

单词 专制君主制

See also:



君主 n

monarch n
monarchs pl



External sources (not reviewed)

孟德斯鸠基于政治制度类型学专制 、 君主 制 及 共和制),用一种更为具体的概念取代了对法的传统、纯政治化的分类。
Montesquieu replaced the traditional, purely political classification of laws
with a more concrete conception,
[...] which he based on a typology of political orders (despotic, [...]
monarchical, and republican).
我们成功地从一君 主专制政体 平稳地过渡到一个充满活力的完全民主 化国家。
We have successfully and smoothly transited from
[...] an absolute monarchy to a fully fledged and vibrant democracy.
1938 年,罗马尼亚国王卡罗尔二世推行王专 政,强行颁布一部新《宪法》,废 君主 立 宪 制。
In 1938, King Carol II of Romania introduced a personal regime and imposed a new Constitution that sanctioned it.
这样的修正案能够创造宽 松的环境,有利于君主制在民 主社会中的角色展 开真诚和公开的讨论。
Such an amendment would create an atmosphere more conducive to open and sincere
[...] discussion about the monarchy’s role in a democratic society.
2011 年,联合国教科文组织指出,该国的政治气氛削弱了充分享受思想、 意见和表达自由的权利,批评伊斯兰教、国王 君主制 度 不 被允许。
In 2011, UNESCO stated that the political climate in the country contributed to weakening the full enjoyment of the rights to
freedom of thought, opinion and expression, and that criticism of Islam, the
[...] King and the monarchical system is not [...]
然而,我们 同样正在转变我们整个政治体制,从中央集权制国家 转向联邦制国家,君主专制转向 共和政体,这使我 们的治理更加民主、包容,更加讲求问责。
But what is equally true is that we are transforming our entire political
disposition from unitary to federal and
[...] monarchical to republican, and making the structure and mechanisms of our governance [...]
more democratic, inclusive and accountable.
祈彥輝法官駁回有關申請,理由是根據對《英 制 誥 》第 VII(3)條2 的恰當詮釋,該條准制定法 例,賦予某些特定種類的 人士除了有權在地方選區投票外,還享有另一個投票權,而《香 港人權法案條例》並無君主至高 無上的權力予以束縛的能力。
Keith J rejected the application on the
basis that Article VII(3)2 of the Letters
[...] Patent, on its proper construction, permitted the enactment of laws which confers on persons of a particular description the right to vote in addition to a geographical constituency vote, and BORO does not fetter the supreme power of the Sovereign.
Also, the
[...] Romanian state was a constitutional monarchy.
总干事还认为,现行的 C/4 和 C/5 的结构相当复杂和累赘,它的层次及类别过多(比 如:横专题、主流化 方式、旗舰计划、主要优先事项和其它优先事项),难以区别,使满 足不断变化的计划资源需求的灵活性受到 制 , 跨 部门的做法往往是在计划 制 工 作 事后提 出的想法,而且监督检查工作也没有引起充分的注意。
The Director-General has also borne in mind that the present C/4 and C/5 system is rather complex and cumbersome, that it has too many layers with too many categories difficult to distinguish (e.g. cross-cutting themes, mainstreaming, flagships, principal and other priorities), that it limits flexibility to meet evolving programme resource needs, that intersectoral efforts are too often an afterthought in the programming exercise and that monitoring does not receive sufficient attention.
沙 皇 是 一 個 不 折 不 扣 的制 君 主 ﹕ 他 的 權 力 完 全 建 立 在 世 襲 基 礎 上 ﹐ 不 受 任 何 選 舉 組 織 的 制 約 ﹐ 他 無 需 考 慮 其 臣 民 的 福 祉 。
the Tzar was a complete autocrat: deriving his power solely from his hereditary descent, and being unchecked by any elected assembly, he did not need to consider the welfare of the masses of his subjects.
因此﹐維也納會議不願意改君主制 度 ﹐ 以此作為和 平的大前提。
Thus, the Congress of Vienna preferred no
[...] change from the monarchical system of government [...]
as a pre-requisite of peace.
智利承 认不丹为发展立君主制所采 取的努力,并希望该国沿这一方向继续努力。
Chile recognized the efforts made by Bhutan in moving to a
[...] Constitutional Monarchy and hoped that [...]
the country would continue in this direction.
秘 书长请:(a) 大会认可关于主管管 理事务副秘书长办公室内建立企业风险管理 和内部制专门职能的提议,以根据大会第 64/259 号决议的要求,着手增强风 险评估、风险缓解以及内部控制的现有能力;(b) 考虑到该项目为本组织最高优 先事项之一,秘书处可暂时在现有资源范围内提供所需资源,其后在 2014-2015 年预算中拟订提案提交大会。
The Secretary-General is requesting: (a) that the Assembly endorse his proposal to establish a dedicated enterprise risk management and internal control function within the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management to work on the enhancement of the current capabilities for risk assessment and mitigation and internal control, as requested by the Assembly in its resolution 64/259; and that (b) in considering the project as one of the highest priorities of the Organization, the Secretariat temporarily meet those requirements from within existing resources and subsequently define a proposal for submission to the Assembly in the context of the 2014-2015 budget.
乌克兰在自己权力范围内竭力打 击专制时代的后遗症并阻专制主义 抬 头,重申其 与所有会员国通力合作在全球范围内促进和保护人 [...]
Ukraine was making significant efforts to combat the
[...] consequences of totalitarianism and prevent [...]
its future recurrence, and reaffirmed its
commitment to engage with all Member States to protect and promote human rights worldwide.
2011 年,法国还以八国集团维持和平/建设和专 家组主席的身份,提制定其 成员——包括联合国和欧 洲联盟——之间的协调机制,以加强海上安全能力,从 而避免重复努力和处理某些领域缺乏训练的问题。
In its capacity as chair of the Group of Eight peacekeeping/peacebuilding experts, in 2011 France also proposed instituting a coordination mechanism among its members [...]
— including the United
Nations and the European Union — to strengthen maritime security capacities so as to avoid duplication of efforts and to address a lack of training in certain areas.
国家内部和外部的主要变革是:一些 国家为克服财政赤字及相关问题实行了财政和管理改革;一 专制 或 半 专制 政权 经历了主化; 公共权力被下放;多国形成联合体的情况增加;民间社会组织的 自主性和开展公民活动的积极性不断提高;经济自由化或新自由主义改革;市场 [...]
The main changes inside and outside the State were the fiscal and managerial reforms undertaken by States to overcome their fiscal
deficits and related
[...] problems; the democratization of authoritarian or semi-authoritarian regimes; the decentralization [...]
of public power;
the rise of multi-State formations; a growing autonomy and civic activism of civil society organizations; economic liberalization or neoliberal reforms; the globalization of markets (finance, trade, services, manufacturing); and the rise of the information age, in addition to increasing world problems like poverty, inequality, security, migration, terrorism, and climate change.
这为包括美国和欧盟在内的 所有利益相关方提供了一个机会,来超 专制主义 的 立场和矛盾,重新审视制裁问题,寻求实际的解 决方案来打破政治僵局。
This provides an opportunity for all concerned, including
the EU and U.S., to
[...] move beyond absolutist positions and ambivalence, reengage on the issue and seek practical options for breaking [...]
the political deadlock.
(d) 香港應舉行制憲 會議,參照南 非 當年舉行 的制憲大會,或根據澳洲在 1998年就未來君 主制度 舉行的制憲 會議定出日後 的 憲 制 安排。
(d) Hong Kong should hold a constitutional convention to work
[...] out future constitutional arrangements along the lines of the South African Constitutional Convention or the convention on the future of the monarchy held by Australia [...]
in 1998.
但他的言论遭到总统、总理和各主要政党的强烈批评, 指责前国王谋求恢君主制。
His remarks were strongly criticized by the
President, the Prime
[...] Minister and the major political parties, who accused the former King of seeking to resurrect the monarchy.
土耳其民族主义者穆斯塔法·凯末尔推翻了土耳 君主制 , 建立了共和国,并入侵亚美尼亚,最终迫使亚美尼亚放弃了威尔逊裁定给该新国家的大面积土地。
Turkish nationalists under Mustafa Kemal
[...] overthrew the Turkish monarchy, established a [...]
republic, and invaded Armenia, eventually
forcing it to relinquish much of the territory that Wilson’s arbitration had awarded to the new country.
目前君主制度可 追溯到十五世纪,也是伊斯兰教被定为国 教之时。
The current system of monarchy dates back to [...]
the 15th century, which was also when Islam was established as the official religion of the country.
Al Uteibi
[...] 先生还是呼吁推动沙特的政治改革,尤其主 张具体建立议君主制并尊 重分权制原则请愿书的签名人之一。
Mr. Al Uteibi is also said to be one of the signatories of a petition calling for political reforms in the Kingdom,
more specifically for the institution of a
[...] parliamentary monarchy and respect for [...]
the principle of separation of powers.
人权委员会主席、人权机构和制主 席 或 其他获 指 派 的成员、根据国 际 人权文书设立的机构的主席或其他获 指 派 的成员,以及工 作组特别报告员专题报 告员或代表和主席或获 指 派 的成员,可以观察员身份参 加审查会议、任何委员会或工作组对 各 位 人 士 所在机构或本人活动范围内问题 的 审议。
The Chairperson of the Human Rights Council, the chairpersons or other designated members of human rights bodies and mechanisms, and of bodies established under international human rights instruments, [...]
as well as special and thematic
rapporteurs or representatives and the chairpersons or designated members of working groups, may participate as observers in the deliberations of the Review Conference, any Committee and any committee or working group on questions within the scope of their activities.
前国王贾南德拉国王在一次罕见的采访中指出,尼泊君 主制度的历史还没有结束。
In a rare interview, the former King, Gyanendra Shah, stated that the
[...] history of the monarchy in Nepal had not [...]
come to an end.
国际职务:主制度和人权办公室 (民主人权办)/欧安组织(莫斯科制, 专家 登 记册),2006-2009 年;明日全球领袖(世界经济论坛),2001-2004;欧洲自由 民主党人理事会,1995 年。
International assignments:
[...] Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)/OSCE (Moscow Mechanism, register for experts) 2006-2009; Global [...]
Leaders of Tomorrow
(World Economic Forum), 2001-2004; European Liberal Democrats (ELDR) Council, 1995.
(小组主席),华沙(2008 年);欧洲联盟委员
会与罗马尼亚国家禁毒机构合作组织的毒品相关轻微罪行讨论会,罗马尼亚克卢 日(2008
[...] 年);蓬皮杜小组,华沙(2007 年);“公共政策评价和禁毒方案”会议(小 组和发主席),里斯本(2007 年);欧盟-拉丁美洲和加勒比合作 制专 家 会 议, 哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳(2007 年);欧盟-拉丁美洲和加勒比合作机制高级别会议,西 [...]
班牙港(2007 年);欧洲联盟——俄罗斯会议,华沙(2006
年);“欧洲联盟禁毒战 略——前进的道路”会议,都柏林(2004 年)。
(Chair of a panel), Warsaw (2008); seminar on drug-related petty crimes, organized by the European Union Commission in cooperation with the Romanian National Anti-Drug Agency, Cluj, Romania (2008); Pompidou Group, Warsaw (2007); Conference on “Evaluation of
Public Policies and
[...] Programmes on Drugs” (Chair of a panel and presentation), Lisbon (2007); Expert meeting of the Mechanism of Cooperation EU-LAC, [...]
Cartagena, Colombia
(2007); High-level Meeting of the Mechanism of Cooperation EU-LAC, Port of Spain (2007); European Union-Russia Conference, Warsaw (2006); Conference on “European Union Strategy on Drugs — The Way Forward”, Dublin (2004).
专家机 制主席向会议通报专家机 制已决定在其下届会议上列入一个题为“《联合国土 著人民权利宣言》”的单独议程项目,以便讨论在区域和国家两级实施《宣言》 的可能程序和机制。
The Chairperson of the Expert Mechanism informed the meeting that the Expert Mechanism had decided [...]
to include a separate
agenda item at its next session entitled “United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” with a view to discussing possible procedures and mechanisms for application of the Declaration at the regional and national levels.
利比亚人民要把他们的国家变为一个基于法治 和尊重公民的人权和基本自由的主 国 家 的愿望,同 卡扎菲上校专制独裁政权发生对抗。
The aspirations of the Libyan people to make their
[...] country into a democracy based on the rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for its citizens ran up against the despotism of Colonel Al-Qadhafi’s [...]
4.1 從事投資公司業務,以及就此目的,收購及持有(不論以本公司名義或以任何代 名人的名義)土地及房地產、黃金及白銀、由任何公司(不論其註冊成立或營業
地點)所發行或擔保的股份(包括本公司股份)、股額、債權證、債權股證、債 券、
[...] 票據、責任及證券,以及由任何最高、附屬、市級、地方或全球任何地方的政 府君主、統 治者、長官、公共團體或機關所發行或擔保的債權證、債權股證、 [...]
4.1 To carry on the business of an investment company and for that purpose to acquire and hold, either in the name of the Company or in that of any nominee, land and real estate, gold and silver bullion, shares (including shares in the Company), stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company wherever incorporated or carrying on business and debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations
and securities issued or guaranteed by
[...] any government, sovereign, ruler, commissioners, [...]
public body or authority, supreme,
dependent, municipal, local or otherwise in any part of the world.




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