

单词 lot
lot 1 ★★★
  A lot can be used in the following ways:
a lot有以下用法
  as an adverb 用作副词: He seems to like her a lot. 他似乎非常喜欢她。 (before a comparative adjective or adverb用于形容词或副词比较级前): I feel a lot better. 我感觉好多了。
  as a pronoun 用作代词: We didn’ t get paid a lot, but we had fun. 我们赚的钱不多,但很开心。 (followed by ‘of’ 后接of): A lot of people don’ t like the idea much. 很多人都不太喜欢这个主意。
  Lots can be used in the same way as a lot but is more informallots可与a lot 通用,但非正式程度更高: She knows lots about it. 关于这件事她知道得很多。 There’ s lots to eat in the kitchen. 厨房里有好多吃的。
-   a lot
1 to a great or greater degree 在很大程度上;在更大程度上

I liked her a lot. 我很喜欢她。

I can run a lot faster than you. 我可以跑得比你快得多。

Men take a lot longer in the supermarket than women. 男人在超市里花费的时间要比女人长得多。

We’ re playing a lot better under the new manager. 在新经理的领导下,我们的表现大有起色。

2 often or for a long time 常常;经常;长时间地

I talk a lot, I know. 我话多,我知道。

We see her in the mornings a lot, taking the children off to school. 我们常常在早上看到她送孩子们去上学。

She gets sad when she thinks about him, which happens a lot. 她一想到他就伤心,这是常事儿。

3 a large number , amount , or quantity 很多;许多;大量

We’ re paying her a lot for her services. 我们为她提供的服务支付可观的报酬。

Have another piece of cake – there’ s lots more in the kitchen. 再吃一块蛋糕吧,厨房里还多着呢。

+of Barb used to have a lot of friends in New York. 巴布过去在纽约有很多朋友。

I’ ve got a lot of work to do. 我有好多活儿要干。

There are a lot of questions that still remain unanswered. 还有许多问题仍未得到解答。

The idea has attracted lots of publicity. 这个想法引起了众多关注。

I see a lot of similarity between the two industries. 我注意到这两个行业之间有许多相似之处。

He’ s making lots of money. 他赚很多钱。

a lot/lots to do/see/eat etc There’ s a lot to see in London. 伦敦有许多可看的。

an awful lot I owe them an awful lot. 我欠他们很多。

lots and lots There were lots and lots of posters to choose from. 有许许多多的海报可以选择。

-   have a lot on
to be very busy

I’ ve got a lot on this weekend – I don’ t think I can see you. 我这个周末很忙,我想我没时间去看你。

-   have a lot on your mind
to be worried or thinking about many things

He’ s hard to talk to at the moment – he’ s got a lot on his mind. 这会儿很难和他交谈,他心事很重。

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