

单词 扣留

See also:

cover (with a bowl etc)
fig. tag a label on sb.
smash or spike (a ball)
deduct (money)



leave (a message etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

这项工作目前还在进行,该法规定海关官员有扣 留查和起诉可能从事跨国犯罪活动的人员。
This is currently ongoing and provides powers to
[...] customs officers todetain,investigate and [...]
prosecute persons who may be engaged in
transnational criminal activities.
2.12 乘客赔偿之责任 若乘客损坏承运人任何财产,则必须负责赔偿,包括但不限於船只之
[...] 结构、机器、机件、齿轮组、配件、装饰、设备及用品及承运人之登 岸阶梯及码头建筑物,而承运人 留扣留 的托运行李的权利,直 至承运人以其绝对之酌情权认为所获之赔偿达满意为止。
A Passenger shall be held responsible for and shall indemnify the Carrier against any damage caused by him to any property of the Carrier, including but not limited to the structure, machinery, gear, fittings, furnishing, equipment and appliances of the Vessel and the Carrier’s landing
stage and terminal buildings, and
[...] the Carrier reserves therightto detainthePassenger’s [...]
Checked Luggage until compensation
satisfactory to the Carrier in its absolute discretion has been made to the Carrier.
虽然科人阵拒绝参加政府,但目前 扣留Pergola 酒店的科人阵成 员和前总统巴博的相关人员确认,他们承认瓦塔拉总统为合法总统,表示他们愿 意为促进全国和解与重建进程作出贡献。
Although, FPI declined to participate in the Government, FPI members and associates of former President Gbagbo who are currently held at the Pergola Hotel confirmed that they recognized President Ouattara as the legitimate President, stating that they were willing to contribute to the process of national reconciliation and reconstruction.
(8) 为 进 行 搜 查扣 留人 或 车 辆 的 时 间,应 相 当 於 在 该 人 或 车 辆 首 先扣 留方 或 附 近 进 行 搜 查 所 需 的 合 理 时 间 。
(8) The time for which a person or vehicle may be detainedfor the purposes of such a search in such time as is reasonably required to [...]
permit a search to be carried out
either at the place where the person or vehicle was first detained or nearby.
(b) 被 警扣 留查 某 罪 行 之 用,则 负 责 该 调 查 的 人 员,在 该 物 品 刚 刚 被 检 取 前 保 管 或 控 有 该 物 品 的 人 或 其 代 表 人 要 求 批 准 接 触 该 物 品 时,须 准 许 提 出 要 求 者 在 一 名 警 员 监 察 下 接 触 该 物 品 。
is made to the officer in charge of the investigation by a person who hadcustody orcontrol of the thing immediately before it was so seized or by someone acting on behalf of such a person the officer shall allow the person who made the request access to it under the supervision of a constable.
[...] 身份证件,一再要求司机下车,威胁要逮捕他 扣留,并且还表明对司机使 用肢体暴力的意愿。
In the course of the verification, the police officers behaved rudely, ignored the fact that the Ambassador was in the vehicle, refused to show their identification documents, repeatedly demanded that the driver
get out of the vehicle, threatening
[...] him witharrestand detention of the vehicle, and [...]
also showed a willingness to use physical force against the driver.
此外,2002 年《联合国(反恐怖主义措施)法》第 13 条规定,圣文森特和格
[...] 林纳丁斯警察部队的任何成员、任何海关官员、或任何移民官,如有合理理由怀 疑下列情况,扣留现金:此款打算用于恐怖活动;此款属于该法第 [...]
2 条所 规定的意义内的恐怖分子财产。
Additionally, section 13 the United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Act, 2002 states that any member of the Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, any
customs officer, or any immigration
[...] officer mayseize anddetain anycashif he [...]
has reasonable grounds for suspecting that:
it is intended to be used for the purposes of a terrorist act, it is terrorist property within the meaning given in section 2 of the Act.
[...] 际社会必须通过一项全面反海盗战略,该战略还应当 处理被海扣留 质所处的非人道状况。
We would therefore like to reiterate the need for the international community to
adopt a comprehensive counter-piracy strategy that also addresses the inhuman
[...] conditions in which pirates holdhostages.
它 的主要目标是从政治层面增加压力,确保被海 扣留有人质获得释放;审查、 改进和宣传国际海事组织的准则;增强海军的支持力度并与海军协调;促进国家、 区域、组织和行业之间的协调和合作;在世界海盗出没地区协助能力建设以及向 遭受海盗攻击或劫持的人员及其家属提供关爱。
Its prime objectives aim at increasing pressure at the political level to secure the release of all hostages being held by pirates;review,improve and promote IMO guidelines; promote greater levels of support and coordination with navies; promote coordination and cooperation between States, regions, organizations and industry; assist in capacity-building in piracy-infested regions of the world, and provide care for those attacked or hijacked by pirates and for their families.
扩大国防部在阿富扣留拘留者的审查程序,以便加强美国拘留 做法的透明度和公正性。
Expanded the review procedures for detainees held by the Department of Defense in Afghanistan inorder to enhance the transparency and fairness of U.S. detention practices.
消除种族歧视委员会在其关于意大利的结论意见 (CERD/ C/ITA/CO/15 ,第17段) 中指出,它对来自世界各地,特别是来自非洲、东欧和
亚洲的无身份证件的移民工人,对有关这些人状况的报道感到关注,提醒注意对 这些人人权的侵犯,特别是他们的经济、社会和文化权利,包括指称的虐待、低
[...] 工资及长期拖欠、工作时间长和抵押劳工的情况,他们的部分工资被雇 扣留付提供的拥挤不堪且无水电的住宿。
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination stated in its concluding observations on Italy (CERD/C/ITA/CO/15, para. 17) that it was concerned at reports regarding the situation of undocumented migrant workers from various parts of the world, in particular from Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia, drawing attention to violations of their human rights, in particular of their economic, social and cultural rights, including alleged ill-treatment, low wages received with considerable delay, long working hours and
situations of bonded labour, whereby a part
[...] of wagesare withheldby employers [...]
as payment for accommodation in overcrowded
lodgings without electricity or running water.
(d) 「「生」有权行使扣留於「「生」或受「「生」控制所有属於「团体经理」或「主管合股人」之财产(不论「「生」 是否在一般银行业务运作下接受彼等之托管)。
(d) Hang Seng shall be entitled to exercise a lien over all property of a Syndicate Treasurer or a Managing Partner which is in the possession or control of Hang Seng, for custody or any other reason and whether or not in the ordinary course of business, with power for Hang Seng to sell such property to satisfy such indebtedness owed by the Syndicate Treasurer or the Managing Partner (as the case may be) to Hang Seng.
非法移 民的快速回国将大大缩扣留
The expeditious return of irregular migrants would contribute
[...] significantly to decreaseddetention periods.
政府扣留2000 年没收的 74.0 ODP 吨各类氟氯化碳中剩余 的 8.0 ODP [...]
吨,并按照缔约方第十六次会议上核准的一个行动计划在 2004 年至 2009 年投 放到当地市场。
The Governmentalso withheld8.0 ODP tonnes of [...]
CFCs remaining from the 74.0 ODP tonnes confiscated in 2000 and released
into the local market from 2004 to 2009 according to a plan of action approved at the 16th meeting of the Parties.
2007 年 7 月 25 日第二次修正
[...] 案规定,拉比法院有权在某些情况下,按照法律规定,以循序渐进的方式终止扣留 金或其他津贴,以及包括个人财物和不动产在内的财产。
The Second Amendment, dated July 25, 2007, enables the
Rabbinical Courts, in certain circumstances, to
[...] foreclose or withhold pensions and [...]
other allowances in a progressive manner as
stipulated in the Law, as well as possessions including personal effects and real estate.
2009年年内瓦克的业务重回正轨,瓦克在2009年11月向员工支付了20 08 扣留金部分,其中不包括未发放的50%的利润分红。
Since business improved in the course of 2009, WACKER
[...] paid outthe withheld salary components [...]
of employees in November 2009, except
for the outstanding 50-percent profit share for 2008.
(2) 任何授权人员可将他合理地怀疑已违反或企图违反本附例某 条文的人移离吊车系统或吊车系统区(如有需要可使用合理武力);如该违
[...] 反事项属本附例所订的罪行,在不影响按照本附例可施加的任何处罚 或附 加费的原则下,该授权人员扣留,直至将该人交由警务人员羁押以 便按照法律处理为止。
(2) An authorized official may remove (if necessary by the use of reasonable force) from the Cable Car System or Cable Car System area any person whom he reasonably suspects of having contravened or attempting to contravene a provision of this Bylaw; without prejudice to any penalty or surcharge which may be imposed in accordance with this Bylaw, and in the case where such contravention is
an offence under this Bylaw, the
[...] authorized officialmay detain suchpersonuntil [...]
that person can be delivered into the
custody of a police officer to be dealt with according to law.
[...] 已经确定的恐怖主义的定义包括:为政治目的进行的导致恐怖的任何活动,绑 架扣留藏人质,劫持行驶的船只,未经马尔代夫政府事先批准进口枪枝、 [...]
炸药或任何爆炸性物品,使用相同行动损害一个人的生命或财产,纵火破坏生命 或财产,口头或书面威胁损害人身或财产在马尔代夫相当于恐怖活动。
Under this Act, terrorism has been defined to include: conduct of any activity
for a political purpose that result in
[...] terror, kidnapping,held hostage or hiding, [...]
high-jacking travelling vessels, import
of guns, bombs or any such explosive without the prior permission of the Maldives Government, using the same to harm a person’s life or their property, arson to damage lives or property, warnings of damaging persons or property verbally or in writing amount to terrorist activities in the Maldives.
1942 年荷兰东印度群岛落入日军之手后,很多荷兰居民被迫住 扣留他们在这里一直住到战争结束。
After the Dutch East Indies fell to
Japanese forces in 1942, many Dutch residents were
[...] forced intointernment camps,where [...]
they stayed until the end of the war.
10.27 在上一次报告的审议结论第11
[...] 段中,委员会关注到有关在中国内地扣 留港特区居民在和香港特区家人联络遇到困难的报告。
In paragraph 11 of its concluding observations on the previous report, the
Committee expressed concerns at reports that
[...] HKSAR residents detainedon the Mainland [...]
of China encountered difficulties in having
contact with their families in the HKSAR.
依据《海外学生教育服务法案》,教育机构 扣留 中的部分金额,以涵盖其行政管理开支。
The ESOS Act allows your education provider to keep some money to cover administration expenses.
任何人如果在未取得许可证的情况下出口文化财产,或没有在临时出口许可证上规定 的时间内使该文物返回波兰,可处以三个月至五年的监禁,而且 扣留物。
Persons who export cultural property without a permit, or who fail to return the object to Poland within the time
designated on the
[...] temporary export permit, are subject to imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years and the object maybe seized.
其次,既 然指令第 15(2)条规定扣留 政或司法当局下令实施”,区分由相同行政或司 法当局以可能性质不同、但就剥夺自由而言会产生相同结果的罪行下令实施的拘 留,就显得不靠谱。
Second, since article 15 (2) of the Directive provides that “[d]etention shall be ordered by administrative or judicial authorities”, it does not seem relevant to distinguish between detentions ordered by the same administrative or judicial authorities for offences that, while they may be different, produce the same consequences in terms of deprivation of liberty.
讨论的重点为《公约》第二二零条和第二二六条。这两条规定,因被控污染海洋 的行为而扣留只在缴付保证金后予以释放(见《公约》第二二零条第 [...]
6 和 7 款,以及第二二六条第 1 款(b)项和(c)项)。
The discussion focused on articles 220 and 226 of the Convention, which provide for the release of the
vessel upon the posting of a bond when the
[...] vessel hasbeen detainedforalleged [...]
pollution offences (see article 220, paragraphs
6 and 7, and article 226, paragraph 1 (b) and (c) of the Convention).
大约两个月前,安理会通过主席声明(S/PRST/ 2010/9),要求按照国际标准立即进行公正、可信和 透明的调查,立即释扣留,并将船队的人道主 义援助运往被困的加沙。
Around two months ago, this Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/9) in which it called for a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to international standards; for the immediate release of the convoy ships; and for the delivery of their humanitarian assistance to besieged Gaza.
(5) 在依据第(4)款将车辆出售之日之後的 6 个月内,如任何人
[...] 令吊车公司信纳在该车辆凭藉该款成为吊车公司的财产时,他是该车辆的 车主,则吊车公司须将出售该车辆所得的收益,在扣除移走 扣留及 收费以及吊车公司就出售该车辆所招致的合理费用後,支付予该人。
(5) If, within 6 months after the day on which a vehicle is sold pursuant to subsection (4), any person satisfies the Company that at the time the vehicle became the property of the Company by virtue of that subsection, he was the owner of the vehicle, the Company shall pay to such person the
balance of the proceeds
[...] of sale afterdeducting any costs and charges of removal and detention and any reasonable [...]
charges incurred
by the Company in respect of the sale of the vehicle.




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