螺旋桨叶片上的浮冰碰撞点通常在靠近轴承的叶片上部。 voith.com | The impact point of the ice floes at the propeller blade is usually in the upper part of the blade near the bearings. voith.com |
| Collision with the ice floes occurs at the leading edge of the blades. voith.com |
若存在浮冰和雪, 它们可能会使大量或所有的油类都变得依稀难辨, 从而使看到的画面更令人困惑(图 22)。 itopf.com | The presence of ice floes and snow may obscure large amounts or all of the oil and will confuse the picture yet further (Figure 22). itopf.com |
和推进系统进行第一次碰撞之后,浮冰就立即被推到了一边,不会再进入福伊特施耐德推进器中。 voith.com | The ice floes are immediately pushed to the side after the first impact with the propulsion system and do not get caught in the VSP voith.com |
标准型Hydrau-Flo®燃油进油(黑色)阀门是所有新型设备应用和拥有适当配件的现有设备的理想选择。 zs.weirminerals.com | The standard Hydrau-Flo® fuel filling (black) valve is ideal for all new equipment applications and existing equipment that has suitable fittings. weirminerals.com |
Hydrau-Flo液压流阀门系统是一种更安全、更清洁、更可靠的加油装置,消除了溢出、泄漏和容器破裂的风险。 zs.weirminerals.com | The Hydrau-Flo valve system is a safer, cleaner and more reliable refuelling product that prevents overfilling, spillage and tank rupture. weirminerals.com |
燃油通过传统的“快速填充”接收器进入系统,然后流入Hydrau-Flo®阀门。 zs.weirminerals.com | Fuel enters the system through a conventional “fast fill” receiver and then flows into the Hydrau-Flo® valve. weirminerals.com |
收购Firma Mecke Klima GmbH公司(奥地利);拓展APC业务:在丹麦成立APC欧洲公司,在马来西亚成立APC亚洲公司;在德国南部埃尔旺根市设立新的销售和物流中心;发布空气过滤行业首个可持续性报告;发布节能型过滤器Hi-Flo XL系列;在瑞典特鲁萨设立新的北欧区现代配送和物流中心;进一步整合生产基地,以提高生产效率:关闭瑞典阿林萨斯工厂,整体搬迁至特鲁萨;关闭美国俄克拉荷马州的铁路机车产品线,整体搬迁至华盛顿生产基地。 camfil.cn | Acquisition of Firma Mecke Klima GmbH (Austria); APC expands: APC Europe established, operating from Denmark, and APC Asia, based in Malaysia; new sales and logistic center opened in Ellwangen in south of Germany; Publication of filtration industry’s first sustainability report; Launch of Hi-Flo XL series of low-energy filters; New modern distribution and logistics centre opened in Trosa (Sweden) for Nordic region; Further consolidation of manufacturing base for efficiency gains: in Sweden, Alingsås plant closed and production moved to Trosa; in U.S., production of railroad products closed in Oklahoma and transferred to Washington facility. camfil.be |
Hydrau-Flo®浮动控制阀设计牢固,可用于移动式设备,以确保Hydrau-Flo®燃油进油阀试运行的可靠性。 zs.weirminerals.com | The Hydrau-Flo® float control valve has a robust design for use on mobile equipment which ensures reliable pilot operation of the Hydrau-Flo® fuel filling valve. weirminerals.com |
这让Hydrau-Flo®阀门主体活塞两边的压力达到平衡。 zs.weirminerals.com | This equalises the pressure on both sides of the piston in the Hydrau-Flo® valve. weirminerals.com |
典型的载体都含有下列部分或全部特点,这些特点使得载体更安全,增加病毒的滴度,或者增加插入物的表达水平。 labome.cn | Typical vectors contain some, or all, of the following features which make the vectors safer, increase viral titers, or enhance expression of the insert. labome.com |
用于液体填充的Hydrau-Flo®安全解决方案是一种更安全、更清洁、更可靠的加油阀门装置,它可避免溢出、泄漏和容器破裂等风险,并将与燃料转输相关的安全和环境危害降至最低。 zs.weirminerals.com | The Hydrau-Flo® Safety Solutions for Liquid Filling is a safer, cleaner and more reliable fuel filling valve arrangement which removes the risk of overfilling, spillage and tank rupture while minimising safety and environmental hazards associated with fuel transfer. weirminerals.com |
第一和第二位数为 GD 的系统是 Dura-Flo 供给系统。 graco.com | Systems with the GD as the first and second digits are Dura-Flo supply systems. graco.com |
滴定点T1对应于中和溶解于有机相中的硫酸; T2对应于中和膦酸以及中和次膦酸中两个可以被 取代的H离子中的一个;T3则对应膦酸完全被中 和。 cytec.com | The titer T1 corresponds to the neutralization of sulfuric acid dissolved in the solvent. cytec.com |
最常用的改装Hydrau-Flo®燃油进油(蓝色)阀门可直接用于卡车和供料器油箱,这些油箱应使用与通用干断配件(再装到液压流燃油进油安全阀中)相同的螺纹(2" NPT)。 zs.weirminerals.com | The most commonly used retro fit Hydrau-Flo® fuel filling (blue) valve fits directly into truck and loader fuel tanks using the same thread (2” NPT) as the conventionally used dry break fittings (which are screwed back into the Hydrau-Flo fuel filler valve). weirminerals.com |
用于迷人的漂浮喷泉,即使在夜晚也非常方便 – 与我们经过充分证明的 Air Flo 系统一样,我们的照明套件都提供卤素灯和 LED 灯两种款型,每套配备三种射灯。 oase-livingwater.com | For an impressive floating fountain even at night – as easy as our proven Air Flo system, we offer you both a halogen and a LED version of our illumination kit with three spotlights each. oase-livingwater.com |
如果病毒滴度已经很高了但是转导细胞产量还是低,很可能转导的培养基的体积对目标细胞而言太高了 [22] 。 labome.cn | If the yield of transduced cells is low despite a high titer of virus, it is possible that the total volume of transducing media on the target cells is too high [22] . labome.com |
所有 Dura-Flo 喷涂机都包括除冰发动机、重型推车和 Dura-Flo 泵套件。 graco.com | All Dura-Flo sprayers include a de-icing motor, a heavy duty cart, and Dura-Flo pump package. graco.com |
最近的获奖是今年夏天获得“年度空调产品奖”,获得此奖是因为康斐尔的Hi-Flo M7 H7低能耗袋式过滤器在为暖通空调系统提供洁净空气的同时能够做到能耗最低。 camfil.cn | The most recent award this summer was for “Air Conditioning Product of the Year” for Camfil Farr’s low-energy air bag filter, the Hi-Flo M7 H7, which delivers the required level of clean air in heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems while consuming the minimum amount of energy. camfil.dk |
另一种克服滴度低的可能的方法是浓缩病毒。 labome.cn | Another possible way to overcome low titers is to concentrate the virus. labome.com |
Hydrau-Flo®液压流燃油进油阀产品有三种配置,可以满足大部分设备和应用的需要。 zs.weirminerals.com | The Hydrau-Flo® fuel filler safety valve range is available in three configurations to suit the majority of equipment types and applications. weirminerals.com |
然而,这些信息将帮助时,下面的分析(光伏分离或实时RT - PCR基因组测序)提出了一个可能性,样品中的不同血清型的光伏的混合物,或只有部分凝集没有抗体样本观察低的病毒滴度,将不清楚结果的重要原因。 jove.com | However, this information would be helpful when following analysis (genomic sequencing of PV isolates or real-time RT-PCR) suggested a possibility that the sample contained a mixture of different serotypes of PV, or only partial agglutination was observed for No antibodies sample where the low virus titer would be the major cause of the unclear results. jove.com |
无论什么材 料,Mega-Flo 保证顺利熔化,并且材料 降解最少。 graco.com | No matter what the material, Mega-Flo assures smooth melting with the least amount of material degradation. graco.com |