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um.brel.laQm5brel7En [C]a device for protection against the rain which consists of a stick with a folding, material-covered frame at one end and usually a handle at the other, or a similar, often larger, device used for protection against the sun伞,雨伞,太阳伞I felt a few spots of rain so I put my umbrella up.我感到有几滴雨点, 所以我打开了雨伞。You can take your umbrella down now--the rain's finished.现在你可以把伞收起来了----雨已经停了。I left another umbrella on the bus yesterday.我昨天又把一把伞忘在公交车上了。I bought a folding umbrella to take with me.我买了把折叠伞随身带着。If you've had enough of the sun come and lie under the umbrella for a while.如果你晒够太阳了,过来在太阳伞下躺一会。Umbrella also refers to something which includes or represents a range of similar things.包含许多组成部分的东西Donations should be sent to the Disaster Emergency Committee, an umbrella organization for UK based aid agencies.捐款应该送到赈灾委员会, 那是设在英国的援助机构的一个总机构。Existentialism was really an umbrella term to lump together the works of several philosophers and writers.存在主义其实是一个把几个哲学家和作家的作品归并在一起的总称呼。"The rain, it raineth on the just / And also on the unjust fella / But chiefly on the just, because / The unjust steals the just's umbrella." (Lord Bowen, 1835--94) “雨,落在正义者身上/也落在非正义者身上,/但主要是正义者身上,因为/非正义者偷了正义者的伞。”(鲍文勋爵,1835--94)