单词 | qa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
QA使用人员可为每一个被分析物建立一个包含高限与低限的定制 的可报告范围。 itcmed.com | QA Users can establish a custom reportable range consisting of an upper and lower limit for each analyte. itcmed.com |
如果有必要的话,加入新 的“QA使用人员标识码”,删除默认的QA使用人员标识码。 itcmed.com | New QA User ID(s) may be added, and the default QA User ID deleted if desired. itcmed.com |
一旦检测出错 [...] 误数据, Diver-Office 会在QA/QC日志中列出其时间序列信息及发生错误的原因(如 [...]下所示) 。 eijkelkamp.com | If erroneous data is detected, Diver-Office will list the time-series information and [...] reasonin the QA/QC log (shown below). eijkelkamp.com |
Bohlin 流变仪软件包保持了马尔文传统的先进性,使用更便捷,同样适用于高级研究或QC/QA应用。 malvern.com.cn | In keeping with Malvern's tradition of developing advanced [...] but easy to use software packages, the Bohlin rheometer software is equally suitable for [...] advanced research or QC/QAuse. malvern.de |
包括一个广泛的数据格式、QA报告、远程维护、版本更新、无线标签、登陆分级、可追溯性、历史数据制图和自动工作控制。 foss.cn | These include a broad range [...] of dataformats, QAreports, remote [...]servicing, repeated version updates, radio tags, log-on [...]levels, traceability, graphics on historical data and automatic job control. foss.nl |
在 Harran al-`Awamid,武装人员在 Qaysa 镇从司机 [...] Munir al-BushbinQa'im(生于 1964 [...]年)手上盗走一辆政府所有的 Nissan 皮卡,车牌号为 530517(大 马士革农村)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Harran al-‘Awamid, armed men near [...] the town of Qaysa stole from its driver, [...] Munir al-Bush binQa’im (born 1964), [...]a grey Nissan Government-owned pickup, licence [...]plate No. 530517 (Rif Dimashq), allocated to the Health Directorate of Rif Dimashq. daccess-ods.un.org |
QualityAssurerQA-805是IMS和VoIP测试产品系列的一部分,是一种易于使用、高性能且面向未来的平台,用于无线(2G/3G/LTE)、IMS和VoIP网络测试。 exfo.com | Part of the IMS and VoIP Testing product line, the [...] QualityAssurer QA-805is aneasy-to-use, [...]high-performance and future-proof platform [...]for wireless (2G/3G/LTE), IMS and VoIP network testing. exfo.com |
教科文组织支持会员国建立并实施质量保证(QA)机制(如在阿拉伯国家为两 个新领域,即计算机科学和工程制订质量保证标准;提高塞内加尔质量保证国家 主管部门的能力;为不丹和越南提供支持)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO is supporting Member States to establish and implement quality assurance (QA) mechanisms (e.g. development of QA standards in the Arab States for two new fields, – computer science and engineering –; capacity development of QA national authorities in Senegal; support to Bhutan and Viet Nam). unesdoc.unesco.org |
项目参与方在其监测活动中须制定标准操作程序(SOP) [...] 及质量保证和质量控制程序(QA/QC),包括野外数据的采集、数据记录、管理和存档。 pandastandard.org | Standard operating procedures (SOPs) and quality [...] control/quality assurance(QA/QC)procedures [...]for inventory operations, including field data [...]collection and data management, shall be identified, recorded and applied. pandastandard.org |
循圆测试仪测试得到大多数国际标准规范的认可,可作为制造过程中整体QA规范的其中一项程序,也可以作为CNC加工机自身性能的一项客观测试。 renishaw.com | Recognised in major international standards, a ballbar test can be used as part of overall QA compliance procedures in a manufacturing process and as an objective test for the CNC machine tool itself. renishaw.com |
我们在为HTML Workshop和HTMLQA编写帮助文件方面具有独特的技术优势。 pactera.com | We have particular expertise in writing Help files [...] for HTML Workshop andHTML QA. pactera.com |
配备内建无线区域网路功能的个人电脑刚开始盛行时, Alps Electric’s [...] HM&I 事业处 (R&D及QA/QCdivisions) 和 MMP [...]事业处 (生产部门) 使用向量信号分析仪(VSA)与向量信号产生器(VSG)测试无线模组产品。 litepoint.com | In the early days when personal computers with built-in wireless LAN capability started [...] gaining popularity, Alps Electric’s HM&I [...] Division(R&D and QA/QC divisions) and [...]MMP Division (Production division) used vector [...]signal analyzers (VSA) and vector signal generators (VSG) for testing wireless module products. litepoint.com |
医疗器械生产经营厂家法规相关事务人员、质量主管及设计研发人员、测试工程师、QC、QA以及对其他对医疗器械法规有兴趣人士。 tuv-sud.cn | The relevant people from Medical devices [...] manufactures, quality supervisor, R&D, Testing [...] engineers, QC, QA andother people [...]who show interests in Medical devices regulation. tuv-sud.cn |
项目简介: Corinis [...] CCM是一个基于Java/XML的开源内容管理系统.它结合了一个专业内容管理系统所应具备的功能如:WYSIWIG编辑,基于角色的QA等.整个系统采用模块设计使得系统变得易于扩展与重复利用,它包含的模块有论坛,投票和相册等. javakaiyuan.com | Project Information: Corinis CCM is based on Java/XML open source content management system that combines a professional content management system [...] should have features such as : WYSIWIG editor [...] , role-based QA, etc.whole [...]system becomes modular design makes the system [...]easy to extend with repeated use, it contains modules have forums , voting and photo albums . javakaiyuan.com |
ZigBee 无线接口可将测量结果传输至用户选择的手持式显示屏或笔记本电脑,从而在单一读出设备中集成所有QA测量。 zh.flukebiomedical.com | ZigBee wireless interface delivers measured results to the user’s choice of handheld display or laptop, integrating all QA measurements on a single readout. flukebiomedical.com |
该全新的模型使得我们生命科学使用者能使用同一软件,即可进行标准的稳定性分析,以及为其实验体系提供QA/QC(质量保证与质量控制)图表,以取代之前需要多人方能完成的多应用程序。 evget.com | This new module lets our Life Sciences users perform standardized stability analysis [...] using the same software that provides their [...] laboratory method QA/QC charting, replacing [...]what is typically a multi-application [...]process, often performed by multiple staff. evget.com |
应用范围从装配生产线,QA应用,自动化技术,使用机床。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The applications range from use in assembly lines, QA applications, automation technology, to use on machine tools. en.developmentscout.com |
鼎盛五金制品厂严格按照ISO9001体系来执行各项工作,从每个产品的设计到生产到质量检测,鼎盛都严格按照该体系指示来执行,我们有独立的QA部门,该部门有独立的生产,设计部门,设置了标准的QA/QC程序,从原材料的采购,到生产,到组装,包装,以及出货我们都进行严格检测和控制以确保客户能得到最好的产品和服务。 szdingsheng.com | Its hardware factory strictly according to ISO9001 system to perform the work, from design to production of each product quality inspection, strictly according to the system is reached, we have to [...] execute instructions to the QA department, the independent departments have independent [...] production and design department, setting the standard of QA/QCprocedure, from raw material purchase, production, [...]to assemble, packing and delivery we undertake strict inspection and control to ensure that customer can get the best products and service. en.szdingsheng.com |
针对就业市场上自动测试人员的水平都很“业余”的现状,我们的集训目标是“经验丰富的专业级”自动测试工程师,从工具使用的广度和应用的复杂度上突破,使学员在短时间内见识到并亲手实现复杂的自动测试Case,开口就能讨论常见的技术难点和曾经走过的弯路,以技术深度和经验丰富取胜;让参加的同学能够在简历和面试中以比较高的自动测试水平出现,在当前的市场情况下,同学们会在大部分QA职位前比其他申请人有明显的优势,完成本项目班的同学能够在求职中以自动测试作为主要亮点。 newjob123.com | We try to get the breakthrough from tools using to complex application to make the students understand complex automatic test Case, get the methods to deal with the issues and discuss common technical difficulties. Based on technology depth and rich experience, we will help the students make good preparation for the resume and interview to show their perfect relatively high automatic test ability that can make them stand out among most QA position applicants. newjob123.com |
如果你的工作流很复杂,有QA组推送的分支、开发人员推送的分支、和集成人员推送的分支,并且他们在远程分支上协作,你可以采用这种方式为他们创建各自的命名空间。 progit.org | If you have a complex workflow process that has a QA team pushing branches, developers pushing branches, and integration teams pushing and collaborating on remote branches, you can namespace them easily this way. progit.org |
比林斯LIFE是澳大利亚皇家全科医师协会(RACGP)质量保证和持续专业发展项目(QA&CPD)的认证供应商,为医生和其他健康从业人员提供1类(妇女健康)专业发展和继续教育。 thebillingsovulationmethod.org | Billings LIFE is an accredited provider with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Quality [...] Assurance and Continuing Professional [...] DevelopmentProgram (QA&CPD) and conducts [...]Category 1 (Women's Health) professional [...]development and continuing education for doctors and other health professionals. thebillingsovulationmethod.org |
配备内建无线区域网路功能的个人电脑刚开始盛行时, Alps Electric’s [...] HM&I 事业处 (R&D及QA/QCdivisions) 和 MMP [...]事业处 (生产部门) 使用向量信号分析仪(VSA)与向量信号产生器(VSG)测试无线模组产品。 litepoint.com | In the early days when personal computers with built-in wireless LAN capability started [...] gaining popularity, Alps Electric’s HM&I [...] Division(R&D and QA/QC divisions) and [...]MMP Division (Production division) used vector [...]signal analyzers (VSA) and vector signal generators (VSG) for testing wireless module products. litepoint.com |
2012 年 3 月 27 日,黎巴嫩军事情报人员在 Wadi [...] Khalid 的 Mashari‘al-Qa‘区域逮捕了 6 [...]名叙利亚人和 4 名黎巴嫩人,当时他们正企图向叙利亚境内走私 武器和弹药。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 27 March 2012, Lebanese Army intelligence arrested six [...] Syrian nationals and four Lebanese nationals in [...] the Mashari‘al-Qa‘areain Wadi [...]Khalid as they were attempting to smuggle arms [...]and ammunition into Syrian territory. daccess-ods.un.org |