

单词 圣地亚哥

圣地亚哥 ()

Santiago, capital of Chile

See also:


sacred place
holy city (such as Jerusalem, Mecca etc)
center of historic interest
holy land (of a religion)

哥哥 n

brother n

External sources (not reviewed)

两个办事 处圣地亚哥和墨 西哥城)重视教师地位、工作条件和绩效问题以及国家教师认证的政策和战略问 题。
Two Offices (Santiago and Mexico City) have also put emphasis [...]
on the status, working conditions and performance of teachers
and on policies and strategies for national teacher certification.
曼谷圣地亚哥地区 办事处的网站设立专区,专门用于在各自地区宣传 教科文组织统计研究所的数据和出版物。
The websites of the Regional Bureaux
[...] in Bangkok and Santiago have devoted [...]
special sections to disseminating UIS data and
publications in the respective regions.
会议进一步注意到,粮农组织理事会强调关于 关闭共享服务中心曼谷圣地亚哥分 部 的任何决定都必须经过深入研究和分析,同 [...]
It further noted that the FAO Council had stressed
that any decision on closing the SSC hubs
[...] in Bangkok and Santiago must be preceded [...]
by in-depth study and analysis taking
into account both efficiency and effectiveness concerns, and include consultations with the Regional Conferences as well as the Finance Committee.
[...] 方的认证,如关于高绩效绿色建筑的设计、建设和运行的能源和环境设计先导认 证。34 圣地亚哥的联合国各总部和拉加经委会在为其翻修工作的绿色部分争取 [...]
Throughout the system, organizations aim at conforming to some recognized authoritative standards and benchmarks, and seek third-party certification, such as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for the design, construction and operation of high-performance
green buildings.34 United Nations
[...] Headquarters and ECLAC in Santiago are seeking LEED [...]
silver-level recognition for the green
component of their refurbishment efforts.
阿布贾、波恩、巴林、布拉迪斯拉发、 开罗、伊斯兰堡、新德里、内罗毕、马拉维、马斯喀特、圣彼得堡、奥斯陆、拉巴特 圣地亚哥、 三 宝垄、斯德哥尔摩、多伦多和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿也组织了推出活动/新闻发布会/讲习班。
[...] conferences/workshops were also organized in Abuja, Bonn, Bahrain, Bratislava, Cairo, Islamabad, New Delhi, Nairobi, Malawi, Muscat, St Petersburg, Oslo, Rabat, [...]
Santiago, Semarang,
Stockholm, Toronto and Washington DC.
在同次会议上,智利代表代表里约集团发言:重申里约集团支持阿根廷在 与联合王国的主权争端中的合法权利;回顾了 2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日拉丁 美洲和加勒比国家元首和政府首脑在墨西哥举行的团结峰会上通过的关于在
群岛周围大陆架勘探矿物燃料问题的宣言和特别公报;反对大不列颠及北爱尔 兰联合王国在群岛的军事活动,这些军事活动违背了该区域寻求以和平手段解
[...] 决争端的政策;还回顾了 2010 年 10 月圣地亚哥就该问题通过的声明(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
At the same meeting, speaking on behalf of the Rio Group, the representative of Chile: reiterated the Group’s support for the legitimate rights of Argentina in the sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom; recalled its declaration and special communiqué on the exploration for fossil fuels on the continental shelf around the Islands, adopted by the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at the Unity Summit held in Mexico on 22 and 23 February 2010; rejected the military activities of the United Kingdom in the Islands, which ran counter to the region’s policy of seeking a solution to the dispute through peaceful means;
and also recalled the declaration on that matter that had
[...] been adopted in Santiago in October 2010 [...]
(see A/C.4/66/SR.2).
麻醉药品委员会各附属机构在 2011 年举行了五次会议:6 月 28 日至 7 月 1 日在维也纳举行了欧洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第九次会议;9 月 5 日至 9 日在 亚的斯亚贝巴举行了非洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一次会议;10 月 3 日 至 7 日圣地亚哥举行 了拉丁美洲和加勒比各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一 次会议;11 月 22 日至 25 日在阿格拉举行了亚洲和太平洋各国禁毒执法机构负 责人第三十五次会议;12 月 19 日至 22 日在维也纳举行了近东和中东非法药物 贩运和有关事项小组委员会第四十六届会议。
Five meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs were held in 2011: the Ninth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Europe, held in Vienna from 28 June to 1 July; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Africa, held in Addis Ababa from 5 to 9 September; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago from 3 to 7 October; the Thirty-fifth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific, held in Agra, India, from 22 to 25 November; and the forty-sixth session of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, held in Vienna from 19 to 22 December.
美国海军是为美国食品与药品管理局批准函评估这个流感检测方法的重要合作伙伴,位于加利福尼亚 圣地亚哥 的 海 军健康研究中心(NHRC)对存档和预期的临床标本进行检测,以确保测试的特异性,此外,海军第三医学研究所(NAMRU-3)还为开发和检测提供十分宝贵的禽流感病毒株分离。
The U.S. Navy was an integral partner in evaluating this flu test for FDA
clearance, with the Naval Health Research
[...] Center (NHRC) in San Diego, CA providing [...]
testing on both archival and prospective
clinical specimens to ensure the specificity of the test, while Navy Medical Research Unit-3 (NAMRU-3) provided invaluable access to avian influenza isolates for development and testing.
[...] 上穿越古巴领空,但由于从加拿大飞往古巴中东部地区(科科岛、谢戈德阿维拉、 卡马圭、奥尔金圣地亚哥)的航 班不能飞跃美国领土,古巴飞机被迫不能取直道, [...]
地需增加 14 至 47 分钟,而且提高了燃油消耗,从而降低航班的效益和竞争力。
In addition, although hundreds of flights by United States airlines pass through Cuban airspace each day on their way to Central and South America, owing to the limitations on flights from Canada flying through United States airspace en route to the central-eastern region of
Cuba (Caya Coco, Ciego de Ávila,
[...] Camagüey, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba), Cuban [...]
aircraft have to use indirect routes, at
greater than recommended speeds and at night, in order to comply with the closing times of Canadian airports, with the resulting increase in flight time of between 14 and 47 minutes, depending on the destination in Cuba, and increased fuel consumption, making those flights less efficient and less competitive.
会议 得知 有关 曼 谷圣地 亚哥 分部 的 职能 和区 域办 事处 总 体行 [...]
政服 务的 深 入研究正在进行当中,其目的是确保在最低成本情况下提供优质有效服务,该研究 将在 10 月的财委第一三五届会议上得到审议。
The Conference was informed of the
ongoing in-depth study of the
[...] functions of Bangkok and Santiago SSC hubs, and of [...]
regional office administrative services
in general, being undertaken in 2010 in order to ensure quality and effective services at the lowest cost, which would be considered by the Finance Committee at its 135th session in October.
她说,根 据专家研讨会对《公民及政治权利国际公约》第 19 条和第 20 条间关系所作的结论:《表达自由和鼓吹
构成煽动歧视、敌对或暴力的宗教仇恨》,四个禁止 煽动民族、种族或宗教仇恨的专家讲习班将于 2011
[...] 年在联合国几个会议中心举行(曼谷、内罗毕 圣地 亚哥和维也纳),她将会在人权理事会 2011 [...]
年 3 月 召开的会议上提交有关打击宗教诽谤的第 13/16 号 决议执行情况的报告。
As part of the follow-up to the expert seminar on the links between articles 19 and 20 of the International Government on Civil and Political Rights: “Freedom of expression and advocacy of religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence”, four expert workshops on prohibition of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred would be held in 2011 in
several United Nations conference centres
[...] (Bangkok, Nairobi, Santiago and Vienna) and [...]
she would submit a report, at the March
2011 session of the Human Rights Council, on the implementation of its resolution 13/16 on combating defamation of religions.
[...] 宣言中,包括:《世界大自然宪章》、《里约环境与发 展宣言》、美圣地亚哥宣言第二次首脑会议、喀尔 巴阡与多瑙河地区的《环境与可持续发展宣言》、《南 [...]
第十五次首脑会议、《玻利瓦尔美洲人民联盟国家元 首与政府首脑第七次首脑会议最后宣言——人民通 商条约》。
The concept of harmony with nature had been enshrined in various multilateral and regional declarations, including the World Charter for Nature, the Rio Declaration on Environment
and Development, the Second Summit
[...] of the Americas Santiago Declaration, the [...]
Declaration on Environment and Sustainable Development
in the Carpathian and Danube Region, the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations, the fifteenth Summit Declaration of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation and the Final Declaration of the seventh Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our Americans — Treaty of Commerce for the People.
例如,在中国的厦门、智利 圣地亚哥 或 哥 伦比亚的波哥大,高效率的高速公交系统(BRT)每天运送数百万人。
For example in Xiamen, China and also in Santiago de Chile or Bogota, high-performance buses in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems (BRT) move millions of people every day.
展览包括WAI在北京和圣胡安的个展,WAI参与联合展览,包括伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶、巴塞罗那、东京、大阪、上海、北京、布拉迪斯拉发 圣地亚哥 、 布 宜诺斯艾利斯、波尔图、柏林、赫尔辛基、奥斯陆、鹿特丹、巴黎、布鲁塞尔及都柏林。
Exhibitions include WAI’s solo shows in Beijing and San Juan, and group exhibitions in London, New York, Los Angeles, Barcelona,
Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, Beijing,
[...] Bratislava, Milan, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, [...]
Berlin, Helsinki, Oporto, Paris, Brussels and Dublin.
因此,第一天磋商被取消,以使人权高专办区域办事处得以向 圣地亚哥 有代表的国家查询邀请信的情况。
Consequently, the first day of consultations was
cancelled to enable the OHCHR regional office to follow up the invitations with
[...] States that had representation in Santiago.
出 访国包括:(a)2005 年——缅甸、柬埔寨、斯里兰卡、德国、埃塞俄比亚、哈萨
[...] 年——厄瓜多尔、圭亚那、巴西、南非、加纳、菲律宾、斐济、萨摩亚、汤加、 库克群岛、瓦努阿图、法国、罗马尼亚和墨西哥;2007 年——南非、保加利亚、 大韩民国、蒙古、肯尼亚和俄罗斯;2008 年——尼日利亚、蒙古、安哥拉、俄罗 斯、立陶宛、罗马尼亚、墨西哥、巴西、智利和秘鲁;(b)西班牙 圣地亚哥 德 孔 波斯特拉。
Such visits included: (a) 2005 — Myanmar, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Germany, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Romania, Peru, Georgia, Spain, Italy, Ukraine and Russia; 2006 — Ecuador, Guyana, Brazil, South Africa, Ghana, the Philippines, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, the Cook Islands, Vanuatu, France, Romania and Mexico; 2007 — South Africa, Bulgaria, Republic of
Korea, Mongolia, Kenya
[...] and Russia; and 2008 — Nigeria, Mongolia, Angola, Russia, Lithuania, Romania, Mexico, Brazil, Chile and Peru; (b) Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
联合国共有五个区域委员会:设在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的非洲经济委员会(非经委);设在瑞士日内瓦的欧洲经济委 员会(欧经委);设在泰国曼谷的亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会);设在智 圣地亚哥 的 拉 丁美洲和加勒比经济 委员会(拉加经委会);以及设在黎巴嫩贝鲁特的西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)。
There are five UN Regional Commissions, the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) based in Geneva, Switzerland; the
Economic and Social
[...] Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) based in Bangkok, Thailand; the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) based in Santiago, Chile; and [...]
the Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) based in Beirut, Lebanon.
小组委员会继续与酷刑问题特别报告员合作,例如,通过参加于2011年6 月在智圣地亚哥举行 的特别报告员任务规定的国家访问后续行动区域协商会 议。
The Subcommittee continued its cooperation with the Special Rapporteur on Torture, for instance via its participation at a regional consultation on follow-up to country visits of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur held in Santiago de Chile in June 2011.
在这方 面,2010 年 8 月 23 日至 25 日在曼谷举行的第五届亚洲区域环境可持续交通 论坛的成果和 2010 年 11 月 10 日和 11 日圣地亚哥举行 的关于拉丁美洲锂 资源可持续发展的闭会期间高级别专家组会议的成果特别有益。
In this regard, the outcomes of the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia, held in Bangkok, from 23 to 25 August 2010, and the intersessional senior expert group meeting on sustainable development of lithium resources in Latin America, held in Santiago, on 10 and 11 November 2010, are particularly useful.
(a) 2011 年9月5日至9 日圣地亚哥举行 的拉丁美洲和加勒比区域国家 温室气体清单问题实际操作培训研讨会
(a) The hands-on training workshop for the Latin America and Caribbean region on national GHG inventories, held in Santiago from 5 to 9 September 2011
联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)通信领域的 28 个席位(澳大利亚 布里斯班;索非亚;巴西圣保罗;加拿大蒙特利尔 圣地亚哥 ; 北京;波哥大; 哥本哈根;法国斯特拉斯堡欧洲教席;法国格勒诺布尔;第比利斯;德国康斯坦 茨;危地马拉城;哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图;维尔纽斯;墨西哥城;拉巴特;利马; 莫斯科;南非德班;南非格雷厄姆斯敦;西班牙巴塞罗那、马德里、马拉加;迪 拜;美利坚合众国得克萨斯州奥斯丁和科罗拉多州博尔德;蒙得维的亚;以及 73 个国家的 250 个联系成员。
28 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Chairs in Communication (Brisbane, Australia; Sofia; São Paulo, Brazil; Montreal, Canada; Santiago; Beijing; Bogota; Copenhagen; European Chair, Strasbourg, France; Grenoble, France; Tbilisi; Konstanz, Germany; Guatemala City; Almaty, Kazakhstan; Vilnius; Mexico City; Rabat; Lima; Moscow; Durban, South Africa; Grahamstown, South Africa; Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Spain; Dubai; Austin, Texas and Boulder, Colorado, United States of America; Montevideo; and 250 associate members in 73 countries.
问,研究生教学协调员兼精神病学和精神健康学教授(1975-2000 年);智利大学
[...] 公共卫生学院教授硕士学位国际课程“公共健康,精神健康简述”(1993-1996 年);智利大学医学院公共健康、心理健康和精神病学系助理主任(1985-1988 年); 智利大学南校区医学系公共健康、心理健康和精神病学系主任(1976-1979 年); 巴罗斯卢科医院精神病学和临床心理健康科主任(1975-1980 年); 圣地亚哥南卫 生区心理健康方案主席(1975-1980 年);莱昂纳多古兹曼医院临床精神科主任 (1973-1975 年)。
Professor of Psychopathology and Psychiatry, School of Psychology, Catholic University of Chile; Consultant, Postgraduate Teaching Coordinator and Professor of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile (19752000); Professor in Magister Degree International Course “Public Health, Mention in Mental Health”, School of Public Health, University of Chile (1993-1996); Assistant Director, Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile (1985-1988); Director, Department of Public Health, Mental Health and Psychiatry,
Faculty of Medicine,
[...] University of Chile (1976-1979); Head, Clinical Service of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Hospital Barros Luco (1975-1980); Chairman, Mental Health Programme, South Health Area of Santiago (1975-1980); Head, [...]
Clinical Service
of Psychiatry, Hospital Leonardo Guzmán (1973-1975).
位于加利福尼亚圣地亚哥的Sc ripps Ranch皮肤病与美容中心创始人、医学博士Tess Mauricio是这项研究论文的第一作者。
Tess Mauricio, MD, founder of Scripps Ranch Dermatology &
[...] Cosmetic Center in San Diego, CA, and lead author of the study, said, "The results from this study not only demonstrate [...]
that elure is safe and
efficacious, but that it represents a significant breakthrough in skin lightening technology. elure achieved a statistically significant reduction in melanin after one month, while hydroquinone, which was previously the most effective treatment option, did not. elure was also shown to be safe and well tolerated by patients in the study, providing additional benefits compared to the known side-effects of hydroquinone.
从2004年起本集团积极拓展海外市场,成功赢得多个地标工程项目包括杜拜塔;澳门威尼斯人酒店;美国拉斯韦加斯Cosmopolitan渡假酒店及赌场;美国拉斯韦加斯City Center东方文华及Veer Towers;加拿大多伦多Trump
[...] International及香格里拉以及智 圣地亚哥 C o s ta nera中心等等。
Since 2004, we have actively expanded geographically towards international markets, and have won many of the prestigious landmark projects, including the world¡¦s tallest tower ¡V Burj Khalifa of UAE; Venetian Macau-Resort-Hotel; Cosmopolitan Resort and Casino; City Center Mandarin Oriental and Veer Towers projects in Las Vegas; 605 W. 42nd Street in New
York, U.S.A.; Trump International Hotel & Tower and Shangri-La in Toronto, Canada;
[...] and Costanera Center in Santiago, Chile.
Gerdau 公司在智圣地 亚哥北部的 Renca 和 Colina 用两套轧 机设备生产棒材和线材,用于建筑行 业和机器制造业。
Gerdau Group, a major manufacturer of long product steel with several locations in the Americas, produces bars and wire rod for civil construction and for mechanical industry at its two plants located just north of Santiago, in Renca and Colina.
例如,在智圣 地亚哥曾经 有对总悬浮物实行贸易许可证的试验, 结果表明:由于高交易费用、不确定性和执法不 [...]
力,许可证市场是不发达的,但是这样一个系统改 善了对历史排放清单的记录,增加了应对不断变化 的市场条件的灵活性。
For example, there was an experiment
with tradable permits for total suspended
[...] particulates in Santiago, Chile, which revealed [...]
that the permit market was underdeveloped
due to high transaction costs, uncertainty, and poor enforcement, but that such a system improved documentation of historic emissions inventories and increased flexibility to address changing market conditions.
该联盟是一个具 有国际和城市性质的非营利组织,其成员包括以下来自拉丁美洲和伊比利亚半岛 的 27 个城市:安道尔城、亚松森、巴塞罗那(西班牙)、波哥大、巴西利亚、布 宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加斯、危地马拉城、哈瓦那、拉巴斯、利马、里斯本、马德 里、马那瓜、墨西哥城市、蒙得维的亚、巴拿马城,里约热内卢(巴西)、圣何 塞、圣胡安、基多、圣萨尔瓦多 圣地亚哥 、 圣 多 明 各、圣保罗(巴西)、苏克 雷(玻利维亚)和特古西加尔巴(洪都拉斯)。
It is an international, municipal, non-profit organization, which represents the following 27 cities of Latin America and the Iberian peninsula: Andorra la Vella; Asunción; Barcelona (Spain); Bogotá; Brasilia; Buenos Aires; Caracas; Guatemala City; Havana; La Paz; Lima; Lisbon; Madrid; Managua; Mexico City; Montevideo; Panama City; Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); San José; San Juan; Quito; San Salvador; Santiago; Santo Domingo; São Paulo (Brazil); Sucre (Bolivia) and Tegucigalpa (Honduras).
作为智利的技术代表、联络人或主管人,参加各种国际会议,其中包括:智圣地亚哥“酒 精和社会健康的决定因素:政策制定路线”国际研讨会(2009 年)、 加拿大多伦多“加强在初级保健中整合成瘾问题和心理健康的努力 ”国际论坛 (2008 年)、智圣地亚哥“食 欲抑制剂的使用和干预策略”次区域会议(1998 年)。
Participant in a variety of international congresses and conferences as Chilean technical representative, focal point or manager, including: International Seminar on
“Alcohol and Social Determinants of Health:
[...] policy development routes”, Santiago, Chile (2009); “International Forum to Strengthen Efforts to Integrate Addiction and Mental Health in Primary Care”, Toronto, Canada (2008); “Subregional Meeting on Anorectics Use and Intervention Strategies”, Santiago, Chile (1998).




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