

单词 拾金不昧

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这 里同样需要强调的视那些、歧视、仇外或新形式的和平和安全的 无形威胁的严重性。
Equally, there is a need to point to the danger of intangible threats to peace and security, such as intolerance, discrimination, xenophobia or new forms of ignorance.
为一个公平的最小值以鼓励遵守一项限制()或更大一笔钱以反映一个保护区社会效益 的全部价值。
Compensationmight bea fairly minimum value to encourage adherence to a restriction (like notcollecting firewood) or a more substantial sum reflecting the full value of a PA’s benefits to society.
但巴勒斯坦人继续在防护栏附近的废弃定居点 和工业 片卖钱补贴家用。
However, Palestinians continue to
[...] collect gravel and scrap metalin abandoned [...]
settlements and industrial zones near the
fence, which they later sell to support their families.
一些委员还认为,该款中“国际关注的犯罪和罪行”一语 昧不 没有 为本专题应涵盖哪类罪行提供任何指导。
Some members were also of the view that the phrase “crimes and offences of international concern,” in the paragraph was ambiguous as to offer any guidance on the type of crimes covered by the present topic, there was need for clarity, bearing in mind the principle nullum crimen sine lege.
基本的采矿作业包括:(a) 核,将其从周围的细粉海底泥浆分 离;(b) [...]
将结核扬升 4 000 至 5 000 米到海洋表面;(c) 将结核与扬升过程中夹 带的海水和沉积物分离,运送到冶金加工设施。
The basic mining operations include: (a)
[...] pickingup the polymetallic nodules and [...]
separating them from the fine-grained seabed
muds that host them; (b) lifting them 4,000 to 5,000 metres to the ocean surface; and (c) separating them from the seawater and sediment entrained in the lift operation and transporting them to a metallurgical processing facility.
拒绝接受 最高法院提出质疑,在这问题上,我
Reject There is a Supreme Court challenge and we cannot be presumptuous on this matter.
为改进和平细菌学( 生物学) 活动领域的国际合作并防止或减少发生 昧不困惑猜疑的情况,鼓励各缔约国邀请其他缔约国的专家协助应对疾病的突发,并 对收到的邀请作出积极的反应,但须遵守适用的国家法律和相关国际文书。
In order to improve international cooperation in the field of peaceful bacteriological (biological) activities and in order to prevent or reduce the occurrence of ambiguities, doubts and suspicions, States Parties are encouraged to invite experts from other States Parties to assist in the handling of an outbreak, and to respond favourably to such invitations, respecting applicable national legislation and relevant international instruments.
它还深深扎根于这样的一种信念,即:在我们集 体努力摆脱让人类长期无法享有一个没有饥饿、贫 困、的世界的那些负担时,越来越全球 化的世界要求容忍、谅解和尊重人权。
It was also rooted in the notion that this increasingly globalized world calls for tolerance, understanding and respect for human dignity as we collectively strive to free ourselves from those burdens that have long deprived humankind of a world free from hunger, poverty, ignorance and insecurity.
句,我认为,这项 工作需要在更高级别来开展,我将在适当时候与利比 里亚当局继续讨论这个问题以及其它有关民族和解 的问题,包括建立一个收藏和保护所有国家文件的档 案馆的问题。
Most respectfully, I believe, however, that this requires a much higher profile, and Iwill continue to discuss this and other matters relating to national reconciliation with the Liberian authorities in due course, including the establishment of an archive where all the documents of State are housed and safeguarded.
教科文组织将向获 奖者颁发总额为 300,000 美元(元)的以及证书和奖牌。
UNESCO shall present to the prizewinner (or the prizewinners)
a cheque for the amount of US $300,000 (Three hundred thousand
[...] United States dollars) as well as a diploma anda medal.
关于第 81(3)段以及男女儿童受教育机会方 面 存 在的歧视问题,布隆迪指 出,这 种歧视已 经 消 除 , 正 在开展一项文化教育方 案,以消除残余的父母
Regarding paragraph 81 (3) and discrimination between boys and girls in accessing education, Burundi recalled that such discrimination had been eliminated and that a cultural education programme was underway in order to eliminate any remaining parental reticence.
因此,任何怎样壮烈的死、或要为後世留下值得人记 念的遗产的妄念都是我们的渺小,也是在 夺取单属於神的尊贵与荣耀。
Therefore, all thoughts such as dying on the pulpit or wanting to leave a legacy to be remembered reveal our vain glory,not knowing how insignificant we are, and our desire to usurp the glory and honor that belong only to the Triune God.
如果媒体服务于社会正义、真相和对文化多样性的 尊重以及各民族间兄弟般情谊,则它就是一种积极 资源;但如果被用于巩固欠发达、和 新殖民主义统治,则就是危险武器。
The media were a positive resource if they served social justice, truth, respect for cultural diversity and brotherhood among peoples; but they were a dangerous weapon if they were usedto entrench underdevelopment, ignorance, injustice and neo-colonial domination.




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