

单词 lost
lost 1 ★★
1 not knowing where you are or how to get to where you want to go 迷路的

We’ re well and truly lost. 我们确实是迷路了。

get lost They decided to drive to York and ended up getting lost. 他们决定开车到约克去,结果却迷了路。

2 if something is lost , you cannot find it 遗失的;丢失的

The keys are lost somewhere in the house. 钥匙丢在房间的某个地方了。

3 only before noun no longer existing or no longer likely to exist 不复存在的;不可能存在的

The strike has cost the airline £3 million in lost revenue. 这次罢工使该航空公司损失了300万英镑的收入。

a poem about lost innocence 关于失去的纯真的一首诗

4 lost time or chances have been wasted (时间或机会)浪费掉的,错过的

The team’ s season has been littered with missed opportunities and lost chances. 该球队在本赛季一直在坐失良机。

5 not usually before noun not feeling confident or relaxed because you are in a new situation , for example with a group of people whom you do not know (由于身处新环境而感到)拘谨的,不自在的,不自信的

Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers. 马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨。

Nothing was the same any more. I felt lost. 一切都变了。我觉得很不自在。

6 completely destroyed 彻底毁坏的

The group is working to preserve old buildings that could otherwise be lost. 该团体在努力地保护古建筑,否则它们就有可能遭到彻底毁坏。

7 killed, especially while fighting in the armed forces 遭难的;被杀死的;(尤指)阵亡的

lost in battle a memorial to all soldiers lost in battle 纪念所有阵亡战士的纪念碑

lost at sea a ceremony to commemorate those lost at sea in the Second World War 为纪念二战中葬身大海的人举行的仪式

8 never before noun too interested in something or concentrating so hard on it that you do not notice other things around you 沉湎其中的;专注的

lost in sth Grayson became lost in the music. 格雷森沉浸在音乐中。

lost in thought Martin was lost in thought and did not hear the door open. 马丁陷入沉思之中,没有听到门打开了。

lost to the world Look at them watching their video. Completely lost to the world! 瞧他们俩看录像的样子。把整个世界完全抛诸脑后了!

9 never before noun unable to understand something because it is extremely complicated 糊涂的;迷惘的

I was completely lost after the first paragraph. 读了第一段后我彻底糊涂了。

-   all is not lost spoken
used for saying that a situation is not good but there is still a chance of success
-   get/become lost (in sth)
to be forgotten or not be dealt with because there are many other things to think about at the same time

These are very important issues that must not get lost in all the details. 千万不要只顾着那些细枝末节而忘了处理这些重要的事。

-   get lost spoken
1 used for telling someone rudely to go away 滚开;别来烦我
2 used for telling someone rudely that you are annoyed by something they have just said (用于不礼貌地告诉某人对他们刚说的话很恼火)见鬼去吧

‘Why don’ t you ask Jimmy to come too?’ ‘Get lost! He’ s horrible!’ “你为何不把吉米也请来呢?”“见鬼去吧!他太令人讨厌了!”

-   lost for words
to be so surprised , shocked etc that you do not know what to say
-   lost on sb
if something is lost on someone , they do not understand it or are not influenced by it

The joke was lost on Alex. 亚历克斯没听懂这个笑话。

-   lost without
very sad or unable to deal with something without the help of someone or something

Tim loves that dog – he’ d be lost without it. 蒂姆很爱那只狗,要是没有了它,他会很难过的。

His wife handles all the finances – he’ d be lost without her. 所有财务上的事全由他妻子一手操办,要是没有她的帮助,他将一筹莫展。

-   make up forlosttime
1 to spend a lot of time doing something because you did not have the chance to do it before 弥补失去的时光

After 30 years apart the sisters were keen to make up for lost time. 经过了30年的分离,这对姐妹很渴望能多聚在一起弥补失去的时光。

2 to do something more quickly or more often because something prevented you from making progress before (加快或加紧做某事以)弥补损失的时间

The project was delayed for two weeks so we’ re trying to make up for lost time. 该工程拖了两个礼拜,因此我们在尽力地赶进度以弥补耽误的时间。

-   make up/recoverlostground
to become successful again after having been delayed or having had problems

Logan hopes to recover lost ground this season after a series of disappointing defeats. 洛根经历了一连串令人沮丧的失败后希望在本赛季东山再起。





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