

单词 出水

出水 ()

discharge water
appear out of the water
break the surface


浮出水面 v

surface v
appear v


float up (idiom); to become evident


as a lotus flower breaking the surface (idiom); surpassingly beautiful (of young lady's face or old gentleman's calligraphy)

External sources (not reviewed)

在未禁止这种做法的某些国家中, 出水 被 弃置于可 能未衬砌不透水隔层的废水池中,甚至直接倒入河流或海洋中。
In some countries where the practice is not
[...] banned, produced water is disposed of [...]
in waste ponds, which may not be lined with
impermeable barriers, or even dumped directly into streams or oceans.
本年度账目中也对总出水平 做了调整,以反映执行机构在其 2007 年最终财务报表中报告的变化。
Adjustments had
[...] also been made to the aggregate expenditure level in the accounts [...]
for the current year to reflect the changes
reported by implementing agencies in their 2007 final financial statements.
哈萨克斯坦代表团出,水资源对于亚太区域具有战略重要性,并认 为亚太经社会可在执行大会第 [...]
65/154 号决议方面发挥促进作用——大会在 该决议中宣布 2013 年为国际水合作年。
The delegation of
[...] Kazakhstan noted that water resources were of [...]
strategic importance for the region and took the view that
ESCAP could play a catalytic role in implementing General Assembly resolution 65/154, in which the Assembly had declared 2013 the International Year of Water Cooperation.
对公务员制度委员会而言,其工作与 工作人员的服务条件有关,人事统计是决定性的衡量标准,而对行政首长协调会 秘书处而言,其工作包含全系统问题,费用分担的百分比有 50%是基于人员,有
[...] 50%是基于活动规模,人员和活动规模以经审计的 出水 平 衡量(另见下文第 十.14 段)。
In the case of ICSC, whose work is related to conditions of service for staff, personnel statistics are the determining measure, while in the case of the CEB secretariat, whose work encompasses a portfolio of system-wide matters, the percentage of cost-sharing is based 50 per cent on
personnel and 50 per cent on the scale of activity, measured
[...] by audited expenditure levels (see also para. [...]
X.14 below).
(c) 新系統較為靈活,可按個別客戶的要求 出水費 單 ,例如為擁有超過一個用水帳戶的客戶發出綜合 [...]
(c) The new system will have the
[...] flexibility to produce water bills that will [...]
meet the needs of individual customers e.g.
consolidated bill for customers with more than one metered account.
本节将概述 2012/13
[...] 两年期的主要财务参数,以及针对本组织的收入和 出水 平 所 预见和建 议进行的重要修改。
This section provides an overview of the main financial parameters for the 2012/13
biennium, together with the key changes foreseen and proposed in the Organization’s income
[...] and expenditure levels respectively.
费用减少 1 199 700 美元的原因是:(a) 办公室空间改建、办公家具和办公自 动化设备项下的非经常性支出减少 47 000
美元,这与加强和统一联合国安保管理系统的订正 估计数有关;(b) 重新调配 158 800
[...] 美元的费用,用于与业务连续性有关的行政领导和管理; (c) 根据预期的出水平,多个非员额支出项下的经费减少 [...]
993 900 美元,主要在咨询人员、 一般业务费用、用品和材料以及家具和设备项下。
The reduced requirements amounting to $1,199,700 relate to: (a) the non-recurrent provision of $47,000 under alteration of office space, office furniture and office automation equipment relating to the revised estimates on the strengthened and unified security management system; (b) the redeployment of $158,800 to executive direction and management relating to business continuity; and (c) lower requirements of $993,900 under
various non-post objects of expenditure based
[...] on anticipated levels of expenditure, [...]
mainly under consultants, general operating
expenses, supplies and materials, and furniture and equipment.
最终,只有为数 不多的放弃和修订条款出水面, 所有这些条款全 部受到审查。
In the end, only a limited number of waivers and amendments surfaced, all of which were reviewed.
每支含水銀的廢舊光管和燈泡雖然只含微量水銀, 但破損的燈/光管會出水銀污 染附近環境,不慎吸入或經皮膚接觸更會危害人 體健康。
Even though it is only present in trace amount in each mercury-containing lamp, release of mercury from broken lamps may contaminate the surrounding and create health hazard through inhalation or skin contact.
该论文出,对水产养殖业的性别问题 缺乏关注可反出水产养 殖业发展历史较短以及对捕鱼社区和作业所呈现的复杂 社会学和人类学方面的研究兴趣。
As the review
[...] paper points out, this relative lack of attention to gender in aquaculture may reflect the more recent history of aquaculture and academic [...]
interest in the complex
sociology and anthropology of fishing communities and practices.
当人们 的期望没有得到满足时,就会造成政治后果——尤 其是当长期以来对民众的独裁控制同时被取消时, 人们的失望之情就会出水面。
When expectations are not met, there can be political consequences – particularly when longstanding authoritarian controls on the population are being simultaneously removed, allowing frustrations to come into the open.
如果你把那些东西出水面, 你就破坏了这些物 件的历史环境,而且会损坏这些物件。
You would destroy the historic context and damage the object when brought to the surface.
而根据申诉人所述,无法保证 非政府组织的信息是正确的,此外,这些年来,越来越多涉及指挥层之外4的 安全部队的秘密行动已出水面。
According to the complainant, however, there was no guarantee that the NGOs’ information was correct, and in addition, over the years, more and more incidents involving security forces covert operations outside of the hierarchy of command4 have become known.
从国内经济的角度来看,投资是购买资本设备,例如机器和计算机,和固定资本建设,例如工 厂、道路、住房,为的是提高未来的 出水 平。
investment investment from the perspective of the domestic economy is the purchase of capital equipment, e.g,, machines and computers, and
the construction of fixed capital, e.g,, factories, roads, housing, that serve to
[...] raise the level of output in the future.
[...] 泥工程進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸浮沉積物 濃度出水質標 準。這種情況可能會令受影響地區內的海豚獵物 [...]
Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the
potential for large area exceedances of SS
[...] concentrations above water quality standards [...]
in the bed layer over the course of the
dredging works, which may adversely affect the distribution of dolphin prey resources in the affected area.
對挖泥工程可能造成的水質影響的定量模擬結果顯示,在挖泥工程 進行期間,可能會在大範圍內,令海床水層的懸浮沉積物濃度出 水質標準。
Quantitative modelling of the potential water quality impacts associated with dredging activities indicate the
potential for large area exceedances of SS
[...] concentrations above water quality standards [...]
in the bed layer over the course of the dredging works.
她与主席团成员探讨了通过跨部门合作和联合国全系统合作提高国际水文计划的影 响力和公认度问题,并向主席团通报了自然科学部门重组的进展,着重 出水 科 学 处在新的 组织架构内促进横向计划的职责,以及可能对高科技出版物(诸如水科学处的那些)的出版 流程进行的简化。
The ADG/SC briefed the Bureau on the progress in the restructuring of the Science Sector and highlighted the role of SC/HYD in contributing to crosscutting programmes under the new structure, and the possible streamlining of the publication process of highly technical publications such as those originating at SC/HYD.
独立出水嘴和控制单元 可按照喜好灵活安装手柄。
Separation of spout and control unit The handle can be installed flexibly if preferred.
效果非常显著:龙头中流出完美的瀑布式的水流,不用太 多出水量就 可以体验这种令人非常愉悦的触感。
The result is clear: a mixer from which a beautiful waterfall flows; a particularly pleasant haptic
[...] experience that uses little water.
家庭保健、尤其是教育出水平较 低,主要原因是人们通过社会保险体系或 免费获取公共服务来满足这些需求。
Expenditure of households for health and especially for education registered a low level, mostly because these needs are met due to the public services people benefit from within the social insurance system or free of charge.
自2005 年起,关于美国不仅自己秘密逮捕、转移和拘留人员,而且将他 们送往其他国家审讯或未经指控便拘留的细节 出水 面。
Since 2005, details have emerged of how the United States was not only secretly capturing, transferring and detaining people itself, but also transferring people to other States for the purpose of interrogation or detention without charge.
我们计划提高全民对以下情况的认 识,即我们前进的唯一办法就是加强和捍卫我国的自
[...] 然财富、我国的水流域和水资源,通过在国家保护区 和非保护区保护生态系统,出水资 源 保护和建立可 持续农林系统的工作。
We plan to increase national awareness of the fact that we will be able to move forward only by improving and safeguarding our natural riches, our water
basins and water resources,
[...] and focusing on water preservation and [...]
the creation of sustainable agroforestry systems, through ecosystem preservation in both protected and unprotected areas of the country.
(b) 新系統以抄錶為主導,如有需要可隨時 出水費 單,使發單工作更有效率。
(b) The billing process will be
more efficient as the new system will be meter-reading driven and
[...] will be able to issue water bills as and when required.
[...] AD期间,前不久他在他的诺拉家死了,我们都告诉苏埃托尼乌斯的奥古斯都喜欢打电话,告诉如何希腊人和罗马人谁在岛上生活,分享他们的衣服和交谈的语言给对方;作为青少年参加游戏和年轻的岛民宴会谁放弃了比赛, 出水 果 如他想象的“Apragopoli”无所作为的,并已取得根据“使用友好的希腊”两城在Masgaba第一建设者和海岛的帝国遗产管理人荣誉希腊诗句。
The documented stay of 14 AD, shortly before he died at his home in Nola, we are told by Suetonius that Augustus liked to call that tells how the Greeks and Romans who lived on the Island to share their clothes and talk to each other in the language of; as of the youths attending the games and the
banquet of the young islanders who abandoned
[...] the race to launch fruit as he had [...]
imagined a city of "Apragopoli" that of doing
nothing and had made according to "use friendly greek" two greek verses in honor of Masgaba first builder and administrator of the estate of the Island Empire.
由 於推行持續節省成本的方案令集團節省約 2 億美 元,加上嚴控成本、縮減重組架構及其他相關成 本,我們得以抵銷通脹壓力、工會協定的增薪幅 度、按交易量計算的交易稅,以及在墨西哥涉及 反洗錢事宜的罰款,故出水平與 2011 年大致相 若。
Costs were broadly in line with 2011, as a result of sustainable cost savings initiatives which saved some US$200m, cost control and lower restructuring and other related costs which offset inflationary pressures, union-agreed salary increases, volume-driven transactional taxes and a fine relating to anti-money laundering in Mexico.
更明确的保护平民议程正在出水面,政治接触越来越多,过去一年安全理事会 [...]
通过关于保护平民;妇女、和平与安全;儿童与武装 冲突的四项新决议即为例证。
A clearer agenda for the protection of
[...] civilians is emerging, with increasing [...]
political engagement evident in the adoption
of four new Security Council resolutions over the past year on the protection of civilians; women, peace and security; and children and armed conflict.
[...] 的激励措施及另外的生活方式需要更大规模的经济发展计划(将 出水 行 业 的范 围)。
Small changes to livelihoods can be achieved as a result of local water demand management programmes, but incentives to develop industry and
hence alternative livelihoods will need a wider economic development programme (which
[...] will extend beyond the water sector).
诸多因素可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中所述结果有实质性差异,这些因素包括:全球经济衰退的影响和我们的客户与供应商在电信市场的恢复时间长度;汇率浮动和我们在这些不确定情况下的执行力;全球电信测试、测量和服务保证行业的整合;电信、生命科学和高精密部件领域的资本 出水 平 ; 销售集中度;为应对这样的经济不确定因素我们采取的其它措施的效果(包括我们根据预计业务水平快速调整成本结构的能力、根据市场需求管理库存水平的能力);市场对我们的新产品和其他即将投放市场的产品的接受情况;客户订单和订单时间有限的能见度;成功整合已收购和即将收购的企业的能力;成功扩张全球运营的能力;关键技术和管理人员的留用;未来的经济、竞争、财务和市场状况。
Actual results may differ materially from those in our forward-looking statements due to various factors including economic uncertainty (including our ability to quickly adapt cost structures with anticipated levels of business, ability to manage inventory levels with market demand); future economic,
competitive, financial and market conditions;
[...] capital spending levels in the telecommunications [...]
industry; limited visibility with
regards to customer orders and the timing of such orders; fluctuating exchange rates; our ability to successfully integrate our acquired and to-be-acquired businesses; consolidation in the global telecommunications test and service assurance industry and increased competition among vendors; concentration of sales; market acceptance of our new products and other upcoming products; our ability to successfully expand international operations; and the retention of key technical and management personnel.
全球创新指数(GII)项目由欧洲工商管理学院于2007年启动,目的是确定怎样找出有关的指标和方法,更好地体现各国的创新财富,可以用研究论文数量和研发(R&D) 出水 平 等传统创新措施之外的方法对创新表现进行评估。
The Global Innovation Index (GII) project was launched by INSEAD in 2007 with the goal of determining how to find metrics and approaches to better capture the richness of
innovation in
[...] society and go beyond such traditional measures of innovation as the number of research articles and the level of research [...]
and development (R&D) expenditures.
[...] 便评估全球金融危机的潜在影响,即将制定的两年期预算中包括一项备选设想, 其中设想了在预测显示收入将大幅下降的情况下今后的 出水 平。
He also explained that an internal review had been conducted to assess the potential impact of the global financial crisis and that the upcoming biennium budget included
an alternative scenario for future
[...] expenditure levels in case forecasts indicated that [...]
income would decrease significantly.




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