

单词 4-pieces-methode


chess piece


classifier for medicine in tablet form;small flat items in form of a slice, piece, disk or scrap;a meadow, forest, clouds,area of skin,large stretch of water e.g. ocean or lake;mental or real image of good harvest or great happiness;sound of footsteps or laughter; warmheartedness.
延长的网片和囊网由四个部分组成,包括一台渔网摄影机以及从拖网中释放不要 的鱼的不同装置。
The extension piece and the codend are made of four panels and include a net camera and various selection devices to release unwanted fish from the trawl.
最初,警察局的工作人员试图 将 “棍鞭”的存在解释为在一个刑事案件中查获的犯罪证据;这种难以令人信 服的解释不符合高级官员对警方记录、标记和储存物品作为证据的程序――经代 表团核实适用于警察局现有其他证据项目的程序――的叙述。
Initially, staff at the police station sought to explain the presence of the “whiplash” as a piece of criminal evidence seized for presentation in a criminal case; this unconvincing explanation failed to fit with the account, as given by the senior officer, of procedures for documenting, labelling and storing items taken in evidence by the police – procedures verified by the delegation as being applied to other items of evidence present at the police station.
4.15 为了让私营和政府化验所有足够时间研发测试方法,以测试新附 属法例载列的除害剂,以及让业界有充分时间为遵守新的法例规定作准 备,我们建议给予业界兩年宽限期,才实施这项新的附属法例。
4.15 To allow sufficient time for laboratories (both private and government) to develop testing methods for pesticides as listed in the new subsidiary legislation and the trade in complying with the new regulatory requirement, it is proposed to grant a two-year grace period for this new piece of subsidiary legislation.
然而,因使用了“就其本身而言”这一短语,人们也得以对这一激进意见 加以限定:虽然法院并不认为自己受罗马尼亚单方面提出的解释约束,但这也不 排除单方面解释作为一种证据手段或可能确证法院根据《维也纳条约法公约》第 31 条所作解释的一份资料的效果。
However, the use of the expression “as such” allows one to shade this radical observation: while the Court does not consider itself bound by the unilateral interpretation proposed by Romania, that does not preclude the unilateral interpretation from having an effect as a means of proof or a piece of information that might corroborate the Court’s interpretation “in accordance with Article 31 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties”.
此外,正在考虑实施能效标识和制定能效标准的产品名单包括:空气压缩机、 空调、电机、燃气产品、家用电器(电视、录像机、视听和相关娱乐产品)和办 公室设备(计算机和相关设备、复印机、传真机等)、照明产品(灯和镇流器)、 一体式锅炉、冷藏设备(家用和商用)、炉灶、配电变压器、热水器等。
Additionally, the list of products in need of further consideration on the implementation of energy label and energy-efficiency standards include: air compressors, air-conditioners, electrical machines, gas products, electrical household appliances (TVs, VCRs, audio and visual products and related entertainment products) and office equipment (computers and related equipment, copy machines, fax machines etc.), lighting products (lamps and ballasts), one-piece boilers, cold storage equipment (for domestic and commercial use), stoves, substation transformers and water heaters etc.
但是,他可在两种 情形下收集证据:在一当事方或一参与诉讼的被害人的请求下,并且请求方或被 害人在盖然性权衡后显示其本身无法收集证据而预审法官亦认为这样做有利于 司法工作(规则 92 (A));第二,当一当事方或参与诉讼的被害人无法收集“一件 重要的证据”而预审法官亦认为这一证据对于公正司法、权利平等和寻求真相而 言必不可缺(规则 92(C))。
. He may, however, collect evidence in two situations: at the request of a party or a victim participating in the proceedings, when the requesting party or the victim demonstrates, on a balance of probabilities, that it is not in a position to collect the evidence itself, and the Pre-Trial Judge considers that doing so would be in the interests of justice (rule 92 (A)); and secondly, where a party or a victim participating in the proceedings is unable to collect “an important piece of evidence” that the Pre-Trial Judge deems indispensable to the fair administration of justice, the equality of arms and the search for truth (rule 92 (C)).
我们的竞争对手有款万能加热器,但由于它的加 热杆比较细,所以对于大的工件加热时间比较长,工作效率低。
Our competitor has an universal heater, and it will take a long time to heat the big work piece for its heating ledge is too slim, so the working efficiency is low.
这个方案具有 的特殊优点在于能极大地简化安装结构,以及通过具有一体式轴承套圈的带预载紧凑轴承实现轴 承的运行精度有效传递到配合的旋转轴上。
The special advantages this solution has to offer lie in the greatly simplified mounting structure and the excellent transferability of bearing accuracy to the rotary axis assembly by using preloaded compact bearing supports with one-piece bearing rings.
加密狗 它是一个可以连接电脑的小硬件,通常可以像 USB 记忆棒一样方便携带。
Dongle Is a little piece of hardware that can be connected to a computer, usually portable like a USB-Stick.
该委员会亦期望早日完成港岛北岸策略 性道路基础设施的最後一个环节。
It also looked forward to the early completion of this last piece of infrastructure of the strategic road link along the northern shore of the Hong Kong Island.
此外,爱沙尼亚计划规定:每一项法 律从提出初稿直至最后通过所涉的所有文件均须在互联网论坛上公布,从而使得 互联网论坛成为政府制定任何政策的一个必不可少的部分。
Moreover, Estonia plans to make the use of the internet forum a compulsory part of the development of any Government proposal, by making public every piece of legislation from the initial draft until its adoption.
又如,为生产某一类型组件而“专门设计”的制造设备,如不能 生产其他类型组件,则只能视为“专门设计”的设备。
Similarly, a piece of manufacturing equipment that is "specially designed" to produce a certain type of component will only be considered such if it is not capable of producing other types of components.
留心不要损坏管接头上的 O 型封环。
Pay attention to the O-rings of the connecting piece.
北方昆剧团汇集一些经验丰富的艺术家,研究并把一些剧目选段编成完 整的剧本,并教青年艺术家表演某些通常只有手段的传统段子。
The Beifang Kunqu Opera Company gathered experienced artists to study and piece up individual excerpts into complete plays and teach young artists to perform certain traditional excerpts, which used to exist only in scripts.
另外,这项服务允许在每次机动之前检验 所计划的机动是否会使有关卫星与某一碎片更为接近。
In addition, the service allows checking, before each manoeuvre, to see if the planned manoeuvre brings the satellite any closer to a piece of debris.
如果产品在制造後经过大幅度地的修改,或产品没有任何第三方认证标志,则建筑物的业主、监管单位或其它直接参与产品有关人员,可要求 UL 在现场检测该设备的某些部份。
If a product has been significantly modified since its manufacture or the product doesn't bear any third-party certification mark, a building owner, a regulatory authority or anyone else directly involved with the product can request that UL test a specific piece of equipment in the field.
David Throsby 认为,“我们可以将文化资本定义为:除了具有经济价值之外,还能体现或提升文化 价值的资产……如果把一栋古建筑看作房产,那么它就具有某些商业价值,但是对于个人或 社区来说,它的真正价值是它可能具有的审美价值、精神价值、象征意义或者其它超越了经 济范围的要素。
According to David Throsby, “an item of cultural capital can be defined as an asset that embodies or gives rise to cultural value in addition to whatever economic value it might possess… a heritage building may have some commercial value as a piece of real estate, but its true value to individuals or to the community is likely to have aesthetic, spiritual, symbolic or other elements that may transcend or lie outside of the economic calculus.
在这方面,之前的未来ISO 22810的实施将要求制造商,以确保在保修期内出售的一块水密完整性,我们鼓励球迷急于测试他们使用真实情况作检查经常被许可人的手表在夏天的办法。
In this regard, before the implementation of the future ISO 22810 which will require the manufacturer to ensure the watertight integrity of the piece sold during the warranty period, we encourage fans eager to test them in real conditions of use to have it checked routinely by a watch licensee, at the approach of summer.
亚美尼亚占领军武装部队对手无寸铁的阿塞拜疆儿童采取的血腥行动根本 无助于双方之间建立信任,而且又一次有力地证明,亚美尼亚共和国不愿意通过 政治手段和以建设性的方式解决冲突。
The bloody action of the occupying Armenian armed forces against the defenceless Azerbaijani child can in no way contribute to the establishment of confidence between the parties and is yet another solid piece of evidence of the Republic of Armenia’s unwillingness to settle the conflict by political means and in a constructive manner.
这些规定包括一系列避免拘留少年的处罚方式,比 如,社区服务、罚款、没收一件财产和禁止某些活动等。
These include a range of penalties to avoid the detention of juveniles, such as community service, payment of a fine, forfeiture of a piece of property, and the prohibition of certain activities.
另外一个流行的做法是,吧条码 解码器、时间码及编辑器的功能整合到一个计算机编码,这样就避免了单个设备之 间的差异。
Another popular approach is to combine all the functions of the barcode decoder/time code and character generator into a proprietary PC, thus eliminating a separate piece of equipment.
目前的情况是, 最后剩下的萨米人驯鹿放牧土地正在一块一块地被林业、风力发电园区、采矿项 目和水电发展分割。
As the situation currently stands, the last remaining Sami reindeer herding lands are being fragmented, piece by piece, by forestry, wind-power parks, mining projects and hydropower developments.
动议将 21,200,000.00 港元(即入帐列为本公司一般储备户口的 1,200,000.00 港元及位於香港香港仔黄竹坑道 A.I.L.151 地段土地中重新估价後盈余的 20,000,000.00 港元) 资本化, 及将该笔款项分配予於 1977 年 7 月 11 日名列股 东名册之本公司股东,并根据其当日持有的普通股份比例代表该等股东用该 款项缴足每股面值 10.00 港元之 2,120,000 新的普通股份,该入帐列爲已缴足 股本的新股份应根据上述比例配发予上述的普通股份持有人,为使本决议案 生效,董事有全权作出有关所需事情。
THAT it is desirable to capitalise the sum of HK$21,200,000.00, being as to HK$1,200,000.00 the amount standing to the credit of the General Reserve and as to HK$20,000,000.00 the surplus on re-valuation of the piece of land situated at A.I.L. 151, Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong, and accordingly that such sum be set free for distribution amongst the holders of the Ordinary Shares of the Company on the Register of Members as at the 11th day of July 1977 in the proportion in which they hold such shares respectively on that date, on condition that the same be not paid in cash but be applied for by paying up in full at par 2,120,000 new Ordinary Shares of $10.00 each to be allotted and distributed credited as fully paid up to and amongst the said holders of Ordinary Shares in the proportion aforesaid and the directors shall give effect to this Resolution.
In tandem with the sound piece, the exhibition includes a chalkboard work with numbers written one over the other, and the collected chalk dust below, reflecting the seemingly endless markings that acknowledge those who no longer exist.
这宗上诉是上诉人根据《城市规划条例》(下称「条例」)第 17B 条提出的,以反对城市规划委员会(下称「城规会」)拒绝了他的 规划许可申请,在新界大埔山寮村第 15 约一块面积约为 65.03 平方米的政府土地(下称「上诉地点」)上兴建屋宇(新界豁免管制 屋宇-小型屋宇)(下称「拟议发展项目」)。
This is an appeal by the Appellant under section 17B of the Town Planning Ordinance (“Ordinance”) against the refusal by the Town Planning Board (“TPB”) of his application for planning permission to build a proposed house (New Territories Exempted House - Small House) (“Proposed Development”) on a piece of government land in DD 15, Shan Liu Village, Tai Po, New Territories, of a site area of about 65.03 square metres (“Site”).
The former affirms that his teaching is that of the Apostles, and his work, perhaps the earliest extant piece of uninspired Christian literature, gives colour to his claim; the latter, even if he be not the Apostle and companion of St. Paul, is held by many to have written during the last decade of the first century, and may have come under direct Apostolic influence, though his Epistle does not clearly suggest it.
在巴拉圭 法律中最有可能对应并且能使西班牙请求被接受的法律却因下述事实 不能被接受:2 因为门多萨夫人是母亲并对其女儿拥有监护权。
The most likely equivalent piece of Paraguayan legislation that would allow for the Spanish request to be considered is not acceptable2 because Mrs. Mendoza is the mother and has custody over the girls.




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