单词 | 入口商 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 入口商 noun, plural —importers plSee also:入口 n—import n • entrance n • entrances pl • inlet n • entry n 口商 n—exporter n
(d) 出入口商會認為,使 用帳戶存摺是較可 取的做法,可方便計 劃成員查核帳戶結 餘。 legco.gov.hk | (d) HKCIEA's view that account passbook was a preferred option to facilitate scheme members to check their account balance. legco.gov.hk |
至於啤酒產品的零售價格,代表本地主要啤 酒 入口商 的 香港啤酒聯盟向 法案委員會表示,鑒於啤酒業的性質複雜,以及涉及多個分銷層面,香港啤 [...] 酒聯盟除了透過向同業發出新的價目表外,亦知悉同業會提供更多優惠和折 扣,並進行更多的大型推廣和贊助活動,令整體經濟得益。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the retail prices of beer, the Hong Kong [...] Beer Coalition, which is the main [...] representative of beer importers in Hong Kong, has [...]said that with the complicated and multi-layered [...]nature of beer business, it has made a number of efforts, including issuing a new price list to the trade, and it is aware that fellow traders have passed on the benefits to consumers through more favourable and frequent price discounts and providing customers with more and bigger reward promotions and other means such as even sponsorship, so as to benefit the overall economy. legco.gov.hk |
署方可以要求入口商或製造商回收有問題的產品及發放新 聞公布,正如剛才各位議員所提及最近的一宗事件 [...] ⎯⎯ 保濟丸事件 般。 legco.gov.hk | The DH can require the importer or manufacturer [...] to recall the product with problems and issue a press release, as in the [...]recent case of Po Chai Pills as mentioned by Members earlier. legco.gov.hk |
(會後補註:黃世澤先生、香港中華出 入口 商會、 香港工會聯合會、民主建港協進聯 盟、自由黨及香港僱主聯合會的意見書已 [...] 於 2011 年 4 月 27 日隨立法會 CB(1)2029/10-11號文件發給議員。 legco.gov.hk | (Post-meeting note: The submissions from Mr Martin OEI, the Hong [...] Kong Chinese Importers' and Exporters' Association, [...]the Hong Kong Federation of Trade [...]Unions, The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, the Liberal Party and the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong were issued to Members vide LC Paper No. CB(1)2029/10-11 on 27 April 2011. legco.gov.hk |
最近通過的玩具及兒童產品 安全條例便是作出這類妥協的明顯例子,政府因為要照 顧 入口商 及 零 售商的利益,並 無採用單㆒的嚴格安全準則,因而削弱了該條例保護兒童的效力。 legco.gov.hk | The recently passed Toys and Child Products Safety Ordinance is a typical example of such compromise, where the effect of child protection is watered down by not adopting a single stringent safety criteria in the interest of importers and retailers. legco.gov.hk |
懲罰未經登記成為入口商而輸 入蛋類的有關“ 黑市” 入口商/ 分銷商/ 零售商,並充公未經合法渠道的入口 蛋類。 legco.gov.hk | z Punish non-registered importers/distributors/retailers that import eggs without first registering with the CFS as importers, and seize imported eggs that enter into Hong [...] Kong through illegal channels. legco.gov.hk |
食環署人員的審批工作亦包括翻查申請 人以往的紀錄、核對是否有其他 入口商 已 經 就有關產品獲得豁免 和豁免餘額等。 legco.gov.hk | When vetting an application, FEHD staff will also look into the past [...] records of the applicant to verify, inter alia, [...] whether other importers have been granted [...]exemption for the product and the remaining quota. legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 有否瞭解為何會出現食米零售價的跌幅低於國際米價跌幅 [...] 的情況;有否評估是否出現“加快減慢”的情況;若有這情況, 原因為何;有否發現入口商和零 售商肆意抬價以謀取暴利, 以及當局有何針對性的措施,促使零售商盡快相應調低食米 [...]價格? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it has looked into why the drop in retail prices of rice is less than the drop in international rice prices; whether it has assessed if there is a situation where prices are "quick in going up but slow in coming down"; if [...] there is, of the reasons for that; [...] whether it has found importers and retailers [...]indiscriminately jacking up prices for profiteering; [...]and of the measures in place to cause retailers to correspondingly reduce rice prices expeditiously? legco.gov.hk |
活家禽批 發商可 改 為以買手身 分經 營 ,為零售 商 /食肆從本地農場購 買 家禽,或以 入口商 身 分經營 ,為零售 商 /食肆從內地農場搜 購 雞 隻 ; 以 及 以 買手/ 入口商 身 分 統 籌 運 輸 安排 等。 legco.gov.hk | Live poultry wholesalers may switch to operate as [...] buyers for poultry from local farms or importers for sourcing chickens from Mainland farms for retailers/restaurants and co-ordinate transportation [...]arrangements, etc. legco.gov.hk |
在我們剛才提到 的《政策大綱》亦建議就購物膠袋、汽車輪胎、電器及電子產品、飲品容器、 [...] 包裝物料和充電池引入“生產者責任計劃”,要求生 產 商 、 入口商 、 批 發商、 零售商,以至消費者分擔處理廢物的責任。 legco.gov.hk | In the Policy Framework we have mentioned, it is also proposed that a PRS should be introduced for plastic shopping bags, vehicle tyres, electrical and electronic appliances, beverage containers, packaging [...] materials and rechargeable batteries, [...] requiring manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retailers [...]and even consumers to share the [...]responsibility of handling waste. legco.gov.hk |
(三 ) 當 局會否考慮效 法 一 些 國家的做 法,在 發 現 某 種入口食 物受到 污 染 時 , [...] 即時禁止該 種 食 物 入口, 並要求入口商 將 該 等 食 物 運 回原 產 地,以 [...]保 障巿民的健康 ; 若 否 , 原因為 何 ? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it will consider following the practice adopted by certain countries of imposing immediate bans on the [...] import of the food found to be contaminated [...] and requiring importers to return such [...]food to their country of origin, so as to [...]safeguard the health of the public; if not, of the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
漁護署建議養魚戶選擇健康的魚苗,並建議養 魚戶要求入口商提供魚苗來源地發出的健康證明書。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the AFCD offers suggestions to fish [...] farmers on the selection of healthy fries and [...] on demanding the importers to provide health [...]certificates issued by the country of origin. legco.gov.hk |
關於中華出入口商會就 擬議第15條下進入 處所、檢查與檢取貨品及文件的權力提出的 [...] 關注事項,政府當局表示,為回應業界在諮 詢期間提出的關注事項,當局已把條例草案 賦予香港海關的擬議權力範圍收窄至規定 某商業或業務出示根據該條例或其附屬法 例須備存的任何簿冊或文件。 legco.gov.hk | On the concern [...] about the power to enter premises and inspect [...]and seize goods and documents under the proposed section 15 [...]raised by the Hong Kong Chinese Importers' & Exporters' Association, the Administration advised that in response to concerns raised by the trades during the consultation, the proposed power of the C&ED in the Bill had already been narrowed down to requiring a trade or business to produce any books or documents required to be kept under the TDO or its subsidiary legislation. legco.gov.hk |
此指引 回答制造商、入口商和做 测试的实验室(俗称「车房」) 就那些题目及测试程序、镜片测试仪器、 [...] 记录保存和豁免测试的问题。 fuzziday.com | This guidance answers questions [...] for manufacturers, importers, and testing laboratories [...]on such topics as test procedures, [...]lens testing apparatus, record maintenance, and exemptions to testing. fuzziday.com |
現時,該制度涵蓋本地製造商、 入口商 、 認 證評核 機構、第II級 (即中⎯⎯低風險水平)、第III級 [...] (即中 ⎯⎯高風險水平) 及第IV級 ( 即高風險水平) 醫療儀 器,以及D級 (即高個體風險及高公共衞生風險)體外 診斷醫療儀器的列表。 legco.gov.hk | At present, MDACS comprised listing [...] of local manufacturers, importers, CABs and Classes [...]II (i.e. medium - low risk level), [...]Class III (i.e. medium - high risk level) and Class IV (i.e. high risk level) medical devices as well as Class D (i.e. high individual risk and high public health risk) in-vitro diagnostic medical devices. legco.gov.hk |
利記強大的供應商及優質客戶遍及全球,集團持續為中國鋅合金最大 的入口商之一。 leekeegroup.com | With an extensive and strong portfolio of worldwide suppliers and customers, LEE KEE continues to be the [...] largest zinc alloy importer in the PRC. leekeegroup.com |
總括來說,建議的規管架構涵蓋的範圍包括:為製 造 商 和 入口 商註冊 、註冊或呈報醫療儀器、發牌予選定醫療儀器的使用者,以及建立 [...] 一個呈報系統,找出市面上出現嚴重問題的醫療儀器。 legco.gov.hk | In summary, the proposed regulatory framework covers [...] registration for manufacturers and importers, registration [...]or notification for medical devices, [...]licensing of users of selected medical devices and a reporting system to identify medical devices with serious problems in the market. legco.gov.hk |
利記強大的供應商及優質客戶遍及全球,集團持續為中國鋅合金最大 的入 口商之一,其鋅合金之總銷量佔中國鋅合金總進口量約 73%。 leekeegroup.com | With an extensive and strong portfolio of worldwide suppliers and [...] customers, LEE KEE continues to be the [...] largest zinc alloy importer in the PRC, with [...]total sales of zinc alloy making up approximately [...]73% of the total alloy import volume of the country. leekeegroup.com |
同樣, 在啤酒或葡萄酒銷售鏈裏的所有單位,包 括 入口商 、 批 發商、零售商、食肆、 超級市場、酒店,也必須緊記履行承諾,把從減酒稅得來的收益悉數回饋市 民。 legco.gov.hk | Similarly, all segments of the sales chain of beer and [...] wine, including importers, wholesalers, retailers, [...]restaurants and hotels, must remember [...]to honour their undertaking by passing on all duty savings to the public. legco.gov.hk |
我們有不斷與入口商聯絡 ,他們亦知道如果車上的裝置有這種兼備功 能,便要取消提供娛樂資訊的功能,好讓司機能專注駕駛,不會一邊看娛樂 [...] 資訊,一邊駕駛。 legco.gov.hk | We have been [...] liaising with vehicle importers and the latter are [...]aware that if the RVD installed in a vehicle carries an [...]infotainment broadcasting function, this function will have to be deleted so that drivers can concentrate on driving, rather than watching the infotainment broadcasts while driving. legco.gov.hk |
食物安全中心(中心)曾與本港多個日本奶 粉 入口商 / 銷售商會面,得知有關批次的產品並沒有在港出售。 cfs.gov.hk | The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) met with [...] representatives of importers / distributors and learnt [...]that the affected batches have not [...]been put on sale in the local market. cfs.gov.hk |
我想請問局長,有否透過海關在執行《消費品安全條例》 時,要求入口商或經 銷商刊登專業人士所建議的一些適合、適切的警告或警 [...] 誡的標籤,以及如果有這樣做,又做了多少呢? legco.gov.hk | May I ask the Secretary whether he has, through the enforcement of the [...] Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance by [...] the C&ED, required importers or dealers to affix to [...]the products labels containing suitable [...]or proper warning or caution as suggested by professionals; and if so, to what extent this has been done? legco.gov.hk |
該項財務供應鏈方案包括出入口商所 需 的商業及資訊流程,讓企業更有效率地管理及完成商貿交易的結算工作。 ipress.com.hk | The financial supply chain comprises the business processes and data flows which buyers and sellers use to manage and settle their trade transactions. ipress.com.hk |
大家要明白,把寬減的稅款直接回饋消費者,是我在去年向酒商推銷的 [...] 建議,酒商其實也知道這是一個非常新的思維,亦知道落實起來比較困難, 但經過長時間研究和商議後,他們明白到這是有建設性的,所以在接受建議 [...] 後便向財政司司長和立法會議員進行游說,保證政府減酒稅後,得益者是市 民,而不是肥了酒品入口商、跨 國公司、超級市場及食肆等。 legco.gov.hk | But following lengthy studies and discussions, they came to realize that the idea was constructive. They therefore accepted the proposal, and afterwards, they started to lobby the Financial Secretary and Legislative Council Members, undertaking to the Government that duty reduction [...] would benefit only the general public, [...] rather than any importers of alcoholic beverages, [...]multinational corporations, supermarkets and restaurants. legco.gov.hk |
充電池回收計 劃」由 40 個充電池和電子產品生產商及入口商 聯 合 籌劃, 並提供回收再造所需的費用。 wastereduction.gov.hk | The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Programme is organized and funded by [...] 40 producers and importers of rechargeable [...]battery and electronic equipment. wastereduction.gov.hk |
由不同業 務性質的參展商攤分,而攤分的比重由大至小依次為出口商(非以香港為根據地的貿易 [...] 商)佔 40.6%、以香港為根據地的入口商佔 24.5%、以香港為根據地的批發商佔 [...]20.6%、 及以香港為根據地的零售商佔 14.2%。 cfs.gov.hk | The SVE-related expenses9 were shared among different parties with exporters (non-Hong Kong based traders) [...] taking the main share at 40.6%, trailed by [...] Hong Kong based importers at 24.5%, Hong [...]Kong based distributors at 20.6%, and Hong [...]Kong based retailers at 14.2%. cfs.gov.hk |
由于有关产品在本港没有总代理/专责 的 入口商 , 故市民可向各自的零售商查询是否有提供回收安排。 cfs.gov.hk | Since there is no agent [...] nor dedicated importer for the product, [...]members of the public can enquire with the retail outlets [...]where they bought the product if there is any recall arrangement. cfs.gov.hk |
中心 已修訂規管方案,並再次諮詢持分者,當中包括商會、食品生產商、食 品 入口商 、 食品 分銷商、零售商、各國駐港總領事館、本地農友、私營化驗所、除害劑供應商及食物安 [...] 全專家等。 cfs.gov.hk | They included trade associations, food [...] manufacturers, food importers, food distributors, [...]retailers, Consulate Generals, local [...]farmers, private laboratories, pesticide suppliers and food safety experts, etc. Since January 2011, a total of 14 briefings and consultation sessions had been conducted. cfs.gov.hk |
入口商捷運 食品有限公司表示正主動回收有關運動飲料,並已設立熱線(電話:2637 [...] 0646),由明日(五月二十六日)開始,於辦公時間內,就上述所列第(1)及第(2)項產品,回覆相關查詢。 cfs.gov.hk | The importer, Jet Win Food Ltd, [...] indicated that it was now recalling the affected products on its initiative. It has also [...]set up a hotline (Tel: 2637 0646) for enquiries on products (1) and (2) as listed above, starting from tomorrow (May 26) during office hours. cfs.gov.hk |
特區政府必須正視慳電膽內的水銀及電子零件對環境及市民健康的威 脅,將慳電膽納入 「《產品環保責任條例草案》」 條例當中,特區政府應盡快在 全港範圍內設立一套產品回收系統,要求生產者 或 入口商 直 接提供回收服務,同 時設立按金退還制度。 procommons.org.hk | Inclusion of EELBs in the regulation of “Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance” appears to be one of the effective measures. procommons.org.hk |