

单词 最差状况

See also:



状况 n

status n
state n
condition n
position n

External sources (not reviewed)

By asking clever questions of the
[...] best and worst examples, the cause driving the differences is revealed in [...]
the answers.
他说,“我们尽量优先考虑并将微量营养素粉提供给营 状况最差 的 儿 童。
We try to prioritize and give it
[...] to children with worst cases of malnutrition first.
向传统教育系统之外的儿童和青年伸出援助之手,他们往往属 最 弱势 群体,健状况差并容 易采取冒险行为。
Reach out to children and young people who are not
within traditional educational systems,
[...] often among the most vulnerable to poor health outcomes and risk-taking [...]
这就意味着,除了规范金融市场之外, 还必须通过国际合作进程解决下列问题,包括:全世界很多人处于欠发展和贫状况;贫富差距拉大(30 年前全世界人口中 20%最富有的和 20%最贫穷 的之间的收 入差距是 30 倍,如今扩大到 60 倍);贩运毒品和武器;政治、种族和宗教冲突; 以及来自穷国的移民等等。
This means that, beyond the need to regulate financial markets, it is essential to view international cooperation processes as a means of solving problems such as,
inter alia, the
[...] underdevelopment and extreme poverty in which much of the world’s people live; the widening gap between rich and poor (the income gap between the richest and poorest 20 per cent [...]
of the global population
is 30 to 60 times greater than it was 30 years ago); drug and arms trafficking; political, ethnic and religious conflicts; and migration from poor countries.
咨询委员会目前收到的报告(A/64/532)提供了标准化出入控制项目最新实施状况,以及 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算订正估计数,这 [...]
The report currently before the Advisory Committee (A/64/532)
[...] provides an update on the status of the implementation [...]
of the standardized access control
project and revised estimates under the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011, drawing on the outcome of the report of the Independent Panel and the management review of the Department of Safety and Security.
但此次视察表明,二层地下室的总 体状况不如 V 号楼其他楼层的地下室,而且主要问题,即假天花板、电力系统和通风系状况差,也 只能在大楼彻底翻修时解决。
The visit had, however, made it clear that the general state of the second-level basement was, worse than that of the other floors in Building V, and that the major problems, namely the poor condition of the false ceilings, of the electrical and ventilation systems, could only be resolved in the context of a full renovation of the building.
特别关注小规模养殖者和水产饲料生产商 急需对资状况差的使 用养殖场生产的和半商业水产饲料的养殖者提供协助 和培训,不最低使 用不必要的饲料添加剂和化学品(包括抗生素),还要改善 饲料管理技术。
There is an urgent need to assist and train
[...] those resource-poor farmers who use farm-made and semi-commercial aquafeeds, not only to minimize the use of unnecessary feed additives and chemicals (including antibiotics) but also to improve [...]
feed management techniques.
[...] 博士建议在促进续读率和毕业率的同时,教育部也能够确保 采取措施,与不在传统教育系统之内的儿童和青年接触,他们往往属 最 弱 势群 体,健状况差并容易采取冒险行为。
Lastly, Dr. Meyers recommended that while promoting school retention and completion, education ministries can also ensure measures to reach children and young people who are not within
traditional educational systems, which
[...] are often among the most vulnerable to poor health outcomes and risk-taking [...]
同样,越南的各民族之间的社会-经 济差距也很大,而且不断扩大,Kinh 族人和华人况最好,Hmong; Gia Rai 和 Dao 族最 差。
Similarly, significant and widening socio-economic disparities are found between different ethnic groups
in Viet Nam, with the Kinh and Chinese among those
[...] groups faring the best and Hmong, Gia Rai and Dao among the worst off.
最不发达国家要制订鼓励国内储蓄和投资的适当框架, 包括可限制资本外逃的稳定宏观经济政策、有关市 状况 的 可 靠政府数据、健全 的信息披露方法、以及清晰有效的从商监管框架,以减少在申请商业执照、招聘 工人、获取许可和交缴税赋等方面的非正规做法。
LDCs need to set the right framework to encourage domestic savings and investment, including stable macroeconomic policies that limit capital flight, reliable government data on market conditions, sound information [...]
disclosure practices
and clear and efficient regulatory frameworks for doing business that reduce informality, including getting a business licence, hiring workers, obtaining permits and paying taxes.
此外,亚洲地区在根据 2001 年 区域网络评价工作各项建议采取后续行动方面动 最 迅 速 ,所采取的方式即把工作重点更 多地放在了专题会议上。晚些时候,其它地区也采取了同样的做法,不过,非洲 状况稍 微差一点 ,在那里,大多数国家都坚持采用主要会议和后续会议这一传统模式,其中,后 续会议中包含了专题讨论。
The Asia region was also the most rapid in following up on the recommendations of the 2001 evaluation of the regional networks by focusing more on thematic meetings, later also implemented by the other regions, [...]
but less so in Africa, where most
countries insisted to follow the traditional pattern of main meetings and follow-up meetings which integrate thematic discussions.
即使 2005 年之前的家庭预算调查数字无法与 2006 年的调查数字相比,不
[...] 同居住地的贫困率分析结果(见附件 1 图 3)也能表明,农村居民区与城市居民区 之间存在很差异,而且贫状况与 前几年大致相同。
Even though the data of the Budget Household Survey until 2005 is incomparable with the one obtained during the survey in 2006, the analysis of the poverty rates according to the place of residence (figure 3 from Annex 1) show the same
general profile of poverty as in the previous
[...] years, with significant differences between the rural and [...]
the urban settlements.
[...] 色列政府批准,因此无法经以色列进入加沙,委员会也无法经埃及进入加沙,因 为在编写本报告的前几周,该国安 状况 普 遍 很 差。
While the Committee had planned to carry out a separate mission to Gaza, it was unable to gain access to Gaza through Israel, due to the lack of authorization from the Government of
Israel, or through Egypt, in view
[...] of the security situation prevailing there [...]
during the weeks preceding the preparation of the present report.
没有道路或者道状况很差、缺 少公共交通以及 存在安全方面的关切等情况促使特派团在整个 任务区为乘客、货物和巡逻提供充足的空运和陆 运。
Non-existent roads or poor road conditions, lack of public transport and security concerns have guided the Mission in providing adequate air and ground transport for passengers, cargo and patrols throughout the Mission area.
该系统将跟踪联检组向各参加组织提出的报告、说明和信函或建议的接 受、执行和影状况;管理立法机构审议联检组报告的工作;并提供关于报告、 说明和信函所载联检组建议的接受、执行和影响类别的统计资料,这些资 最终 在联检组年度报告中提出。
The system will track the status of
acceptance, implementation
[...] and impact achieved of reports, notes and letters or recommendations addressed by JIU to the participating organizations; manage the consideration of JIU reports by legislative bodies; and provide statistical information in terms of categories of acceptance, implementation and impact achieved of JIU recommendations contained in reports, notes and letters, which are eventually presented in the JIU [...]
annual report.
卫生、道路交通和供状况很差,也 不稳定。
Health, road transport and electricity supply are poor and uncertain.
不断变化的人状况、不 良的技术和社会经济条件、无计划的城市化、在 高风险地区内的开发、发展不足和不良的基础设施、薄弱的适应能力、环境退化、 气候多变、气候变化、遭遇地质灾害、竞争稀少的资源以及诸如艾滋病毒/艾滋 病、疟疾和结核病等流行病的影响,所有这些都增加 最 不 发达国家面对自然灾 害的脆弱性。
Changing demographics and poor technological and socio-economic
conditions, unplanned
[...] urbanization, development within high-risk zones, underdevelopment and poor infrastructure, weak adaptive capacity, environmental degradation, climate variability, climate change, exposure to geological hazards, competition for scarce resources, and the impact of epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis all increase the vulnerability of least developed countries to natural hazards.
然而,在采用 大纲前将对这个数额加以调整,以列入咨询委员会和 第五委员提议的最新修正案,以及根据 2010-2011 两 年期方案预算第一次执行情况报告(A/65/589)所适 用最新参数进行的重新费用计算,考虑到业务汇率 变化、实际通货膨胀、薪资况、工 作地 差 价 调整 乘数变动和生活费调整数。
However, the amount would be adjusted prior to the adoption of the outline to include the latest amendments proposed by the Advisory Committee and the Fifth Committee and recosting based on the updated parameters applied in the first performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/589) in respect of operational rates of exchange, actual inflation experience, payroll experience and the movement of post adjustment multipliers and cost-of-living adjustments.
他提出,他目前身状况很差,没 有足够的钱来支付医疗费,并回顾酷刑 受害者的再教育医疗费用被认为是一种赔偿义务。
He submits that he is
[...] currently in very poor health, that he does [...]
not have sufficient money to pay for his medical bills
and recalls that the medical expenses for the re-education of victims of torture are considered reparation obligations.
又深为关切以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上实行封 闭政策,施加严重限制和设立检查站,其中几处已有形同常设过境点的建筑物; 实行许可证制度;所有这些行动阻碍人员和货物,包括医疗和人道主义货物的自 由流动,并深为关切由此而来对巴勒斯坦人民人权的侵犯和对巴勒斯坦人民社会 经状况的不利影响,这状况是在 加沙地带依然造成人道主义危机,同时表示 注意到该地出入情况方面最新事
Expressing deep concern also about the Israeli policy of closures and the imposition of severe restrictions, checkpoints, several of which have been transformed into structures akin to permanent border crossings, and a permit regime, all of which obstruct the freedom of movement of persons and goods, including medical and humanitarian goods, throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and about the consequent violation of the human rights of the Palestinian people and the
[...] impact on their socio-economic situation, which remains that of a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, while taking note of recent developments with regard to the [...]
situation of access there
为落实经安全理事会核准、并受适用的国际法以及安全理事会第 1612(2005)
[...] 号和第 1882(2009)号决议等相关决议制约的工作组各项建议,我受委托以工作组 主席的名义,赞扬最高层 设立国家级监测和报告机制工作队,并请你加强对索 马里境内儿状况的监测和报告,通过设立的国家级工作队支持过渡联邦政府制 订有时限的行动计划以终止招募和使用儿童兵的行为,并依照安全理事会第 [...] [...]
1539(2004)号、第 1612(2005)号和第 1882(2009)号决议,与所有其他利益攸关 方开展对话。
In follow-up to the recommendations of the Working Group, which were approved by the Security Council, and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), I am entrusted in my capacity as the Chairman of the Working Group, to commend the establishment of the country-level task force on monitoring and reporting at the
highest level, and
[...] requesting you to strengthen monitoring and reporting of the situation of children in Somalia and, through the established country-level [...]
task force, to support
the Transitional Federal Government in the preparation of a time-bound action plan to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers and to conduct a dialogue with all other stakeholders, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009).
然而,其它来源 摒弃这种不寻常的情景,显示平均(EAGLEs 临界 值)最差表现者(Nest 临界值)的况更加消 极。
However, other sources discard this alternative scenario and show a
slightly more negative picture both on average
[...] (the EAGLEs threshold) and for the worst performer (the Nest threshold).
粮农组织《准则》还规 定 “ 捐助国应 确 保 其粮食援助政策支持受援 国实现粮食安全,根据合理需要评估提供粮食援助,并将粮食安状 况 差 的人们 和 弱 势群体作为援助对象 ” (《 准则》15.1)。
The FAO Guidelines also provide that “donor States should ensure that their food aid policies support national efforts by recipient States to achieve food security, and base their food aid provisions on sound needs assessment, targeting especially food insecure and vulnerable groups” (Guideline 15.1).
虽然 应急部队据信拥有足够的兵力来满足当前的要求,但由于预算紧张,限制了为长
[...] 期可持续性所必需的持续维护水平,而且由于道 状况 很 差 , 应 急部队须依靠联 利特派团的航空资产来迅速部署,在雨季尤其如此。
While the Unit is considered to have sufficient strength to meet current demands, budgetary constraints limit the level of sustained
maintenance essential for long-term sustainability,
[...] and poor road conditions mean that the [...]
Unit is dependent on UNMIL air assets
to deploy quickly, particularly during the rainy season.
7月12日上午,会议正式召开,在浙江省汽摩配商会秘书长丰斌华秘书长主持下,与会者针对国内汽摩配展会众多,质量 差 不 齐 的 状况 及 浙江汽摩配行业该如何打造、培育浙江自己的专业展会,以实现浙江近万家汽摩配和汽车用品企业在家门口参加展会的愿望,从而促进浙江汽车摩托车零部件用品制造业又好又快的发展进行了热烈地讨论,大家一致认为:各协(商)会应积极联手,在宁波国际汽车城举办的汽车零部件(用品)进出口交易会的基础上共同培育、打造具有浙江特色的汽车零部件(用品)进出口交易会,并结成战略联盟。
July 12 morning, the meeting formally convened, in Zhejiang Province Qimo with the Secretary-General Chamber of Commerce HSBC Binhua under the auspices of the
Secretary-General, the participants for the domestic automobile and motorcycle
[...] show with many, the situation of uneven quality [...]
and Zhejiang automobile
and motorcycle industry with the How to create and nurture their professional show of Zhejiang, Zhejiang Jin Wanjia Qimo to achieve with supplies and automotive enterprises at home participate in the show's desire to promote Zhejiang car and motorcycle parts and components manufacturing supplies又好fast development of a warm Discussion, it was agreed that: the HS (to) should be actively join in the Ningbo International Automobile City organized by the auto parts (supplies) on the basis of the Import and Export Fair in developing, building, Zhejiang has the characteristics of automotive components (supplies ) Import and Export Fair, and a strategic alliance.
(欧盟) 政府应当寻求(JZ 、欧盟、77 国集团和中国) 新的途径应当探索新的途径 (JZ 、欧盟、77 国集团和中国) ,帮助处理许多发展中国家尤其是内陆发展中国家 面临的难以消除的挑战,包括运输和交易成本高、投资水平低、贸易便利化不 足,以及缺乏规章、运输服务效率低下和连 状况差 等。
Governments should examine (JZ, EU, G77&CHINA) New approaches should be explored (JZ, EU, G77&CHINA) to help tackle persistent challenges facing many developing countries, especially LLDCs, including high transport and commercial transaction costs, low-level of investment, trade facilitation, in some cases, absence of regulations, inefficient transport services, and low connectivity.
克服阻碍许多发展中国家取得进步的障碍,状 况较差的市场基础设施和不公平的竞争,将增加发展 中国家的农民提高粮食产出的机会。
Addressing the obstacles — such as poor market infrastructure and unfair competition — that stood in the way of progress for many developing countries would increase the opportunities for developing country farmers to raise food output.
通过重点关注世界能状况的不确定性,会上讨论了以下问题:如何应对石油价 格达到顶点时带来的影响;如何应对石油价格不断上涨对发展中国家,特别最 不发 达国家的经济增长和资金流动的影响;如何鼓励节约资源;以及如何促进交 通工具替代燃料的发展。
Under this focus on the uncertainty of the
[...] world energy situation, the following issues were discussed: how to cope with the impact of the price of oil at its peak; how to cope with the impact of the escalation of the price of oil on economic growth and financial flows in the developing countries and particularly in the least developed countries; [...]
how to cope with
destabilizing financial flows; how to encourage the preservation of resources; and how to promote the development of alternative fuels for transportation.
国际工会联盟副代表 Esther Busser 指出,弱势群体的工人集中从事工资最低 的工作,他们的工作条最差,没 有社会保障,在许多 况 下 没有工会代表确保 他们的权利受到尊重。
Esther Busser, deputy representative of ITUC, noted that workers from vulnerable population groups were concentrated in the lowest-paid jobs with the worst working conditions, without social security and, in many cases without trade union representation to ensure respect for their rights.
田园诗》最出色 的诗歌是《无限》,写于 1819 年,这一年诗人处于重度忧状态, 差 点 到 了自杀的地步,同时也激发了他的欲望,以创作作为自我救赎的方式。
The most defining poem of the Idilli is L’Infinito, written in 1819, a year in which the poet experienced a deep state of melancholia, [...]
leading him almost to the point of suicide but which at the
same time sparked in him a need to write as a means of salvation.




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