

单词 异议

异议 noun

argument n





political dissident


challenge (a statement)

See also:


other adj
different adj


External sources (not reviewed)

对该裁决提出异议应立 即付诸表决,而除非 异议 以 出 席并参加表 决的代表的过半数获得核准,否则应以主席的裁决为准。
An appeal against this ruling shall immediately be put to the vote and the President's ruling shall stand unless the appeal is approved by a majority of the representatives present and voting.
由于众多存异议的条 款,包 括对基本食物权不准确的文本描述,美国代表团一 如既往对该决议草案投反对票。
Because of numerous objectionable provisions, including inaccurate textual descriptions of the underlying right to food, his delegation had, as in the past, voted against the draft resolution.
总干事提到,拟议增加的文本只是重复了执行委员会有关工作重点 4 的标题的建议 (35 C/6),因此,他对通过拟议的修正没 异议。
The Director-General notes that the proposed additional text merely reproduces the recommendations of the Executive Board (35 C/6) with
regard to the title of main line of action 4 and, therefore, has
[...] no objection to the adoption of the proposed amendment.
[...] 一致通过的,一位法官以书面形式表示了有利于他们 异议。
However, the complainants note that the
judgement by the Migration Court was not handed down unanimously; one judge had written a dissenting
[...] opinion in their favour.
有违法律 宗旨”这一概念的使用为有关机构禁止私营军事和安保公司其他 异议 的 活 动提 供了余地。
The use of the inclusive phrasing “contrary to the aims of the law” would also provide the competent authority with the flexibility to prohibit other potentially objectionable activities of private military and security companies.
(b) 不得提出或发言赞成或反对任何程序性动议或要求、提出程序问题或 对主席的裁决提异议。
(b) May not make, or be among the speakers called on to speak in
favour of or against, any procedural motion or request, raise points of order
[...] or appeal against a ruling [...]
of the President.
也是在通过该决定草案之前,美国代表作了发 言,指出 E/CN.15/2011/L.2 号决定草案和 E/CN.15/2011/L.3 号决议草案(见下文 第 22
[...] 段)的提案国都倾向两份文件先送全体委员会审议,虽然对此程序没异 议,但不应将此视为确立了先例。
) Also prior to the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of the United States made a statement indicating that both of the sponsors of draft decision E/CN.15/2011/L.2 and of draft resolution E/CN.15/2011/L.3 (see para. 22 below) would have preferred that the two documents had
first been sent to the Committee of the
[...] Whole for its consideration and that, [...]
while there was no objection to the procedure
followed, it should not be seen as setting a precedent.
除非被三分之二以上的成员,即三分之二的 附件一缔约方成员和三分之二的非附件一缔约方成员推翻,否 异议 成 立
The appeal shall stand unless overruled by a two-thirds majority of the members, representing a two-thirds majority of members from Annex I Parties and a two-thirds majority of members from non-Annex I Parties.
一切选举均应以无记名投票方式进行,除非在没有任 异议 的 情 况下,大会 决定对业经商定的候选人或候选人名单不以投票方式进行选举。
All elections shall be held by
secret ballot unless, in the absence of any
[...] objection, the Conference decides to [...]
proceed without taking a ballot when there
is an agreed candidate or slate.
一些委员赞成特别报告员的意见,即没有必要针对对驱逐决定提出申诉的 问题制订额外的条款草案,因为条款草案 C1 规定了对驱逐决定提异议的权 利,似乎已经足够。
Some members agreed with the Special Rapporteur that it was unnecessary to formulate an additional draft article on appeals against an expulsion decision, as draft article C1 set out the right to challenge an expulsion decision, which seemed sufficient.
应 当排除适用的不是保留所涉任何或全部条款,而是这些条款中双方表 异议 的部 分。
One should not exclude the application of the entirety of the provision or provisions to which a reservation relates, but only of the parts of those provisions concerning which the parties have expressed disagreement.
他是否仍为民主与社会进步联盟的成员 并非决定因素,因为他曾经是一名成员;申诉人具有相同的姓氏;以及被怀疑为
[...] 政治反对派的人是刚果民主共和国当局系统针对的目标,移送前危险评估干事对 此并异议。
Whether the latter is still a UDPS member is not decisive, as he has been one in the past; the complainant has the same family name; and persons suspected of political opposition are
systematically targeted by the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which the PRRA
[...] officer does not dispute.
对临时驳回申请复审或上诉,或者 异议 提 交答辩的时限 (时限应合理),以及受理复审或上诉的主管机关;如果复审或上诉申请必 须通过其地址在宣布驳回的主管局的缔约方领土上的代理人提出,亦应 说明。
the time limit, reasonable under the circumstances, for filing a request for review of or appeal against the provisional refusal or for filing a response to the opposition, and the authority to which such request for review or appeal shall lie; if such request for review or appeal must be filed through the intermediary of a representative whose address is within the territory of the Contracting Party whose Office has pronounced the refusal, this will also be indicated.
她注意到 UNW/2012/7
[...] 号文件所述咨询委员会的建议,除该报告所表达的意 见外,咨询委员会对执行局核准妇女署财务条例和细则拟议修正案没 异议。
She noted the recommendation of the Advisory Committee, as outlined in UNW/2012/7, that subject to comments expressed in that report, the Advisory Committee had
no objections to the Executive Board’s
[...] approval of the proposed revision to the [...]
financial regulations and rules for UN-Women.
应执行局第 2010/25 号决定的要求,并根据第 2001/11 号和第 2006/36 号决 定,坦桑尼亚联合共和国共同国家方案文件中的机构部分内容将不做介绍或讨 论,按异议办法 批准,除非至少五名成员在会前书面通知秘书处,表示希望执 行局审议共同国家方案文件。
As requested by the Executive Board in its decision 2010/25 and in line with decisions 2001/11 and 2006/36, the agency component of the common country programme for the United Republic of Tanzania will be approved on a no-objection basis, without presentation or discussion, unless at least five members have informed the secretariat in writing before the meeting of their wish to bring the common country programme document before the Board.
总之,在国家法院进行 的所有诉讼程序中,提交人得益于公开审理的抗式诉讼程序,由他们自己选定的
[...] 律师代理,毫无阻碍地向法院陈述了本身的论点,提出了权利要求并表示异 议,提 供了证据,驳斥了对方的论点,并广泛地享有对获得公正和有效审理的所 [...]
In any case, the authors, in all the procedures that took place before the national courts, had the benefit of adversarial proceedings conducted in public, were represented by a lawyer of their choosing, put before the courts
without obstruction all their arguments,
[...] claims and objections, presented evidence, [...]
refuted the arguments of the opposing party
and generally enjoyed all guarantees of a fair and effective trial.
审查小组还就能力管理、成员迅 速执行养护和管理措施、使用捕鱼配额分配系统以及决策问题提出了建议,包括 使用投票程序,修异议程序 使其更加严谨以及通过按照《协定》解决争端的条 款等。
Recommendations were also made on capacity management, prompt implementation of conservation and management measures by members and use of an allocation system of fishing quota, as well as in regard to decision-making, including the use of the voting procedure, amendment of the objection procedure to make it more rigorous and adoption of a provision on dispute settlement in line with the Agreement.
在同一时期,下列缔约国对保留提出异议:奥 地利、捷克共和国、斯洛伐克和西班牙对卡塔尔提出的保留;(见 D 节和附件一、二和三)。
During the same period, objections to reservations were made by the following States parties: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Spain to reservations made by Qatar; (see section D and annexes I, II and III).
关于总部外办事处的银行帐目核对情况,教科文组织掌握有必要的账目核对文件(最 近的对账单、银行或账目上未登记的交易活动情况和最后的账目核对情况),对抽样核查的 交易活动没异议。
In regard to bank reconciliation in respect of field offices, UNESCO has in its possession the documents required for such reconciliation (last bank statement, statement of operations unrecorded by the bank or in the accounts and final reconciliation status), and no comment is required on sample-checked operations.
按照成分和未来一年或一学期的行动编入预算的行动安排、过去一个 学期的执行报告以及事先进行让合作伙伴 异议 的 任何可能的重新定 向有效。
The validation of budgeted action programmes by component and activity for the following year or semester; of implementation reports on the past six months; and of any possible reorientation acceptable to the partners.
如果没异议,他认为委员会希望通过这些关 于巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会、巴勒斯 坦权利司和新闻部巴勒斯坦问题特别新闻方案的决 议草案。
If he heard no objection, he would take it that the Committee wished to approve the [...]
draft resolutions on the Committee,
the Division for Palestinian Rights and the special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information.
大赦国际促请当局确保这种人可以 对停止保护的决定提异议,并 表示,还应让他们可以参与评估其依然存在的保护 需求的进程,以履行不驱回义务。
It urged the authorities to ensure that such individuals be allowed to challenge the decision to apply a cessation of protection in their case, and expressed the view that they should also be allowed access to a process to assess their continued protection needs in order for non-refoulement obligations to be met.
法国仲裁委员会因此提议第 13 条草案第 4 款的最后一句的措辞应该做相应更改, 另外引入一个合理的时限,应改为:“在这种情况 下,该当事人应异议通知 发出之日起 30 天内,在 一个合理的期限内,请求指定机构就该 异议 作出 一项合理的裁定。
The Comité Français de l’Arbitrage therefore proposed that the wording of the final sentence of draft article 13, paragraph 4, should be changed accordingly, with, in addition, the introduction of a reasonable time limit, so that it would read: “In that case, within 30 days from the date of the notice of the challenge, it shall seek a reasoned decision on the challenge by the appointing authority within a reasonable time”.
任何代表出席大会的资格如经会员国提 异议 , 在 全权证书委 员会提出报告和大会作出决定以前,应暂准出席大会,并享有与其 他代表同等的权利。
Any representative to whose admission a Member has made objection shall be seated provisionally with the same rights as other representatives until the Credentials Committee has reported and the General Assembly has given its decision.
然而,在 4 月 13 日朝鲜民主主义人民共和国发射用于和平目的的“光明星 3 号”人造卫星之后,美国对此提 异议 , 认 为这次空间发射采用了与远程导弹发 射相同的技术,进而单方撕毁“2.29 协定”,并加强了对朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国的制裁措施。
However, when the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea launched “Kwangmyongsong 3”, an artificial satellite for peaceful purposes, on 13 April last, the United States took issue with it, arguing that the space launch was based on the same technology as the long-range missile launch, and went ahead with unilaterally abrogating the 29 February agreement, upgrading sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
根据 2010 年 4 月 22 日第九十九届会议通过的决议,农发基金执行局在该《行 政法庭规约》附件第十二条和《联合国与国际农业发展基金协定》第十三条的框 架内采取行动,决定对该行政法庭第 2867 号判决提异议并请求国际法院就该 判决的合法性问题发表咨询意见。
The Executive Board of IFAD, by a resolution adopted at its ninety-ninth session, on 22 April 2010, acting within the framework of article XII of the annex to the Statute of the Tribunal and article XIII of the Agreement between the United Nations and IFAD, decided to challenge Judgement No. 2867 of the Tribunal and to refer the question of the validity of the judgement to the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion.
2010 年对请求的分析强调,正如缔约国之前载述的,重要的是第5 条之下挑
[...] 战不明确的缔约国“只要求评估有关事实和根据这些事实拟订 异议 的 前 瞻性计 划所必需的时间”。
The analysis of requests in 2010 underscored the importance, as has been recorded by the States Parties in the past, of States Parties that lack clarity regarding their article 5 challenge “requesting only
the period of time necessary to asses relevant facts and develop a meaningful forward
[...] looking plan based on these facts.
关于这一点,委员会注意到,缔约国解释说,虽然提交人和他私人聘请的 律师有机会研究审理笔录,并提出意见 异议 , 但 他们没有提出任何意见。
On this particular point, the Committee takes note of the State party’s explanation that even though the author and his privately retained lawyer were given the opportunity to study and make comments or objections on the trial transcript, they did not made any comment.
接受非洲联盟高级别执行小组的整个地图,但对一段国际边界线异 议,该段边界线涉及阿拉伯河以南 14 英里地区。
The whole map of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel is accepted with one exception in the international border-line, and that is the portion regarding the area of 14 miles south of Bahr el Arab.
A.39. 联合国志愿人员的合同条件规定,如果联合国志愿人员对联合国的行政 决定异议,则 把争议提交仲裁,各当事方将接受仲裁小组的裁决为争端的最后 解决办法。
A.39 In the event that a Volunteer disputes an administrative decision of the Organization, the conditions of contract provide that the dispute will be submitted to arbitration and that the award of the arbitration panel will be accepted by the parties as the final resolution of the dispute.




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