单词 | 考究 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 考究—exquisiteless common: check and research 考究verb—investigatev
刚 开始时,木偶设计简单如袜子,慢慢会发展为 考究的布袋木偶和牵线木偶,并可与舞台和 场景一起使用。 cpsc.gov | Puppets start off as simple sock-like designs and evolve into elaborate hand puppets and marionettes, which may be used in conjunction with stages and scenery. cpsc.gov |
至於该等人士能否代表参加游行而又有上网的人士,则尚待 考究。 hkupop.hku.hk | Whether the sample was representative of all demonstrators who would go online [...] has yet tobe investigated. hkupop.hku.hk |
笔者没有考究该等 机构的背景,但所动用的资源,的确令人咋舌。 hkupop.hku.hk | The author had not investigated the background of these organizations, but their resources deployed were really surprising. hkupop.hku.hk |
其优雅的设计图案、考究的质 料与舒适的剪裁,令CAMELA的品牌形象旗帜鲜明,一直深受女士们的推崇。 sogo.com.hk | Through her sophisticated pattern, designs, delicate materials and well-tailored cutting, CAMELA weaves a signature style that transforms the splashes of colour into grace and charisma. sogo.com.hk |
迎接观众的监赏家这些部位的运动,这里有更多的 考究,工作,内衬振荡晶体蓝宝石版I03的质量,并提出了一系列参考I02 15份金或白金制作30份。 zh.horloger-paris.com | These parts movements greeted by an audience of connoisseurs, here are more dressy, as worked side lining with a mass oscillating crystal sapphire version I03, and proposed a series 15 copies or white gold under reference I02 produced 30 copies. en.horloger-paris.com |
和木偶一样,这些小 人物也不必做得细腻、考究。 cpsc.gov | As with puppets, these small figures need not be minutely detailed. cpsc.gov |
程序员仅仅写几行代码就可以创建一个完整的数据库显示功能,更专业的程序员可以利用更多的高级属性和事件创建更加 考究和友好的数据库访问应用程序。 evget.com | Professional developers can take advantage of the many properties and events to create sophisticated and user-friendly database front-end applications. evget.com |
这个阿德莱德夫人的内室现在的装饰,让人不禁想起这个布瓦涅(Boigne)伯爵夫人口中“极端追求 考究的奢 华风格”的公主。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | With its highly refined furniture and souvenirs from Bellevue castle, the preferred residence of Mesdames, the current layout of Madame Adelaide’s interior chamber evokes [...] this princess who, according to the Countess of Boigne “had an [...] extreme need for the studiedelegance invented [...]by luxury”. en.chateauversailles.fr |
以1200P机芯为基础着手研发(举世最纤薄自动上链机芯)的1290P机芯厚度仅4.8 mm,奠定了其所属功能类项的全新超薄纪录,该枚机芯需多达407件的机芯细部组件组成-这个令人心情激奋的数字,不仅需要独特并 考究的微型机械工程技术,更是表明了拒绝向报时音质及机械可靠性妥协的决心。 wthejournal.com | Developed on the basis of Calibre 1200P (the world’s thinnest automatic movement), the 1290P measures just 4.8 mm thick, a new record in its category despite its 407 parts – a mind-blowing number that demanded exceptional miniaturisation and a refusal to compromise on the sound or on technical reliability. wthejournal.com |
凭借独一无二的设计、精致考究的细节以及精美绝伦的款式,DeWitt Watches 系列手表傲然领先于其他竞争对手。 hk.ashford.com | Their collection offers one of a kind design with exceptional attention to detail and breathtaking beauty that puts DeWitt Watches a cut above the rest. ashford.com |
来自美国的Thom Browne无疑是近年於国际时装界迅速冒起的设计师之一,锺情於四十至六十年代美式风格,把大胆创新的元素,成功融合至 考究的用料和剪裁,把素来以平实内歛见称的男士西服重新演绎。 think-silly.com | American fashion designer Thom Browne has been gathering praises from the fashion scene in recent years. In love with the Americana style from 40s to 60s, he has succeeded in injecting new ideas to menswear, while re-inventing the men’s suit by merging unique materials with contemporary tailoring. think-silly.com |
其品牌手表的特点在于非凡的品质、新颖的创意及精致 考究的细节。 hk.ashford.com | The brand’s watches are characterized by an exceptional quality, originality and attention to detail. ashford.com |
全新精品店成功整合了品牌美学与独家特色,强调采用低调、优雅与天然的装潢材质,而 考究的采 光照明则进一步凸显出精品店宽阔大方的内部格局。 audemarspiguet.com | The new boutique successfully integrates the brand aesthetic and identity codes, focuses on the use of understated, elegant and natural materials, as well as lighting that is particularly well suited to accentuating the spacious nature of the premises. audemarspiguet.com |
首层的“旅行探索区”充满了各类精致 考究的皮具、阳刚优雅的珠宝配饰、充满吸引力的趣致类产品,置身其中仿佛时光的故事在此静静流淌;二层的成衣零售区、量体裁衣定制服区、高级定制室全面定义一名绅士在各种场合的服装造型;三层的会员制KEE Club餐厅和酒吧为绅士的品位生活提供饕餮美食与美酒;顶层的Alfred Dunhill尊属贵宾室让小酌和休憩充溢着怡情的况味,踱步阳台便能领略优雅英式花园之美景。 madeincompany.com | The “Travel and Discovery Room" on the ground floor is filled with all kinds of dedicate and fine leather, masculine and elegant jewelry and accessories, attractive gifts, just like the quiet flowing of time; the first floor is menswear section, custom room, and bespoke tailoring room, defining the clothes and images of a gentleman at various occasions; the membership KEE Club and bar on the third floor provide fine food and wine for tasty gentlemen; the VIP room of Alfred Dunhill on the top floor is a great place to relish a sip of wine and have a rest, and the balcony provides a wonderful view of an elegant English-style garden. madeincompany.com |
精品店内部设计精致考究,不仅是完美展示爱彼精品时计与代表巨作的天地,同时也是体现品牌精湛工艺的绝佳窗口。 audemarspiguet.com | This boutique with its delicate interior design is a perfect showcase in which to exhibit the brand magnificent collections and emblematic products, as well as the fine craftsmanship of its meticulously fashioned timepieces. audemarspiguet.com |
其改进的易用性,更高的测量精度,以及由人体工程学设计和 考究的外观而带来的扩展功能,展示了创新的产品设计。 gpsolar.de | The innovative product design is demonstrated by its improved ease of use, a higher degree of measurement accuracy and extended functionality along with an ergonomic design and a highly refined exterior. gpsolar.de |
在2009年的第八届会议上,特别报告员按土着问题常设论坛第八届会议要求编写报告,研 究考虑和 承认地球母亲的权利等问题。 un.org | In 2009, at its Eighth Session, the Permanent Forum on [...] Indigenous Issues requested special [...] rapporteurs to preparea Study ontheneed to [...]recognize and respect the rights of Mother Earth. un.org |
在与库斯托协会的合作过程中,IWC万国表曾资助了6年前对红海珊瑚礁的研 究考察,并且为传奇般的卡里普索号(Calypso)研究船的修复提供了资金,同时还发行过四个特别限量版腕表以表彰这位伟大的海洋研究先驱者。 iwc.com | As part of its ongoing cooperation with the Cousteau Society, IWC is helping to finance the restoration of the legendary research vessel, the “Calypso”, as well as previously sponsoring a research expedition to the coral reefs of the Red Sea and honouring the great pioneer of the oceans with four limited special editions. iwc.com |
研究考察了 4F兼容装置的急性和长期表现。 tipschina.gov.cn | It examines boththe acute [...] and long-term performance of 4F-compatible devices. tipschina.gov.cn |
对于这一系 [...] 列证据的每一项链接,我们都根据《圣经》 进行了深思熟虑的研究考查。当我们从整体 来看这一系列证据时——它们的每一部分都 [...]与另一部分紧密关联——就会证明那是一 个如此广泛而全面的计划、一个如此深远的 设计、一个如此完美的和谐,从而向勤奋而 [...]虔诚的探究者表明,上帝的约定时节远远超 出了人类思考的广度和深度,因此不可能是 由人类思考的产物。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | In this volume we offer a chain of testimony on the subject of [...] God’s appointed times and seasons, each link [...] of whichwe consider Scripturally [...]strong, while the whole of it when viewed together, [...]in the relationship which one part bears to another, gives evidence of a plan so broad and comprehensive, a design so deep, and a harmony so perfect, as to clearly manifest to the studious and reverent inquirer that it is beyond the breadth and depth of human thought, and therefore cannot be of human origin. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
在科学研究相对较少的环境中,例如在国家管辖范围 以外的深海,每一次研究考察航行都发现许多新的物种。 daccess-ods.un.org | In environments where there has been relatively [...] little scientific study, forexample, [...]the deep sea beyond national jurisdiction, [...]many new species are discovered on each research cruise. daccess-ods.un.org |
提及国际劳工组织(ILO)和欧洲联盟在相关领域的规范工作,此项研 究考虑了国际法律文书的功效,建议利用“软法律”来推进会员国的职业技术教育与培训议程,并加 [...] 强国际和区域合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Referring to normative work by the International Labour [...] Organization (ILO) and the European Union in [...] related fields, the studyreflecteduponthe utility [...]of international legal instruments [...]and advised the use of ‘soft laws’ to advance the TVET agenda in Member States and to enhance international and regional cooperation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管瑞士代表团不反对在步骤 5 通过操作规范拟议草案,但认为目前的拟议草案 文本在实质性降低高含糖马铃薯加工食品中的丙烯酰胺含量方面,没有提出明确的期望, 因此敦促食品污染物法典委员会下届会议应充分研 究考虑有关这一事项的科学数据。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Switzerland, while not opposing the adoption of the proposed draft Code of Practice at Step 5, expressed the view that the current proposed draft text did not provide clear prospects for substantive reduction of acrylamide in foods derived from potatoes with high sugar content, and therefore urged that scientific data on this matter needed to be fully taken into account by the next session of the Committee on Contaminants in Foods. codexalimentarius.org |
在国际社会保障协会 (ISSA)的支持下,再加上通过开发 ISSA 的工具和 [...] 指导原则对干预措施进行指导,国家社会保障制度应 当研究考虑所有可行的方案,以引导社会保障计划的 目标进一步朝预防和早期发现的方向迈进。 issa.int | With the support of the ISSA, and with interventions directed by the development of ISSA tools and [...] guidelines, national social security [...] systems shouldconsider all feasible options for [...]orienting the objectives of social [...]security programmes further in the direction of prevention and early detection. issa.int |
简单介绍了中 [...] 心的范围及其对教科文组织的财务影响之后强调,可行性研 究考虑到了第 2 类中心目前的指 导方针(177 [...]EX/29)及教科文组织第 1 类和第 2 类水资源中心的战略(达成共识的 IHP/Bur-XL/8 Rev.)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It was stressed that [...] the feasibility study took into account [...]the current version of the guidelines for category 2 centres [...](177 EX/29) and the strategy for UNESCO’s category 1 and 2 water-related centres (IHP/Bur-XL/8 Rev. consolidated). unesdoc.unesco.org |
该研究考察了波多黎各岛从 第二次世界大战后的繁荣到过去 [...] 25 年的停滞等各时期的经济业绩,包括该岛偏 低的就业率、规模较小的私营部门、贸易表现及教育、金融和财政体系的效力。 daccess-ods.un.org | It examinedthe island’s economic [...] performance from its post-Second World War boom through its stagnation in the past 25 [...]years, including the island’s low employment rates, comparatively small private sector, trade performance and the effectiveness of its educational, financial and fiscal systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于得到这家瑞士腕表制造商的慷慨捐赠,非盈利机构库斯托协会得以在红海开展为期数周的研 究考察工作,详细记录下当地珊瑚礁的现状。 iwc.com | Thanks to a substantial contribution from the Swiss watch manufacturer, the non-profit organization was able to undertake a research expedition lasting several weeks into the Red Sea to document the present condition of the coral reefs. iwc.com |