

单词 沾濡

See also:

be infected by
receive benefit or advantage through a contact


External sources (not reviewed)

用与所分配的流体及设备沾湿部件相适应的流体进 行冲洗。
Flush with a fluid that is compatible with the fluid being dispensed and the equipment wetted parts.
如果政府因此而認為措施奏效沾沾 自 喜 、放軟手腳的話,樓價必會 再㆒次不合理㆞反彈攀升。
If the Government thinks the measures are effective because of this and is complacent enough to rest upon its oars, property prices are bound to make another unreasonable rebound.
當然,如果真是透過我們的努力而獲得釋放,我 們亦不會因此沾沾自喜 或自滿,因為這是我們的工作和職責,我們應該這 樣做。
Well, even if we know that a person has really been released as a result of our efforts, we will not be complacent because of that, because this is our job and duty, something that we should do.
以中文作為母語的人,從小就濡在 豐 富的中文環境中,能自然 地接受中文的文字、語音、語法、思維和表達習慣。
People with Chinese as mother tongue have grown up in a rich Chinese language
[...] environment. They can naturally [...]
absorb the Chinese language in terms of characters,
pronunciation, grammar, thinking and expression habits.
但这大可不沾沾自喜 ,而且专家组建议 加纳钻石当局应在此方面继续保持警觉。
This should
[...] not be cause for any complacency, however, [...]
and the Group recommends that Ghanaian diamond authorities remain vigilant in this regard.
随着研究事业的推进,您会看见同事得到晋升、获得新工作,濡目染 ,慢慢地您就会对“事业要上台阶,需要达到什么样的 生产率水平”有个总体的感觉。
As your research career progresses you will see colleagues promoted and given jobs and you will naturally get a feel for the level of productivity required to take your next career step.
从事logo设计的外公和能拉一手好二胡的父亲,让她 濡 目 染了艺术的魅力。
From her logo-designing grandfather to her Erhu playing father, she was indulged in the charms of art.
十多歲的 年青人其實也不大知道吸煙對健康的影響,但他們被 濡 目 染 ,被不同的推 銷手法吸引他們吸煙。
In fact, teenagers are not fully aware of the effects of smoking on health, however, they are lured into smoking as a result of social influences and various marketing tactics.
讓 普羅大眾(尤 其 是 年 青 人 )享 用該用地的露天文化景 點,例如流水露天 劇 場、街 頭 表演、路 旁 藝術家 及 露天藝術展覽等,濡目 染 下 ,市民 欣賞藝術的興 趣 自然會提高 , 同時培養出 未 來 的 觀 眾和藝術愛 好 者 。
Exposing the general public, especially young people, to the open-air cultural attractions on the site such as the water amphitheatre, street performances, pavement artists and open-air art exhibitions, will stimulate by osmosis the organic growth of appreciation of the arts in Hong Kong, while developing the audiences and arts-lovers of the future.
但是,未成年人在合法 賭波的社會環境中,濡目染 ,不知不覺間便會走上歧途,這對我們的下一 代是不公平的。
But then, the underage would be exposed to a social environment where football betting is legalized.
況且,賭場的工作人員、 荷官等,離不開都是在香港培訓,他們的子女在 濡 目 染之下,也難保不會 對賭場躍躍欲試。
Besides, it is only normal for the staff and dealers of the casino, and so on, to be locally trained.
As it comes in a little bag, you can carry it around with no worries when it gets wet.
20年后的今天,我们和中国的往来,已经从“硬渗透”进阶到“软渗透”,从组织工商展和贸易考察团,到培训本地的中小企业和商家对中华文化和语文的掌握能力,并通过开办 濡 中 国 的课程,协助国人了解中国。
We have now progressed from trade fairs and business missions to training SMEs and local enterprises on Chinese language skills and cultural understanding, in Singapore and through immersion programmes in China.
面 對二十一世 紀 的 挑戰, 香 港 必須保 持 和 發揚堅韌 不 折 、自強 不 息 、 靈 活 應 變 的 優 秀 傳 統,而在同舟 共 濟 、濡 以 沫 的 共 同 奮 鬥 中,香 港 亦要發揚 有 容 乃 大 、 厚 德載物的 精神。
In face of the challenges of the 21st century, Hong Kong must, true to its well-kept tradition, remain steadfast in face of all hardship and be self-reliant and work together to fend off any challenge.
代 理主席,在目前 的 制 度 下,難 怪 公 眾 在濡目 染 之 下,很 容 易 得出一 個 印 象 , 誤 以為法律制 度只是 為有錢 人 而 設 , 而 窮 不與富 敵 的 觀 念 也就此油 然 而 生,靜 悄悄地 在 社 會 上 滋 長 和 蔓 延 , 甚至相信 “有錢 駛 得 鬼 推 磨 ” 是 天 經地義 的 。
Madam Deputy, under the existing system, the public would easily be imperceptibly influenced by what they constantly see and hear, thus, they would have a wrong impression that the legal system is there only for the rich.
在稍后几个月里,当孩子慢慢学会一些新的能力(如翻滚、爬行、拿东 西等),通过大人给予的好榜样,传送语言或非语言的信息, 濡 目 染 将很 大程度的影响着孩子,使他学会低风险的动作。
In the successive months, when the baby will have slowly acquired new capacities (rolling, crawling, able to hold objects, etc), the acquisition of low risk behaviour will be very much influenced by the good examples given by the adults and their verbal and non verbal communications.
德国设计受其人文影响,包豪斯的诞生,古老而充满着美感的建筑,随处可见的博物馆与艺术馆,在万物之美的洗礼下,在历史人文 濡 目 染 下,德国品牌对艺术与美的欣赏和追求,一点点从骨子里培养与渗漏出来,这也造就了今天世界闻名的德国工业设计。
German design is influenced by its humanity culture, the birth of Bauhaus, ancient and aesthetic buildings, omnipresent museums and art galleries; under the baptism of nature’s beauty, and the impact of historical and humanity culture, German brands have developed its sense of appreciation and pursuit of art and beauty from its very root, which brings about today’s world famous German industrial design.
相信不少同事均知道,青少年是最熱中追 逐手機潮流、最不吝嗇手機消費的一羣,馬會近年來推出的一系列宣傳及市 場策略,肯定會在青少年當中形成 濡 目 染 的影響。
In recent years, the HKJC has also enhanced its co-operation with telecommunication service providers in the provision of free online horse racing information and betting services to mobile phone users.
但 隨 社 會 日 益 富 裕 ,家長對 子 女 寵 愛 有加,不少港人 更放鬆 了對子 女 的 自 立 自 強教育,使 其從小 產 生 依賴家 庭 、 依賴社 會的意 識 ; 加上社會 上 的 炒 風 、 賭 風 、 搵 快 錢 的文化 影響,濡目 染 , 出 現 了 大 批 知 識 和 技 能 水 平 不 高,對社會 及 家 庭 充 滿 依賴的年青人,他 們 的 謀 生 能力不強,但 又 不 肯 認 真 學 習 ,成為社會發展 的 一 大 隱憂。
Furthermore, under constant influence of the prevalence of speculation, gambling, and the "get rich quick" mentality, there came a large batch of youngsters who do not have a high level of education and skill, and who are very much dependent on society and their families.




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