

单词 发言稿

See also:


make a speech

稿 n

draft n
manuscript n

稿 pl

manuscripts pl

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 发言时间以五分钟为限,但有一项谅解,即可以分发 较长篇幅发言稿。
In order to accommodate all speakers at the High-level Plenary Meeting, statements
will be limited to five minutes, on the understanding that this will not preclude the
[...] distribution of more extensive texts.
关于在大会网站发言稿的查 询,应向 联合国网站事务科提出(电话:212-963-5148)。
Queries about the
[...] availability of statements on the General [...]
Assembly website should be directed to the United Nations Web
Services Section (telephone 212 963 5148).
这些发言者包 括儿童基金会执行主任安东尼·莱克先生、暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表玛
尔塔·桑托斯·派斯女士、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表拉迪 卡·库马拉斯瓦米女士(通过录像发言)以及联合国儿童权利委员会主席 Yanghee Lee 教授(由联合国人权事务高级专员办事处副主任
[...] Maggie Nicholson 女士宣读发言稿)。
These included Mr. Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director, Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Ms. Radhika Coomaraswamy, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (whose remarks were delivered through a video recording), and Professor Yanghee Lee, Chairperson, United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (whose remarks
were delivered by Ms. Maggie Nicholson, Deputy Director,
[...] Office of the United Nations High [...]
Commissioner for Human Rights).
只有标有大会文件文号的高级别全体会议正式文件和全体会 发言稿 才在 大会堂分发。
Only official documents of the High-level Plenary Meeting bearing the General
Assembly document symbol
[...] and texts of statements to be delivered at plenary meetings will be distributed [...]
in the General Assembly Hall.
为保证及 时在联合国网站张发言稿,请 及时将文稿送至:dpigaweb@un.org。为高级别 全体会议专门设立的网站是 www.un.org/en/mdg/summit2010。
To ensure timely posting of the statements on the United Nations website, the texts should be sent to dpigaweb@un.org. The dedicated website for the High-level Plenary Meeting is www.un.org/en/mdg/summit2010.
今天将以硬拷贝形式分发更详细的本 发言稿, 并将刊登在第 1267(1999)号和第 1989(2011)号决议 所设委员会网站上。
A more detailed version of this statement will be distributed today in hard copy and made available on the website of the Committee established pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011).
鉴于时间 有限,我将不宣读我发言稿全文 ,而只是作简略发 言,这是由于我们渴望已久的实现和平与建立公正国 [...]
际秩序的目标仍遥不可及,因而今天有必要在此阐述 某些问题。
There is a time limit, so I will not read out
[...] my entire speech, but only an abridged version, [...]
as certain matters need to be elucidated
here today as our long-hoped-for goals for peace and a just international order remain elusive.
包含各国家委员会详细优先事项 发言稿 将 在联合国教科文组织网站上公布。
The statements that included the more [...]
specific priorities of National Commissions will be made available on the UNESCO website.
联合会与联合国各机构维持关系,提交了 25 份稿子发言稿,包 括与 2008 年《世界人权宣言》六十周年有关的声明、作为人权理事会咨询委员会关于教育 [...]
和人权问题磋商进程组成部分的一份调查表、人权理事会关于增进人权领域国际 合作的第 7/3
号决议、经济及社会理事会年度部长级审查、美国政府对古巴实行 经济、金融和商业封锁对公共保健系统尤其对古巴妇女的影响问题、通过对古巴 的普遍定期审查,以及协助执行联合国加沙冲突问题实地调查团的任务。
The Federation has maintained relations with various United Nations bodies and
has submitted more than 25
[...] contributions and statements, including written statements in relation [...]
to the sixtieth anniversary
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2008, a questionnaire as part of the consultation process of the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council on education and human rights issues, Human Rights Council resolution 7/3 on the enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights; the Economic and Social Council annual ministerial review, on the impact in the public health system, especially on Cuban women, of the economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on Cuba by the Government of the United States, the adoption of the universal periodic review of Cuba, and to assist in the implementation of the mandate of the United Nations Fact-finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict.
该部门还支持主席及其办公室,拟定主席每次会议 发言 稿,起 草大会议程和处理决议草案,并在会议期间提供支助,包括就有关议事规 则的适用性提供咨询。
The Division also supports the President and his or her Office by preparing the President's notes for each meeting, drafting the Assembly’s agenda and processing draft resolutions, and by providing support during meetings, including advice on the application of the relevant rules of procedure.
第46至第48 条中所称的指派代表提交的书 发言稿 由 秘书处分发给所有代 表团发言稿的份数和语文以交由秘书处散发的为准。
Written statements submitted by the designated representatives referred to in rules 46 to 48 shall be distributed by the secretariat to all delegations in the quantities and in the languages in which [...]
the statements are made
available to the secretariat for distribution.
只有标有大会文号的高级别会议和一般性辩论的正式文件及高级别会议和 一般性辩论发言稿才在大会堂分发。
Only official documents of the high-level meeting and the general debate bearing the General Assembly document symbol and texts of statements to be delivered at the high-level meeting and the general debate will be distributed in the General Assembly Hall.
如果准备好发 言稿超出 这个时间要求,就应加以调整以满足这一时 限,因为这样才能让尽可能多的会员国有机会发言。
If the text of a prepared statement is longer than that, it should be adapted to fit into this time limit, as that will allow for a maximum number of Member States to take the floor.
会议日程、正式文件、议程发言稿 和 新 闻稿可在节纸型服务门 户(http://papersmart.un.org)上查阅和下载。除了在这一门户上提供文件之 外,会议期间还将视需要提供服务,协助媒体成员将文件发送至移动设备,并提 供选印服务。
The programme of the day, official documents, agenda, statements and press releases will be made available to view and download through the ISPS portal (http://papersmart.un.org). In addition to the documents provided on the portal, services will be provided to facilitate the transfer of documents to mobile devices of members of the media and to provide print-on-demand services, when needed during the Conference.
2012 年 2 月 23 日,主管政治事务助理秘书长宣布会议开幕,并代表秘书长 宣发言稿。
The Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs opened the meeting on 23 February 2012, and read out a statement on behalf of the Secretary-General.
联合国网站 (http://www.un.org/ga)将通过专门的门户网页,使用六种 正式语文报道联大会议以及其他会议、记者吹风会及活动,包括提供背景资料、
[...] 新闻稿、新闻报道、文件、图片、广播电台节目、网播录像 发言稿。
The United Nations website through a dedicated portal web page (http://www.un.org/ga) will provide coverage of the General Assembly meetings, conferences, press briefings and events in the six official languages, including background
information, press releases, news stories, documents, photographs and access to radio programmes,
[...] webcast videos and statements.
(a) 一名工作人员,担任辅助主席全部工作的联系人,指导办公室的 工作,审发言稿,协 助主席的所有政治磋商活动
(a) A staff member serving as the focal point for the overall support to the
President, directing the work of his or her
[...] Office, reviewing draft statements and assisting [...]
the President in all his or her consultations
会后在 儿童基金会的网站上发布了 20 份发言稿,并 成立了一个危机观察组织,作为监 测经济冲击影响的全球网络。
This resulted in 20 presentations being disseminated on the UNICEF website and the creation of Crisis Watch, a global network monitoring the impact of economic shocks.
[...] 地及宗教当局的代表提供口译服务,并承担笔译工作,包括未来进出信函 发言 稿的笔译工作。
The incumbent would provide interpretation services during meetings of the Force Commander with representatives of the Lebanese Armed Forces and Lebanese local and religious
authorities, and undertake translation work, including the translation of incoming and
[...] outgoing correspondence and speeches.
征得安理会允许,我将宣读秘书长的以 发言 稿。
I will, with the Council’s indulgence, read out the following statement of the Secretary-General.
法国常驻教科文组织代表团宣读了法国体育部长 David Douillet 先生发言稿,他 重申法 国致力于打击在体育运动中使用兴奋剂,并呼吁与医药行业合作,反对在体育运动中使用兴奋 剂。
A message from Mr David Douillet, Minister [...]
of Sport of France, was read by the French Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, reiterating
France’s commitment to the fight against doping in sport.
那些希望作书面发言的代表,应 发言稿 副 本 到会场分发。
Those representatives wishing to make available a written statement should bring copies for distribution.
我们应当以互动和负责任的方式为公开辩论作 出贡献,而不是仅仅宣读几天前准备 发言稿 , 这些 发言稿往往 超过时限并且不尊重其他成员。
We should contribute to open debates in an interactive and responsive manner rather than just read statements prepared days in advance that too often exceed time limits and disrespect our fellow members.
为便于参考,我们在今天上午散 发的我发言稿的复 印件上附上了我们中间解决办 法模式的文件。
For ease of reference, we have attached a copy of our model of an intermediate solution to hard copies of my statement being distributed this morning.
为了在网址上及时提发言稿,各 代表团应通过 电子邮件发言稿寄到dpigaweb@un.org。关于网播和视频点播的查询,应向联 合国网播股提出(电话:212-963-6733)。
In order to facilitate timely availability of statements on the website, delegations should send them via e-mail to dpigaweb@un.org. Queries about webcast and on-demand videos should be directed to the United Nations Webcast (telephone 212 963 6733).
各国家委员会可以在会议前提交一份书 发言 稿。
National Commissions had the opportunity to provide a written statement prior to the meeting.
根据安理会暂行议事规则第 39 条,我邀请非洲 联盟驻苏丹联络处主任马哈穆德·凯恩先生与会,他 将通过视频连接,从喀土穆以非洲联盟苏丹问题高级 别执行小组主席塔博·姆贝基先生阁下的名义宣发 言稿。
Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Mahmoud Kane, head of the African Union Liaison Office in the Sudan, who will read a statement via videolink from Khartoum on behalf of His Excellency Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Chairperson of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel on the Sudan.
他解释说,由于指示灯很快将变颜色,他只能部 分宣读在会场分发发言稿,但请求将其归入会议记 录。
Noting that the colours on the bulbs were changing quickly, he said that he would not read the entire statement that had been circulated, but he requested that it should be made a part of the record.
小组委员会还建议,应当提供这种专题介绍 发言 稿以便利同声传译。
The Subcommittee also recommended that speaking notes for such presentations should be provided to facilitate the simultaneous interpretation.
各代表团应事先向秘书处提交高级别全体会 发言稿 至少 30 份;如果做不 到,请代表团在发言者发言前向口译员提供五 发言稿 ( 用 于译成其他五种正式 语文)。
A minimum of 30 copies of the text of statements to be delivered at the Highlevel Plenary
[...] Meeting should be submitted in advance to the Secretariat; failing this, delegations are urged to provide interpreters with five copies (for interpretation into the five other official languages) before the speaker takes the floor.




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