do sth)
confused and not knowing what to do

I was at a loss to understand what had happened. 我弄不明白发生了什么事。

-   it’ s sb’ s loss
used for saying that if someone does not do something , they will not get an advantage
-   loss of face
the state of no longer being respected by people because of something you have done
See also
cut 1
dead loss




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