

单词 烂好人

See also:

worn out
well-cooked and soft

External sources (not reviewed)

上述局面要求我们作出更大的努力,更加团结,从而建立一个真正和平人 人生活更美好、前途更烂的世界。
This situation requires our greater efforts and solidarity to
[...] achieve a world of genuine peace, a better life, and a brighter future for all.
这时候就真的希望上天对好点, 别派太 烂 果 给 你。
When apples are rolling in fast, you would wish god
[...] will help you for not providing many defect apples.
由于鱼易烂,远 距离冷藏运输以及大型和更快速航运的开发促进了物种种类和 [...]
Owing to the
[...] perishability of fish, developments [...]
in longdistance refrigerated transport and large-scale and faster shipments
have facilitated the trade and consumption of an expanded variety of species and product forms, including live and fresh fish.
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最 人 的 是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的 烂 尸 体 和硫磺味道。
For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of
spectres, the most terrifying being a
[...] small hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur.
[...] 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围 好 地 确 保 人 权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and
share experience with all countries and international
[...] organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet [...]
Nam and the world.
把握和处好人口增 长的动态也是应对气候变化 和威胁我们生存的其他环境危害的一个关键方面。
Understanding and addressing the dynamics of population growth is a key aspect of responding to climate change and other environmental harms that threaten our very survival.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少 '或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,人現按 照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速鐵路撥款,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速鐵路的認 [...]
白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of
Hong Kong published
[...] recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most [...]
people do not understand
the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是自我辩护上 人 的 情 况下,对此本应作 出更多解释,然而本报告限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做 可以逐步公布翻好的部分)。
The inordinate length of translation times, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, but it can be said that efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
這些問題人好奇, 而她的實驗才剛開始,還沒有解答,不過她已證明,城市裡充滿故事,只需找到傾聽方式。
But she has proven one thing already: The city is full of stories, if we can just find a way to listen.
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经建造大型轮船(比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时髦商厦内享受贝尔法斯特 烂 的 城 市生活。
This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too ­– you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores.
我 們亦會繼續推廣好人事管 理措施,推動坦誠溝通及勞資協 作,並會透過不同途徑宣傳家庭友善僱傭措施,以鼓勵僱主協 助僱員平衡工作與家庭的責任。
We will continue to promote good people management practices, foster frank communication and employer-employee collaboration, as well as encourage employers to help employees balance responsibilities at work and in family through publicising family-friendly employment practices in various channels.
主席,我相信只有具備良好的政策配套,例如先辦好本地的大專 教育,增加資助學額,完善目前的監管制度,興建足夠的學生宿舍, 制好人口政 策及出入境配套,放寬海外學生在香港實習工作的限 制,建立明確的招生策略並積極地向海外各地推廣,才可以發揮教育 產業化的效益,為香港匯聚人才,讓香港的教育產業成為國際品牌, 讓院校、學生及整體社會都可以受惠。
President, I believe that only through the provision of a sound policy and ancillary measures, such as providing a good local tertiary education in the first place, increasing the number of subsidized places, perfecting the existing regulatory system, building adequate student hostels, formulating a sound population policy and ancillary immigration measures, relaxing restrictions on overseas students in taking up internship in Hong Kong, and establishing a clear admission strategy and proactively promoting it in other parts of the world can the Government give play to the effectiveness of industrialization of education, pool talents for Hong Kong, and turn Hong Kong's education services into an international brand, so that institutions, students and society as a whole can be benefited.
该员额将负责及 时编制联合国机构间人道主义呼吁;领导制订并实施联合呼吁程序和 好人 道主 义捐助做法方面的机构间政策;管理财务跟踪服务和在线项目系统等新闻工具 (同上,第 27.34 段)。
The extrabudgetary proposals for 2012-2013 show a projected reduction of $23,690,700 in resources as compared with 20102011, as a result of an exercise aimed at aligning the financial requirements to the level of anticipated contributions (ibid., paras. 27.10 and 27.11).
The key theme underlining the agreement is the “development and sustainability of the gold
mining industry worldwide” and the upholding and
[...] implementing of “good human resources [...]
and industrial relations practices”.
每晚,当夜幕降临主题公园,在可容纳5000人的露天阶梯剧场中,参观者络绎不绝。他们和迈克——热情洋溢而富有感染力的音乐主持,还有DJFX——顽 烂 漫 的卡 通 人 物 , 一起,踏声之海音之浪乐之波,恍若一跃而入心中的梦想世界,开始天马行空的探索,追寻蓝色音符,那令人梦寐以求的神秘之音。
Every night, before a 5,000-seat open-air amphitheatre at Futuroscope’s lake, Mike, an exuberant DJ, and DJFX, a mischievous cartoon character, dive into the very heart of their own dream, sweeping visitors along with them as they head off on a madcap adventure into a wonderland of soundwaves and music on their quest for the Blue Note – the mythical sound that every musician dreams of finding.
这些活动分子对“重申对基本人权、尊严和人的价值的信仰”所做的努力及他们坚持的勇气对所有具有 好人 类 精 神的人们是个证明。
The work of these activists to “reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the
dignity and worth of the human person,” and their courage to persist is a testament
[...] to all that is good in the human spirit.
这些代表团还表达了 对容许烂和内部损坏的关注,并要求把横向适用于新鲜水果和蔬菜食典标准的排除烂和使产品不适于消费的任何其他类型变质的规定,同样应适用于苹果,因而提议删除 这种容许限量或与横向规定相一致。
These delegations also expressed their
[...] concern on allowances for rotting and internal breakdown and requested that the provisions that exclude rotting and any other type of deterioration [...]
that make
the product unfit for consumption, which apply horizontally to Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, should also apply to apples, and therefore proposed that such tolerances be removed or aligned to the horizontal provisions.
All this begs the question, can custom-built future cities become models of excellent urban planning in light of the demands urbanization are placing on cities and nations?
鉴于肯尼亚属于热带气候,全国三分之二领土基本上属于炎热的半沙漠气候,制 冷和冷却设备较为普遍,用来冷藏易 烂 食 物 并满 人 的 舒 适要求。
Given the tropical climate of Kenya, with two-thirds of the country generally hot and semi-desert, refrigeration and cooling equipment is widespread and used to store perishable food and to provide comfort.
只要将一些恐怖分子说成好人,而 将其他恐怖 分子说成是坏人的做法继续存在;只要国家恐怖主义 得到鼓励;只要以所谓反恐为借口杀害无辜民众的行 [...]
为仍在发生,《联合国宪章》和国际法原则遭到违反, 世界就不会更加安全。
As long as the
[...] practice of classifying some terrorists as good and others as [...]
bad persists; as long as State terrorism is
promoted; and as long as innocent people are being killed under the pretext of a supposed fight against terrorism and the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and international law are violated, the world will not be a safer place.
Some developing countries favor per capita approaches.
收到的指控称,2009年2月, al-Dainy 先生以前的几位合作者被逮捕和秘密拘留在不同地点,主要是绿区巴格达旅负责 的一所监狱,人好几个 月不知其下落。
a former member of Parliament.431 According to the allegations received, several former collaborators of Mr. al-Dainy were arrested in February 2009 and held in secret detention at a number of different locations.
为了能够迎接来自世界各地的钟表 好人 士 ,表厂开立了一间博物馆,叙述品牌的历史,还有一间Hotel des Horlogers钟表大师酒店。
To welcome haute horology enthusiasts from around the world, the Manufacture opened a museum that tells its history, as well as the Hotel des Horlogers.
中国呼吁世界各国,加强空间核动力源安全技术研究与合作,共同提升空 间核动力源技术的安全和应用水平,消除空间核动力源安全性方面的不确定因 素,在享用高新技术带给人类便利的同时, 好人 与 环 境的保护。
China appeals to countries around the world to strengthen research and cooperation in developing technologies that ensure the safety of space NPS in order to increase the safety and use of such technologies, remove any uncertainty about their safety and ensure adequate protection for people and the environment, while also ensuring that the benefits of those new advanced technologies are widely enjoyed.
然 而,检查专员认为,除了在全系统一级协调统一业务惯例之外,也需要对某些人 员流动政策进行审查,以便使其互相看齐并使其与普遍公认的 好人 力 资 源管理 原则更加一致,同时兼顾与人员流动相关的全系统问题。
However, the Inspectors believe than in addition to harmonizing business practices at a system-wide level certain mobility policies might require a review, in order to align and make them more coherent with generally accepted principles of good human resources management while taking into consideration system-wide issues related to mobility.
2012年施贝斯在过去的一年里,又一次经受住了外部复杂环境的洗礼,企业从管理着手,狠抓内部改革,提倡 好人 , 好 机 制 和好产品,好模式”的改革思路,只有排忧解难做好让企业内部客户满足,才能做到让企业外部客户满意,真正实现用户省心、省事、省钱的共同目标。
Shibei Si in the past year in 2012, once again withstood the baptism of a complex external environment, enterprises proceed from the management, pay close attention to internal reform, advocating a "good man, a good mechanism and a good product, a good model" of reform ideas, only common goals to solve problems for good to let internal customers to meet in order to do so outside the enterprise customer satisfaction, and realize users peace of mind, save time, save money.
[...] 2000数字直播调音台,它的操作界面有 好人 机 相 关理念,完全符合传统主持人直播,或录播工艺,操作得心应手,进行传输为数字音频及模拟音频信号。
Broadcast system uses STUDER ONAIR 2000 digital live
[...] mixer, it's a good man-machine interface [...]
related concepts, fully consistent
with the traditional host live, or recording and broadcasting technology, handy operation, to transmit digital audio and analog audio signal.
在调查本报告所述违反安全理事会第 1844(2008)号和第 1907(2009)号 决议的行为,并确定责任归属时,监察组必须分析统治厄立特里亚的党、军、 情报界高级官员的不透明网络,高度依赖于 人好 恶 和 经常是秘密的作出决定 和执行决定的方式,以及非正式和通常是非法的筹集和管理必要资源方式。
In investigating and assigning responsibility for violations of Security Council resolutions 1844 (2008) and 1907 (2009) described in this report, the Monitoring Group has been obliged to analyse and explain the opaque network of senior party, military and intelligence officials who govern Eritrea, the highly personalized and often clandestine manner by which decisions are taken and implemented, and the informal and routinely illicit ways in which the necessary resources are mobilized and managed.




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