单词 | 夸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 夸—boastexaggerate夸verb—praisevExamples:上夸克—up quark (particle physics) 底夸克—bottom quark (particle physics) 下夸克—down quark (particle physics)
所有集会游行的主办机构,都有夸大人数嫌疑;而政府机构统计的数字,就倾向低估人数。 hkupop.hku.hk | All organizers tendto exaggerate theirheadcounts, [...] while government units tend to underestimate the turnout. hkupop.hku.hk |
笔者不赞成使用变幅数字夸张变化程度,除非数字的基数没有上限,就如很多经济指数般。 hkupop.hku.hk | The author does not think it is [...] appropriate toexaggerate changesby using [...]percentage of change, unless there is no upper [...]limit to the base of such figures, like most of the economic indices. hkupop.hku.hk |
所提供的任何资料须经客观确认并以持平的方 式表达,没有夸大正面资料或遗漏重大反面资料。 dchk.org.hk | Any information provided should be objectively [...] verifiable and presented in a balanced [...] manner, without exaggerationof the positive [...]aspects or omission of the significant negative aspects. dchk.org.hk |
浮夸的风格和所有的最重要和有用: 2 核心英特尔 ® 酷睿 ™ i5 处理器、 500 GB 硬碟和 AMD Radeon ™ 图形卡。 magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru | Flamboyant style and all the most important and helpful: 2-core Intel ® Core ™ i5 processor, 500 GB HDD and AMD Radeon ™ graphics card. magazin-mikrolana.g-sochi.ru |
联合小组委员会既认同的士及公共小巴业的关注,即承保的士 [...] 及公共小巴的保险公司太少,可能是导致保费上升的原因,亦认同保险 业的关注,即涉及夸大伤势和保险诈骗及包揽诉讼等其他非法活动的巨 [...]额赔偿,可能是导致保费上升的原因。 legco.gov.hk | The Joint Subcommittee shares the concern of the taxi and PLB trades that the limited number of insurers underwriting taxi and PLB insurance, and the concern of the insurance industry [...] that payment of huge compensation in [...] claims involving exaggerationof injuries and [...]other illegal activities, such as insurance [...]fraud and champerty, may be contributory factors leading to the rise in insurance premium. legco.gov.hk |
我希望市民能作出良心的抉择,供养 ㆖㆒代,而各大政党亦不应因为『洗湿头』曾夸㆘海口支持 20 年後才见效的㆗央公积 金,而放弃即时见效、公平、公道、有良心、有道德勇气的『养老金』计划。 legco.gov.hk | The major political parties should, just for the reason that they have made such a promise, lend their support to the establishment of a central provident fund which can only produce the desired result after 20 years, and subsequently abandon the "old age assistance scheme" which not only bring immediate benefits, but is also equitable, fair, conscientious, moral and courageous. legco.gov.hk |
因此,建议各公司使用保守方法确定此类燃料 中的生物质碳含量,也就是不得夸大生物质碳 的含量。 wbcsdcement.org | Companies are advised to use a conservative approach in determining the biogenic carbon content, meaning that the biogenic carbon content should not be overestimated. wbcsdcement.org |
日本伊藤喜公司於1890成立,服务至今已夸越多个世代,揉合现代化设计意念,荟萃优良产品质素的伊藤喜为日本办公室家俱的发展占据重要位置,其庞大的日本及海外销售网络,均获得顾客的一致信赖。 panasonic.oa.hk | ITOKI Corporation was founded in 1890 in Japan; the Corporate has continued to play a key role in the development of the Japanese office through the succeeding eras. panasonic.oa.hk |
社运人士当然必须扞卫自己在市中心的生存权与自立机会,例如文化与社会再制的合理空间,而非仰赖不符合特定需求的浮夸规划原则,甚至抹煞实验与开放空间。 thisbigcity.net | For these activists it was essential to defend their right to access and self-sustain central city amenities such as affordable space for cultural and social reproduction, rather than subjecting to superficial planning imperatives, which did not respond to their specific needs; in the worst case diminishing space for experimentation and ‘openness’. thisbigcity.net |
说它是Icon也没有夸张,蛇店除了对猎奇的游人有吸引力外,不少欧美或日本的电视台、杂志等,都喜欢来蛇王协拍摄、访问。 huluhk.org | Itis not exaggeratingtocallShia Wong [...] Hip an icon, many tourists to Ap Liu Street have ogled at this snake restaurant, [...]and quite a few European, American and Japanese TV stations and magazines have been here to film and to ask for interviews. huluhk.org |
然而,通风设施的外观需设计得宜,以免 过分夸张,也不可削弱设施的通风功能。 mtr-westislandline.hk | However, the design shall also be appropriate such that the ventilation function of the facilities is not compromised. mtr-westislandline.hk |
当我和Hans来到这里,感觉好像跨入了另个国家,日本!没错,我真的没有夸大的来说,这里的建筑、装修、摆设、工作人员,全都来自日本和日本人。 4tern.com | When Hans and I reached this place, oh my god, [...] we were like entering another country, [...] Japan! I amnot exaggerating, theinterior, [...]the exterior, the design, the people is from Japan and Japanese. 4tern.com |
尽管工作中的古典风格,Naharro可以夸耀的是走在了前列,更新的时代,而剩下的一个里程碑式的优雅和简洁。 naharro.com | Despite working in the classical style, Naharro can boast of having been at the forefront, updated with the times while remaining a landmark of elegance and simplicity. naharro.com |
在 4月份将收到邀请,由立法机关的布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市,以纪念“ 197周年的五月革命”的参与下,民间芭蕾舞团艺术阿根廷和Patricios团带“塔夸鼓“,与在场的国家当局,外交使团成员,数字文化和一般公众。 balletfolcargentino.com | In the month of April will receive an invitation from the Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in commemoration of "197 Anniversary of the Revolution of May", with the participation of Art Folk Ballet Argentino and the Patricios Regiment Band " Tacuarí Drum ", with the presence of national authorities, members of the diplomatic corps, figures of culture and the general public. balletfolcargentino.com |
除了影片的夸张画面之外,歌词里屡屡嘲讽韩国首尔江南区的富裕上流居民,「我喜欢喝咖啡的女孩」一词显得格格不入,但其实在讽刺有些女子想跻身富有阶级,花费超过经济能力,总是待在咖啡馆里。 thisbigcity.net | The apparently incoherent line “I like a girl who drinks coffee” is actually a dig at the social climbing women who spend more money than they can really afford at coffee shops. thisbigcity.net |
在下一场戏中, [...] 我们转到类似情境喜剧「非常大酒店 (Fawlty Towers)」的戏份,我在背後演出超夸张的卡通漫步。 hk.marinabaysands.com | In the very next scene, we switched to a Fawlty Towers-like bit where I’m [...] doing this over-exaggeratedcartoon walk [...]in the background. marinabaysands.com |
其实,在香港这个自由市场,政府一向以保持架构小而效率高为荣,但我们却夸耀在房屋市场的干预已扩大到什麽程度,不是有点不寻常吗? housingauthority.gov.hk | In fact, is it not a little odd that in free market Hong Kong, where the Government is proud that it keeps itself small and efficient, that we should boast about how big our intervention in the housing market has grown? housingauthority.gov.hk |
同样将帐户夸大重要性,几乎神圣不可侵犯,附在狗。 mb-soft.com | The same will [...] account for the exaggerated importance, almost [...]sanctity, attached to the dog. mb-soft.com |
夸啦啦艺术集汇青年英语剧场将於2012年12月呈献约翰·韦伯斯特在1614年首次公演的黑暗悲剧The Duchess of Malfi(本团译作《爱在黑暗蔓延时》)。 aftec.hk | AFTEC’s first foray into Jacobeandrama happens on December 14th and runs for four performances, when its Pioneering Youth Theatre opens at the Sai Wan Ho Civic Theatre with The Duchess of Malfi. aftec.hk |
微星从第一代Twin Frozr开始,皆是采用双槽双风扇型式;反观其他竞争对手为了强调散热效果,甚至使用夸张的三槽设计。 game.msi.com | The first Twin Frozr kicked of the dual-fan trend and today MSI stays true to its dual-fan dual-slot design where others have to resort to less effective means, for instance triple-slot cooling. game.msi.com |
这一着证明了Browne不只是被规范於前卫的轮廓,例如夸张的垫膊或古怪的基调,而且他也懂得运用漂亮的剪裁和布料。 joyce.com | It proves that Browne is not only limited to edgy [...] silhouetteslike exaggerated shoulders or [...]quirky motifs that he is renowned for, but [...]also beautiful tailoring and fabric. joyce.com |
丰盈羽毛、昂然飞翔的千鸟格子、M.C.Escher的喜鹊印花和夸张红唇反映在断裂的镜子上,是Alexander McQueen对於Haute Couture的颠覆及致敬。 think-silly.com | Lush feather, houndstooth taking flight, M. C. Escher signature magpie, blood red full lips reflected on a shattered mirror… these are the tributes and challenges Alexander McQueen signed, sealed and delivered to the world of haute couture. think-silly.com |
(有关治療 [...] 方法效果的无根据声称,或对所需程序的害 处的夸张强调,均可能对病人或其亲属造成 [...]心理负担。)注册中医不得令人误会其或其所 属机构对健康问题拥有独有或特殊的处理技 巧或解决方法,而所提供的资料亦不得对有 关注册中医的专业利益有促进作用,或替其 招徕病人。 cmchk.org.hk | (Any unjustified claim of treatment [...] effects orany exaggerated emphasis of [...]adverse effects of medical procedures may cause [...]psychological stress on patients and their relatives. cmchk.org.hk |
自恋不是她的风格,也不艳俗,珠光宝气,不多余或夸大其词。 hk.eternal.hk | Nor is flashiness, bling, superfluousness or overstatement. hk.eternal.hk |
由Jean-Paul Gaultier设计、以骑师马具为灵感的Barenia小牛皮皮带,夸大剪裁糅合具有历史价值的爱马仕马具设计,运用在时装小物上,古典跟时尚融为一体。 think-silly.com | Barenia is designed by Jean-Paul Gaultier, taking horse-riding as his inspiration. think-silly.com |
KH1508Ai 采用RJ-45接头与Cat 5e/6线材连接伺服器及提供夸平台支援,且在不需使用KVM讯号延长器的情况下,可确保高品质的视讯讯号传输距离最远达50 公尺*。 aten.com.tw | The KH1508Ai features RJ-45 connectors and Cat 5e/6 cable to link to the computers and supports multiplatform. This ensures that high quality signals can travel over long distance - up to 50m* without the need for KVM extenders. aten.co.uk |