

单词 常德市

See also:


Changde prefecture level city in Hunan

External sources (not reviewed)

Changdecity imperial crown pool [...]
factory, pool, ping-pong table, ping-pong table, Ping-Pong paddle, ping pong table, ball
table, sporting goods, movement thing, leisure thing, healthy body equipment, healthy body instrument, sports equipment, movement equipment, entertainment product, entertainment equipment, sports.
德国AIXTRON爱思强地宣布,又一台AIX 200/4 RF-S MOCVD系统已于日本筑市德 发中心安装完毕并成功开始运行。
AIXTRON AG is pleased to announce that a further AIX 200/4 RF-S MOCVD system has been installed and successfully started operation at Tokuyama R&D center in Tsukuba, Japan.
然而,无节制的快速常常社会和空间的四分五裂以及城市及周边农村地区 环境的急剧恶化。
Rapid and
[...] uncontrolled urbanization, however, may frequently result in social [...]
and spatial fragmentation and in a drastic
deterioration of the quality of the urban environment and of the surrounding rural areas.
委员会极力支持建立一个国际海洋资料交换项目办事处,并建议接受比利时佛兰德政府 和奥斯德市议,将该办事处设在奥斯 德市
The Committee strongly supported the establishment of an IODE Project Office and recommended
that the offer of the Government of
[...] Flandersand theCity of Ostend to host the Office in Ostend, Belgium, beaccepted.
并非这些食品,而且通常只会进食 小量,或在烹调中菜时加添作调味,相信对健康构成的风险不大。
Considering that these
[...] food items are usuallyconsumed infrequently andin small [...]
amounts or are added only as seasoning
in Chinese cooking, they would unlikely be a cause of significant health concern for the general population.
鉴于这种事件,无国界医师组织和儿基会最近指出患有应激障碍的儿童的数 字猛增,也就无甚奇怪了。41 联合国加沙冲突实况调查团(其报告 为“报告”)的成员Desmond Travers上校在最近一次访谈中指出:“如果英国 在对待向他们投掷石块的儿童时采用成为以色列安全部队在西岸的规范行为的 方式,即在傍晚把儿童赶到一起并带往拘留所,被蒙面、殴打并在某些情况下受 到酷刑,那么北爱尔兰问题今天就不会得到解决。
It is little wonder in view of such incidents that both Médecins Sans Frontières and UNICEF have recently said that the
number of children
[...] suffering from stress disorder hasgreatly increased.41 Colonel Desmond Travers, a member of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (whose report is generally known as the Goldstone Report”) [...]
said in a recent interview:
“If the British had behaved toward children who threw stones at them in the manner that is the norm on the West Bank for Israeli security forces — whereby children are rounded up in the evening and taken to places of detention, hooded, beaten, and in some cases tortured — the Northern Ireland problem would not be resolved today.
[...] Robertson)先生说:“能够成为印度尼西亚经济蓬勃快速发展过程中的一分子,令 感到
Mr. Ian Robertson, Country
[...] Managerfor Robert Walters Indonesiasaid:"Robert [...]
Walters is proud to become a part of Indonesia's booming, high growth economy.
他针对咨询委员会的报告(A/63/526)就秘书长关 于道德操守办公室活动的报告所提的一些意见,指出:
[...] 道德操守办公室采取主动积极的行动——通过简报会、 工作人员训、 训练和其他渠道——向工 作人员澄清其任务规定和职能。
Responding to some of the observations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee (A/63/526) regarding the Secretary-General’s reports on the activities of the Ethics Office, he pointed out that the Ethics Office had
been working proactively — through
[...] briefings, regular stafftraining, ethicstraining [...]
and other channels — to clarify its
mandates and functions to staff members.
A guide for international students on study
[...] opportunities in Adelaide, South Australia.
在今天另一个事件中,加沙地带的恐怖分子发射一枚“冰雹型”卡秋莎火箭 弹,该弹落在以色列的阿什德市——该市人口 20 多万——并将大约 8 枚 迫击炮弹射进以色列南部 [...]
Eshkol 和 Sha’ar Hanegev 两个地区。
In another incident today, terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a Grad-type Katyusha
rocket that landed in close proximity to
[...] the Israeli Cityof Ashdod — a city ofmore than [...]
200,000 people — and launched some
eight mortars into the areas of Eshkol and Sha'ar Hanegev in southern Israel.
塞尔维亚共和国的行政和领土划分包括市、镇及作为领土单位的贝尔格德 市为领土自治形式的自治省。
The administrative and territorial
division of the Republic of Serbia
[...] comprises municipalities, towns andthe City ofBelgrade as territorial [...]
units and autonomous
provinces as a form of territorial autonomy.
这项研究的结果对本港及国际社会同样具有价 值,不但可就本的本地发酵食物氨基甲酸乙酯含量提供 [...]
第一手资料,而且可用作评估本港市民从膳食摄入的氨基甲酸乙酯量对 健康所带來的风险,还可列作污染物數据,提交专家委员会载入相关的 數据库。
The study would be of value to both the local and international community, for providing first-hand
information on the level of
[...] contamination ofEC in thecommonly consumedlocal [...]
fermented foods in Hong Kong, for assessment
of the associated health risk of dietary exposure to EC of the local population, and for submission of the EC contamination data to the JECFA database.
本行可绝对酎情根据不同时区之常市作时间,指定网路/电话银行服 务的营业日及每日截數时间。
We may specify Business Day and daily cut-off time by reference to
[...] the timeof various markets operatingin different [...]
例如,在前优质木材生产公司矿点的一名难民 营领导人告诉小组说,仅该难民营就有 1 500 到 2 000 名科特迪瓦难民金矿干活。
For example, a leader of the refugee camp on the site of the former Prime Timber Production informed
the Panel that 1,500-2,000 Ivorian refugees from that
[...] camp alone workregularly in thegold mines ofGrand GedehCounty.
最近对七层楼的 Afro Basaldella 绘画进行了修复,并 科文组织代表团以及 德国教科文组织全国委员会合作,对 VIII 厅的挂毯进行了修复和清洗。
The painting by Afro Basaldella on the seventh floor was restored
recently and in
[...] cooperation withthePermanent Delegation ofGermany and the German NationalCommission [...]
for UNESCO the tapestry
in Room VIII was restored and cleaned.
为了加强委员会的工作和联合国系统在中非共和国的工作之间的协调,秘书 长中非共和国问题特别代表萨赫勒-沃克· 组合的会议,使得委员 会能够始终了解该国的最新事态发展,并介绍该国面临的挑战情况。
With a view to strengthening coherence between the work of the Commission and that of the United Nations system in the Central African Republic, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in
the Central African Republic, Mrs.
[...] Sahle-Work Zewde, participated frequentlyin themeetings [...]
of the configuration, keeping
the Commission abreast of the latest developments in the country and briefing it on the challenges facing the country.
三周前,我的前任和好友表彼得·维 蒂希先生在安理会关于机构建设的辩论会上发言(见 S/PV.6472),表示建设和平委员会的参与为推动国家 [...]
利益攸关方制定自身建设和平的优先事项提供了所 需的政治论坛。
Three weeks ago, my predecessor and good friend Mr.
[...] Peter Wittig, PermanentRepresentativeofGermany,addressedthe Council’s [...]
debate on institution-building
(see S/PV.6472) and affirmed that the engagement of Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) offers a political forum necessary to facilitate among national stakeholders the development of their own prioritization for peacebuilding.
报告期内,本集团具体的日常关联交易执行情况详见下表(对於关联方基本资 料、其与本集团的关联关系、本集团与各关联方的关联交易协议基本内容、各 协议项下预计的2010年交易金额、进行关联交易对本集团的影响以及本公司董 事会或股东大会对关联交易协议的审议情况等信息,请参见本公司分别於2007 年4月19日、2008年10月24日、2009年4月24日及2009年10月28日刊登於《中国证 券报》、《证券时报》、《上海证券报》的《关联交易公告》及《关於深圳证券交易所 股票则下交易公告》)。
Details of the implementation of the Group’s ongoing connected transactions during the reporting period are set out in the following table (for information on the connected parties, their connected relationships with the Group, basic terms of the connected transactions agreements between the Group and the connected parties, estimated transaction amounts for 2010 under each agreement, impact of the connected transactions on the Group and review of the connected transactions by the Board of Directors or the general meeting of the Company, please refer to the ‘‘Announcement Regarding Connected Transactions’’ and ‘‘Announcement Regarding 2009 Ongoing Connected Transactions (as defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shenzhen Stock Exchange)’’ published by the Company on 19 April 2007, 24 October 2008, 24 April 2009 and 28 October 2009 respectively in China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Shanghai Securities News.
The City of Belgradeis a separate [...]
territorial unit.
我们欢迎建设和平委员会主席 表彼 得·维蒂希大使阁下所作的发言、孟加拉国常驻代表 阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明大使宣读的不结盟运动 [...]
的发言以及由比利时常驻代表扬·格罗斯大使阁下宣 读的几内亚比绍、塞拉利昂、利比里亚以及布隆迪这 几个国别组合的主席的联合发言。
We welcome the statement of the Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission,
His Excellency Ambassador
[...] Peter Wittig, PermanentRepresentative of Germany; that ofthe Non-Aligned [...]
Movement, read by
the Permanent Representative of Bangladesh, Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen; and the joint statement of the Chairs of the country-specific configurations for Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Burundi, read by His Excellency Ambassador Jan Grauls, Permanent Representative of Belgium.
合国(维也纳)代表团向联合国秘书长致意,并谨依照《关于 登记射入外层空间物体的公约》(大会第 [...]
3235 (XXIX)号决议,附件)第四条的 规定,转交与空间物体 ROSAT(国际代号 1990-049A)和 CHAMP(国际代号
The Permanent Mission of Germanytothe United Nations [...]
(Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the
United Nations and, in accordance with article IV of the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (General Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), has the honour to transmit information concerning space objects ROSAT (international designator 1990-049A) and CHAMP (international designator 2000-039B) (see annex).
合国代表团向安全理事会关于苏丹的第 1591(2005)号决议所设 委员会主席办公室致意,并转递关于第 [...]
1556(2004)号和第 1591(2005)号决议批 准的各项措施执行情况的报告(见附件)。
The Permanent Mission ofGermany tothe United Nations [...]
presents its compliments to the Office of the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan and has the honour to transmit a report on the implementation of the measures approved by resolutions 1556 (2004) and 1591 (2005) (see annex).
提交人称,审理其申诉的法院不是“合 格、独立和公正的法庭”,因为,据提交人说,它没有审理关于侵犯自由集会权 利的申诉,而是重点审理了下诺夫哥 德市的决定是否合法的问题。
The author claims that the court that examined her claim was not a “competent, independent and impartial tribunal”, as it did not address the claims regarding violations of the right to freedom of assembly.
学院还充分利用企业的场地、设备优势,把实训基地建在企业内部,如工商管理系 在法国欧尚安居建立的物流实训基地,电子系在飞索建立的半导体实训基 [...]
地和旭电的微电子实训基地等共 10 余家。
We have also established over ten off-campus training bases in cooperation with enterprises using their space and equipment, such as the logistics training bases of
the Department of Business Administration
[...] with Auchan from France andB&Q from Germany, [...]
the semiconductor training base of
the Department of Electronic Engineering with Spansion (Suzhou) Co.




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