

单词 12-country



cabbage (round cabbage most commonly found in Western countries)




different countriespl
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
阿尔及利亚欢迎斯洛伐克努力实现《千年发展目标》及履行其承诺,致力于增加 对最不发达国家的官方发展援助数额。
It welcomed Slovakia’s efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and its commitment to increase the volume of official development assistance to least developed countries.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
越南就其自身而言, 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries and international organizations to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
虽然各机构 已经输入一半以上国家的数据,但其中大约三分之一所含信息有限,约 13%的国家至今尚 未使用。
While agencies had entered data for more than half the countries, there was limited information for about one third of them, and the database had not yet been used for about 13 per cent of countries.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面积的红树林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长的重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
某些代表团强调了维持年会的特别理由:鉴于许多发展 中国家缺乏进行危险性评估的资源,及时提供法典食品安全标准用于国家层面非常重要; 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具有能力建设的功效;两年期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会议做出的巨 大努力。
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level; participation in the Commission had a capacity building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to address all items of work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments to prepare themselves and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
将对选定的作为重要人力资源的地方专家进行培训,内容涉及在维修行业中具备先 进技术的领域编制并执行氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,以及其他国家在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划方面 的趋势、替代技术和获得的经验。
Selected local experts will be trained, as central human resources, for the HPMP preparation and implementation in the advanced technologies areas in the service sector, trends and alternative technologies and experiences attained in other countries for the HPMP.
因此,会议促请拥有先进生 物技术的所有缔约国采取积极措施,促进在平等和无歧视基础上开展技术转让和 国际合作,尤其是与该领域中不那么先进的国家开展技术转让和国际合作,同时 促进《公约》的基本目标,并确保科学技术的普及完全符合《公约》的和平目标 和宗旨。
Therefore, the Conference urges all States Parties possessing advanced biotechnology to adopt positive measures to promote technology transfer and international cooperation on an equal and non-discriminatory basis, particularly with countries less advanced in this field, while promoting the basic objectives of the Convention, as well as ensuring that the promulgation of science and technology is fully consistent with the peaceful object and purpose of the Convention.
也注意到,标准的范围未包括 某些国家传统生产的类似果酱产品,因此,在这些产品之间不可能产生混淆。
It was noted that the scope of the standard did not include jam-like products that were traditionally produced in certain countries and therefore there was no possibility of confusion between these products.
另外,这项决议要求欧盟继续推动《公 约》的普遍加入日,包括在同第三国进行的政治对话和签署的协议中这样做。
Furthermore, this resolution called for the EU to continue promoting the universalization of the Convention, including in its political dialogue and agreements signed with third countries.
成员国需要结合各自现有的 立法和做法来审议各项国际公约中所规定的义务,并酌情调整本国与国际道 路交通运输相关的立法、文件和程序。
Member countries need to review the obligations of the international conventions together with their existing legislation and practices, and to adjust, as appropriate, their legislation, documentation and procedures relating to international road transport.
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇幼发病率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小儿麻痹症,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
因此,这些除害剂在不同食物的最高残余 限量,是根据从个别国家受监督的田间试验所得或业界提供的残余物數 据而制定。
MRLs of these pesticides in different food commodities are then established based on the residue data obtained from individual countries’ own supervised field trials or provided by the industry.
尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展无纸化贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个 讨论共同关切问题的平台,尤其将重点放在最不发达和内陆国家;促 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生检疫标准领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 援助制订适当的贸易和投资政策的努力。
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance on the certification of organic foods and sanitary and phytosanitary standards, accession to APTA and overall assistance in the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
21 世纪议程呼吁所有国家:(a) 把土地使用规划和交通规划结合起来,以鼓 励减少运输需求的发展模式;(b) 酌情采用乘坐率高的城市交通方案;(c) 通过 酌情在各国城市和郊区中心提供安全的自行车道和步行道,鼓励采用非机动车交 通工具;(d) 特别关注有效的交通管理、公共交通的高效运营和公共基础设施的 维护;(e) 促进不同国家和代表性地区和大城市地区交流信息;(f) 重新评估目 前的消费和生产模式,以减少能源和自然资源的使用。
In Agenda 21, all countries were called upon to (a) integrate land use and transportation planning in order to encourage development patterns that reduce transport demand; (b) adopt urban transport programmes favouring high occupancy, as appropriate; (c) encourage non-motorized modes of transport by furnishing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburban centres in countries, as appropriate; (d) devote particular attention to effective traffic management, efficient operation of public transport and maintenance of public infrastructure; (e) promote the exchange of information among countries and representatives of local and metropolitan areas; and (f) re-evaluate current consumption and production patterns in order to reduce the use of energy and natural resources.
提出的建议包括:近东救济工程处必须让 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为 是对巴勒斯坦难民的未来的投资;把握所有供资机 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉伯联盟各国部长在 开罗举行的一次会议上提请注意这一点,这些国家 对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机 构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus should be seen as an investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its donor base for the core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to which he had drawn attention in Cairo at a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries gave welcome support to specific projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
会议鼓励秘书处就区域会议的组办工作征求成员国反馈意见,以便加强今后 会议的组织工作和效率,最大程度利用会议促进各位部长和其他代表之间的交流, 并就技术问题和计划及政策问题之间的讨论寻求平衡。
The Conference encouraged the Secretariat to seek feedback from member countries on the conduct of the Regional Conference, with a view towards enhancing the organization and efficiency of future sessions, maximizing opportunities for exchange among ministers and other delegates, and striking a balance between discussion of technical issues and programme and policy matters.
此外,专家们强调了小岛屿发展中国家面临的 特殊挑战以及需要确保森林覆盖率高且毁林率较低的国家从降低毁林和森林退 化产生的排放制度中得益。
Furthermore, experts highlighted the particular challenges facing small island developing States and the need to ensure that countries with high forest cover with low rates of deforestation benefited from schemes to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
尽管联大决议(61/194、62/188、63/211 和 64/195)再 三呼吁以色列承担起责任,及时和充分地赔偿黎巴 嫩政府及阿拉伯叙利亚共和国等受本次浮油影响的 其他国家,但以色列仍未承认其责任,秘书长已在 其有关这一问题的最新报告(A/66/297)中对这一问 题表示严重关切。
Despite repeated General Assembly resolutions (61/194, 62/188, 63/211 and 64/195) calling on Israel to assume its responsibility for prompt and adequate compensation to the Government of Lebanon and other countries affected by the oil slick, such as the Syrian Arab Republic, Israel had yet to acknowledge its responsibilities, a matter regarding which the Secretary-General had expressed grave concern in his most recent report on the matter (A/66/297).
在这方面,我们强调必须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动的办法,以及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当作攻 击目标和在没有双重标准的情况下保护平民的生命、 财产及合法利益,同时铭记必须完全尊重各国的主权 和不干涉它国内政的原则。
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to be taken to persuade all countries and parties to conflicts throughout the world to fulfil their commitment not to target civilians and to protect their lives, property and legitimate interests without applying double standards, bearing in mind the need to fully respect the sovereignty of States and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
会议敦促成员国和国际捐赠方增加对作物研究和开发的投入,前提是所有利 益相关方要共同积极确定重点,确保研究重点突出,且具有针对性。
The Conference urged member countries and international donors and organizations to increase investment in crop research and development, based on rigorous priority-setting involving all stakeholders to ensure focused and relevant research.
根据上述内容,我国政府重申,我们呼吁所有会 员国支持联合国和其他有关行为者努力建立一种保 护的文化,在这种文化中,各国政府将承担责任,武 装团伙将遵守国际法准则,私营部门将认识到其与冲 突中国家的接触在国际人道主义法和人权方面的影 响,而且最后,会员国以及区域和国际组织在面临人 道主义危机时将迅速和坚决地采取行动。
Based on what I have outlined, my Government reiterates its call for all Member States to support the United Nations and other actors involved in efforts to create a culture of protection, in which Governments shoulder their responsibilities; armed groups respect the norms of international law; the private sector recognizes the impact of its engagement in countries in conflict in the context of international humanitarian law and human rights; and finally, Member States, as well as regional and international organizations, act in a swift and decisive manner when facing humanitarian crises.
由于国际性法院的具体性质,所产生的另一个挑战是需要将不同的法官组合 成一个新的整体,其中每个人都有着不同的文化和法律背景:一些法官来自英美 法系国家,其他法官来自罗马日耳曼法系或其他传统的国家;一些法官是刑事律 师,其他人则主要熟悉国际法;一些人以前有过司法经验,其他人则没有。
Another challenge arising from the specific nature of international courts is the need to amalgamate various judges in order to establish a new whole, made up of individuals with different cultural and legal backgrounds: some judges come from common-law countries, others from States with Romano-Germanic or other traditions; some judges are criminal lawyers, while others are familiar primarily with international law; some have previous judicial experience, while others do not.
索马里公民遭受冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
一些代表团认为,地球静止轨道是有可能饱和的有限资源,因而应当合理 利用,将具有长期前景的活动放在优先位置,为实现千年发展目标(A/56/326, 附件)服务,同时考虑到所有国家平等的条件,而不论其现时的航天能力如 何。
Some delegations expressed the view that, as the geostationary orbit was a limited resource at risk of becoming saturated, its use should be streamlined, giving priority to activities with a long-term perspective, leading to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (A/56/326, annex), while taking into account the conditions of equality of all countries irrespective of their current space capacities.
在这方面,我们主要的担 心是:若是既加强国际水平的数据库知识产权保护,又鼓励在新的商用数据库产品和服务 方面增加投资,可能会同时大大减少发展中国家的科学家和研究员对其中所包含数据的使 用,因为他们通常缺少支付必要订费的财力。
Our central concern here, therefore, is that a strengthening of IP protection for databases at the international level, whilst encouraging more investment in new commercial database products and services, may at the same time greatly reduce the access of scientists and researchers in developing countries to the data they contain because they will often lack the financial means to pay for the necessary subscriptions.




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