单词 | 镜片 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:眼镜片—lens (in eyeglasses etc) 显微镜载片—microscopic slide See also:片n—filmn flaken 片—sheet slice a slice disk partial one-sided incomplete thin piece TV play carve thin
会员可以选择支付额外升级项目, 如渐进镜片、镀膜镜片或染色片,而不是 「标准」 镜架。 care1st.com | Member has the option to pay for additional upgrade items [...] such as progressive lenses, lenscoating or tinting, [...]and frames not classified as “standard. care1st.com |
富含方铅矿、闪锌矿、铁闪锌矿、镜片状黄 铁矿矿体、 当地易碎的热液角砾岩、较小的细脉网状脉及散布界定了矿产存量的经济部分。 glencore.com | Galena-rich, sphalerite, marmatite [...] pyrite ore bodiesas lensesshape, locally [...]brittle-style hydrothermal breccias, minor [...]veinlets-stockworks and dissemination defines the economic portion of mineral inventories. glencore.com |
此外,为将相机震动而引致的模糊影像降至最低,S4400 特别内置光学镜片移动减震,即使手持相机拍摄,仍能捕捉清晰锐利影像。 apei.com.hk | Featuring a 1/2.3-inch CCD image sensor with a high pixel count of [...] 20.1 effective megapixels, the S4400 [...] ensures highimage picture quality.To minimise [...]blur from camera shake, the Lens-shift [...]Vibration Reduction (VR) produces clear and sharp images even with hand-held shooting. apei.com.hk |
Line 8支线以两部分组成 ── 「隐蔽」的创作概念把镜片放大至跨越脸颊的比例,令佩戴者大部分脸孔隐藏於 镜片之後 ,直指太阳眼镜的设计原意。 think-silly.com | The Line 8 series is [...] divided into two parts: takes on a ‘hidden’ theme, the lenses areblown up to the width of the face, covering up the [...]wearer expression underneath. think-silly.com |
一束光线会直接射在镜片上,而反射的光线会受 电子仪器监察,以测出及控制露珠及霜的形成。 itc.gov.hk | A beam of light is directed on to the mirror and the reflected beam is monitored electronically in order to detect and control the formation of dew or frost. itc.gov.hk |
镜片的外部表面已经涂上防磨擦保护层, 但镜片的内部的防雾保护层是易刮伤, 和很容易毁坏. hydrooptix.com | The exterior of thelens istreated with a scratch-resistant finish, but the interior Anti-Fog coating is delicate and more easily scratched. hydrooptix.com |
配合F2.0 24 – 90mm的Leica DC Vario-Summicron超广角镜头,非球面的镜片采用,把广角端常见的变形及色差问题减至最少。 think-silly.com | The F2.0 24 – 90mm Leica DC Vario-Summicron wide-view lens is an aspherical lens, therefore minimizing stretch on colour and shape. think-silly.com |
观赏影像时所使用的特殊镜片会配合影像变换定时开关左右 镜片,即 可产生 Full HD 3D 观影体验。 philips.com.tw | By watching these [...] images through special glasses with right andleft lenses that are timed to open and [...]close in synchrony with [...]alternating images, the full HD 3D viewing experience is created. philips.ca |
测试舱含有固态聚苯乙烯 和整合式微镜片,以 及阴性空白对照和阳性操作对照。 hcdiagnostics.com | The pette contains a polystyrene solid phase and integrated lenslets, as well as one Negative blanking control and one Positive procedural control. hcdiagnostics.com |
7.2.1 在露点湿度计内,接受测试的空气会流经一个藏有一面清洁及高度 抛光镜片的空间。 itc.gov.hk | 7.2.1 In a dew-point hygrometer, air to be tested is drawn through a chamber containing a [...] clean and highly polished mirror. itc.gov.hk |
11月配合政府两兆双星的产业政策推出非球面模造光学玻璃 镜片;推出钻石划线刀、PCD刀轮、刀轴、钻 [...] 石抛光带、压焊鎚。 kinik.com.tw | In matching with the R.O.C. Government Two-Trillion, Two-Star Project Industrial Policy, [...] presented Aspheric Molding Glass Lens. kinik.com.tw |
所以消费者在选择隐形眼镜时,需要将 镜片之透氧度纳入考虑之列,确保眼睛健康。 hkupop.hku.hk | However, in today's hectic world where people [...] have towear lenses forlong hours [...]or will nap easily, consumers should take [...]into consideration oxygen permeability when choosing contact lenses. hkupop.hku.hk |
详细说明: 【品名】:INTEX趣味蛙镜 【型号】:55910 【适用年龄】:3-10岁 【净重】:0.1KG [...] 【外包装盒尺寸】:20.5×7×23CM(长×宽×高) [...] 产品说明: 1、安全可靠的聚碳酸酯镜片2、防过敏材质 3、小朋友所喜爱的动物造型 [...]4、柔软舒适的内框 5、柔软,抗过敏的PVC塑胶面罩 [...]★品牌简介★ INTEX系总部位於美国洛杉矶的大型跨国企业,集团在北美,欧洲,中国香港,福州,厦门,上海,成都,武汉及台湾等地均有多种行业的大规模投资。 tw.70900.com | Details: [Name]: INTEX Fun goggles [Model]: 55910 [For age] :3-10-year-old 【Net Weight】: 0.1KG 【Outer box size: 20.5 × 7 × 23CM (length × width × height) [...] Product description: 1, safe and [...] reliable polycarbonate lenses2,anti-allergic [...]materials 3 kids favorite animal shapes [...]4, soft and comfortable inside the box 5, soft, anti-allergy PVC plastic mask Brand Profile of ★ ★ INTEX Department headquarters in Los Angeles, a large multinational, large-scale investment of the Group in North America, Europe, Hong Kong, China, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan and Taiwan have a variety of industry. 70900.com |
请勿安装过分太紧,镜片或镜框会有可 能破裂或毁坏. hydrooptix.com | Do not over [...] tighten asthe lensor frame may crack or break. hydrooptix.com |
在特殊的滑雪衫,p/连体服与遮罩 antizapotevaûŝimi 镀膜防雾镜片与你 会觉得舒服和着名坚定标记盔将保护 Vasot 有害的受伤和休克在下降。 k2.g-sochi.ru | In a special ski jacket, a [...] p/jumpsuit with mask with antizapotevaûŝimi coated antifog lensesyou will feel comfortable [...]and famous firm [...]Marker helmets will protect Vasot unwanted injuries and shock at falling. k2.g-sochi.ru |
如有尘土或脏污,使用镜片专用清洁纸或沾有清洁剂的布来轻拭 镜片。 viewsoniceurope.com | If there is dirt or smears, uselens-cleaning paper or moisten a soft cloth withlens cleaner and gentlywipe the lens surface. viewsoniceurope.com |
下表说明镜片上不同的标记所代表的 规格 devb.gov.hk | The following table shows what the [...] markingson the lensesrepresent. devb.gov.hk |
(b) 在顾客戴上所配隐形眼镜的右镜片而发现问题时,未能为顾客提供更适当 及合宜的右镜片。 smp-council.org.hk | (b) failed to provide a more appropriate and suitable rightlens tohis [...] client when she perceived problems by wearing the rightlens ofthe pairof contact lenses prescribed. smp-council.org.hk |
集团企业的主要产品包括水晶滤光片,水晶/蓝宝石基板、玻璃滤光片、视窗 镜片、压电晶片以及LED背光源产品等。集团三大系列主导产品如应用於安防监控摄像头的“光学低通滤波器”、应用於投影机的“水晶散热板”和“蓝宝石散热板”销售量位於全球前列。 chinamdk.com | The Group’s major products include quartz crystal optical filters, glass optical filters, crystal / [...] sapphire substrates, view [...] screen window plates, piezo-electric wafers/ blanks, LED backlight [...]modules and etc. The group’s [...]three major items like OLPF as applied in security monitor cameras, quartz crystal and sapphire thermal diffusion panels as used in projectors are the leading sellers in the world. chinamdk.com |
(b) 向顾客配处并提供了另一副眼镜,该 等新镜片的光心不平衡,并不适合顾 客的视力情况;以及 smp-council.org.hk | (b) prescribed and provided another pair of spectacles to his client with unbalanced optical centers which were not appropriate to his client’s eyes condition; and smp-council.org.hk |
在保压阶段,额外的熔胶不 断被挤压进去浇口,且其路径必须经过随时间发 展的固化层所造成的狭小通道,因而在 镜片浇口附近的厚度中心区域产生相对应的第二个高峰 量值。 moldex3d.com | At the holding stage, more melt is packed [...] into the lens gate through narrowing channel caused by the development of frozen layer; hence, the second peak appears near the central partof lens thickness. moldex3d.com |
每个车厢设有大镜片及镜片屋顶,让大家不易错过任何一寸的美景。 4tern.com | So, you would not miss any angle of the beautifulscenery. 4tern.com |
3.独家添加玻尿酸:帝康散光日抛不只有较佳的含水保湿性, 镜片在保湿涵水效能的玻尿酸Hyaluronic Acid成份浸泡後,利用玻尿酸的亲水保湿性在角膜表面形成屏障作用,防止水份的散失,达到角膜环境的恒定含水作用,缓长时间配戴隐形眼镜所产生的乾涩感,而且 镜片挺立不论取戴都顺手,让眼睛湿润水亮。 mobile.taiwanexcellence.org | The Basic design ideas for“TICON Wonderful Daily Disposable ContactLens”is to create the effect of iris enlargement with selection of natural beautiful colors. mobile.taiwanexcellence.org |
本論文藉由黏弹模型结合三维电脑模流分析讨論典型之 镜片成型案例,本文不但发现模拟结果预测出一些在充填与保压过程中的有趣现象,并且证明此 COC 材料的预测结果在流动方向与厚度方向都与实验相当吻合。 moldex3d.com | Furthermore, experimental verifications on the phenomena have been conducted with reasonable accuracy not only in form accuracy but in residual stresses. moldex3d.com |
高效能2倍缩放镜片有更大直径,全玻璃镜头系统,共17个元件、15个群组,其中包含2个ED (extra low dispersion)镜片。 jvc.com.tw | The high-performance 2x zoom lens features a large-diameter, all-glasslens system with 17 elements in 15 groups including an ED (extra low dispersion)lens to guarantee [...] the faithful projection of full HD images. jvc.com.tw |