

单词 中共中央纪委监察部

External sources (not reviewed)

2004 年,共中央纪律检查委员会 政治局常委吴官正称这一做法破坏了 共产党的执政能力。
In 2004, Wu Guanzheng, a member of the
[...] Politburo of the CCP Central Committee for Discipline Inspection, [...]
stated that the practice
infringed on the party’s governing capacity.
按照安全理事会第 1925(2010)号决议执行部分第 12(o)段的授权,联刚稳定 团、开发署和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室与刚果民 共 和 国 当局密切协商,着 手制定一个多年期(2010-2012 年)联合国司法支助联合方案,重点是在受冲突影 响的地区建设刑事司法链、察部门 、 司法机构 监 狱 ,并在金沙萨提 中央一 级的战略方案支助。
As mandated by the Security Council in paragraph 12 (o) of its resolution 1925 (2010), MONUSCO, UNDP and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in close consultation
with the authorities of
[...] the Democratic Republic of the Congo, initiated the development of a multi-year (2010-2012) joint United Nations justice support programme focused on developing the criminal justice chain, the police, the judiciary and prisons in conflict-affected areas and strategic programmatic support at the central level in Kinshasa.
六家AFI核心成员(包括印度尼西亚中央银行、泰国中央银行、肯尼亚中央银行、菲律 中央 银 行 、秘鲁银行保险基金监管局和墨西哥全国银行及证 监察委 员 会 )相信,金融包容性可以通过对等交流和知 共 享 得 到增强。
A core group of six AFI members
including the Bank of
[...] Indonesia, Bank of Thailand, Central Bank of Kenya, BSP Philippines, SBS Peru and CNBV Mexico believed financial inclusion could be advanced through peer-to-peer exchanges and knowledge sharing.
设立机构间生物伦理学委员会,建立拉丁美洲生物伦理学网络,更新现有生物伦理学 委员会和/或机构的数据库,出版和传播生物伦理学方面的著作(主要有《生物伦理学和妇 女权利》,《科部长生 物伦理学问题圆桌会议纪要》及《政府间生物伦理 委 员 会会 议纪 要》),更新因特网网站,落中欧 和 东欧国家生物伦理学国际会议(立陶宛维尔纽斯, 2002 年 11 月 11 - 12 日)及科学部长生物伦理学问题圆桌会议(巴黎,2003 [...]
年 10 月 22 - 23 日)精神等这些活动都旨在加强国际合作,提高各国在生物伦理学方面的能力以及倡导生物 伦理学。
The establishment of this inter-institutional committee on bioethics, the creation of a Latin American bioethics network, the updating of the database on existing bioethics committees and institutions, the publication and circulation of works on bioethics (in particular,
Women’s Rights and
[...] Bioethics and the Proceedings of the Round Table of Ministers of Science on Bioethics, together with the proceedings of the IBC sessions), the updating of the Internet site, [...]
follow-up to the International
Conference on Bioethics in the Central and Eastern European Countries (Vilnius, Lithuania, 11-12 November 2002) and to the Round Table of Ministers of Science on Bioethics (Paris, 22-23 October 2001) are all activities undertaken that make for international cooperation, national capacity-building in bioethics, and the promotion of bioethics.
根据 2001 年 5 月 10 日第 140-XV 号法律第 4 条,劳监察局的部分职能 是对劳动薪酬准确适用情况进监控 , 在行使职能期间有权要 中央 及 地方 公共 行政 当局、法律实体和自然人提供与行使其职能有关的必要信息,以及按法律规 定对违反与工作条件和保护雇员有关的法案及其他规范性法案的行为实施包括罚 款在内的行政处罚。
In accordance with article 4 of the Law No. 140-XV from
10.05.2001, Labour Inspection, as part of its
[...] competences, organises controls on accurate application of labour remuneration and has the right to request and to receive necessary information related to the exercise of its functions from central and local public administration [...]
authorities, from legal
entities and physical persons and to impose administrative sanctions, as provided by law, including fines, for breach of legislative acts and other normative acts related to working conditions and protection of employees during the exercise of the functions.
会员国提供 的情况表明,委派减 少毒品供应的执法机关多种多样,其中包括国家宪兵 队、机场保安、国家安全局、麻醉品管制机构、海运和商船保护机构、国家边部门、监狱行政机构中央检察院。
Member States indicated that they engaged a broad range of law enforcement agencies to reduce drug supply,
[...] including national gendarmerie, airport security, national security services, narcotics control agencies, maritime and merchant marine protection agencies, state border guard services, prison administration services and central prosecutor’s offices.
部长进 一步呼吁不结盟运动所有成员国和 察 国 在 国家一级采取其认 为适当的方式,与其人民及其他不结盟运动国 共 同 纪 念 不结盟运动的成立。
The Ministers further called upon all Member and Observer Countries of the Movement to commemorate with their peoples, and with other NAM Countries the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement, the way they deem appropriate at the national level.
委员会注意到,检部( 检察总长) 全面负责监狱的监督检查,而且按照 1995年第91 号法令在不同省份中央监狱设立了 察 官 办 公室,但 委 员 会 关 注的是,对所有剥夺自由的场所,尤其是羁押场所,缺乏系统有效的监督和检 查,包括国家和国际监察员对此类场所的定期与突击访问。
(10) While noting that the Department of Public Prosecutions (the Prosecutor-General) has overall responsibility for overseeing and inspecting prisons and that prosecutor’s offices are established in central prisons in the different governorates following decree No. 91 of 1995, the Committee is concerned at the [...]
lack of systematic and
effective monitoring and inspection of all places of deprivation of liberty, especially places of detention, including regular and unannounced visits to such places by national and international monitors.
负责保护儿童权 利监察员履 行其权限,以保证宪法规定的儿童权利和自由得到尊重,并确中 央与地方公共当局 以及各级决策者在全国范围内适用《联合国儿童权利公约》的 规定(第 4 条)。
The ombudsman responsible for the protection of the rights of children exercises his/her competences to guarantee the respect of constitutional rights and freedoms of children and application at national level by central and local public authorities and by [...]
decision making persons
at all levels of the provisions of the UN Convention on the rights of the child (art. 4).
本报告的基本信息由政府巡查员、总 察 院 、 中央 选 举 和公 委 员 会 、国家 统计委员会、最高法院、国家安全局、司 部 、 内 务 部 、 国 防部、财政部、经济 调节部、劳动、就业和移民部、卫生部、教育和科学部、政府社会保障局、政府 环境保护和林业局、政府文化局提供。
The basic information for this report was made
[...] available by the Ombudsman, the Procurator-General, the Central Commissions responsible for elections and referendums, the National Statistics Committee, the Supreme Court, the National Security Service, the Ministry of Justice, [...]
the Ministry of Internal
Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Regulation, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Migration, the Ministry of Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Agency for Social Security, the National Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry and the National Agency for Culture.
鉴于当今各社会面临着极其复杂的种种问题,尤其是全球化,国家之间和各国部存在 的难以容忍的不平等现象,二十一 纪 国 际教 育 委 员 会 提出的学 共 处 这 一理 念必将为世界所有地区所接受。
Given the enormous complexity of the problems all societies have to face, particularly globalization, and unbearable inequalities between and within countries,
learning to live together,
[...] a concept created by the International Commission on Education for the Twentyfirst Century, has become a necessity in all regions [...]
of the world.
又请大会为 2011 年 1 月 1 日至 6 月 30 日期间联合国派驻国际咨询监察委 员会的代表,批共计净额 24 600 美元(毛额 24 600 美元),在 2010-2011 两年 期特别政治任务批款总额内匀支,并在 2010-2011 两年期方案预算第二次执行 情况报中列报
The General Assembly is also requested to approve for the United Nations representative to the International Advisory and Monitoring Board, for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011, resources totalling $24,600 net ($24,600 gross), to be accommodated [...]
within the
total appropriation for special political missions for the biennium 2010-2011 and reported in the context of the second performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011.
谨随函附上伊拉共和国外交部长霍 希亚尔·扎巴里先生阁下给你的信(见 附件)及所附伊拉克政府关于 2010 年 12 月 31 日前伊拉克发展基金和国际咨询监察委员会向后续安排过渡的行动计划和时间表的第一份季度报告。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a letter addressed to you from H.E. Hoshyar Zebari, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq (see annex), together with its enclosure, the first quarterly report of the Government of Iraq regarding the action plan and timeline for the transition to successor arrangements for the Development Fund for Iraq and the International Advisory and Monitoring Board by 31 December 2010.
2010年3月,大会第六十四届会议续会核准伊拉克发展基金国际咨询和察 委员会代表、安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第 1526(2004)号决议所设分析支助和制裁监察组和索马里问 监察组 2010 年所需 追加经共计毛额 1 021 900 美元;并决定所需追加经费在 2010-2011 两年期核 准的 569 526 500 美中匀支(第 64/260 号决议,第四节)。
At its resumed sixty-fourth session, in March 2010, the General Assembly approved for 2010 additional requirements totalling $1,021,900 (gross) for the United
Nations Representative
[...] on the International Advisory and Monitoring Board of the Development Fund for Iraq, the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1526 (2004) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities and the Monitoring Group on Somalia; and decided that the additional requirements [...]
should be
accommodated from the provision of $569,526,500 approved for the biennium 2010-2011 (resolution 64/260, sect. IV).
专家组回顾说, 苏丹政府从来没有委员会 申请向驻达尔富尔的苏丹武 部 队 、 国家 察 或 中央 后备 警察等政府武装运送武器或弹药,因此从来没有获得相关事先授权。
The Panel recalls that the Government of the Sudan has never requested, and consequently
never received, prior
[...] authorization from the Committee for transfers of arms or ammunition to Government forces in Darfur, whether [...]
they be SAF, national police or CRP.
许多案件的调查工作已经完成,并且针对 纪 的 警察 特种部队人员的案件记录也已归档。
Investigations in many of these cases have been completed and charge sheets
[...] filed against erring police-special forces personnel.
该部正在采取行动,加强消耗性财产的管理, 包括题为“建中央监控的 消耗性财产目录,加强特派团库存管理”的项目(见 A/65/5(Vol.II),第 150 段),这一项目的目的是确保提供精确的消耗性财产记 录,供在财务报表中披露,以便为开始执行《国际 共部 门 会计准则》做准备。
The Department is taking action to
strengthen the
[...] management of expendable property, including the project entitled “Strengthening mission inventory management through the establishment for a centrally supervised catalogue of expendable property” (see A/65/5 (Vol. II), para. 150), which is designed to ensure that accurate records of expendable [...]
property will
be in place for disclosure in the financial statements in preparation for the introduction of IPSAS.
打击恐怖主义是安全部队的任务,在安全理事会第 1373(2001)号决议的框架 内,成立了一中央反恐 怖主义处,执行 察 职 责 (内政 共 安 全 部 ) , 以 及一个 隶共和国总统府中央情报 处,该处在《东非国家打击恐怖主义区域战略协定 议定书》(2004 年 8 月 6 日在肯尼亚签署)框架内,特别设立一个打击恐怖主义特 别工作处。
Pursuant to Security Council resolution
[...] 1373 (2001), a Central Counter-Terrorism Service operates within the police force (Ministry of the Interior and Public Security), and the Central Intelligence Service within the Office of the President of the Republic has set up [...]
a dedicated counter-terrorism
unit in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on the Regional Counter-Terrorism Strategy of the East African Countries, signed in Kenya on 6 August 2004.
以下专题小组成员发了言:国际货币和金 委 员 会副主席和埃及财 部 副 部 长哈 尼·迪米安、剑桥大学教授约翰·伊特维尔、24 国集团主席和阿;阿拉伯叙利共和国中央银行 理事阿迪卜·马亚莱赫、欧洲发展和人道主义援助专员路易·米 歇尔、瑞典外交部国际发展合作国务秘书若阿基姆·斯蒂姆内,以及本次会议秘 书长特使德国联邦经济合作和发展部长海德马里·维乔雷克-措伊尔。
Statements were made by the panellists: Hany Dimian, Deputy Chairman of the
[...] Monetary and Financial Committee and Deputy Minister of Finance of Egypt; John Eatwell, Professor at the University of Cambridge; Louis Michel, European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid; Adib Mayaleh, Chair of the G-24 and Governor of the Central Bank of the Syrian [...]
Arab Republic; Joakim
Stymne, State Secretary for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; and Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Conference and Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
中华人民共和国的国家机构包括:全国人民代表大会;中华人民共和国主 席;中华人民共和国国务院;中华人 共 和 国 中央 军 事 委 员 会 ;地方各级人民代 表大会和地方各级人民政府;民族自治地方的自治机关;人民法院和人民察 院。
The State organs of the People’s Republic of China include the National
People’s Congress, the
[...] President of the People’s Republic of China, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, the Central Military Commission of the People’s Republic of China, local People’s Congresses and People’s Governments at all levels, the organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas, the People’s Courts and the People’s Procuratorates.
41 2009 年向欧洲麻醉品和麻醉品致监测中 心 或 欧洲 察 局 举报的新型合成精神 药物达到纪录的数量(共 24 种),是 2008 年报告的新合成药物数量的两 倍。
Other psychoactive substances are increasingly being sold as “ecstasy” or as legal substitutes of “ecstasy”, such as various piperazines and analogues of methcathinone (mephedrone).41 A record number of new synthetic psychotropic substances (24 in total) were reported to EMCDDA or the European Police Office in 2009, double the number of new synthetic substances reported in 2008.42
监督文 化财产进口,特别是本公约对有关国家生效后,禁止进口从本公约另 一缔约国的博物馆或宗教的或世俗的 共纪 念 馆 或类似机 中 窃 取 的已列入 财产清册的文化财产(第 7(b)(i)条);以及广而言之,为禁止进口从原 主缔约国非法运出文化财产方面可能采取的措施
controls over the import of cultural property, such as prohibiting the import of inventoried cultural property stolen from a museum or a religious or secular public monument or similar institution [...]
in another State Party
to the Convention and illicitly exported after the entry into force of the Convention (Article 7(b)(i)); and more generally, any arrangements made for an import ban on cultural property illegally exported from its country of origin.
截至 1 月 7 日,在 2006 年 5 月 25 日 8 名国 家察警官被枪杀一中被判 杀人和杀人未遂的 3 名东帝汶国防军成员仍在服 役,没有受到任何部纪律措施处理(见 S/2010/522,第 34 段)。
As at 7 January, the three F-FDTL members convicted of homicide and attempted homicide in the
[...] shooting deaths of eight national police officers on 25 May 2006 continue to serve and have not been subjected to any internal disciplinary measures (see S/2010/522, [...]
para. 34).
这类援 助 可能涉及的方面有: 警 察改革规划、 增 加少数群体在察队伍 中的人数、就多样性问题为执 法官员提供 培 训、监 狱 中 公平对 待少数群体、对察机构的监管(由多样化的调查机构,如 独立察员或投 诉 专员监督警 察 的工作; 建立制度,调查 警 察对少数群体歧视的 情况;以及起 诉 施行虐待的察 的 内 部纪律程序 )。
active in this field, to ensure that all international standards on policing are reflected in the assistance UNODC provides. This assistance
can relate e.g. to
[...] planning of police reform, increasing the participation of minorities in the police, training law enforcement officials on diversity issues, fairer treatment of minorities in prisons, and oversight of police agencies (by diverse investigatory bodies, such as independent ombudsmen or complaints commissioners to oversee the work of the police, systems to investigate police discrimination against minorities, and internal disciplinary procedures to prosecute abusive police).
另外,还为办公厅、政策法规司、人事司、财务司、艺术司、文化科技司、文化市场司、文化产业司、社会文化司、非物质文化遗产司、对外文化联络局、机关 委 、 纪 检 组 监察 局 、 离退休 部 局 和机关服务局等文化部各司局创建了相应的子网站。
In addition, it also creates corresponding sub-website for General Office, Department of Policy and Regulation, Department of Personnel, Department of Finance, Department of Arts, Department of Science and Technology for Culture, Department of Culture Markets, Department of Culture Industry, Department of Community Culture, Department of Intangible
Cultural Heritage, Bureau of External
[...] Cultural Relations, CPC Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Supervision Bureau, Bureau [...]
of Retired Officials,
Logistics Service Bureau and other departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Culture.
曾蔭權今天在這裏大吹大擂, 說要為香港人爭取利益,但他的官階是完全及不上他對口的人,因為 共中 央政治局內部也是封疆大吏,委 書 記亦有機會當委員。
Donald TSANG has bragged and boasted here today how he is going to fight for the interest of Hong Kong people, but his official rank is completely no match for his
counterparts, as the Political
[...] Bureau of the CPC Central Committee is composed of officials from the top echelons, as the provincial committee secretary [...]
may also be a member.
审议了秘书长关于 2008-2009 两年期拟议方案预算第 1 款(通盘决策、领导 和协调)、第 3 款(政治事务)、第 28D 款中央支助 事务厅)和第 35 款(工作 人员薪金税)与加强政治事务部有关的订正概算的报告、1 内部监督事务厅关于 审计政治事务部特别政治任务管理工作的报告、2 2008 年 3 月 7 日安提瓜和巴布 达与古巴常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信、3 2008 年 3 月 12 日秘书长给安提瓜和 巴布达与古巴常驻联合国代表的信4 以及行政和预算问题咨委员会 的有关报 告,5 重申大会议事规则
Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the revised estimates under section 1, Overall policymaking, direction and coordination, section
3, Political affairs,
[...] section 28D, Office of Central Support Services, and section 35, Staff assessment, of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008–2009, relating to the strengthening of the Department of Political Affairs,1 the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the audit of the management of special political missions by the Department of Political Affairs,2 the letter dated 7 March 2008 from the Permanent Representatives of Antigua and Barbuda and Cuba to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General,3 the letter dated 12 March 2008 from the Secretary-General to the Permanent Representatives of Antigua and Barbuda and Cuba to the United Nations4 and the related report of the Advisor y Committee on Administrative [...]
and Budgetary Questions,5
Reaffirming its rules of procedure
项目小组,国家旅游总局(NTA)、省旅游局(PTO)、指导委员会、国 监察委员 会、Nam Ha 国家保护区管理股、野生动物保护协会(WCS)、导游协会、私 部 门 和共同分担对该项目的责任。
Responsibility for the project was shared between the project team, the National Tourism Authority (NTA), the Provincial Tourism Office (PTO),
the Steering Committee,
[...] the National Supervisory Committee, the Nam Ha National Protected Area Management Unit, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), the Guides Association, the private sector and village [...]
(f) 对尽管政府禁止征募儿童,当地民兵自卫队队伍中仍有儿童表示遗憾; 注意到中非共和国政府应采取有待落实的行政措施,建立全国儿童保 委 员 会, 并呼吁联合国按照安理会要求支中 非 共 和 国 监察 和 报 告机制的正常运转。
(f) Expressed regret that children were present within the ranks of local selfdefence militias despite a prohibition of the recruitment of children by the Central African Republic, noted that his Government should take the pending administrative steps to establish a national
council for child protection, and called upon the United Nations to support the
[...] proper functioning of the monitoring and reporting mechanism in the Central African Republic, as requested by the [...]
Security Council.




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