单词 | fhssa | ||||||||||
释义 |
根据FHSSA的资 料,在非洲下撒哈拉每天有将近7,000人因为人体免疫缺损病毒(HIV)/爱滋病而死亡。 zh.vitas.com | Every day, nearly 7,000 people die from HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to FHSSA. espanol.vitas.com |
透过FHSSA,我们扩大对社区的教育并让我们社区积极为辛巴威末期病人和他们的家属提供迫切需要的协助。 zh.vitas.com | ThroughFHSSA,we have extended [...] our reach to educate and engage our community in providing much-needed assistance to terminally [...]ill patients and their families in Zimbabwe. espanol.vitas.com |
自1999年FHSSA创立以来,VITAS已与FHSSA结为夥伴,与该组织在非洲的成员携手合作,为那些深受人体免疫缺损病毒(HIV)/爱滋病、癌症和其他危及生命疾病之苦的人做出贡献。 zh.vitas.com | VITAS has been a FHSSA partner since FHSSA began in 1999, joining [...] with the organization's African members to make a difference [...]for those suffering with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other life-threatening illnesses. espanol.vitas.com |
杜克生命末期疗护研究机构的总监、医学博士理查‧佩恩(Richard [...] [...] Payne)将谈论灵性与医学,美国国家安宁缓和疗护组织(NHPCO)的总裁兼执行长、心理学博士唐‧舒马赫(Don Schumacher)将讨论NHPCO的成员组织FHSSA的工作,并颁奖给着名的安宁疗护先驱及前FHSSA主席 伯尼丝‧凯瑟琳‧哈珀(Bernice Catherine Harper)博士。 zh.vitas.com | Richard Payne, MD, director of the Duke Institute on Care at the End of Life will talk about Spirituality and Medicine, and Don Schumacher, PsyD, president and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), will [...] discuss the work of [...] NHPCO's affiliate, FHSSA, andpresent an award to Dr. Bernice Catherine Harper, noted hospice pioneer and former FHSSAchairperson. espanol.vitas.com |
在九月,丹尼尔‧席图卡(Daniel Situka)和我飞到乌干达去观察和支援 金贾安宁疗护(Hospice Jinja),它是德州休士顿VITAS计画的非洲下撒哈拉安宁疗护基金会(FHSSA)的合作夥伴。 zh.vitas.com | In September, Daniel Situka and I flew to Uganda to observe and support Hospice Jinja, the Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa(FHSSA) partner of the Houston, Texas, VITAS program. vitas.com |