

单词 难于接近

See also:

接近 adv

near adv


get close to

接近 n

proximity n

External sources (not reviewed)

非接触测量方式使得实现测 难于接近或 移动的物体也成为可能。
The non-contact measurement makes it possible to easily determine the
[...] temperature of difficult to access or moving [...]
另外,Dura 系列使前盖与工具更便于接近,前 置切屑缸也使得作业空间变得 紧凑。
Also, the Dura Series has good access from the front cover to the tool, and features such as placing the chip bucket in the front save [...]
working space.
武装冲突局势下接近难民的 途径常常受到非国家 行为者的阻碍;国际社会必须确保非国家行为者保 障人道主义组织进出通畅。
Access was often impeded by non-State actors in situations of armed conflict; the international community must ensure that non-State actors guaranteed access for humanitarian organizations.
根据成果(3):改善获得两性平等的优质教育的机会,特别是侧 于难 以 接近人 群 ,教科文组织的支助将在于国家能力建设,以修订并实施教育大纲,特别是通过加 强任职前和在职教师的培训和改进监测和评估,支持政府满足包括生活技能、多年级 教学和有利于儿童的学校在内的新的政府需求,以及通过改进 NFE 针对青年人的国家 能力。
Under Outcome 3: improved access to quality education for all with gender equality and special focus on the hard-to-reach population, UNESCO support is expected in national capacity-building to revise and implement the education curricula, notably through strengthening pre-service and in-service teacher training and improved monitoring and assessment, as well as in supporting government efforts to address emerging needs including life skills, multi-grade teaching and child-friendly schools, and through improved national capacity in NFE for young people.
鉴于 2011 年难 性的 水灾导致 400 亿美元的破坏和损失并使国内生产总值(GDP)的增长率降 低接近于零, 减少灾害风险成为泰国的一项主要的优先目标。
In the light of the devastating floods in 2011, which had resulted in damage and losses of $40 billion and cut the gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to close to zero, disaster [...]
risk reduction
had become a key priority for Thailand.
如果得到的 余量是负值并且非接近于 1ns,可以在分析时 用一些典型值,看看余量是否仍为负。
If your margin is
[...] negative, but very close (< 1 ns), you may [...]
want to try using typical numbers in your analysis to see whether
you still have a negative margin.
[...] 解决办法和建设和平努力,并确保难民署安全、不 受阻碍接近难民和流离失所者。
More must be done to meet those challenges, including by strengthening conflict
resolution and peacebuilding efforts and ensuring that UNHCR had safe and
[...] unhindered access to refugees and displaced [...]
[...] 呼吁各方严格遵守国际人道主义法的规定,尽一切可 能来保护无辜人民不受暴力影响,并且保 近 几 个月 来没有幸于难的清真寺和医院。
In the light of the increasing number of civilian losses and injuries, we reiterate our call on all parties to abide scrupulously with the provisions of international humanitarian law and to do everything possible to protect
innocent persons from violence, as well as mosques and
[...] hospitals, which have not been spared from attack in recent months.
当收入和 支出不是美元而是其他货币时,按联合国实行的汇率换算成美元,这一汇 接近于 该交易发生之日的实际市场汇率。
Income and expenditure in currencies other than US dollars are translated into US dollars at the UN operational rates of exchange, which approximate the market rate in effect at the date of the underlying transactions.
委员会还关切的是,没有对接与难 民或寻求庇护接触的官员的于难 民 权 利的教育或培训方案。
The Committee is further concerned at the lack of educational
programmes or training on the rights of
[...] refugees provided for officials who are in direct contact with refugees or asylum seekers.
女童基金追求实现两个目 标:为符合联合国少女问题工作队(AGTF)(教科文组织是该工作队积极的利益攸关方) 五个战略重点的联合国机构间综合方案投资,以确保 于 最 难接 触 到 的少女的教育、保健和 保护方案以及良好政策。
The Girl Fund pursues two objectives: invest in holistic, inter-agency United Nations programmes which align with the five strategic priorities of the United Nations Adolescent Girl Task Force (AGTF) in which UNESCO is an active stakeholder, to ensure education, health, protection programs, and good policies for the hardest-to-reach adolescent girls.
注意到联合国总部近进行 的临时翻修工程使 得一些建筑物变难于让残 疾人进入,发言人建议 在未来的残疾人权利委员会所在地日内瓦要做的准 备工作中包含下述内容:对工作人员进行适当的培 训,重审会议组织并注意提供给残疾人的信息要简 单易懂,以便满足残疾人的特殊需要并使他们能全 [...]
Since the recent temporary renovations at United Nations Headquarters had made access to the premises difficult for persons with [...]
disabilities, the Geneva
Office, where the future Committee would be headquartered, should take a number of steps to accommodate the special needs of handicapped persons and allow them to participate fully in the Committee’s work, by training the staff adequately in appropriate attitudes, giving thought to how meetings should be organized and ensuring that information was always provided in an accessible format.
相反, 无脊椎动物依然于接近创记 录的丰量水平。
[...] invertebrates remain at near record levels of [...]
将放气型总空气阀 (F)安装在泵空气调节器 (G) 的上游,但要于接近泵。
Install a bleed-type master air valve (F)
[...] upstream from the pump air regulator (G) but within easy reach of the pump.
关于该决议草案第 8 段请秘书长提交报告事宜, 他回顾说,近东救济工程处主任专员已获授权根据 大会第 302(IV)号决议接并独立地向大会提出报 告,并因此在适当情况下与秘书长磋商时,可以委 托编制任何于近东救 济工程处管理问题的报告。
As to the request for a report from the SecretaryGeneral in paragraph 8 of the draft resolution, he recalled that the Commissioner-General of UNRWA was authorized under General
[...] resolution 302 (IV) to report directly and independently to the General Assembly and consequently could commission any report on the management of UNRWA, in consultation [...]
with the Secretary-General if appropriate.
于近东救 济工程 处的业务的决议草案 A/C.4/64/L.13,详细介绍了工 程处在极端危险条件下开展工作的全面情况;他特 别提请注意描述巴勒斯坦被占领土 难 民 的 艰 难生 活 情况,以及描述以色列占领军造成的破坏和阻挠 的序言段落,还强调了第 1、2、16 至 18、22 和 23 段。
Draft resolution A/C.4/64/L.13 on the operations of UNRWA gave a comprehensive picture of the work the Agency was doing under extreme and
[...] dangerous conditions; he drew particular attention to the preambular paragraphs detailing the harsh life of the refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and the destruction and obstruction caused by the Israeli occupying forces, [...]
highlighting also paragraphs 1, 2, 16 to 18, 22 and 23.
于最近的破坏性难,预 期举行的公开非正式会议 的主题非常及时,具有高度的相关重要性。
The topic of the open informal session was highly relevant and timely in view of recent devastating disasters.
这些轴承安装位置的特点是污染严重、运行时间和维护周期长、振动强、事故发生率高、可靠性要求高以 难 以 接近。
The installation points of these bearings are characterized by high contamination, long
operating times and maintenance intervals, vibrations, high accident rates, high demands
[...] for reliability and difficult access.
难民署 提出的一些无形的益处包括于接纳 了对新技术十分娴熟的积极主动的工作人员 团队、并由于重新设置了工作流程,而且有机会获得有关管理工作方式发生转变 [...]
Among the non-tangible advantages, UNHCR cites benefits such as increased [...]
effectiveness due to the integration of a motivated
and enthusiastic workforce with a high level of comfort with new technologies, the opportunity for re-engineering work processes and gaining experience in effective change management.
委员会建议缔约国考虑加入 1951 年《难民地位公约》及其 1967 年议 定书,并颁布于难民及 相关类别人员 接 收 和 待遇的全面的法律框架。
The Committee recommends that the State party consider acceding to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol and
enact a comprehensive legal framework
[...] governing the reception and treatment of refugees and related categories [...]
of persons.
90 44. 儿童权利委员会在2006
[...] 年关切地指出,大量的家庭特别是南塔拉瓦的家庭 经济处境难,接近或低于维持 生存的水平,并遭受人口拥挤和经济机会有限的 [...]
In 2006, CRC was concerned that large numbers of families lived
[...] in economic hardship, near or below the level of [...]
subsistence, especially in South Tarawa,
and suffered from the effects of overcrowding and limited economic opportunities.
这三个字母主教,连同十二使徒遗训,声音最诚挚的使徒,其内存在深的作家举行赞美孝顺,但他们对老师们的认可 难 以 接近 的 优 势同样也证明了他们的信件中缺席这种明显的启发音,标志着使徒著作。
The letters of the three bishops, together with the Didache, voice sincerest praise of the Apostles, whose memory the writers hold in deep filial devotion; but their recognition of the unapproachable superiority of their masters is equally well borne out by the absence in their letters of that distinctly inspired tone that marks the Apostles' writings.
[...] 以致任何孤立的国家或人民都不会感觉到其边界的 幽禁地理环境的束缚,即便这些边界一直延伸到,或 许我们应当说接近于世界 最偏远的地区。
So graphic and instantaneous is the transmission of information that there are no isolated nations or peoples who might feel themselves imprisoned by the confining geography of
their borders when those borders extend as far as, or
[...] should we say as close to, the most distant regions of the world.
显然,于近日 形成主要专利局之间的某种形式的相互或单边(一国的专利局无条件 接 受 另一国专利局 的搜索结果)搜索认可的趋势已不可避免。
This could be done by seeking a global standard reflecting the recommendations of this report; it could be done by seeking continued flexibility in the WIPO standards; it could be done by rejection of the WIPO process if it appears that the outcome will not be in the interests of developing countries.
该核准得到MM-002试验结果的支持,该试验为II期随机开放研究,评估泊马度胺(每28天周期的第1-21天4毫克每天一次)联合低剂量地塞米松(≤75岁的患者仅在每28天周期的第1、8、15和22天每天给药40毫克,>75岁的患者仅在每28天周期的第1、8、15和22天每天给药20毫克)vs泊马度胺(每28天周期的第1-21天4毫克每天一次)单药 于 最 近 骨 髓 瘤治 难 治 且 已用过来那度胺和硼替佐米的复发性多发性骨髓瘤患者。
Supporting the approval were the results of MM-002, a phase II, randomized, open-label study evaluating pomalidomide (4 mg once daily on days 1-21 of each 28-day cycle) plus low-dose dexamethasone (40 mg per day given only on Days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of each 28-day cycle for patients 75 years or younger, or 20 mg per day given only on Days 1, 8, 15 and 22 of each 28-day cycle for patients greater than 75 years of age) versus pomalidomide (4 mg once daily on days 1-21 of each 28-day cycle)
alone in patients with relapsed
[...] multiple myeloma who were refractory to their last myeloma [...]
therapy and had received lenalidomide and bortezomib.
正如本雅明在此文的第三篇论文中写道,人类的救赎 于接 受 我 们的所有过去留下的借鉴,克莱尔•方丹组合(Claire Fontaine)的作品希望喻示救赎的可能,但也揭示了 难 的 无 法弥合。
As Benjamin writes in the same text, in the
thesis III the redemption
[...] of mankind will be to receive all our past as citable, this work of Claire Fontaine wishes to allude to the possibility of redemption, but points out to the irreparable catastrophe.
各国指出,包括海洋边境在内的某些边境地区的地理性质、不 接近 和 难以 接近,给 管制越界活动、包括管制小武器和轻武器非法贩运工作带来了挑战和困 难。
States pointed out that the geographical
nature and
[...] inaccessibility of or difficult access to some border areas, including maritime borders, poses challenges and difficulties in controlling [...]
cross-border activities,
including the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons.




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