

单词 违天害理

External sources (not reviewed)

随着新的司法制度的推出,处理上诉所需的平均工作日数已增至 15 天; 处理违纪案 件所需的平均工作日数已增至 20 天。
With the introduction of the new
justice system, the
[...] number of working days needed to process an appeal has increased on average to 15 and the average number of working days needed to process a disciplinary [...]
case has increased to 20.
理会已立下重要先例,要求建 立实况调查机制,调查指称违法行 为,为 害 者 提 供赔偿,并推动实行个人刑 事责任。
It has already set significant precedents by requesting the establishment of
[...] [...] fact-finding mechanisms to investigate alleged violations, providing reparations for victims and promoting individual criminal responsibility.
专员的权力包括:从行政方面核 实侵权行为、提出恢复权利的建议,以及担任 害 方 的 法院 理 , 对 违 反 国 民公 平原则的个人实施行政处罚。
The commissioner’s powers ranged from the administrative verification of violations, recommendations for restoration of rights and court representation of aggrieved parties to imposing administrative sanctions against persons infringing the principle of equality among nationals.
叙利亚政权天的罪恶行违反了安 全 理 事会 的决定,表明了它对安理会、联合特使,更广泛而言, 对整个国际社会的蔑视。
By its daily nefarious actions the Syrian regime is violating the decisions [...]
of the Security Council and demonstrating its
contempt for it, as well as for the Joint Special Envoy and, more generally, the entire international community.
其他派代表出席本届会议的实体包括:亚洲备灾中心、亚洲减灾 和应对害网络、亚理工学 院、亚洲再保险公司、人道主义援助和 民事保护总局(欧洲联盟委员会)、红十字会与红新月国际联合会、国 际全球航空天监测 系统项目国际执行委员会、国际标准化组织、日 本宇宙航空研究开发机构、太平洋岛屿电信协会、以及日本遥感技术 中心。
Other entities represented included: Asian Disaster Preparedness Center; Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network; Asian Institute of Technology; Asian Reinsurance Corporation; Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (European Commission); International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; International Committee on the International Global Monitoring Aerospace System Project Implementation; International Organization for Standardization; Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency; Pacific Islands Telecommunications Association (PITA) and Remote Sensing Technology Centre of Japan.
本行和属于本行一部分的任何实体不应因其 理 控 制 外的原因(包括任何自然 害 、 天 灾 、 公敌、任何军事、民事或监管机关的行为、任何法律或法规的变更、通讯、电力或其他中断或故障、任何供应商或其他第三方不履行、或超出本行(或作为其部分的任何实体)合理控制的任何其他原因)导致的不履行或迟延履行被视 违 反 本 协议。
The Practice will not, nor will any entity that is part of the Practice, be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement for any failure or delay in performance caused by reasons beyond its reasonable control, including any natural calamity, act of God or a public enemy, act of any military, civil or regulatory authority, change in any law or regulation, disruption or outage of communications, power or other, failure to perform by any supplier or other third party, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the Practice (or any entity that is part of the Practice).
在这一方 面,政府认为,外来势力对该国施加任何压力以迫使其采取可能损害厄立特里亚 的族裔和社会和睦的做法、政策和发展与 理 模 式的做法,均是 害 和 违 背 厄立 特里亚的最大利益的。
In this connection, it views any pressure on the country by outside forces to adopt practices, policies and
models of development and
[...] governance that would in any way tamper with Eritrea’s ethnic and communal harmony as counterproductive and contrary to the best [...]
interest of Eritrea.
俄罗斯联邦 2005 年在空间研究及和平利用外层空间领域的国家活动是由俄 罗斯联邦天局根 据俄罗斯联邦空间计划、专门的全球轨道导航卫星系统方案和 其他专门计划与俄罗斯科学院、国防部、民防、紧急情况和自然 害 管 理 部 、 信 息技术和通信部、联邦大地测量和地图绘制局、联邦水文气象和环境监督局以及 空间信息和服务的其他客户和用户合作进行的。
The national activities of the Russian Federation in the field of space research and the use of outer space for peaceful purposes in 2005 were carried out by the Russian Federal Space Agency in accordance with the Russian Federal Space Programme, the special federal Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) programme and other special programmes in cooperation with the
Russian Academy of
[...] Sciences, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergency Situations and Natural Disaster Management, the Ministry for Information Technologies and Communication, the Federal Geodesy and Cartography Agency, [...]
the Federal Hydrometeorology
and Environmental Monitoring Service and other clients and users of space information and services.
(Macasía River)環境重建計畫」、協助薩爾瓦多、史瓦 濟蘭「安全飲用水計畫」、在太平洋六友邦推動「臺 灣一盞燈計畫」、索羅門群島「全國森林種植發展計 畫」、帛琉「污水理系統改善計畫」、海地「整治尖 沙海灘計畫」、宏都拉斯「西天然 災 害 防 治 計畫」、 吐瓦魯「廢棄物減量計畫」及「捐助國際保育計畫」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon
Islands, Program to
[...] Improve Sewage Disposal Systems in Palau, Point Sable Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention and Control of Natural Disasters in the West [...]
in Honduras, Funafuti
Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
智利赞成列入一个关于反措施的章节,因为没 理 由 证 明 违 反 一 项国际义务 的国际组织应该免受害国或受害的 国 际组织为促使其履行义务而对该国际组 织采取的反措施。
Chile is in favour of the inclusion of a chapter on
countermeasures, since there is
[...] no reason why an international organization which breaches an international obligation should be exempted from [...]
the adoption of countermeasures
by an injured State or international organization to induce it to comply with its obligations.
我們已開發出多種分析工具、專屬模型及報表系統,可幫助 貴公司針 天 然 及 人為 害 風 險 實施 理。
We have developed a wide range of
analytical tools, proprietary models and reporting systems to help you
[...] manage risks stemming from natural and man-made disasters.
新指标扩大了自然灾害的覆盖范围,纳入了干旱和极端温度 天 气 和 气候灾害、 洪水和风暴等其天气和气候害、 以 及地震或火山等地球 理 灾 害。
It improves coverage of natural disasters by
[...] including weather and climaterelated disasters such as drought and extreme temperatures, other weather and climate-related disasters such as floods and storms, as well as geophysical disasters such as earthquakes [...]
or volcanoes.
此 外,现有一个 P-5 员额的职能经修改后将包天基信 息平台方案的协调工作,现 有一个 P-4 员额将调至主任办公室协助理方案
In addition, the functions of an existing P-5 post
will be revised to
[...] include coordination of the UN-SPIDER programme, and an existing P-4 post will be redeployed to the Office of the Director to assist in the management of the programme.
此外,退出市场,就不可能涵盖所有可能影响价格形成的行动, 天 气 , 罢工, 害 管 理 是 好 是坏,腐败,利润和亏损的公司,新的法律,政治决定,战争和其他许多人。
Moreover, out of the market would be impossible to cover all the possible
influences of price formation of an
[...] action, such as weather, strikes, disasters, good or bad [...]
management, corruption, profits
and losses of a company, new laws, political decisions, wars and many others.
确认联合国害管理和应急天基信 息平台(天基信息平台)执行任务的进展, 鼓励会员国自愿向天基信息平台提供一切必要的支持,包括财务支持,使其能够 执行其 2010-2011 年度工作计划,并重申必须通过让所有国家更多地获得和利用 天基技术服务,促进害管理 方面的能力建设和加强体制工作,尤其是在发展中 国家中这样做,来加强全球在灾害管理和应急方面的国际协调与合作
Recognizing the progress made by the United Nations
Platform for Spacebased
[...] Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UNSPIDER) in its mission, encouraging Member States to provide all support necessary, on a voluntary basis, to UN-SPIDER, including financial support, to enable it to carry out its workplan for 2010–2011, and reiterating the importance of enhancing international coordination and cooperation at the global level in disaster management [...]
and emergency response
through greater access to and use of spacebased services for all countries and by facilitating capacity-building and institutional strengthening for disaster management, in particular in developing countries
该委员会的任务是通过有约束力的仲裁,决定一国政府对另一国政 府以及一方的国民(包括自然人和法人)对另一方的政府或者另一方拥有或控制 的实体提出的下列两类所有损失、 害 或 伤 害 索 偿 要求:(a) 与作为《框架协 定及其执行方式》和《停止敌对行动协定》主体的冲突有关;(b) 因违反包括 1949 年日内瓦四公约在内的国际人道主义法,或者其 违 反 国 际法的行为。
The mandate of the Commission is to decide through binding arbitration all claims for loss, damage or injury by one Government against the other, and by nationals (including both natural and juridical persons) of one party
against the Government of
[...] the other party or entities owned or controlled by the other party that are (a) related to the conflict that was the subject of the Framework Agreement, the Modalities for its Implementation and the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement, and (b) result from violations of international humanitarian law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions, or other violations of international law.
因 此,每个国家都需要采取必要措施,维护社会和政治稳定以促进发展,在这一方 面,任违反法律,害国家 这一根本利益的活动都应依照法律加以惩治。
Therefore, any State would need to take necessary measures to maintain social and political stability for
development, and in this
[...] connection, any activity that violates the law and threatens [...]
this fundamental interest of the
nation should be punished in accordance with the law.
為何我們號稱 禮義之邦的中國,竟然會無視毒奶粉的存在,對此視而不見,任由奸 商繼續幹天害理的事情呢?
Why does China, a country known for politeness and righteousness, turn a blind eye to the tainted formula milk incident and allow the cunning businessmen to continue with their evil deeds?
本章不妨碍根据第 49 条第 1 款至第 3 款有权援引一国际组织的责任的任何 国家或另一国际组织对该国际组织采取合法措施,以确保停止 违 反 义 务行为, 并使害国或受害组织或被违反的 义务的受益人获得赔偿。
This Chapter does not prejudice the right of any State or international organization, entitled under article 49, paragraphs 1 to 3, to invoke the responsibility of another international organization, to take lawful measures against that
organization to ensure
[...] cessation of the breach and reparation in the interest of the injured State or organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直 违 背 《 联合国宪章》 的基本原则理事会 第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和理事会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义务与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the basic requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
订正刑法典》第 2 条规定,除非优先适用的条 约和法律另有规定,《刑法典》的规定不仅在菲律宾境内而且在其管辖范围之外 也应适用于下列人:(a) 在菲律宾船只或飞机上犯罪的;(b) 实施某些特定罪行 的(见表 1);(c) 实施《刑法典》第二卷第一章界定的 害 国 家 安全 违 反 国家 法律的任何罪行的。
Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code stipulates that, except as provided for in the treaties and laws of preferential application, the provisions of the Code shall be enforced not only within the Philippines but also outside its jurisdiction, in respect of those who (a) commit an offence while on a Philippine ship or aircraft; (b) commit certain specified crimes (see table 1); (c) commit any of the crimes against national security and the law of the nation defined in Title I, Book II of the Code.
考虑到在刑事司法制度中,毛利人作 违 法者害者比 例过高,新西兰承诺以协调方式解决这些因素。
Mindful of the overrepresentation of
Maori in the criminal justice system as
[...] both offenders and victims, New Zealand was committed [...]
to addressing these factors in a concerted way.
2003 年 7 月初,埃塞俄比亚拒绝尊重安理事 会第 1430(2002)号决议,其中明 确要求埃塞俄比亚在 30 天内拆除其违反《阿尔及尔和平协议》在厄立特里亚领 土丹贝孟古尔内设立的新的定居点。
Early in July 2003, Ethiopia refused to respect Security Council resolution 1430 (2002) that
expressly requested it to
[...] dismantle within 30 days the new settlements that it had created in the Dembe Mengul territory of Eritrea in violation of the Algiers [...]
Peace Agreement.
这种情况说明了直接与生 存、身体完整性和健康相关的人与人之间的暴力侵害和结构性的暴力 害 , 因为 妇女天为水 这一基本需求而要冒着生命的风险。
Such a scenario illustrates both interpersonal and structural violence directly related to survival, bodily integrity and health, as women risk their lives daily for water, which is a basic need.
然 而,我们也希望理会知道,2 月 13 日,即条约签署天后,苏丹政违反协 议,轰炸了西加扎勒河州和 联合州部分地区,数天后又轰炸了上尼罗州部分地 区。
However, we also want the
[...] Council to know that three days after the signing of the pact, the Government of the Sudan violated the agreement [...]
by bombing areas
in Western Bahr Al-Ghazal and Unity states on 13 February, and areas in Upper Nile state a few days later.
如果沒有貝沙灣,便沒有 電訊盈科;如果沒有電訊盈科,便沒有小股東要跳樓:“ 天害理 8 號 仔 , 偷呃拐 騙李澤楷”,大家從最近的私有化官司可看得一清二楚,請問政 府有何辦法?
If not for Residence Bel-Air, PCCW would not have existed; and if not for PCCW, a small shareholder would not have jumped off the building: "the stock with the code of eight is a disgrace against morality and common sense, and Richard LI is always prepared to achieve self-serving ends by hook or by crook".
讨 论分成小 组围绕 以 下 问题展开: (a)各机构与司法的
关系及其在执法中的作用;(b)各机构对国家人权保护体系的关键 组成部 分的支
[...] 持;(c)各机构与反 对有罪 不罚的 斗争; (d)各机构与严违反人权的害 者 的 复 原、赔偿和 康复权和冲突后 形势下 的 基 本自由 [...]
; (e)各机构与执法方面的能 力建 设 ,特别是
通过司法、安 全 部门和 惩罚制 度 的 改革, 青少年司法改革, 或打击腐 败,来加强能力建设。
Discussions developed around the following issues in different panels: (a) the relationship between institutions and the judiciary and the role that they play in the administration of justice; (b) institutions’ support for critical components of national human rights protection systems; (c) institutions and the fight against impunity; (d) institutions and the right to
restitution, compensation and
[...] rehabilitation for victims of gross human rights violations and fundamental [...]
freedoms in post-conflict
situations; (e) institutions and capacity-building with regard to the administration of justice, in particular through reform of the judiciary, the security sector and the penal system, juvenile justice reform, or the fight against corruption.
问题 如下:“关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第 48
[...] 条规定:在一国违反对整个国际社会承担的 义务的情形下,各国有权要求责任国停止国际不法行为,并履行向 害 国 或 被 违 反 的 义务的 受益人提供赔偿的义务。
The question ran as follows: “Article 48 on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts provides that, in case of a breach by a State of an obligation owed to the international community as a whole, States are entitled to claim from the responsible State cessation of the internationally wrongful act and performance
of the obligation of reparation in the interest of
[...] the injured State or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.




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