

单词 刀锯斧钺

External sources (not reviewed)

一些委員認為即使是削減公共開支的 措施,亦不夠果斷和刀闊斧,難 以有效地減低龐大的公共開支。
Some members considered that even the measures on cutting public expenditure were also not decisive and bold enough, thus making it difficult to effectively cutting the colossal public expenditure.
戴铂帮助 您从广泛刀切、开槽、打孔锯切 等各种模式中作出选 择,每一种模式都服务于特定的目的以优化您的应用。
DIAB helps you choose from a wide range of
[...] cuts, grooves, perforations, kerfs, etc. in different patterns, [...]
each serving a specific purpose to optimize your application.
這種發 展實非行政機關的意願,因為行攻機關現在必須盡力說服反對派,而不應 刀 闊 斧、 草率行事。
This new resistance has forced the executive to become more political than it would otherwise opt to be because it now has to convince the opposition, rather than simply railroad it.
目前的情況亟需刀闊斧的果 斷政 策,而非「頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳」的行政措施。
This situation calls for decisive surgery, not administrative acupuncture.
这个导向器能减少卡套锯切的 准备时间, 从而能加 速系统装配。
The guide helps reduce tubing preparation time, thereby speeding system assembly.
在使用卡套管切割器或卡套锯切导 向器之后、世伟洛克去毛 刺工具能去除钢、不锈钢和硬合金卡套管端的毛刺。
After use of the tube
[...] cutter or tube sawing guide, Swagelok [...]
deburring tools deburr stainless steel, steel, and hard alloy tube ends.
锯刀中心为基 准点,可以确定工件的切割长 度。
As such system refers to the centre of the blade, it allows determining the workpiece length.
[...] [...] 世界工具专家——hanwei,汉威,抹泥刀,砌砖刀,刮刀,油灰刀,五金工具,电动工具,气动工具,防爆工具,金刚石工具,园林工具,切断工具,工具钢,手工具hanwei,汉威,抹泥刀,砌砖刀,刮刀,油灰刀,五金工具,电动工具,气动工具,防爆工具,机床,金刚石工具,园林工具,切断工具,工具钢,手工具,厨房工具,家具五金,建筑五金,五金手册,五金配件,五金厂,五金加工,五金件,钳子,扳手 锯 , 铆 钉,螺 刀 , 丝 锥、板牙,锉,剪 刀 , 刷 ,匠作工具,农用工具 斧 子 , 锤子,撬棍、起钉器,凿,组
Han Way - Chinese famous brand tool industry World experts tools- hanwei, Han Wei, mud knife hand, bricklayer, knives, scrapers, putties knives, metal tools, power tools, pneumatic tools, explosion-proof tools, diamond tools, garden tools, cutting tools, tool steel, hand Tools hanwei, Han Wei, mud knife hand, bricklayer, knives, scrapers, putties knives, metal tools, power tools, pneumatic tools, explosion-proof tools, machine tools, diamond tools, garden tools, cutting tools, tool steel, hand tools, Kitchen tools, furniture hardware, architectural hardware, hardware manuals, hardware accessories, hardware factories, metal
processing, hardware,
[...] pliers, wrenches, saws, rivets, screwdriver, tap, Banya, filing, scissors, knives, brushes, tools for Carpenter, Farm tools, axes, hammers, Qiaogun, [...]
from nails, cutting
我期望政府 能夠在這方面作出刀闊斧的改革。
I hope that the Government can carry out reforms drastically in this respect.
亦有人對我說,環顧其他國家和地區,在當地,對應財政司司長或 財相職位的人,從前辦理某些事情,可能會面對比較大的、結構性的壓 力、反彈或抗拒,他們很多時候便會趁着這段時間,正正較 刀 闊 斧地 做該等事,而在此時間內,市民的支持度也會更高。
Some people also said to me that if we take a look at other countries or regions, we would find that at these places, people in positions comparable to the Financial Secretary or financial ministers may formerly face greater structural pressure, reaction or resistance in dealing with some matters, so they would often make use of this period of time to deal with these matters more drastically and at such a time, public support will also be greater.
如果你不徹底解決政制民主化的問題,使你 有足夠的授權,解除這些小圈子既得利益者的束縛,你又怎能 刀 闊斧 地解決這些多層的深層次矛盾?
If you do not tackle the problem of democratization of the political system at source to give yourself a sufficient mandate and free yourself from such restraints, how can you tackle these deep-rooted conflicts in various strata boldly?
被告人携斧头和刀进入 住宅,试图破门闯入一间 特别坚固的房间(Westergaard 把自己反锁在里面)。
The accused, who
[...] was armed with an axe and a knife, gained entry to the [...]
home, where he tried to break through the door to
a specially secured room in which Westergaard had locked himself.
主席,我曾多次提及我們應好好考慮是否應就所有監管旅遊政策的 架構作刀闊斧的檢 討,以致我們不會架床疊屋。
President, I have said more than once we should consider a major overhaul of the structures overseeing tourism policies, in order to avoid overlapping of their work.
希望以後幾年,財政司能更刀闊斧 ㆞增 加個㆟免稅額到合理的水平。
I hope that the Financial Secretary will in the coming years act boldly and increase the personal allowance to a reasonable level.
中国企业择优在德国寻找杉木、榉木和橡木的干圆木材, 直径在 30 cm
[...] 以上, 长度 3 m 以上,以及樱桃木和胡桃锯材, 运往 青岛。
Chinese company is looking for dried spruce, beech and oak timber in the round
with minimum 30 cm diameter and minimum 3 m
[...] length along with sawn cherrywood and [...]
nutwood timber (preferably in Germany).
民主黨 由 始 至終並不反對政 府利用一些較 大 膽 的措施,例如 tax
[...] holiday, 即稅務 假 期 ,刀 闊 斧 地 招 攬 一些大企 業 、 [...]
大 財 團 來香港投資, 只 要這些政策不是針 對 某 公司,甚 至不是針 對
某 行業,而是針 對 一些能 夠 符合 政 府預先公布 的 客 觀 條 件的公司便 可。
From the outset the Democratic Party has
[...] never opposed the idea that the Government [...]
should formulate some bold measures such
as offering tax holidays to attract some big companies or consortia to come here for investment, provided that these measures are not directed against a certain company or trade but that they are applicable to all companies which meet the objective requirements announced beforehand.
向 CT 和 PT 的 一次侧注锯齿波 信号,通过手持式的设备在二次系统的接 [...]
By injecting a sawtooth signal into [...]
the CT or VT, the operator verifies with a handheld device that the signal has the correct
polarity at the connection points of the secondary systems.
可是,梁先生最初的徵求意見稿中提出數項 刀 闊 斧 的建 議,當中最富爭議性的便是“港人港地”這項房屋政策,但他在後來印 刷的政綱中,卻又“縮水”加入一項前設條件,便是在住宅市場過熱時 才會推出。
However, while Mr LEUNG had introduced several drastic proposals in the draft that he first prepared to solicit opinions, the most controversial of which being the housing policy of building residential flats and selling them only to Hong Kong people, he "pulled his punch" in the platform published subsequently by including the pre-condition that this will be introduced only when the property market is overheated.
锯刀保护 装置能够确保工作上最安全的条件。
The blade guard has been [...]
designed and developed to ensure working under the best possible conditions of safety.
新高中課程涵蓋的 科目共有 24 個,分屬 8 個主要學習領域;部分為嶄新科目,須從頭研 訂,部分科目則須進行刀闊斧的改 革,以切合現今的需要,另有部 分科目則須在現有中四至中五和中六至中七課程的基礎上予以整合。
Some of the subjects are entirely new and need to be developed from the start; some of the subjects require major revamp to keep pace with the present day needs; while some of the subjects require rationalisation based on the existing curriculum for Secondary 4-5 and Secondary 6-7.
圣戈班磨料磨具能为木刀具、锯齿 修 磨等加工提供NORTON和WINTER品牌的各种产品,如陶瓷结合剂和树脂结合剂普通砂轮、油石,以及用于修整硬质合金钢和高速钢刀具的超硬材料磨具(如金刚石和立方氮化硼CBN砂轮)。
Saint-Gobain Abrasives can provide
various NORTON and WINTER products used for
[...] the wood cutting and saw sharpening. These [...]
products include vitrified and organic bond
grinding wheels, sharpening stone and superabrasives (e.g. diamond and CBN grinding wheels) used for sharpening carbide steel and high-speed steel cutting tools.
我們的中央 政府是刀闊斧的, 立即下令油公司不可以再加價,並在一些方面補貼價 格。
Our Central Government has instantly taken a drastic measure by ordering oil companies to stop raising oil prices and offered subsidy in certain areas.
[...] 定如何才能更加切实有效,因此向执行局第一八五届会议提出了对教科文组织总部外办事机 构进行刀阔斧改革的建议。
Convinced that the Organization must examine itself critically and determine how it can improve its relevance and effectiveness, the
Director-General submitted to the 185th Executive Board proposals for a
[...] process of far-reaching reform of UNESCO [...]
presence in the field.
事实上,总商会已经在1993年进行了 刀 阔 斧 的 改 革,废除了帮派选举制。
In fact, in 1993, the SCCCI made major reforms to abolish the clan based election system of the Council.
为了 避免过去的失误,海地必须刀阔斧 地 改 革其政府机 构和结构,并转变其政治文化。
To avoid repeating mistakes of the past, Haiti must profoundly transform its governmental institutions and structures and its political culture.
所以,我們必須刀闊斧地增 加培訓資訊科技人 才,尤其是在非學位方面,即包括增加學位程度以下課程的名額。
For this reason, we must take drastic measures to enhance training of IT personnel particularly on non-degree level, which should include increasing the number of places in courses below degree level.
连续板材应用中转用碳氢化合物技术将涉及到:安装戊烷储存罐;更换发泡机器计 量设备;用环带切割机更换循锯切 割机;氮供应系统;适合戊烷的搅拌头;适合戊烷的 [...]
动态搅拌器;修改泡沫泡沫操作装置;安全相关设备和系统;以及试验、车间维护培训和 安全审计。
Conversion to HC technology in the continuous panels application involves the installation of pentane storage tanks, replacement of the
foaming machine metering units;
[...] replacement of circulating saw cutter by belt cutter; [...]
nitrogen supply system; mixing head
suitable for pentane; dynamic mixer for components suitable to pentane; modification of foam manipulator; safety related equipment and systems; and trials, training for plants maintenance and safety audits.
Apex Tool Group 致力于制造和营销众多知名品牌的手工工具、铰接链和电焊产品,包括 Campbell® 铰接链、Crescent®
[...] 品牌扳手和钳子、Lufkin® 测量工具、Nicholson®刀和锯条、Plumb® 锤子、H.K. Porter® [...]
断线钳、Weller® 焊接产品和 Wiss® 剪具。
Weller is a part of Apex Tool Group, which manufactures and markets many well-known brands of hand tools, chain, and electronic soldering products, including Campbell® chain, Crescent® brand wrenches
and pliers, Lufkin® measuring tools,
[...] Nicholson® files and saws, Plumb® hammers, H.K. [...]
Porter® bolt cutters, Weller® soldering products, and Wiss® snips.
我們這項建議與今天的原議案可以說是一 脈相承,目的都是希望政府在處理醫療事故方面,作出 刀 闊 斧 的改 革,挽回公眾的信心。
This proposal of ours can be said to come down in one line with the original motion today, both hoping that the Government will implement a thorough reform in the handling of medical incidents in order to restore public confidence.




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