单词 | 酣畅的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(睡眠)酣畅的 adj—sound adj See also:酣畅—unrestrained • drink with abandon • cheerful lack of inhibition, esp. for drinking or sleeping 酣—intoxicated 畅—smooth • fluent • unimpeded • free from worry • at ease
温莎城堡是一个经典的酒吧,与酣畅 淋 漓 的 酒 吧 食品产品和啤酒花园完成,从而使你的食欲,以及良好的BREW的渴求。 zh.melbournehotel.com | Windsor Castle is a classic pub, complete with hearty pub food offerings and a beer garden, so bring your appetite as well as your thirst for good brew. melbournehotel.com |
人 要入睡 , 而 且 要 酣睡, 是 要 經 過 在工作後 , 一 段 慢慢停 下 來 的 休 息時間。 legco.gov.hk | To fall asleep and sleep soundly, we need rest time to slow down after work. legco.gov.hk |
尤其重要的是,美国和中国,如他们在冷战 正 酣 时 所 做 的 , 找 到加强战略合作的方法。 embassyusa.cn | It is particularly important that the U.S. and China, as they did during the height of the Cold War, find ways to enhance strategic cooperation. eng.embassyusa.cn |
其 實 , 金門炮 戰正酣 時 ,國防部長 彭 德 懷 向 台灣發 出 “ 建 議 舉 行 談判, 實 行和平 解 決 ” 的 信 息 。 legco.gov.hk | When the gun battle in Quemoy was at its [...] heights, the [...] Chinese Defence Minister PENG Dehuai conveyed a message to Taiwan which proposed talks to achieve a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan problem. legco.gov.hk |
这些差异可能会成为妨碍在各次区域之间进行 顺 畅 和 有 效 的 交 通运 输的有形和无形障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | These differences can act as physical and non-physical barriers to smooth and efficient transport between subregions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在冷战正酣之时 ,美国和中国共同努力,建立相互信任,该信任为有意 义 的 战 略 合作以应对共同安全挑战奠定了基础。 embassyusa.cn | At the height of the Cold War, the United States and China worked together to build mutual trust, a trust that formed the basis for meaningful strategic cooperation to address common security challenges. eng.embassyusa.cn |
倫敦奧運激戰正酣,KT SF網站在每天不斷更新戰 況 的 同 時 ,也對賽場內外那些或精彩萬分、或匪夷所思、或令人氣憤的事進行了報導。 ktsf.com | There are non-medalists we remember at the London Olympics; there are hot topics outside the court. ktsf.com |
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进 程 的 力 量 交换看法、 畅所欲言的机会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes. unesdoc.unesco.org |
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一 样 的 体 验 ;1080p高清视频播放华丽、 流 畅 、 安 静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快、栩栩如生。 tipschina.gov.cn | Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions is fast and life-like. tipschina.gov.cn |
但 是,大 部 分 的人不可以隨 時 隨 地 便 能 夠 入 睡(立法會議員開 會的時 候 隨 時 睡 覺 可能 是 一 種 例 外 ),縱 使 能 夠 入 睡 , 亦未必 能 夠 酣睡。 legco.gov.hk | But most people cannot fall asleep at any time (it may be an exception that Legislative Council Members can fall asleep at any time during meetings). legco.gov.hk |
以舒適的睡眠和修復皮膚作為理念的 「 FI NE 優の源酣睡膠原蛋白」給您帶來「高品質睡眠」和「皮膚的修復技術」成分,讓現代女性在晚間也以可輕鬆地美容。 cosme-de.com | The Glycine amino acid is also used by the nervous system and its function as an inhibitory neurotransmitter makes it important to help prevent epileptic seizures and it is also used in the treatment of manic depression and hyperactivity. cosme-de.com |
最后,教科文组织有 关自由、独立及多元化媒体的发展,促进言论自由以及信息和交 流 的畅 通 无 阻所进行的项目 和活动为联发援框架成果 1 做出了贡献,其目的是建立一个有利于良好的国家治理、民主及 权利的环境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Lastly, UNESCO’s programmes and activities on the development of free, independent and pluralist media, the promotion of freedom of expression, access to information, and communication for development contribute to UNDAF Effect No. 1 on creating an environment conductive to good governance, democracy and the rule of law. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它们将必须同双方建立并保持 顺畅的工作关系,并且我们必须充分支持这些努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will be important that they establish and maintain smooth working relations with both sides and that we extend full support to these efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
她希望及时选举出继 任者,因为交接工作的延误过去一直是运转 不 畅的 原因之一。 daccess-ods.un.org | She hoped that the election of her successor would proceed in a timely manner, since delays in the transition had been one of the reasons for poor performance in the past. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,我们坚信,目前安全理事会和大会之间在 尊重各自权限的情况下正在进行的充分和 流 畅的沟 通是至关重要的,以便按照《联合国宪章》的宗旨和 原则,实现维护国际和平与安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, we are convinced that ongoing adequate and fluid communications between the Security Council and the General Assembly that respect their individual purviews is fundamental in order to achieve the maintenance of international peace and security in keeping with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
创建现代感和高科技外观的应用,并为用户提供丰富的动画和 流 畅的 交 互 体验。 evget.com | Create modern and high technical looking applications that feature rich animations and smooth interactive experiences for the user. evget.com |
通过科索沃特派团推动的安全协调会议以及我的特 别代表的直接参与,特派团继续努力保持当地对话渠 道 的畅 通 ,并减少误解,以 防在实地酿成更大的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through UNMIK-facilitated security coordination meetings as well as direct engagement by my Special Representative, the Mission continues its endeavours to keep local channels of dialogue open and to reduce the space for misunderstandings to grow into larger problems on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过为乡村社区提供设备和培训,希望能够大力 解决通讯不畅的紧迫问题。 unesdoc.unesco.org | By providing equipment and training to rural communities it is hoped that the urgent need to bridge the communication divide would be addressed in a significant way. unesdoc.unesco.org |
而大概在我們睡得正酣的夜晚 ,在我或他的夢境裡,他獨個兒拿著手風琴,對著跟天空同一個樣子的海,呢喃著自己奇怪的夢,延續一個快要完結的世界。 think-silly.com | Deep in sleep in one’s dream, he will mumble again with an organ in his hands, facing the sea, drifting through space in this world coming to an end. think-silly.com |
现在,FishEye除了其默认的固定背景行为以外,还能提供一种全 新 的 流 畅的 背 景 行为。 evget.com | FishEye now provides a new Fluid background behavior in addition to the default Fixed behavior. evget.com |
酣暢淋漓的大勝 ,拜仁上個星期主場的表現無懈可擊,也宣告我推介的完勝…(補充說壹下,我旁邊那位大概已經忘了“勝利”是什麽意思了)我還是很難和妳解釋他是個什麽樣的人,上次他的推介贏了的時候,他穿了個很滑稽的連體泳衣,包裹著他那臃腫的身體。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Rock solid performance for the Bavarian team and a comfortable home win declaring our OVER pick a winner… (needless to say, Louis on my right panel, has forgot the meaning of the word “winner”) I still can’t explain neither justify his time in the industry. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
您也可選擇關閉Alt與Tab鍵和Alt與F4指令,如此一來您再也無需擔心誤擊按鍵 而 酣 然 大 敗。 razerzone.com | You can also choose to disable the Alt-Tab and Alt-F4 commands, so you’ll never have to worry about hitting the wrong keys in the midst of pwning again. razerzone.com |
论坛 还指出,提供顺畅的物流 服务日趋重要,这一点也正在通过各个具体的项 目体现出来,诸如许多国家目前业已或正考虑发展和建立行各种多式联运 设施或联运枢纽。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also observed that the growing importance of smooth logistics was behind specific projects, such as the development of intermodal facilities or hubs already being implemented or considered in many countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
过高的真空因阻止顺畅的传送而 会造成不匀的着色和实地。 glunz-jensen.com | Uneven tints and solids can be caused by too high a vacuum, as it prevents a smooth transportation. glunz-jensen.com |
母親的臉部洋溢著滿足的表情,正如這件作品的名字,母親溫柔小心地將孩子抱在胸前,這個新 生 的 嬰 孩 甯靜 地 酣 睡 著。 tipschina.gov.cn | In fact, it is precisely the bust format that underscores the high sculptural value of this piece, the delicate tenderness with which she embraces her child, the placid sleep of the recently born baby, are elements showcasing the sculptor's mastery in capturing all these subtle expressions. tipschina.gov.cn |
云台融合了诸多重要的摄像用功能,例如出色的平衡系统、单独的摇摄锁和俯仰锁、针对摇摄和俯仰的可调液压阻尼控制,以实现 流 畅的 操 作。 gitzo.cn | This head incorporates key video features [...] such as perfect balancing system, variable fluid [...] drag control on pan and tilt [...]movements for smooth repeatable actions, separate pan and tilt locks. gitzo.ca |
有了 Equinix,我们可以在邻近我们最重要的网络服务提供商合作伙伴之处展开运营,能接通一个可确保我们的内容与我们的终端用户之间路径最为 流 畅的 平 台。 equinix.cn | With Equinix, we can operate in close proximity to many of our top network service provider partners, with access to a platform that ensures the most streamlined path between our content and our end-users. equinix.nl |
我们继续反对制定或实施对古巴这种妨碍国际贸易和航行自由 通 畅的 法律 或措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | We continue to be opposed to the enactment or application of such laws or measures against Cuba which impede the free and smooth flow of international trade and navigation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们还认 为,依靠安全理事会的联合国系统实体以及作为秘书 处组成部分和与大会十分密切的实体必须在灵活、有 效的协调背景下保持顺畅的关系 ,以便能够在我们努 力根除恐怖主义时采取一致、互补和整体的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | We also deem it important that the United Nations system entities that depend on the Security Council, as well as those that are part of the Secretariat and most closely tied to the General Assembly, maintain smooth relations in a context of flexible and effective coordination, so as to allow for consistent, complementary and holistic action in our efforts to eradicate terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |