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其中包括关于讯 问期间受到殴打、电击酷刑秘密关押设施以及缺乏医疗关怀的指 称。
These include claims of beatings during interrogation, torture by electric shocks, forced confessions, secret detention facilities, and a lack of medical attention.
After two months he changed his story, and claimed that he was forced to leave Azerbaijan because he was sought by the police.
此外,对平民适用军事刑事司法时,就是根据为各种侵 权行为所损害的诉讼请求进行定罪,其结果,不仅辩护的权利成为一种幻想,所 获证据大多也都是刑产物。
Moreover, when the military criminal justice system is applied to civilians, the outcome is convictions obtained on the basis of proceedings vitiated by abuses of all kinds in which not only does the right to a defence become a chimera,but much of the evidence is obtained by means of torture or cruel and inhuman treatment.
[...] 界接触,而且家人不了解这些人的下落和命运,所造成的隐秘不定的状况违反了 无罪假设,而且便利了严其他形式的虐待。
Even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members have no knowledge of their whereabouts and fate
violate the presumption of innocence and are
[...] conduciveto confessions obtained under [...]
torture or other forms of ill-treatment.
那么,各方还必须确认,如果占领国无 情沿这条道路走下去,那我们就将陷入一条 只会给巴勒斯坦人民和以色列人民及整个区域带来 更多暴力、痛苦的轨道,从而把我们推入又一个黑暗 时代,并使我们比以往任何时候都更远离我们在中东 实现和平、安全和共存前景的崇高目标。
It must also then be recognized that if recklessly forced down this path by the occupying Power, we will be taken on a trajectory that will bring only more violence, suffering, loss and instability for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, as well as the region as a whole, propelling us into yet another era of darkness and taking us further away than ever from our noble goal of realizing a future of peace, security and coexistence in the Middle East.
为此,国家检察长提出,要重点关注那些侵犯人权的犯罪行为,特别是在 执行公务期间实施的酷刑或肢体伤害、强扣压人质、迫害无辜、种族灭 绝以及战争罪行等等。
In that connection, the Attorney General has proposed that special attention be paid to human rights offences, including torture, inflicting bodily injury while performing a public function, using force to obtain statements, hostage-taking, prosecution of innocent persons, genocide and war crimes, as set out in the decision mentioned above.
(8) 就 本 条 而 言 , ‘括 虐 待 、 不 人 道 [...]
或 有 辱 人 格 的 待 遇 、 使 用 暴 力 或 威 胁 使 用 暴 力 ( 不 论 是 否 进 行 虐 待 ) 。
(8) In this section “oppression”includes torture, [...]
inhuman or degrading treatment, and the use or threat of violence (whether or not amounting to torture).
我们对于阴险形式的歧视————微 妙的、面对面的互动交往和制度化的偏见——有着更 高的警惕性,我们看得到,它们的破坏性,可能丝毫 不亚于公然咄行为。
Our antennae are better attuned to see the insidious forms of discrimination — the subtle, faceto-face interactions and institutionalized prejudice that can be every bit as destructive as outright aggressive behaviour.
随着附件 A 和 B 化学物质彻底淘汰的日期日越来越多的氟氯化碳 设备和产品下线。
As the complete phase-out date for Annex A and B chemicals is approaching, an increasing number of CFC equipment and products are being decommissioned.
该器件集成了一个 8 通道、低漏电多路复用器;一个具有高共模抑制功能的高阻抗可编程增益仪表放大器 (PGIA) 级;一个高精度、低漂移 4.096 V
[...] 基准电压和缓冲器;以及一个采用逐存器 (SAR) 架构的 16 位电荷再分布式模数转换器 [...]
The device integrates an 8-channel, low leakage multiplexer; a high-impedance programmable gain instrumentation amplifier (PGIA) stage with a high common-mode rejection; a precision, low drift 4.096 V reference and buffer; and a
16-bit charge-redistribution analog-to-digital
[...] converter (ADC)withsuccessive approximation [...]
register (SAR) architecture.
提交人在之后向上级法院的上诉中,坚持称自己没有参 与被判罪行,认罪只是严结果。
In all his appeals to higher courts the author allegedly insisted that he had not participated in the crimes he was convicted for and that he had confessed guilt as a result of torture.
虽然政府继续与联合禁毒工作队合作,争取塞拉 利昂和西非次区域无毒品存在,但西非贩毒和有组织 跨国犯罪的威胁依然确实存在,这需要联塞建和办在 今后多年继续介入塞拉利昂工作,尤其是在 2012 年总 统选举、议会选举和地方政府选举迅情况下。
While the Government continues working with the Joint Drug Interdiction Task Force to make Sierra Leone and the West African subregion drug-free, the narcotic trafficking menace in West Africa and organized cross-border crime remain real threats and require UNIPSIL’s continued engagement in Sierra Leone for many more years to come, especially with the fast-approaching2012 presidential, legislative and local government elections.
However it is reluctant to push too hard for fear of jeopardising its military, economic and energy interests.
此外,在第 6(c)段中,理事会敦促各国 “确保在任何诉讼程序中不得援引任何业经确定系以酷刑取得的口供为证据,但 这类口供可用作被控施用酷刑者刑证据”。
Moreover, in paragraph 6 (c), the Council urges States to “ensure that no statement established to have been made as a result of torture is invoked as evidence in any proceedings, except against a person accused of torture as evidence that the statement was made”.
清盘人可在获得相同授权的情况下,将任 何部分资产授予清盘人认为适当并以股东为受益人而设立的信托的受托人,惟不 得人接受任何负有债务的股份或其他财产。
The liquidator may, with the like authority, vest any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of members as the liquidator, with the likeauthority, shall think fit, but so that no contributory shall be compelled to accept any shares or other property in respect of which there is a liability.
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这些人 还表示,被安全人员羁押期间,他们遭受讯问人或狱卒以刑侮辱为目的 的殴打和酷刑。
These individuals also stated that, while in the custody of security agents, they were beaten and tortured by interrogators and jailers for the purposes of extracting a confession or in order to humiliate them.
[...] 向最高人民法院提交了一份录像资料,其中有樊奇航陈述警察对其刑情况。
It was reported that his lawyer submitted a video to the Supreme
People‘s Court (SPC), in which Fan describes the torture that he had been subjected to by the
[...] police seeking his confession.
在上一个任务期期间,专家组获得布隆迪政治反对派成员的证词。这些成 员认为,按照他们对该国人权、政治和治理情况的看法,引起国际社会和布隆 迪政府注意的唯一办法就是动员武装力量,行政治对话。
Over the course of its previous mandate, the Group obtained testimonies from members of the Burundian political opposition, who concluded that in light of their perceptions of the human rights, political and governance situation in the country, the only way to attract the attention of the international community and the Government of Burundi was to mobilize armed forces in order to force a political dialogue.
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喀土穆政府继续拒绝执行其签署的和平协 议,这将有可能导致苏丹重返战争,也将中国在苏丹以 及邻国乍得的投险边缘。
The government is changing its calculus in light of international pressure and security threats, but has shown itself willing to play a stepped-up diplomatic role only to the extent that its immediate energy interests are not affected.
此 做 法 源 於 新 西 兰 的 《 1 9 0 8 年 证 据 法 令 》 ( Evidence Act 1908) 第 2 0 条 所 载 的 规 定 , 该 条 已 由《 1 9 5 0 年 证 据( 修 订 )法 令 》( Evidence Amendment Act 1950)第 3 条 取 代 , 而 後 者 订 明 ‚ 如 果 法 官 或 其 他 审 裁 官 信 纳 取 得 供 认 的 手 段,事 实 上 不 可 能 导 致 作 出 供 认 者 虚 假 地 承 认 自 己 有 罪 , 则 不 得 以 曾 有 允 诺 或 恐 吓 或 任 何 其 他 诱 因 ( 并 非 施 以 暴 力 、 武 力 或 其 他 形 式作 出 或 施 加 於 作 出 供 认 者 为 理 由 , 不 接 纳 在 刑 事 法 律 程 序 中 提 出 以 作 为 证 据 的 供 认 。
This approach is derived from that contained in the 1908 Evidence Act, New Zealand, Section 20 as substituted by Section 3 of the Evidence Amendment Act 1950 which provides that "a confession tendered in evidence in criminal proceedings shall not be rejected on the ground that a promise or threat or any other inducement (not being the exercise of violence or force or other form of compulsion) has been held out 46 or exercised upon the person confessing if the judge or other presiding officer is satisfied that the means by which the confession was obtained were not in fact likely to cause an untrue admission of guilt to be made.
清盘人在获得同样授权下,亦可将任何部份资产授予清盘 人认为适当而在获得同样授权下为股东利益所设立信托的受托 人,惟不得接受任何附有债务的股份或其他资产。清盘 人可在获得相同批准之情况下,将任何部份资产转归予清盘人在 获得相同批准之情况下认为适当而为股东利益设立之信托受托 人,惟不得强迫股东接受附有债务之任何股份或其他资产。
The liquidator may, with the like sanction, vest any part of the assets in trustees upon such trusts for the benefit of members as the liquidator, with the like sanction, shall think fit, but so that no member shall be compelled to accept any shares or other assets upon which there is a liability.
至於「优质短篇或实况戏剧」方面,按照平均欣赏指数排列分别有港台的「生」、「执法群英 II」、亚视的「精彩活一生」、港台的「风雨夜归人」、「爱在瘟疫蔓延时」、无线的「廉政行动2004」、港台的「几许风雨」和「小时候」,一共八个,当中港台占六个。
As with "Quality short drama series/reality dramas" sorted in terms of their average AIs, RTHK's "Difficult Life","Onthe Beat II"; ATV's "Awakening Stories of Drug Addicts"; RTHK's "Mid-night Workers", "Love at the Age of SARS", "Love at the Age of SARS"; TVB's "ICAC Investigation 2004"; RTHK's "After the Rain" and "When We Were Young", altogether eight programmes are in this category.
松下Lumix TS3中还采用了新的松下三维图片模式,它以连续20张照片制作一三维图片由和覆盖两个最好创建一个三维图像,然后可以将高清晰度电视上播放松下VIERA三维。
The Panasonic LUMIX TS3 also features the new Panasonic 3D Photo mode, which produces a realistic 3D photo by taking 20 consecutive photos and overlays the two best to create a 3D image that can then be played on a Panasonic VIERA 3D HDTV.
As of spring last year, the 2011 CTS Coupe came to the mainland Chinese market, and has since been challenging the aesthetics of Chinese people through its “center of the room” sharp exterior design.




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