

单词 3-achs-cnc-positioniersystem






pine cone
例子包括冷冻或超低温冷冻的蚬、鳕鱼柳、蟹、鳍鱼、黑线鳕、无须 鳕、龍虾、碎鱼肉、虾及小虾、冷冻鱼子、冷冻的鱼肉浆,以及冷冻鲸鱼 肉。
Examples include: frozen or deep frozen clams, cod fillets, crab, finfish, haddock, hake, lobster, minced fish, prawns and shrimp; frozen fish roe; frozen surimi; and frozen whale meat.
例如,巴西成为挪威鳕鱼的一个增长中 的市场,在一定程度上帮助减缓挪威出口商在受到经济危机影响的南欧销售产品 的担忧,特别是挪威鳕鱼的最大进口国葡萄牙。
For example, Brazil has become a growing destination for Norwegian cod, helping to ease somewhat the concerns of Norwegian exporters that their sales in southern Europe were being affected by the economic crisis, particularly in Portugal, which is the largest single importer of Norwegian cod.
在区域和国家两级有外派机构的一些组织设有重要的南南合作/三角合作组 成部分和专职工作人员:粮食署在拉丁美洲和加勒比区域设有监测和支持股;禁 毒办巴西和南锥体区域办事处设有专职协调南南合作事务的单位;人口基金巴西 国家办事处自 2004 年起一直将南南合作作为其国家方案的成果内容之一,并拨 出经费,与巴西政府分配给优先事项的经费一起用于推广此种经验;开发署巴西 国家办事处和中国国家办事处均由东道国为其专职人员提供经费;在原子能机 构,由各方签署并获得理事会核准的区域协定(《非洲核科技协定》、《拉加核 科技协定》、《亚阿国家核科技协定》、《亚太核科技协定》)为各自区域内的 南南合作开展了协调工作。
Some organizations with field presence at regional and country levels have major components of SSC/TC and dedicated staff: WFP Monitoring and Supporting Unit in Latin America and the Caribbean; UNODC regional office for Brazil and the Southern Cone, which has a unit dedicated to SSC coordination; UNFPA country office in Brazil, which has included SSC as one of its country programme outcomes since 2004 and has assigned funds to facilitate the experience along with funds allocated by the Government of Brazil to its priority issues; UNDP country offices in Brazil and China, for which dedicated staff are funded by the host countries; and at IAEA, the regional agreements (AFRA, ARASIA, ARCAL, RCA), concluded among the parties and endorsed by the Board of Governors, provide coordination for SSC within their own regions.
烹饪用的鱼类包括鲤鱼(圣诞节的一个重要 的菜)、鲱鱼、梭鲈鱼、比目鱼、鳟鱼、鲑 鱼、鲷鱼、鳕鱼、鲭鱼、梭子鱼、鲱鱼和鳗 鱼。
Species of fish used for culinary reasons include carp (an important dish for Christmas), herring, zander, sole, trout, salmon, bream, cod, mackerel, pike, sprat and eel.
但是,一些有历史的渔业,例如鳕鱼、美首鲽和平鲉依然 没有恢复,或有限恢复,原因可能是不利的海洋条件以及海豹、鲭鱼和鲱鱼数量 增加造成的高自然死亡率。
However, some historical fisheries such as cod, witch flounder and redfish still evidence lack of recovery, or limited recovery, which may be the result of unfavourable oceanographic conditions and the high natural morality caused by increasing numbers of seals, mackerel and herring.
尽管教科文组织在卢旺达是一个非驻地机构(NRA),但 是通过最近任命的设在基加利的开发计划署办事处的非驻地机构协调员的努力,在拟订国别 行动文件和年度工作规划的所有讨论和规划过程中它都能跟进。
Although a Non-Resident Agency (NRA) in Rwanda, UNESCO was able to follow all the discussions and planning process leading to the development of the COD and the annual work plan through the work of the recently appointed NRA coordinator, based in the UNDP office in Kigali.
还有人建议,可以用 1991 年 12 月 19 日大会第 46/182 号决议附件第 4 执 行段的案文取代第 1 款,即“各国有首要责任关照其领土上自然灾害和其他紧急 情况的受害者。
Another suggestion was that paragraph 1 could be replaced with the text of operative paragraph 4 of the annex to General Assembly resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991: “[e]ach State has the responsibility first and foremost to take care of the victims of natural disasters and other emergencies occurring on its territory.
Fresh, succulent Atlantic cod with barley risotto, pequillo peppers, Vadoucan emulsion.
将在 2010 年启动更多的区域方案,其中包括西非、北非和中东、南部非 洲、中部非洲、中亚、西亚和拉丁美洲南锥体等区域的方案。
Further regional programmes will be launched in 2010, including for West Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, Southern Africa, Central Africa, Central Asia, West Asia and the Southern Cone of Latin America.
Sometimes my body is aching too much, but I still have to go to work, so I take a pill,” says another teenager.
同洲电子提供的新款有线和无线宽动态范围 IP 摄像机具有高分辨率;提供 MPEG-4 压缩格式;可同时支持静态和动态 IP;内嵌 Web 浏览器以及内置 802.11b/g 无线通信协议(仅适用于 CN68-80CW 无线机型);具有诸如数字水印和授权保护等安全功能;具有音频广播和音频/图像同步功能;以及可对亮度、饱和度、锐度和色彩进行调节。
The new Coship wired and wireless wide dynamic range IP cameras provide high resolution; MPEG-4 compression format; support for both static and dynamic IP; an embedded web browser; built-in 802.11b/g wireless protocol (in the CN68-80CW wireless model); security features such as digital watermark and authority protection; audio broadcast and audio/image synchronization; and adjustable brightness, saturation, sharpness and hue.
In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under the action of high speed airflow through air intake, the coarse particles in material is thrown to the powder selecting chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force.
目前正与国家对应方 进行磋商,以便就在未来数月制订西非、北美洲和中东以及南锥体的区域方案 达成一致意见。
Consultations are under way with national counterparts to reach agreement on the development, in the coming months, of regional programmes for West Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, and the Southern Cone.
更多国家将加入现有的共享服务中心:巴拉圭将由在阿根廷 的南锥体共享服务中心提供服务,伯利兹和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国将由拉丁美 洲和加勒比区域办事处提供服务。
Additional countries will be added to existing shared service centres: Paraguay will be serviced by the Southern Cone shared service centre in Argentina, and Belize and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will be serviced by the Latin America and the Caribbean regional office.
这项研究未能涵盖同一類别的各款食物,例如連筒或不連筒的雪 糕,以及加牛油或不加牛油的班戟。
The study could not cover all variations of food items among the same type of food, e.g. ice-cream served with or without cone, pancake served with or without butter.
混合在手表品牌,除了畅销,相对运动型帆船,重点是 H 小时,一看其案件是H形另一个鞍风格的重要组成部分, 科德角:在1991年推出 ,这种模式已真正实现了1998年的时候关闭Martin Margiela的,时装设计师,所以房子有想法,建立一个手镯皮革转体。
Mixed in watches, besides the best-selling brand, relatively sporty Clipper, the focus is H-Hour, a watch whose case is H-shaped Another significant part of the style of saddle, the Cape Cod: Launched in 1991, this model has really taken off in 1998 when Martin Margiela, fashion designer, so the house had the idea to build a bracelet leather double turn.
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以来自葡萄牙的四种佳酿2009 Terras d’Alter Fado、2005 Quinta da Romaneira、2007 Passadouro Reserva和Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny Port,分别配上马介休沙律、法鲁海鲜饭、 草砵酒焗龙利柳或里斯本蒜片烧牛柳以及葡萄牙特式甜点拼盘,佳肴佐以美酒,简直是人间美味。
Perfectly matching 2009 Terras d’Alter Fado, 2005 Quinta da Romaneira, 2007 Passadouro Reserva, and Quinta da Romaneira 10-Year Old Tawny Port with Cod Fish Salad Quartet, Portuguese Seafood Rice, Sole Fillet Baked with Cilantro & Port or Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Garlic & Olive Oil, and Sweet Symphony       respectively, guests can experience an extremely high level of Macanese-Portuguese dining.
开发署开展的工作包括与南方伙伴一道支持分享发展经验和知识;通过内 部进程鼓励开发署各国家办事处为南南合作提供更多支持。
UNDP’s efforts include working with partners in the South to support the sharing of development experiences and knowledge; and an internal process to encourage UNDP COs to provide more support for South-South cooperation.
Viewed today, where everyday life is filled with smart miniature technology (mobile phones, mp3 players, calculators the size of credit cards, etc.) Type 2203 doesn’t seem particularly small or light, but considering the technology available and the limited number produced, it was somewhat of a trick, and the concept with the cone shaped cabinet was copied by all our competitors.
According to the survey, when respondents were informed of the risk of COD, 86% will choose lenses with high oxygen permeability, while 71% believe lenses of high permeability will minimize the risk of lack of oxygen and increase work efficiency.
2008 年,欧洲共同体通过一项 决定,制定了一个与某些鳕鱼类相关的具体的控制和检查方案,并为监测、检查 和监视鳕鱼类涉及的所有当局之间相互支持和交流相关资料制定了一个总体框 架。
In 2008, a European Community decision established a specific control and inspection programme related to certain cod stocks and implemented a general framework for mutual assistance and exchange of relevant information between all authorities involved in the monitoring, inspection and surveillance of the cod fishery.
锥形和螺纹卡套管是 1/8 硬度 316 不锈 钢无缝卡套管,这些卡套管采用略小的 外径,以便使用锥形和螺纹接头时进行 锥形制作和螺纹连接操作。
Cone and thread tubing is 1/8-hard 316 seamless stainless steel tubing that has an undersized outside diameter to assist in coning and threading operations when the tube is used with cone and thread fittings.
叶二形: 幼树的和侧的小枝松弛安排,公开平展,翠绿,有白霜背面,钻形,侧面通常下凹的,上弯,6-12毫米,3或4成脊状; 成熟乔木和孢子叶球的那些着生小枝浓密排列,公开平展的稍,宽卵形或三角状卵形,多少弄弯,5-9毫米,宽在基部,中脉的明显提高与否,先端钝。
Leaves dimorphic: those of young trees and lateral branchlets loosely arranged, spreading openly, bright green, glaucous abaxially, subulate, usually laterally depressed, upcurved, 6-12 mm, 3- or 4-ridged; those of mature trees and cone-bearing branchlets densely arranged, slightly openly spreading, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, ± curved, 5-9 mm, widest at base, midvein obviously raised or not, apex obtuse.
Symptoms of avian influenza virus in humans have included typical influenza-like symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, cough, and muscle aches) which progress to more severe respiratory conditions such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress and other complications.
Mr. Bjørn Blokhus, Consul General of the Norwegian Consulate General in Shanghai, visited Ziluolan migrant elementary school on 27 September 2012, by invitation from Møllers, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil producer, who are launching their cod liver oil product in China this year.




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