单词 | 深沉的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:(人)深沉的 adj—deep adj See also:深沉 adj—deep adj • profound adj 深沉—undemonstrative • low-pitched • (of a person) reserved • (of a voice, sound etc) deep 沉 v—sink v • drop v 沉—submerge • immerse • keep down
各个扬声器中 10 英寸低音驱动器均由 500 瓦的 ICEpower 功放驱动,而 [...] ICEpower 功放与自适应低音线性化技术搭配,可在任何时候获得可 控 的 、 深沉的 低 音。 bang-olufsen.com | The big 10-inch bass driver in each speaker is [...] powered by a 500 watt ICEpower amplifier that works with Adaptive Bass Linearisation [...] for controlled, deep bass at all times. bang-olufsen.com |
小巧的可攜式機殼中搭載先進 40mm 釹製喇叭,可提供深沉的低音。 geniusnetusa.com | The advanced 40mm neodymium [...] speakers provide deep low notes in a small [...]portable cabinet. geniusnetusa.com |
Dre与著名音乐制作人Jimmy Iovine联合创建,Dr. [...] Dre坚称Beats技术会令音乐呈现创作者心目中的理想效果;而事实证明该品牌耳机善于传输 极 深沉的 低 音。 mechanicsofstyle.com | Hip-hop legend Dr. Dre (along with the brand’s co-owner, famed music producer Jimmy Iovine) insists that Beats [...] technology delivers music the way artists meant it to be heard; certainly it proves [...] adept at conveying super-deep bass. mechanicsofstyle.com |
它的喇叭口、管身、音鍵及其他特徵均與自訂SEV型號非常接近,擁有溫暖、圓潤 及 深沉的 音 色。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The specifications of its bell, barrel, [...] toneholes and other features are very close to those of the Custom SEV model, so its sound [...] is warm, round, and deeply resonant. tomleemusic.com.hk |
豐富、深沉的聲音表現,大大滿足您的耳朵,搭配絕無僅有的平面電視,帶來無比震撼的視聽體驗。 bang-olufsen.com | Coat your ears in rich, deep sound with one of [...] the few flat-screens to dazzle the eardrums. bang-olufsen.com |
Paul Smith 香水浪漫呈獻,一款濃烈而富有剛陽氣息的男士香水,Paul Smith Man盡顯英倫風格中的極致優雅且內斂 深沉的 氣 質。 hk.eternal.hk | Introducing Paul Smith 'MAN', a strong and masculine fragrance which embodies the very essence of British Elegance and sophistication. hk.eternal.hk |
暗色调图像调节键] 该图像效果可为整张图像创建更昏暗 深沉的 外 观 ,以强调 明亮部分。 us.leica-camera.com | This effect creates a darker somber appearance for the entire picture to emphasize the bright portions. us.leica-camera.com |
凭借内置的 200W ICEpower 功放以及两个6½英寸的驱动器,BeoLab 11 可透过它简洁精巧的设计传递深沉的 重 音,令您如痴如醉。 bang-olufsen.com | With its built-in 200W ICEpower amplifier and two 6½-inch drivers, BeoLab 11 delivers deep, enthralling bass [...] that belies its compact design. bang-olufsen.com |
是次舞劇包羅了不同特色、不同風格的部落融合風肚皮舞,當中包括富有二十年代華麗懷舊風的淑女群舞、黑 色 深沉的 魔 鬼舞魅、與古典音樂融合的悲情二人舞等等,再配以不同的曲風及旋律,貫穿各個場景,讓觀眾欣賞一幕幕精彩絕倫的舞蹈之餘,也同時享受戲劇的刺激與張力。 ipress.com.hk | This dance drama merges different styles of Tribal Fusion Belly [...] Dance including grandeur and nostalgic [...] lady group dance, deep black devilish dance, [...]classical fusion duo dance, etc. As [...]each scene unfolds, this dance drama is bound to give you an exhilarating journey. ipress.com.hk |
張文光議員:代理主席,我懷着 深沉的 憤 怒 和悲哀,聲援絕望中的趙 連海及其家人。 legco.gov.hk | MR CHEUNG MAN-KWONG (in Cantonese): Deputy [...] President, with deepest anger and sorrow, I voice out my support for ZHAO Lianhai and his family who are now in the [...]direst of situations. legco.gov.hk |
跳得累了,可以窩在場內舒適的藍色皮沙發上,隱身於顏 色 深沉的 木 牆 壁前。 ilovelkf.hk | Guests may also sink into comfortable [...] couches outfitted in rich electric blue [...]leather, sitting against dark wood-paneled walls. ilovelkf.hk |
如果白色的天花和柱子代表天空,那 較 深沉的 地 面 就代表了顧客們希望身處的舒適「海洋」。 designsuccess.cn | Let say the off white ceiling and columns represent the spacious sky, then the dark gray flooring must be the comfy ocean that visitors want to be in. designsuccess.cn |
為了重現歐洲小屋的破落風味,NGAP特意從日本國內找來美國的古舊木材,大部份都超過百年歷史,經過長年累月的風雨侵蝕 , 深沉的 紋 理 成為了它們的印記。 think-silly.com | Over hundred year old timber pieces with beautiful texture were specially sourced and delivered from America. think-silly.com |
受英国dubstep之声, 柏林的techno大师和世界各个角落的打击乐影响, [...] Shackleton塑造出了具有强烈个人特质的精致电子乐, 蛇样缠绕的鼓点, 高度密集的旋律, 深沉的贝斯声线, 同时又dub感十足。 spli-t.com | Taking influences from the UK’s dubstep sound, Berlin’s techno expertise and drum and percussion rhythms from every corner of the globe, Shackleton carves out his own brand of [...] eclecticism with intricate, snaking percussion, hypnotic [...] melodies, seriously deep bass lines and dubwise [...]sensibilities. spli-t.com |
在入口的一刹那,他们尝到illy咖啡浓郁、香醇的味道,细细感受 它 深沉 、 平 稳 的 风 味,享受它所赋予的特有的乐趣。 parkviewgreen.com | The story is still being written today by President and CEO Andrea Illy, representing a third generation of illy family leadership. parkviewgreen.com |
此項音訊科技能透過擴展音像大小,並建 立 深沉 、 豐 富 的 低 音響應來改善壓縮與未壓縮音訊的動態音訊效能。 benq.com.hk | This audio technology improves the dynamic audio performance of compressed and uncompressed audio by expanding the size of the audio image and creating a deep, rich bass response. benq.us |
我们是否提到播放的音乐声会富含节奏感,呈 现 深沉 浓 烈 的 感 人 意境? jabra.cn | And did we mention your music comes through in all its beat-thumping glory, thanks to the ultimate combination of AM3D Power Bass and Virtual Surround Sound? jabra.com |
而木質的重低音擁有一個3吋的喇叭單體,可產 生 深沉 而 飽 滿 的 低 音 音效。 geniusnetusa.com | The wooden [...] subwoofer with a 3” driver offers deep rich bass. geniusnetusa.com |
MX200是种现场扩声和房间录音多效果处理器,1U标准的机架高度, 以 深沉 、 丰 满 的 混 响 和效果运算程序为特色创建莱斯康传奇。 acehk.com | Designed with both live sound reinforcement and home recording in [...] mind, MX200 features the deep, rich reverb and effects [...]algorithms that built the Lexicon [...]legend, and adds increased versatility with specialty effects and dbx® dynamics. acehk.com |
鮮艷奪目的紅寶石色、魅力非凡的綠色或深邃迷 人 的 藍 色, 與 深沉 色 調 和含蓄低調的不透明效果完美結合。 brand.swarovski.com | Colors explode in flashes of flamboyant ruby, [...] spellbinding emerald, or deep sapphire, combined with [...]dark tones and opaque effects with an underground edge. brand.swarovski.com |
詩句是“攤開像墳墓一樣荒蕪的床鋪, 睡得像戰敗者或死者一樣深沉(這是 說勞倫 思 的 )。 legco.gov.hk | They read, "Unfolding the bedclothes on a bed as desolate as [...] a grave, he fell as deeply asleep as the defeated [...]or the dead. legco.gov.hk |
办公楼的外观优雅深沉,采用颇具艺术感的石材墙面。 nikken.jp | The elegant deep-set exterior of the office [...] wing makes artful use of stone tiling. nikken.jp |
如同Baker的深沉嗓音 ,限量表款以不鏽鋼表殼完美包覆,搭載內側抗折射的球形切割藍寶石水晶玻璃表鏡。 oris.ch | Much like the pure vocals of Baker, the watch features [...] a perfectly formed stainless steel case, with double curved sapphire [...]crystal and a non reflective coating on the inside. oris.ch |
位于第3区小巷内,Serenata以重建的古老别 墅 的深沉 、 谦 虚神态,加以含有隐私而减少了路面前咖啡馆经常看到的热闹喧哗而受到大家的爱戴。 khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn | Situated in a small street in District 3 and a shortcut, Serenata is loved for a reformed villa's modesty and confidentiality. khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn |
塔索的这首名作采用了意大利文艺复兴时期常 见 的 八 行 诗格式,语言优美,情 感 深沉 , 注重历史准确性。 wdl.org | Written in the eight-line stanzas common to Italian Renaissance poetry, [...] Tasso’s masterpiece is [...] known for the beauty of its language, profound expressions of emotion, and concern [...]for historical accuracy. wdl.org |
此外,涉及手挖沉箱的意外的統計數字顯示,㆒九八㆓ 年至今共有 21 宗致命意外,全部都在超過 10 米深的沉箱內發生。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, statistics of accidents involving hand-dug caissons show that all the 21 fatal accidents since 1982 [...] occurred in caissons more than 10 m deep. legco.gov.hk |
它擁有平滑的反應以及深沉、純 淨而豐 富 的 音 色。 tomleemusic.com.hk | Developed over decades of careful [...] research and tests involving [...] many of the world's greatest saxophonists, the Custom EX series offers wide dynamic range, stunning projection, and authoritative tone with a beautifully [...]defined tonal core. tomleemusic.com.hk |
事務委員 會在1999年 11月 及 12月曾與 政府當局舉 行 數 次 會議,要求 政府當局解 釋 土 地 沉 降 的 原 因,以及保證 污水排放計劃第 I期深層隧道的建造工 程,不會令 隧道上面 的 已發展區域出現 範圍廣泛的 沉 降 。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration was asked to explain the cause of the subsidence and give assurance that the construction of deep tunnels under SSDS Stage I would not cause widespread ground settlement [...] at built up areas over the tunnels. legco.gov.hk |
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负 担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻痹症,以及日 益 沉 重 的 非 传染性疾病负担。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and [...] mortality rates and the high burden [...] of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases. daccess-ods.un.org |
仅仅提到各方达成一项违反本规则的协议的可能性, 不会使调和以下两个问题成为可能:《实践指南》中的所有准则只是指示性的, 当事方仍然可以通过(有效)的相互间协议自由地离开这些准则;与上述情况极为 不同的是, 是否可以说,只因为其他各方保 持 沉 默 , 就已经有了协议,这是非常 令人怀疑的。 daccess-ods.un.org | A mere reference to the possibility of parties reaching an agreement contrary to this rule would not have made it possible to reconcile these two concerns: quite apart from the fact that all the guidelines in the Guide to Practice are only indicative and parties remain free to depart from them by [...] (valid) agreement inter [...] se, it is extremely doubtful whether an agreement could be said to have come about merely because the other parties all remain silent. daccess-ods.un.org |