

单词 波士顿



Boston University


Boston Red Sox (baseball) team

See also:

at once
classifier for meals, beatings, scoldings etc: time, bout, spell, meal
stamp (one's foot)
lay out

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Tung女士在银行业工作二十多年,曾在摩根大通、美国银行、瑞士信贷第 波士顿 银 行 和荷兰合作银行工作。
Prior to her executive search career, Ms. Tung was a banker for over twenty years and
worked at JP Morgan, Bank of America,
[...] Credit Suisse First Boston and Rabobank where [...]
she held various front line banking positions
in New York and Hong Kong with P&L responsibilities.
联合果品公司成立于 1899 年,当时它合并波士顿果品公司和其他一些在中美洲、加勒比地区和哥伦比亚从事香蕉业的公司。
United Fruit was founded in 1899 by
[...] the merger of the Boston Fruit Company and [...]
several other firms involved in the banana
industry in Central America, the Caribbean, and Colombia.
美国法院同意 Tradex 的注册办事处在瑞士,但
[...] 瑞士程序可作为主要程序的推定被推翻,因为证据表明 Tradex 的大量业务波 士顿进行
The U.S. Court agreed that the registered office of Tradex was in Switzerland but the presumption that a
proceeding in Switzerland could be the main proceeding was overcome by evidence of the
[...] extensive operations of Tradex in Boston.
学会的代表参加了以下联合国会议:(a) 2006 年 6 月、2007 年 12 月和 2008 年 6 月在日内瓦召开的人权理事会届会——来 波士顿 新 英 格兰法学院的学会代 表出席了这些会议;(b) 2006 年 3 月、2007 年 3 月和 2008 年 3 月在纽约召开的 人权事务委员会届会——来波士顿 新 英 格兰法学院的学会代表出席了这些会 议;(c) 2008 年 6 月在纽约召开的联合国海洋法会议——来自西班牙科尔多瓦大 [...]
The Society was represented at the following United Nations meetings: (a) the sessions of the Human Rights Council in June 2006, December 2007 and June 2008 in Geneva — a
representative from the New
[...] England Law School in Boston attended; (b) the sessions of the Human Rights Committee in March 2006, March 2007 and March 2008 in New York — a representative from the New England Law School in Boston attended the sessions; [...]
(c) the meeting of
the United Nations Law of the Sea in June 2008, in New York — a representative from the University of Cordoba in Spain attended.
在 介绍了秘书长关于这一专题的报告(E/CN.17/2011/3)之后,以下小组成员作了发 言波士顿大学 Frederick S. Pardee 中心全球公共政策教授 [...]
Adil Najam;援助 与发展问题以及粮食、农业与商品贸易问题专家
Pat Mooney;麻省理工学院材料 系统实验室和工程系统系研究科学家 Jeremy Gregory。
Following the introduction of the report of the Secretary-General on the theme (E/CN.17/2011/3), presentations were made by the following panellists: Adil Najam,
Frederick S. Pardee Professor of Global
[...] Public Policy at Boston University; Pat [...]
Mooney, an expert on aid and development
issues, as well as food, agriculture and commodity trade issues; and Jeremy Gregory, a research scientist in the Materials Systems Laboratory and the Engineering Systems Division at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
自 1990 年起,就职波士顿咨询 公司(BCG)慕尼黑分公司,并多年在巴西、俄罗斯及美国等地区从事咨询服务。
From 1990 she
[...] worked for the Boston Consulting Group [...]
in Munich, spending long periods doing consultancy work in countries
such as Brazil, Russia and the USA.
KIT digital总部位于布拉格,在亚特兰大、北京 波士顿 、 布宜诺斯艾利斯、开罗、剑桥(英国)、清奈、科隆、德里、迪拜、加尔各答、伦敦、洛杉矶、墨尔本(澳大利亚)、孟买、纽约、新加坡、索非亚、斯德哥尔摩、台北和多伦多设有总办事处。
KIT digital is headquartered in
Prague, and maintains principal offices in
[...] Atlanta, Beijing, Boston, Buenos Aires, [...]
Cairo, Cambridge (UK), Chennai, Cologne,
Delhi, Dubai, Kolkata, London, Los Angeles, Melbourne (Australia), Mumbai, New York, Singapore, Sofia, Stockholm, Taipei and Toronto.
At this moment I extend my condolences to you and the
[...] victims of the Boston Marathon bombings [...]
with sadness.
华盛顿国际粮食政策研 究所政策摘要第 10 号波士顿:关 于儿童和艾滋病毒/艾滋病的联合学习倡议。
Washington: International Food Policy Research
[...] Institute; and Boston: Joint Learning [...]
Initiative on Children and HIV/AIDS.
美国驻华使团与欧巴马总统和美国人民一道向4月 15 日 波士顿 爆 炸 的受害者表示哀悼,其中包括遇难和受伤的中国公民。
The U.S. Mission to China joins President Obama and the American people in
expressing our condolences to the victims
[...] of the April 15 Boston bombing, including [...]
Chinese citizens who were killed and injured.
Thomas Piemonte医学博士、美国心脏病学院院士、美国心脏造影与介入学会委员——自1998年以来在马萨诸塞 波士顿 哈 佛医学院担任医学临床讲师,自2000年以来在马萨诸塞州伯灵顿莱黑临床医学中心担任心导管实验室与心血管介入治疗主任。
Dr. Thomas Piemonte M.D. FACC, FSCAI - has held the position of Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, since 1998; Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory & Interventional Cardiovascular Medicine Lahey Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA since 2000.
在加入 Blackstone
[...] 之前,Skrenta 先生是瑞士信贷第波士顿银行 全球工业和服务部的一名经理,任职期间,他曾在纽约和伦敦经手大量资本市场和咨询项目。
Before joining Blackstone, Mr. Skrenta was an Associate at
[...] Credit Suisse First Boston in its Global Industrial [...]
and Services Group, where he worked
on a wide range of capital markets and advisory assignments in New York and London.
该项目由一小批来自在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿的全球法律事务所的资深律师 成立于 2000 年春天,并由在华盛顿和其他国家及城市(包括纽约 波士顿 、 奥 地 利、匈牙利、波兰、南非和西班牙)的同行组成了一个工作组,之后,他们得到 了可行性研究的经费。
ISLP was founded in the spring of 2000 by a small group of senior lawyers from global law firms based in Washington, D.C. After establishing a working group consisting of colleagues in Washington and other cities and countries, including New York, Boston, Austria, Hungary, Poland, South Africa and Spain, they secured funding for a feasibility study.
波士顿咨询 公司(Boston Consulting Group)在将于下月发表的一份研究报告中预测说,中国到2020年时将成为世界最大的电动汽车市场,欧洲和美国只能屈居第二和第三位。
According to a report which will be
[...] released by The Boston Consulting [...]
Group next month, China will be the world’s largest
market for EVs in 2020, followed by Europe and the United States.
波士顿咨询 公司的Harold L. Sirkin, Perry Keenan和Alan Jackson发表在《哈佛商业评论》(2005年10月刊)上的一篇文章,影响变革项目成功的“软”因素有: 组织愿景、领导力、组织文化、员工激励、自上而下的或者参与性的管理方法。
According to an article by Harold L. Sirkin, Perry Keenan and Alan Jackson from BCG in the Harvard Business Review of October 2005, soft factors that influence the success of a change program include: vision, leadership, organizational culture, employee motivation, top-down or participatory approach.
这家开发商在美波士顿和澳 大利亚的堪培拉都有游戏工作室,以前曾经用虚幻技术开发了 [...]
The developer, which
[...] has studios in Boston, MA and Canberra, [...]
Australia, previously worked with Unreal technology on Tribes: Vengeance and SWAT 4.
案文载于 A.J. Peaslee,
[...] 上文脚注 48, 第五部分,(海 牙/波士顿/伦敦:奈霍夫出版社,1976 年),第 [...]
24 页起。
The text is reproduced in A.J. Peaslee, footnote 48 above,
[...] Part V (The Hague/Boston/London: Nijhoff, [...]
1976), p. 24 ff.
美国波多黎各地区法院 2000 年裁定死刑违反波多黎各《宪法》,但一年后,位波士顿的美 国上诉巡回法院推翻了这项裁决,称波多黎各受联邦法制约(见上文 第5段)。
The United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico ruled in 2000 that the
death penalty violated
[...] the Puerto Rican Constitution, but a year later, the United States Circuit of Appeals in Boston overturned [...]
the ruling, saying Puerto
Rico was subject to federal law (see para. 5 above).
在审查 了上面载录的 Waite 和 Kennedy 诉德国的声明以后,I.Brownlie,“国家对国际组织的行为的责 任”,载于:M. Ragazzi(编),《当前的国际责任,Oscar Schachter 纪念论文集》(莱顿/波士 顿:奈霍夫出版社,2005 年),第 355 页起,载于第 361 页,指出:“固然属于人权的情况, 但援引的原则,似乎是普遍适用的”。
It would be incompatible with the purpose and object of the Convention, however, if the Contracting States were thereby absolved from their responsibility under the Convention in relation to the field of activity covered by such attribution.
[...] Blackstone 之前,Junco 女士波士顿咨询 集团担任伦敦项目主管达三年,并在摩根大通于伦敦和纽约的结构性金融团队任职长逾四年。
Before joining Blackstone, Ms.
[...] Junco worked at the Boston Consulting Group [...]
as a Project Leader in London for three years
and at JP Morgan’s Structured Finance teams in London and New York for over four years.
东北大学 研究生院理学研究科的中山耕辅助教和同原子分子材料科学高等研究机构的高桥隆教授的的研究小组 波士顿 大 学以及中国科学物理研究所共同研究,成功解明了被期待应用于次世代能源技术方面的,铁系高温超导体中超传导转移温度(Tc)被抑制的原因。
A research group consisting of Assistant Professor Kosuke Nakayama at Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University and Professor Takashi Takahashi at WPI Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, has succeeded in revealing the reason why the superconducting transition temperature (Tc) is so suppressed in iron-based high-temperature superconductors, in collaboration with Boston University and Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences.
波士顿咨询 公司(BCG)开发的DICE架构,是用来衡量公司正在进行的或即将进行的变革项目进展效果的管理工具。
The DICE Framework is
[...] a tool of the Boston Consulting Group [...]
(BCG) that can be used to calculate how well a company is implementing
its change initiatives, or how well it will be able to implement its change initiatives.
德卡洛先生还撰写了几本教科书,其中知名的有《加州物业管理》,被 40 多所院校 使用;还有波士顿的出 版社 Warren, Gorham & Lamont 出版的《基本理论:房地产管 理》;以及 Prentice Hall 出版的一本国家级物业管理书籍,《物业管理》。
Joe is the author of several textbooks including: the popular Property Management in California, used at more than 40 colleges; Essential Facts: Real Estate Management, published by Bostonbased Warren, Gorham & Lamont; and a national property management text published by Prentice Hall, entitled Property Management.
BigDog和第二代LS3(short for Legged Squad Support System的缩写,步兵班组支援系统)是 波士顿 动 力 公司(Boston Dynamics)开发和制造的。
BigDog and its second-generation successor LS3 (short for Legged Squad Support System) were developed and built by a small but cutting-edge outfit called Boston Dynamics with funding from the Pentagon’s research arm DARPA.
通讯会员(1972-2000 年);阿根廷精神病协会正式成员;该协会生物精神病学科 的前负责人和现名誉负责人;阿根廷生物精神病学协会的正式成员;儿童和青少
年精神病学和心理学协会创始成员和前副会长;阿根廷神经精神药理协会和拉美 神经精神药理协会创始成员;布宜诺斯艾利斯第一次泛美青少年精神病学大会主 席(1971
[...] 年);阿根廷焦虑障碍协会创始成员;美利坚合众 波士顿 麦 克 林医院国 际精神病学协会创始会员。
Memberships include: international member of the American Psychiatric Association (2000-2009); corresponding member of the American Psychiatric Association (1972-2000); full member of the Association of Argentine Psychiatrists; past President and currently Honorary President of the Biological Psychiatry Section of the Association; full member of the Argentine Association of Biological Psychiatry; founder member and past Deputy President of the Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology; founder member of the Argentine Association of Neuropsychopharmacology and the Latin American Association of Neuropsychopharmacology; President of the First Pan-American Congress of Adolescent Psychiatry, Buenos Aires (1971); founder member of the Argentine Anxiety
Disorder Association; founder member of the McLean Hospital International
[...] Psychiatry Society, Boston, United States [...]
of America.
这位音乐家的人生旅程将他从芝加哥的贫民窟带到西雅图 波士顿 和 纽约,甚至抵达众多欧洲城市,四处表演并为当时代举足轻重的重要爵士乐手作曲,包括灵魂乐之父查尔斯(Ray [...]
Charles)和基尔斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)。
The musician’s journey has taken him from inner city
[...] Chicago to Seattle, Boston, and New York, [...]
and on to various European cities, where
he played and composed for the principal jazz heavyweigts of the time, including Ray Charles and Dizzy Gillespie.
在 审查了上面载录的 Waite 和 Kennedy 诉德国的声明以后,I.Brownlie, “国家对国际组织的行 为的责任”,载于:M. Ragazzi(编),《当前的国际责任,Oscar Schachter 纪念论文集》(莱顿/ 波士顿:奈 霍夫出版社,2005 年),第 355 页起,载于第 361 页,指出:“固然属于人权的情 况,但援引的原则,似乎是普遍适用的”。
After examining the dictum in Waite and Kennedy v. Germany reproduced above, I. Brownlie, “The Responsibility of States for the Acts of International Organizations”, in: M. Ragazzi (ed.), International Responsibility Today.
该研究将探寻构建临床试验价格指数的可行性,并由 NBER 的两位研究员负责波士顿大学管理学院的财经教授 Iain [...]
Cockburn 和麻省理工大学斯隆商学院的应用经济学教授 Ernst Berndt。
The study, led by NBER Research
Associates Iain Cockburn, a professor of finance
[...] and economics at Boston University School [...]
of Management, and Ernst Berndt, a professor
in applied economics at MIT Sloan School of Management, examines the feasibility of constructing price indexes for clinical trials.
在美国所设 的 17 个拘留中心,有 7
[...] 个是在与墨西哥之间的边界,一个设 波士顿 海 岸 警卫 队基地军营。526 依照一位作者所说,“据说许多被遣返的人一天被拘留 [...]
5 次以上, 往往甚至次数还多……,此外,如果人们了解,这些移民中大多数人极端贫穷,
Of the 17 centres in the United States, 7 are on the border with
Mexico, and one is in a military camp, on a
[...] coast guard base in Boston.526 According to [...]
one author, “many of those repatriated
are said to be apprehended five, or even more, times in a single day ... Moreover, since most of these immigrants are extremely poor, it seems quite unrealistic to expect them to be able to afford legal assistance.




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