

单词 优势

优势 ()



使有优势 v

recommend v

占有(领先优势等) v

hold v

占优势 v

prevail v


occupy a dominant position

See also:

male genitals
outward appearance


trend n
situation n
power n


External sources (not reviewed)

若此类收费高于边境口岸 的一次性固定收费,那么此种担保制度就失去 优势。
If such charges are higher than the one-time charge of a fixed amount at border crossings, the guarantee
[...] system loses its advantages.
请订购可单独提供的插头电缆,以享受即插即 用技术优势以及 电动滚筒的灵活预安装服务。
Please order the separately available plug cable
[...] to enjoy the advantages of plug and play [...]
technology and the flexible preinstallation of your drum motor.
教科文组织应突出传播和信息,通过在联合国系统内开展 协调行动并与捐助界以及主要的地区发展组织密切合作,支持各国享受传播和信息 优势, 努 力建设丰富和多样化的媒体世界,推动高水平的职业和伦理准则,以及普遍使用从电台到 移动媒体和因特网的信息与传播技术。
UNESCO should highlight this by supporting countries in yielding the benefits of communication and information through a concerted action within the United Nations system and in close collaboration with the donor community and the major regional development organizations, to work towards a rich and diverse media landscape, high professional and ethical standards, and the widespread use of information and communication technologies, from radio to mobile media and the Internet.
效率 采用 Jabra 耳麦的统一通信的关优势之一 就是免提带来的高效率。
[...] One of the key advantages of Unified Communications [...]
with Jabra headsets is hands-free efficiency.
[...] 成更可预测的关系,进行信息交流,共享知识和良好做法,加强合作以及相互了 解彼此的结构、程序优势和制 约因素,这对两方组织都有利。
These arrangements, formal and informal, allow for structured dialogue, more predictable relationships, information exchanges, knowledge and good practice sharing, and improved cooperation and
understanding of each others’
[...] structures, procedures, strengths and constraints [...]
for the mutual benefit of both organizations.
[...] 对话文化,宣传和平文化,促进可持续发展教育、教师培训、技术职业教育和培训(着眼于 增加就业机会和利用教科文组织国际技术和职业教育与培训中心 优势 ) ,以及科学技术教 育。
This should include support for efforts to promote literacy, including functional literacy, formal and non-formal education, beginning with early childhood and continuing on a lifelong basis, education in the mother tongue in the early stages of learning, values education including social and moral awareness, the development of a culture of dialogue, a commitment to a culture of peace, education for sustainable development, teacher training, technical and vocational education and training
(geared towards enhancing employability
[...] and drawing on the expertise of UNEVOC) as well as science and [...]
technology education.
[...] 护流域、控制全球气候变化、赚取收入、健 优势 、 休 闲娱乐、保护文化和精神 价值、为许多动植物群提供生境等,使所有人都多多少少地从中获益。
Through the provision of forest products and the multiple benefits that forests provide, such as watershed protection,
global climate change control, income
[...] generation, health advantages, recreation, and [...]
the protection of cultural and spiritual
values, as well as habitat for a number of flora and fauna, all populations, in varying degrees, gain from forests.
[...] 虽然价格低或开放源码的软件与所有权软件相比按理可能具有费用和其它方面 优势 ,但 除软件许可费以外的许多因素都会影响 [...]
IT 系统的总成本,如为满足客户的特殊需要而定 制系统,以及为该系统所提供的服务和维护。
For instance, whilst low cost or
open source software may a priori offer
[...] cost and other advantages over proprietary [...]
software, many factors besides software
license fees affect the total cost of an IT system such as customising the system to the user’s specific needs, as well as servicing, and maintaining the system.
本新闻中的警戒性声明包括但不局限于立迪思公司的LDS6010、LDS6040、LDS6018和LDS6048电容式触摸控制器集成电路产品的功能 优势 、 这 些产品的预期市场应用以及Immersion公司触摸技术许可的好处,这些声明均为前瞻性声明,受许多风险和不确定性因素的影响和制约,这些风险和不确定性因素可能会导致结果与预期产生巨大的差别。
Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, the features and benefits of Leadis' LDS6010, LDS6040, LDS6018 and LDS6048 capacitive touch controller ICs, the anticipated market adoption of these products, as well as the benefits of the license to Immersion's haptics technology, are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations.
(4) 在本条的“歧视”系指完全或主要因各自种族、种姓、原籍地、政治 见解、肤色、信仰或性别的不同而对个人给予不同待遇,导致具有上述某种特征
[...] 的个人失去资格或受到限制,而具有上述别种特征的个人则不受影响,或者得到 上述别种特征的人得不到的特权 优势。
(4) In this section, “discriminatory” means affording different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, caste, place of origin, political opinions, colour, creed or sex whereby persons of one such description are subjected to disabilities or restrictions to which persons of another such
description are not made subject or are accorded
[...] privileges or advantages that are not accorded [...]
to persons of another such description.
实际上,这些 国家通过的《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言,
为数百万的人们重新点燃了希望,这些人梦想着将 产品运到海之尽头,并予以安全存放;希望其货物
[...] 能够不受限制地进行流通;能够全面利用其具有竞优势的部 门;能够从全面参与全球贸易所带来的 [...]
机会中受益;最后他们希望参与全球化进程和享受 全球化所带来的全部好处,并以此脱离他们国家的
Indeed, by adopting the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action, they had given renewed hope to the millions of people who dreamed of being able to transport their products as far as the sea and store them securely; to circulate their goods without restrictions; to
exploit fully those sectors where they had a
[...] competitive advantage; to benefit [...]
from the opportunities offered by their full
participation in global trade; and, lastly, to participate in, and enjoy all the benefits of, globalization, thereby escaping from the poverty imposed on them by the geographical situation of their country.
尽管对惩罚制裁问题 国家仍然犹豫不决,中国已开始与这些国家现任 领导人以外的团体建立更广阔的关系,利用自优势推动 这些政府进行改革、增加国际参与。
While still hesitant about punitive sanctions, China is starting to develop broader relationships beyond current leaders and to exercise some leverage to push the governments toward reform and international engagement.
[...] 方式获取任何事物,包括钱财、影响、不公平 优势 、 工 作、竞争信息 或其他人的批准。
It prohibits stealing, cheating, fraud, deception and other forms of dishonesty or trickery
to acquire anything including money,
[...] influence, unfair advantage, jobs, competitive [...]
information or the approval of others.
[...] 作为本区域的一个政府间平台的亚太经社会所具有的权能、专门知识和各种 相优势,并 指出这一政府间平台目前正在努力优化利用其所具有的多学科 [...]
The draft drew on the mandates, expertise and
[...] comparative advantages of ESCAP as [...]
a regional intergovernmental platform that
was striving to make optimal use of its multidisciplinary approach and growing South-South cooperation.
通过缓存写操作到一个冗 余的固态盘缓存池(RAID 1E 或者 RAID 5) ,maxCache 3.0
[...] 在读和写的工作负载方面发 挥了固态盘技术在性能和延迟上 优势。
By caching writes to a redundant SSD cache pool (either RAID1E or
RAID5), maxCache 3.0 leverages the performance and latency capabilities of SSD
[...] technology for both read and write [...]
[...] 比采取一种新的单独津贴做法具有几方 优势 : (a) 它有助于达到简化和透明目 标;(b) [...]
不构成一项单独津贴,不需要单独的调节机制;(c) 在不带家属工作地 点工作的补偿问题被划归委员会处理并在大会总体职权范围内,这正是它应有的
位置,确保了未来所有变化都将保持统一;(d) 正如主席在开场白中所说,这将 具体切实地支持“一体行动”的概念。
The Commission considered that the proposal to view service in a non-family duty
station as another aspect of hardship
[...] offered several advantages compared with [...]
the introduction of a new, separate allowance:
(a) it contributed towards the goals of simplicity and transparency; (b) not being a separate allowance, it would not require a separate adjustment mechanism; (c) it placed the question of compensation for service in non-family duty stations where it belonged, with the Commission and within the overall purview of the General Assembly, and ensured that all future changes would remain harmonized; and (d) it would give practical, concrete support to the notion of “Delivering as one”, as noted by the Chairman in his opening statement.
亚太次级作物中心主任介绍了这一文件,并强调了界定适宜的工 作方法(如予以落实),将会加强亚太次级作物中心的适当的模式、以使之 能够保持其处理贫困问题独优势的 重 要性。
The Chief of CAPSA introduced the document and stressed the importance of defining appropriate modalities that, when implemented, would strengthen CAPSA, enabling it to maintain its unique niche for addressing poverty.
由于许多属于这一节的神学理论科目将被视为适当的标题下,他们几个前professo,所以建议在本条仅仅采取这种看法的整个领域将有助于说明在一般地方的末世宗教的框架,解释其标的物的轮廓和它在人类的各种宗教的内容,并通过比较说明了基督教末世论的教 优势。
As the numerous doctrinal subjects belonging to this section of theology will be treated ex professo under their several proper titles, it is proposed in this article merely to take such a view of the whole field as will serve to indicate the place of eschatology in the general framework of religion, explain its subject-matter and the outlines of its content
in the various religions of mankind, and illustrate
[...] by comparison the superiority of Christian eschatological [...]
尽管它并未涵盖所有形式的融资,但与 世贸组织等其他机构相比,它优势 在 于成员相 对较少,因此避免了卖方与资本短缺的买方混为 一谈的情况。
While it does not cover all forms of finance, it has the advantage, compared with other institutions such as the WTO, of smaller membership, thus avoiding mixing sellers with capital-constrained buyers.
[...] 团队必须能够清楚明了地列出新 IGEL 瘦客户机的优 点和成优势,这 对于说服分支机构经理适时升级桌面设备 [...]
Therefore the ability for the IT team to be very
[...] specific on the advantages and cost savings [...]
of the new IGEL thin clients is key to
convincing Branch Managers to upgrade their desktops at the right time.
对于攻击的一方来说,这包括尽一切可能核实被 攻击的目标既不是平民,也不是民用物体,同时不进 行那种不分青红皂白的攻击,包括预计可能会造成非
[...] 有意的平民伤亡攻击,而这种伤亡超过了具体攻击所 期望获得的具体和直接的军优势。
For those launching attacks, this includes doing everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects and refraining from any indiscriminate attacks, including those that may be expected to cause incidental civilian casualties
that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and
[...] direct military advantage anticipated from [...]
that specific attack.
按照联通集团公司的整合思路,移动呼叫中心客服系统(10010)和固网呼叫中心客服系统(10060)需要尽快进行全面融合改造,统一客户服务界面,形成公司统一的服务形象,同时整合客服资源和流程,实现全业务客服支撑,以3G服务创新为契机,建设统一支撑3G全业务、服务营销一体化的客服中心,以实现提升服务功能、创造服 优势 的 最 终目标。
According to the consolidation approach of Unicom Group, the mobile call center client service system (10010) and the landline network call center client service system (10060) needed to be generally merged and retrofitted as soon as possible to have a uniform client service interface and create a uniform service image for the company while consolidating client service resources and processes, realizing full-business client service support and constructing a client service center with uniform support to full 3G business and integrated service and marketing, with 3G
service innovations as a chance, to fulfill the ultimate objective of enhanced service
[...] function and creation of a service edge.
根据摩尔多瓦共和国《刑法》(2002 年 4 月 18 日第
985-XV 号)第 346 条, 禁止包括通过大众媒体手段、以书面和电子形式进行的旨在煽动敌意或民族、种
[...] 族或宗教派系斗争,侮辱诋毁国家声誉和尊严,以及直接或间接限制权利或根据 公民的民族、种族或宗教背景确立直接或间 优势 的 恶 意行动和公开鼓动。
According to article 346 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova No. 985-XV from 18.04.2002, malicious actions, public urges, including through the means of mass-media, in written and electronic form, directed towards instigation of enmity or national, racial or religious faction, towards humiliation of national honour and dignity, as well as direct or indirect
limitation of rights or establishment of
[...] direct or indirect advantages to citizens based [...]
on their national, racial, or religious origin are prohibited.
例如,巴 西木瓜栽培的发展,使木瓜具有能够海运欧洲的特点,从而打破了加纳原先木瓜 空运欧洲所具有的成优势。
The development of the papaya cultivar in Brazil, for example, with its new characteristics of being sea-freighted to Europe has undermined Ghana’s prior cost advantage in air-freighted papayas to Europe.
联合国儿童基金会正在支持婆罗洲儿童援助协会的工作,并且与马来西亚的棕榈油可持续发展圆桌会议(RSPO)建立合作关系,从商业和人道主义的角度说服整个地区具有区 优势 的 其 他企业效仿这些行动。
UNICEF is supporting the Borneo Child Aid Society and is establishing a collaboration with the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil in Malaysia
to convince other enterprises across
[...] the region of the advantages – both from a [...]
business and humanitarian perspective – of doing the same.
[...] 位是为缔约方会议和捐助机构编写进展报告,但尚未对全球机制及综合融资战略 工具的结果、影响、成本效益及比 优势 作 出 充分的分析。
The methodology will strengthen the monitoring and evaluation system of the GM, which is currently geared towards preparing progress reports for the COP and donor agencies, but does not yet
provide sufficient analyses of the results, impacts, cost effectiveness and
[...] comparative advantage of the GM and [...]
the IFS tool.
(a)项至(d)项列出的是第(1)款所载该一般规则的除外情形(取消胜出供 应商的资格、取消采购、根据第 20 条[**超级链接** ]以价格异常偏低为由否决 中选提交书,或者根据第 21
[...] 条[**超级链接** ]以胜出供应商一方进行了利诱、 有不公平竞优势或者 有利益冲突为由将其排除在外)。
) The exceptions to the general rule set out in paragraph (1) are listed in subparagraphs (a) to (d) (disqualification of the winning supplier, cancellation of the procurement, rejection of the successful submission on the ground that it is abnormally low in accordance with article 20 [**hyperlink**], or exclusion of the winning supplier on the
grounds of inducement from its side,
[...] unfair competitive advantage or conflict of [...]
interest in accordance with article 21 [**hyperlink**]).
需要进一步分析的领域包括:下一个三年期的项目支助费用和资源再分配; 对约谈各机构期间查明的问题进行的量化分析;协调各项多边环境协定的报告要求,以查 明发挥联优势的机 会和避免重叠;评估今后对未支出经费的使用;说明机构之间的无收 费互换服务;提高报告的透明度;项目执行方法;环境规划署/履约协助方案活动的管理与 核算;确定有关的关键业绩指标。
Areas requiring further analysis included: projected support costs for the next triennium and reallocation of resources; quantitative analysis of issues identified during interviews with agencies; harmonization of reporting requirements across MEAs to identify opportunities for synergy and avoid overlaps; assessment of future use of unspent funds; accounting for in-kind services between agencies; improving transparency in reporting; project implementation approaches; management and accounting of UNEP/CAP activities; and determination of relevant key performance indicators.
一时间,期间阿里曼将获优势是由 两千年之后的十年,在其中的一个伟大的先知会出现每个人,预示着未来的Soshyant(或Sosioch),征服者和法官将尸体抬谁的生命。
A time during which Ahriman will gain the ascendancy is to be followed by two millennial periods, in each of which a great prophet will appear to herald the coming of Soshyant (or Sosioch), the Conqueror and Judge who will raise the dead to life.
在编写这 份文件时,尽一切努力反映各成员国的优先事项,确保更好地平衡秘 书处的规范性工作、分析性工作和业务工作,并开展亚太经社会具有 相优势的方面,包括其多领域方向。
In preparing the document, every effort has been made to reflect the priorities of member States, ensure a better balance in the secretariat’s normative, analytical and operational work, and build upon areas of comparative strength of ESCAP, including its multidisciplinary orientation.




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